824cd5d39b0a42abe0394e0cee41b705259c63bd braney Tue Aug 30 11:15:38 2011 -0700 use safef instead of strcpy. What was I thinking? diff --git src/hg/lib/hubConnect.c src/hg/lib/hubConnect.c index 1673481..ce1798a 100644 --- src/hg/lib/hubConnect.c +++ src/hg/lib/hubConnect.c @@ -1,585 +1,585 @@ /* hubConnect - stuff to manage connections to track hubs. Most of this is mediated through * the hubConnect table in the hgCentral database. Here there are routines to translate between * hub symbolic names and hub URLs, to see if a hub is up or down or sideways (up but badly * formatted) etc. Note that there is no C structure corresponding to a row in the hubConnect * table by design. We just want field-by-field access to this. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "sqlNum.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "net.h" #include "trackHub.h" #include "hubConnect.h" #include "hui.h" #include "errCatch.h" #include "obscure.h" boolean isHubTrack(char *trackName) /* Return TRUE if it's a hub track. */ { return startsWith(hubTrackPrefix, trackName); } boolean hubConnectTableExists() /* Return TRUE if the hubConnect table exists. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); boolean exists = sqlTableExists(conn, hubPublicTableName); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); return exists; } void hubConnectStatusFree(struct hubConnectStatus **pHub) /* Free hubConnectStatus */ { struct hubConnectStatus *hub = *pHub; if (hub != NULL) { freeMem(hub->shortLabel); freeMem(hub->longLabel); freeMem(hub->hubUrl); freeMem(hub->errorMessage); if (hub->dbArray) { freeMem(hub->dbArray[0]); freeMem(hub->dbArray); } freez(pHub); } } void hubConnectStatusFreeList(struct hubConnectStatus **pList) /* Free a list of dynamically allocated hubConnectStatus's */ { struct hubConnectStatus *el, *next; for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next) { next = el->next; hubConnectStatusFree(&el); } *pList = NULL; } static void hubConnectRemakeTrackHubVar(struct cart *cart) /* Remake trackHub cart variable if need be from various check box vars. */ { if (cartVarExists(cart, hgHubConnectRemakeTrackHub)) { struct slPair *hubVarList = cartVarsWithPrefix(cart, hgHubConnectHubVarPrefix); int prefixLength = strlen(hgHubConnectHubVarPrefix); struct dyString *trackHubs = dyStringNew(0); struct slPair *hubVar; boolean firstOne = TRUE; for (hubVar = hubVarList; hubVar != NULL; hubVar = hubVar->next) { if (cartBoolean(cart, hubVar->name)) { if (firstOne) firstOne = FALSE; else dyStringAppendC(trackHubs, ' '); dyStringAppend(trackHubs, hubVar->name + prefixLength); } } slPairFreeList(&hubVarList); cartSetString(cart, hubConnectTrackHubsVarName, trackHubs->string); dyStringFree(&trackHubs); cartRemove(cart, hgHubConnectRemakeTrackHub); } } struct slName *hubConnectHubsInCart(struct cart *cart) /* Return list of track hub ids that are turned on. */ { hubConnectRemakeTrackHubVar(cart); char *trackHubString = cartOptionalString(cart, hubConnectTrackHubsVarName); return slNameListFromString(trackHubString, ' '); } static struct hubConnectStatus *hubConnectStatusForIdDb(struct sqlConnection *conn, int id) /* Given a hub ID return associated status. Returns NULL if no such hub. If hub * exists but has problems will return with errorMessage field filled in. */ { struct hubConnectStatus *hub = NULL; char query[1024]; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select id,shortLabel,longLabel,hubUrl,errorMessage,dbCount,dbList,status from %s where id=%d", hubStatusTableName, id); struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); char **row = sqlNextRow(sr); if (row != NULL) { AllocVar(hub); hub->id = sqlUnsigned(row[0]); hub->shortLabel = cloneString(row[1]); hub->longLabel = cloneString(row[2]); hub->hubUrl = cloneString(row[3]); hub->errorMessage = cloneString(row[4]); hub->dbCount = sqlUnsigned(row[5]); int sizeOne; sqlStringDynamicArray(row[6], &hub->dbArray, &sizeOne); assert(sizeOne == hub->dbCount); hub->status = sqlUnsigned(row[7]); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); return hub; } boolean isHubUnlisted(struct hubConnectStatus *hub) /* Return TRUE if it's an unlisted hub */ { return (hub->status & HUB_UNLISTED); } struct hubConnectStatus *hubConnectStatusForId(struct sqlConnection *conn, int id) /* Given a hub ID return associated status. Returns NULL if no such hub. If hub * exists but has problems will return with errorMessage field filled in. */ /* If the id is negative, then the hub is private and the number is the * offset into the private hubfile in the trash */ { struct hubConnectStatus *hub = NULL; hub = hubConnectStatusForIdDb(conn, id); return hub; } struct hubConnectStatus *hubConnectStatusListFromCartAll(struct cart *cart) /* Return list of all track hubs that are referenced by cart. */ { struct hubConnectStatus *hubList = NULL, *hub; struct slPair *pair, *pairList = cartVarsWithPrefix(cart, hgHubConnectHubVarPrefix); struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); for (pair = pairList; pair != NULL; pair = pair->next) { int id = hubIdFromCartName(pair->name); hub = hubConnectStatusForId(conn, id); if (hub != NULL) { slAddHead(&hubList, hub); } } slFreeList(&pairList); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); slReverse(&hubList); return hubList; } struct hubConnectStatus *hubConnectStatusListFromCart(struct cart *cart) /* Return list of track hubs that are turned on by user in cart. */ { struct hubConnectStatus *hubList = NULL, *hub; struct slName *name, *nameList = hubConnectHubsInCart(cart); struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); for (name = nameList; name != NULL; name = name->next) { int id = sqlSigned(name->name); hub = hubConnectStatusForId(conn, id); if (hub != NULL) { slAddHead(&hubList, hub); } } slFreeList(&nameList); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); slReverse(&hubList); return hubList; } int hubIdFromCartName(char *cartName) /* Given something like "hgHubConnect.hub.123" return 123 */ { assert(startsWith("hgHubConnect.hub.", cartName)); char *ptr1 = strchr(cartName, '.'); char *ptr2 = strchr(ptr1 + 1, '.'); return sqlUnsigned(ptr2+1); } unsigned hubIdFromTrackName(char *trackName) /* Given something like "hub_123_myWig" return 123 */ { assert(startsWith("hub_", trackName)); char *ptr1 = trackName; ptr1 += 4; char *ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, '_'); if (ptr2 == NULL) errAbort("hub track %s not in correct format\n", trackName); char save = *ptr2; *ptr2 = 0; unsigned val = sqlUnsigned(ptr1); *ptr2 = save; return val; } char *hubConnectSkipHubPrefix(char *trackName) /* Given something like "hub_123_myWig" return myWig. Don't free this, it's not allocated */ { assert(startsWith("hub_", trackName)); trackName += 4; trackName = strchr(trackName, '_'); assert(trackName != NULL); return trackName + 1; } struct trackHub *trackHubFromId(unsigned hubId) /* Given a hub ID number, return corresponding trackHub structure. * ErrAbort if there's a problem. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); struct hubConnectStatus *status = hubConnectStatusForId(conn, hubId); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); if (status == NULL) errAbort("The hubId %d was not found", hubId); if (!isEmpty(status->errorMessage)) errAbort("Hub %s at %s has the error: %s", status->shortLabel, status->hubUrl, status->errorMessage); char hubName[16]; safef(hubName, sizeof(hubName), "hub_%u", hubId); struct trackHub *hub = trackHubOpen(status->hubUrl, hubName); hubConnectStatusFree(&status); return hub; } static struct trackDb *findSuperTrack(struct trackDb *tdbList, char *trackName) /* discover any supertracks, and if there are some add them * to the subtrack list of the supertrack */ { struct trackDb *tdb; struct trackDb *p = NULL; struct trackDb *next; for(tdb = tdbList; tdb; tdb = next) { /* save away the next pointer becuase we may detach this node and * add it to its supertrack parent */ next = tdb->next; if (tdb->parent != NULL && sameString(trackName, tdb->parent->track)) { /* found a supertrack with the right name, add this child */ p = tdb->parent; slAddHead(&p->subtracks, tdb); } } return p; } struct trackDb *hubConnectAddHubForTrackAndFindTdb( char *database, char *trackName, struct trackDb **pTdbList, struct hash *trackHash) /* Go find hub for trackName (which will