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- 16 June 2011 -
-Re-engineered OMIM Tracks Released
- We announce today the release of our newly re-engineered OMIM
- (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) tracks for both hg18 and
- hg19. With the kind assistance of Ada Hamosh (director),
- Joanna Amberger and Francois Schiettecatte of the OMIM project,
- we have divided the OMIM records into three separate tracks:
- OMIM Allelic Variant SNPs
- Variants in the OMIM database that have associated dbSNP identifiers.
+ 18 August 2011 -
+New Feature: Track Data Hubs
+ We are pleased to announce a new feature in the UCSC Genome Browser:
+ Track Data Hubs. Track hubs are web-accessible directories of genomic data
+ that can be viewed on the UCSC Genome Browser alongside native annotation
+ tracks. The Track Hub utility allows efficient access to data sets from around
+ the world through the familiar Genome Browser interface. Browser users
+ can display tracks from any public track hub that has been registered
+ with UCSC. Additionally, users can import data from unlisted hubs or can
+ set up, display, and share their own track hubs.
- OMIM Genes
- The genomic positions of gene entries in the OMIM database.
- The coloring indicates the associated OMIM phenotype class.
+ The data underlying the tracks in a hub reside on the remote server of
+ the data provider rather than at UCSC. The data are stored in compressed
+ binary indexed files in bigBed, bigWig or BAM format that contain the
+ data at several resolutions. When a hub track is displayed in the Genome
+ Browser, only the relevant data needed to support the view of the
+ current genomic region are transmitted rather than the entire file. The
+ transmitted data are cached on the UCSC server to expedite future
+ access. This on-demand transfer mechanism eliminates the need to
+ transmit large data sets across the Internet, thereby minimizing upload
+ time into the browser.
- OMIM Phenotypes - Gene Unknown
- Regions known to be associated with a phenotype, but for which no
- specific gene is known to be causative. This track also includes
- known multi-gene syndromes.
+ To check out some track data hubs that are already available, most
+ notably those from the NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Mapping Consortium, press
+ the "track hubs" button in the genome browser, or follow this link:
- The new tracks can be found in the Phenotype and Disease Associations
- track group below the browser graphic
- and are searchable by OMIM number. In most cases,
- simply typing the 6-digit MIM number into the position/search box
- on the Browser will take you to the record.
- The OMIM data are the property of Johns Hopkins University and
- will not be available for download from UCSC. Please contact the
- OMIM project at for download information.
+ To read about using hubs, or creating your own, see the
+ User's Guide.
- UCSC thanks engineers Fan Hsu, Brooke Rhead and Robert Kuhn for
- this release.
+ 16 June 2011 -
+Re-engineered OMIM Tracks Released:
+ We announce today the release of our newly re-engineered OMIM
+ (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) tracks for both hg18 and
+ hg19.
+ Read more.
9 June 2011 -
UCSC Preview Browser Available:
Early access to ENCODE and other UCSC browser data tracks under
construction is now available from the new UCSC Preview Browser site:
Read more.
7 June 2011 -
Updated Lizard Browser Available:
We have released a Genome Browser for the May 2010
genome assembly of the green anole lizard, Anolis
carolinensis (Broad
version AnoCar2.0, UCSC version anoCar2).
Read more.
- 26 May 2011 - New
-Release of UCSC Genes for Mouse:
- We've released an updated set of UCSC Genes for the mm9
- (NCBI Build 37) mouse Genome Browser.
- Read more.
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