bd3b9de338315dda2c94bc6d0aeec0aae6b35ce5 pchan Tue Aug 30 22:00:24 2011 -0700 comment out code for auto-set width button; it is replaced by the resize buttom from genome browser diff --git src/hg/js/lowetooltip.js src/hg/js/lowetooltip.js index f88adba..093a7d1 100644 --- src/hg/js/lowetooltip.js +++ src/hg/js/lowetooltip.js @@ -1,206 +1,208 @@ var tipup; var chrom; var dbname; var timed; var tracks; var tooldiv; var currtip; var timeout; - +/* function setwidth() { var windwidth = $(window).width() - 20; if($("#imgTbl").length == 0) { $("#TrackForm").append('<input type="hidden" name="pix" value="'+windwidth+'"/>'); //$("#TrackForm").submit(); } else { $("input[name=pix]").val(windwidth); } } +*/ + function makevisible(element) { if($(element).css('display') == "none") { $(element).show(); } return $(element); } function update(event) { if(!tipup) { resettip(; } var toolx = event.pageX+15; var tooly = event.pageY+15; var windwidth = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft() - 10; var windheight = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop() - 10; if((event.pageX+15 + $("#tooltip").width() > windwidth) && event.pageY+15 + $("#tooltip").height() > windheight) { toolx = event.pageX- ($("#tooltip").width())-15; tooly = windheight - ($("#tooltip").height()); } else if(event.pageX+15 + $("#tooltip").width() > windwidth) { toolx = windwidth - ($("#tooltip").width()); } else if(event.pageY+15 + $("#tooltip").height() > windheight) { tooly = windheight - ($("#tooltip").height()); } $("#tooltip").css('left',toolx).css('top',tooly); } function showInfo(event,output) { tipup = true; currtip =; $("#tooltip").html(output); $("#tooltip").css('left',0).css('top',0); $("#tooltip").css('width',$("#tooltip").width()+5); update(event); $("#tooltip").show(); //update(event); $('mousemove', update); } function ajaxtooltipError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown,event) { showInfo(event, "<B>Name:</B> "; } function resettip(hastip) { //console.log("Tip gone"+tipup); tipup = false; $(hastip).unbind('mousemove', update); tooldiv.hide(); tooldiv.text(''); tooldiv.css('width','auto'); } function hidetip(event) { event.stopPropagation(); if(! $("area[href^='../cgi-bin/hgc']")) { return false; } if(timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = 0; } if(currrequest != null) { currrequest.abort(); } if(tipup && $("div.sliceDiv area[href^='../cgi-bin/hgc']")) { resettip(; } //setTimeout("'mouseout', hidetip)", 100); return false; } function showtip(event) { event.stopPropagation(); if( ! $("area[href^='../cgi-bin/hgc']")) { return false; } var ajaxtip = function() {getajaxtooltip(event);}; timeout = setTimeout(ajaxtip, 300); return false; } function getajaxtooltip(event) { currrequest = $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "../cgi-bin/tooltip?c="+chrom+"&db="+dbname+"&"+($('href').split("?"))[1], dataType: "html", success: function(output){showInfo(event,output);}, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ajaxtooltipError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown,event);}, cache: true }); //tracks.die('mouseover', showtip); //setTimeout("'mouseover', showtip)", 100); return false; } function removetitles(index, Element){ = Element.title; Element.title = ""; //Element.className = "hastip"; } //try not enabling mouseout event function enabletips() { timeout = 0; $("#imgTbl").bind('mouseover', showtip); $("#imgTbl").bind('mouseout', hidetip); //'mouseover', showtip); //'mouseout', hidetip); } function disabletips() { $("#imgTbl").unbind('mouseover', showtip); $("#imgTbl").unbind('mouseout', hidetip); //tracks.die('mouseover', showtip); //tracks.die('mouseout', hidetip); } $(document).ready(function() { if($("#imgTbl").length != 0) { timed = 0; currrequest = null; tipup = false; $("body").append("<div class='tooltip' id='tooltip'></div>"); tooldiv = $("#tooltip"); $("#tooltip").css({ "background": "white", "border": "1px black solid", "display": "none", "position": "absolute", "font-size": "small", "opacity" : ".9", "filter": "alpha(opacity = 90)", "zoom": "1" }); $("#trackMap").removeAttr("title"); chrom = $("input[name=chromName]").val(); dbname = $("input[name=db]").val(); tracks = $("area[href^='../cgi-bin/hgc']"); //tracks.addClass('hastip'); //tracks.removeAttr("title"); tracks.each(removetitles); enabletips(); //$(window).scroll(tempdisable); } - $("input[name=hgt.toggleRevCmplDisp]").after('<input type="submit" class="setwidth" value="auto-set width" onclick="setwidth()"/>'); + // $("input[name=hgt.toggleRevCmplDisp]").after('<input type="submit" class="setwidth" value="auto-set width" onclick="setwidth()"/>'); }); \ No newline at end of file