  Wed Aug 17 16:43:41 2011 -0700
Feature #3711 (VCF haplotype sorting display): Performance improvements.1. lib/hacTree.c: instead of doing a zillion incremental memcpy's to drop nodes,
build up a set of nodes to delete and then do the minimal memmove's afterwards.
Use memmove per memcpy's man page, which says not to use memcpy if regions overlap!
2. lib/vcf.c: avoid unnecessary calls to vcfFilePooledStr from inner loops.
Also, if ref is all nucleotides (not symbolic as for SV's), use it to set chromEnd.
It may still be overwritten if the END keyword is used in the info column.

diff --git src/lib/hacTree.c src/lib/hacTree.c
index f7e4bdc..c017520 100644
--- src/lib/hacTree.c
+++ src/lib/hacTree.c
@@ -1,260 +1,276 @@
 /* hacTree - Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering a list of inputs into a binary tree */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hacTree.h"
 static struct hacTree *leafNodesFromItems(const struct slList *itemList, int itemCount,
 					  struct lm *localMem)
 /* Allocate & initialize leaf nodes that contain only items. */
 struct hacTree *leafNodes = lmAlloc(localMem, itemCount * sizeof(struct hacTree));
 int i = 0;
 const struct slList *item = itemList;
 while (item != NULL && i < itemCount)
     // needMem zeroes the memory, so initialize only non-NULL stuff.
     struct hacTree *node = &(leafNodes[i]);
     if (i < itemCount-1)
 	node->next = &(leafNodes[i+1]);
     node->itemOrCluster = (struct slList *)item;
     item = item->next;
 return leafNodes;
 struct sortWrapper
 /* We need to compare nodes' itemOrClusters using cmpF and extraData;
  * qsort's comparison function doesn't have a way to pass in extraData,
  * so we need to point to it from each qsort element. */
     struct hacTree *node;  // contains itemOrCluster to be compared
     hacCmpFunction *cmpF;  // user-provided itemOrCluster comparison function
     void *extraData;       // user-provided aux data for cmpF
 static int sortWrapCmp(const void *v1, const void *v2)
 /* Unpack sortWrappers and run cmpF on nodes' itemOrClusters with extraData. */
 const struct sortWrapper *w1 = v1, *w2 = v2;
 return w1->cmpF(w1->node->itemOrCluster, w2->node->itemOrCluster, w1->extraData);
 static struct sortWrapper *makeSortedWraps(struct hacTree *leafNodes, int itemCount,
 					   struct lm *localMem, hacCmpFunction cmpF,
 					   void *extraData)
 /* Use cmpF and extraData to sort wrapped leaves so that identical leaves will be adjacent. */
 struct sortWrapper *leafWraps = lmAlloc(localMem, itemCount * sizeof(struct sortWrapper));
 int i;
 for (i=0;  i < itemCount;  i++)
     leafWraps[i].node = &(leafNodes[i]);
     leafWraps[i].cmpF = cmpF;
     leafWraps[i].extraData = extraData;
 qsort(leafWraps, itemCount, sizeof(struct sortWrapper), sortWrapCmp);
 return leafWraps;
 INLINE void initNode(struct hacTree *node, const struct hacTree *left, const struct hacTree *right,
 		     hacDistanceFunction *distF, hacMergeFunction *mergeF, void *extraData)
 /* Initialize node to have left and right as its children.  Leave parent pointers
  * alone -- they would be unstable during tree construction. */
 node->left = (struct hacTree *)left;
 node->right = (struct hacTree *)right;
 if (left != NULL && right != NULL)
     node->childDistance = distF(left->itemOrCluster, right->itemOrCluster, extraData);
     node->itemOrCluster = mergeF(left->itemOrCluster, right->itemOrCluster, extraData);
 INLINE struct hacTree preClusterNodes(const struct sortWrapper *leafWraps, int i, int runLength,
 				      hacDistanceFunction *distF, hacMergeFunction *mergeF,
 				      void *extraData, struct lm *localMem)
 /* Caller has allocated a node, and this returns what to store there:
  * a recursively constructed cluster of nodes extracted from wrapped
  * leafNodes (leafWraps) starting at i, for runLength items. */
 struct hacTree ret = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL};
 if (runLength > 2)
     struct hacTree *newClusters = lmAlloc(localMem, 2 * sizeof(struct hacTree));
     int halfLength = runLength/2;
     newClusters[0] = preClusterNodes(leafWraps, i, halfLength,
