  Tue Aug 30 12:53:49 2011 -0700
first version of DateCheck.py, still doesn't output only mdbUpdate statements, but it's functional for now
diff --git python/programs/DateCheck/dateCheck.py python/programs/DateCheck/dateCheck.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85ffd4
--- /dev/null
+++ python/programs/DateCheck/dateCheck.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import sys
+import datetime
+from ucscgenomics.rafile.RaFile import *
+def indexhg18(rafile):
+	objlist = {}
+	rahg18 = RaFile(rafile)
+	#structure is hg18expids[expId][view][replicate] = information dict
+	#used for easy lookup of an equivalent hg18 object, it will only run through the list of expids first instead of all objects looking for a match
+	hg18expids = {}
+	for key in rahg18.keys():
+		stanza = rahg18[key]
+		if not ('replicate' in stanza):
+			stanza['replicate'] = "NA"
+			#print "hg18:%s" % (stanza['metaObject'])
+		if 'expId' in stanza:
+			info = {}
+			info['replicate'] = stanza['replicate']
+			info['dateSubmitted'] = stanza['dateSubmitted']
+			info['dateUnrestricted'] = stanza['dateUnrestricted']
+			info['metaObject'] = stanza['metaObject']
+			if stanza['expId'] in hg18expids:
+				expid = stanza['expId']
+				rep = stanza['replicate']
+				objview = stanza['view']
+				if objview in hg18expids[expid]:
+					hg18expids[expid][objview][rep] = info
+				else:
+					foo = {}
+					foo[rep] = info
+					hg18expids[expid][objview] = foo
+			else:
+				foo = {}
+				bar = {}
+				bar[stanza['replicate']] = info
+				foo[stanza['view']] = bar
+				hg18expids[stanza['expId']] = foo
+# 	for key in hg18expids:
+# 		print "%s:" % (key)
+# 		views = hg18expids[key]
+# 		for view in views:
+# 			print "\t%s" % (view)
+# 			objlist = views[view]
+# 			for object in objlist:
+# 				print "\t\t%s" % object
+# 				for var in objlist[object]:
+# 					print "\t\t\t%s = %s" % (var, objlist[object][var])
+# 		print "\n"
+	return(hg18expids)
+def gethg19objects(rafile):
+	ra = RaFile(rafile)
+	objlist = {}
+	for key in ra.keys():
+		stanza = ra[key]
+		objinfo = {}
+		if not ('replicate' in stanza):
+			stanza['replicate'] = "NA"
+			#print "hg19:%s" % (stanza['metaObject'])
+		if 'expId' in stanza:
+			objinfo['expId'] = stanza['expId']
+			objinfo['view'] = stanza['view']
+			objinfo['replicate'] = stanza['replicate']
+			if 'dateUnrestricted' in stanza:
+				objinfo['dateUnrestricted'] = stanza['dateUnrestricted']
+				objinfo['dateSubmitted'] = stanza['dateSubmitted']
+			objlist[stanza['metaObject']] = objinfo
+	return(objlist)
+def main():
+	hg18expids = indexhg18(sys.argv[2])
+	hg19objects = gethg19objects(sys.argv[1])
+	date = datetime.date
+	today = str(date.today())
+	print today	
+	for key in hg19objects.keys():
+		expid = hg19objects[key]['expId']
+		rep = hg19objects[key]['replicate']
+		view = hg19objects[key]['view']
+		if expid in hg18expids:
+			hg18dict = hg18expids[expid]
+			if view in hg18dict:
+				repdict = hg18dict[view]
+				if rep in repdict:
+					infodict = repdict[rep]
+					setvars = ""
+					vars = ""
+					if infodict['dateSubmitted'] < hg19objects[key]['dateSubmitted']:
+						print "\n"
+						print "%s vs %s, dateSubmitted: %s vs %s" % (key, infodict['metaObject'], infodict['dateSubmitted'], hg19objects[key]['dateSubmitted'])
+						setvars = "dateSubmitted=%s dateResubmitted=%s" % (infodict['dateSubmitted'], hg19objects[key]['dateSubmitted'])
+					if infodict['dateUnrestricted'] < hg19objects[key]['dateSubmitted'] and hg19objects[key]['dateUnrestricted'] > today:
+						print "%s vs %s, dateUnrestricted: %s vs %s" % (key, infodict['metaObject'], infodict['dateUnrestricted'], hg19objects[key]['dateUnrestricted'])	
+						setvars = "%s dateUnrestricted=%s" % (setvars, infodict['dateUnrestricted'])
+					if setvars:
+						if rep == "NA":
+							vars = "expId=%s view=%s" % (expid, view)
+						else:
+							vars = "expId=%s view=%s replicate=%s" % (expid, view, rep)
+						print "mdbUpdate hg19 -vars=\"%s\" -setVars=\"%s\"" % (vars, setvars)						
+if __name__ ==  "__main__":
+	main()