begin with hub_), and load the tracks * for it, appending to end of list and adding to trackHash. Return the * trackDb associated with trackName. This will also fill in the html fields, * but just for that track and it's parents. */ { unsigned hubId = hubIdFromTrackName(trackName); struct trackHub *hub = trackHubFromId(hubId); struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome = trackHubFindGenome(hub, database); struct trackDb *tdbList = trackHubTracksForGenome(hub, hubGenome); tdbList = trackDbLinkUpGenerations(tdbList); tdbList = trackDbPolishAfterLinkup(tdbList, database); rAddTrackListToHash(trackHash, tdbList, NULL, FALSE); if (pTdbList != NULL) *pTdbList = slCat(*pTdbList, tdbList); struct trackDb *tdb = hashFindVal(trackHash, trackName); if (tdb == NULL) // superTracks aren't in the hash... look in tdbList tdb = findSuperTrack(tdbList, trackName); if (tdb == NULL) errAbort("Can't find track %s in %s", trackName, hub->url); /* Add html for track and parents. */ /* Note: this does NOT add the HTML for supertrack kids */ struct trackDb *parent; for (parent = tdb; parent != NULL; parent = parent->parent) { char *simpleName = hubConnectSkipHubPrefix(tdb->track); char *url = trackHubRelativeUrl(hubGenome->trackDbFile, simpleName); char buffer[10*1024]; safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s.html", url); parent->html = netReadTextFileIfExists(buffer); freez(&url); } trackHubClose(&hub); return tdb; } static void enterHubInStatus(struct trackHub *tHub, boolean unlisted) /* put the hub status in the hubStatus table */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); /* calculate dbList */ struct dyString *dy = newDyString(1024); struct hashEl *hel; struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tHub->genomeHash); int dbCount = 0; while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) { dbCount++; dyStringPrintf(dy,"%s,", hel->name); } char query[512]; safef(query, sizeof(query), "insert into %s (hubUrl,status,shortLabel, longLabel, dbList, dbCount) values (\"%s\",%d,\"%s\",\"%s\", \"%s\", %d)", hubStatusTableName, tHub->url, unlisted ? 1 : 0, tHub->shortLabel, tHub->longLabel, dy->string, dbCount); sqlUpdate(conn, query); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); } static unsigned getHubId(char *url, char **errorMessage) /* find id for url in hubStatus table */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); char query[512]; char **row; boolean foundOne = FALSE; int id = 0; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select id,errorMessage from %s where hubUrl = \"%s\"", hubStatusTableName, url); struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { if (foundOne) errAbort("more than one line in %s with hubUrl %s\n", hubStatusTableName, url); foundOne = TRUE; char *thisId = row[0], *thisError = row[1]; if (!isEmpty(thisError)) *errorMessage = cloneString(thisError); id = sqlUnsigned(thisId); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); return id; } static boolean hubHasDatabase(unsigned id, char *database) /* check to see if hub specified by id supports database */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); char query[512]; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select dbList from %s where id=%d", hubStatusTableName, id); char *dbList = sqlQuickString(conn, query); boolean gotIt = FALSE; if (nameInCommaList(database, dbList)) gotIt = TRUE; hDisconnectCentral(&conn); freeMem(dbList); return gotIt; } static boolean fetchHub(char *database, char *url, boolean unlisted) { struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew(); struct trackHub *tHub = NULL; boolean gotWarning = FALSE; unsigned id = 0; if (errCatchStart(errCatch)) tHub = trackHubOpen(url, "1"); // open hub.. it'll get renamed later errCatchEnd(errCatch); if (errCatch->gotError) { gotWarning = TRUE; warn("%s", errCatch->message->string); } errCatchFree(&errCatch); if (gotWarning) { return 0; } if (hashLookup(tHub->genomeHash, database) != NULL) { enterHubInStatus(tHub, unlisted); } else { warn("requested hub at %s does not have data for %s\n", url, database); return 0; } trackHubClose(&tHub); char *errorMessage = NULL; id = getHubId(url, &errorMessage); return id; } static unsigned getAndSetHubStatus(char *database, struct cart *cart, char *url, boolean set, boolean unlisted) /* look in the hubStatus table for this url, add it if it isn't in there * Set the cart variable to turn the hub on if set == TRUE. * Return id from that status table*/ { char *errorMessage = NULL; unsigned id; if ((id = getHubId(url, &errorMessage)) == 0) { if ((id = fetchHub(database, url, unlisted)) == 0) return id; } else if (!hubHasDatabase(id, database)) { warn("requested hub at %s does not have data for %s\n", url, database); return id; } char hubName[32]; safef(hubName, sizeof(hubName), "%s%u", hgHubConnectHubVarPrefix, id); if (set) cartSetString(cart, hubName, "1"); return id; } unsigned hubFindOrAddUrlInStatusTable(char *database, struct cart *cart, char *url, char **errorMessage) /* find this url in the status table, and return its id and errorMessage (if an errorMessage exists) */ { int id = 0; *errorMessage = NULL; if ((id = getHubId(url, errorMessage)) > 0) return id; getAndSetHubStatus(database, cart, url, FALSE, FALSE); if ((id = getHubId(url, errorMessage)) == 0) errAbort("inserted new hubUrl %s, but cannot find it", url); return id; } unsigned hubCheckForNew(char *database, struct cart *cart) /* see if the user just typed in a new hub url, return id if so */ { char *url = cartOptionalString(cart, hgHubDataText); if (url != NULL) { trimSpaces(url); unsigned id = getAndSetHubStatus(database, cart, url, TRUE, TRUE); cartRemove(cart, hgHubDataText); return id; } return 0; } unsigned hubResetError(char *url) /* clear the error for this url in the hubStatus table,return the id */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); char query[512]; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select id from %s where hubUrl = \"%s\"", hubStatusTableName, url); unsigned id = sqlQuickNum(conn, query); if (id == 0) errAbort("could not find url %s in status table (%s)\n", url, hubStatusTableName); safef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set errorMessage=\"\" where hubUrl = \"%s\"", hubStatusTableName, url); sqlUpdate(conn, query); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); return id; } unsigned hubClearStatus(char *url) /* drop the information about this url from the hubStatus table */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); char query[512]; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select id from %s where hubUrl = \"%s\"", hubStatusTableName, url); unsigned id = sqlQuickNum(conn, query); if (id == 0) errAbort("could not find url %s in status table (%s)\n", url, hubStatusTableName); safef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from %s where hubUrl = \"%s\"", hubStatusTableName, url); sqlUpdate(conn, query); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); return id; } void hubDisconnect(struct cart *cart, char *url) /* drop the information about this url from the hubStatus table, and * the cart variable the references this hub */ { /* clear the hubStatus table */ unsigned id = hubClearStatus(url); /* remove the cart variable */ char buffer[1024]; safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "hgHubConnect.hub.%d", id); cartRemove(cart, buffer); } void hubSetErrorMessage(char *errorMessage, unsigned id) /* set the error message in the hubStatus table */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); char query[4096]; if (errorMessage != NULL) { // make sure there is no newline at the end. This should be unneccesary // but there are many, many places where newlines are added in calls // to warn and errAbort char buffer[4096]; - strcpy(buffer, errorMessage); + safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, errorMessage); while (lastChar(buffer) == '\n') buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; safef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set errorMessage=\"%s\", lastNotOkTime=now() where id=%d", hubStatusTableName, buffer, id); } else { safef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set errorMessage=\"\", lastOkTime=now() where id=%d", hubStatusTableName, id); } sqlUpdate(conn, query); hDisconnectCentral(&conn); }