 				     distF, mergeF, extraData, localMem);
     newClusters[1] = preClusterNodes(leafWraps, i+halfLength, runLength-halfLength,
 				     distF, mergeF, extraData, localMem);
     initNode(&ret, &(newClusters[0]), &(newClusters[1]), distF, mergeF, extraData);
 else if (runLength == 2)
     initNode(&ret, leafWraps[i].node, leafWraps[i+1].node, distF, mergeF, extraData);
     ret = *(leafWraps[i].node);
 return ret;
 static struct hacTree *sortAndPreCluster(struct hacTree *leafNodes, int *retItemCount,
 					 struct lm *localMem, hacDistanceFunction *distF,
 					 hacMergeFunction *mergeF, hacCmpFunction *cmpF,
 					 void *extraData)
 /* Use cmpF and extraData to sort wrapped leaf nodes so that identical leaves will be adjacent,
  * then replace leaves with clusters of identical leaves where possible.  Place new
  * (hopefully smaller) item count in retItemCount. */
 int itemCount = *retItemCount;
 struct sortWrapper *leafWraps = makeSortedWraps(leafNodes, itemCount, localMem, cmpF, extraData);
 struct hacTree *newLeaves = lmAlloc(localMem, itemCount * sizeof(struct hacTree));
 int i=0, newI=0;
 while (i < itemCount)
     int nextRunStart;
     for (nextRunStart = i+1;  nextRunStart < itemCount; nextRunStart++)
 	if (distF(leafWraps[i].node->itemOrCluster, leafWraps[nextRunStart].node->itemOrCluster,
 		  extraData) != 0)
     int runLength = nextRunStart - i;
     newLeaves[newI] = preClusterNodes(leafWraps, i, runLength, distF, mergeF, extraData, localMem);
     i = nextRunStart;
 *retItemCount = newI;
 return newLeaves;
 static struct hacTree *pairUpItems(const struct slList *itemList, int itemCount,
 				   int *retPairCount, struct lm *localMem,
 				   hacDistanceFunction *distF, hacMergeFunction *mergeF,
 				   hacCmpFunction *cmpF, void *extraData)
 /* Allocate & initialize leaf nodes and all possible pairings of leaf nodes
  * which will be our seed clusters.  If cmpF is given, pre-sort the leaf nodes
  * and pre-cluster identical leaves before generating seed clusters. */
 struct hacTree *leafNodes = leafNodesFromItems(itemList, itemCount, localMem);
 if (cmpF != NULL)
     leafNodes = sortAndPreCluster(leafNodes, &itemCount, localMem,
 				  distF, mergeF, cmpF, extraData);
 int pairCount = (itemCount == 1) ? 1 : (itemCount * (itemCount-1) / 2);
 struct hacTree *pairPool = lmAlloc(localMem, pairCount * sizeof(struct hacTree));
 if (itemCount == 1)
     initNode(pairPool, leafNodes, NULL, distF, mergeF, extraData);
     int i, j, pairIx;
     for (i=0, pairIx=0;  i < itemCount-1;  i++)
 	for (j=i+1;  j < itemCount;  j++, pairIx++)
 	    initNode(&(pairPool[pairIx]), &(leafNodes[i]), &(leafNodes[j]), distF, mergeF,
 *retPairCount = pairCount;
 return pairPool;
 struct hacTree *hacTreeFromItems(const struct slList *itemList, struct lm *localMem,
 				 hacDistanceFunction *distF, hacMergeFunction *mergeF,
 				 hacCmpFunction *cmpF, void *extraData)
 /* Using distF, mergeF, optionally cmpF and binary tree operations,
  * perform a hierarchical agglomerative (bottom-up) clustering of
  * items.  To free the resulting tree, lmCleanup(&localMem). */
 // Implementation:
 // Create a pool containing all pairs of items (N*(N-1)/2), and build
 // a hierarchical binary tree of items from the bottom up.  In each
 // iteration, first we find the closest pair and swap it into the head
 // of the pool; then we advance the head pointer, so the closest pair
 // now has a stable location in memory.  Next, for all pairs still in
 // the pool, we replace references to the elements of the closest pair
 // with the closest pair itself, but delete half of such pairs because
 // they would be duplicates.  Specifically, we keep pairs that had the
 // left element of the closest pair, and delete pairs that had the
 // right element of the closest pair.  We rescore the pairs that have
 // the closest pair swapped in for an element.  The code to do all
 // this is surprisingly simple -- in the second for loop below.  Note
 // that with each iteration, the pool will reduce in size, by N-2 the
 // first iteration, N-3 the second, and so forth.
 // An example may help: say we start with items A, B, C and D.  Initially
 // the pool contains all pairs:
 //    (A, B)   (A, C)   (A, D)   (B, C)   (B, D)   (C, D)
 // If (A, B) is the closest pair, we pop it from the pool and the pool
 // becomes
 //    (A, C)   (A, D)   (B, C)   (B, D)   (C, D)
 // Now we substitute (A, B) for pool pairs containing A, and delete pool
 // pairs contining B because they would be duplicates of those containing
 // A.  [X] shows where a pair was deleted:
 //    ((A, B), C)  ((A, B), D)  [X]   [X]  (C, D)
 // Now say ((A, B), D) is the closest remaining pair, and is popped from
 // the head of the pool.  We substitute into pairs containing (A, B) and
 // delete pairs containing D.  After the replacement step, the pool is
 // down to a single element:
 //    (((A, B), D), C)   [X]
 if (itemList == NULL)
     return NULL;
 struct hacTree *root = NULL;
 int itemCount = slCount(itemList);
 int pairCount = 0;
 struct hacTree *leafPairs = pairUpItems(itemList, itemCount, &pairCount, localMem,
 					distF, mergeF, cmpF, extraData);
+int *nodesToDelete = needMem(pairCount * sizeof(int));
 struct hacTree *poolHead = leafPairs;
 int poolLength = pairCount;
 while (poolLength > 0)
     // Scan pool for node with lowest childDistance; swap that node w/head
-    int i;
     int bestIx = 0;
     double minScore = poolHead[0].childDistance;
+    int i;
     for (i=1;  i < poolLength;  i++)
 	if (poolHead[i].childDistance < minScore)
 	    minScore = poolHead[i].childDistance;
 	    bestIx = i;
     if (bestIx != 0)
 	swapBytes((char *)&(poolHead[0]), (char *)&(poolHead[bestIx]), sizeof(struct hacTree));
     // Pop the best (lowest-distance) node from poolHead, make it root (for now).
     root = poolHead;
     poolHead = &(poolHead[1]);
     // Where root->left is found in the pool, replace it with root.
     // Where root->right is found, drop that node so it doesn't become
     // a duplicate of the replacement cases.
+    int numNodesToDelete = 0;
     for (i=0;  i < poolLength;  i++)
 	struct hacTree *node = &(poolHead[i]);
 	if (node->left == root->left)
 	    // found root->left; replace node->left with root (merge root with node->right):
 	    initNode(node, root, node->right, distF, mergeF, extraData);
 	else if (node->right == root->left)
 	    // found root->left; replace node->right with root (merge root with node->left):
-	    initNode(node, root, node->left, distF, mergeF, extraData);
+	    initNode(node, node->left, root, distF, mergeF, extraData);
 	else if (node->left == root->right || node->right == root->right)
+	    // found root->right; mark this node for deletion:
+	    nodesToDelete[numNodesToDelete++] = i;
+	}
+    if (numNodesToDelete > 0)
-	    // found root->right; drop this node:
-	    if (i < poolLength-1)
-		memcpy(node, &(poolHead[i+1]), (poolLength-i-1)*sizeof(struct hacTree));
-	    poolLength--;
-	    i--;
+	int newPoolLen = nodesToDelete[0];
+	// This will be "next node to delete" for the last marked node:
+	nodesToDelete[numNodesToDelete] = poolLength;
+	for (i = 0;  i < numNodesToDelete;  i++)
+	    {
+	    int nodeToDel = nodesToDelete[i];
+	    int nextNodeToDel = nodesToDelete[i+1];
+	    int blkSize = nextNodeToDel - (nodeToDel+1);
+	    if (blkSize == 0)
+		continue;
+	    struct hacTree *fromNode = &(poolHead[nodeToDel+1]);
+	    struct hacTree *toNode = &(poolHead[newPoolLen]);
+	    memmove(toNode, fromNode, blkSize * sizeof(struct hacTree));
+	    newPoolLen += blkSize;
+	poolLength = newPoolLen;
     // root now has a stable address, unlike nodes still in the pool, so set parents here:
     if (root->left != NULL)
 	root->left->parent = root;
     if (root->right != NULL)
 	root->right->parent = root;
 // This shouldn't be necessary as long as initNode leaves parent pointers alone,
 // but just in case that changes:
 root->parent = NULL;
 return root;