  Tue Sep 6 10:30:23 2011 -0700
rearrange static function definitions to avoid compiler problems on Suse linux
diff --git src/lib/oldGff.c src/lib/oldGff.c
index 307fd90..3b84229 100644
--- src/lib/oldGff.c
+++ src/lib/oldGff.c
@@ -1,646 +1,644 @@
 /* oldGff - module for reading GFFs.  This is largely if not
  * entirely superceded by the gff module. 
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "oldGff.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: oldGff.c,v 1.6 2005/04/10 14:41:24 markd Exp $";
 #define errfile stdout
 static char _gffIdent[] = "##gff-version";
 struct gffSegLine
     char seqname[64];   /* Name of DNA sequence this refers to. */
     char source[64];	/* Who put this segment here... */
     char feature[64];      /* CDS, E, I, exon, intron, ??? */
     long start, end;   /* Offsets into DNA array, end inclusive */
     char score[62];	/* A number between 0 and 1 */
     char strand[4];	/* + or - */
     char frame[4];     /* 0, 1, 2, or . */
     char group[128];  /* Name of gene  cosmid.number. */
 static int gffSegLineScan(struct gff* gff, struct gffSegLine *seg)
     int scanned = sscanf(gff->buf, "%s %s %s %ld %ld %s %1s %s %s",
 	seg->seqname, seg->source, seg->feature,
 	&seg->start, &seg->end,
 	seg->score, seg->strand, seg->frame, seg->group);
     return scanned;
-static boolean _gffSeekDoubleSharpLine();
+static boolean _gffGetLine(struct gff *gff)
+/* Get the next line into a gff file.  (private)
+ * return FALSE at EOF or if problem. */
+char *s;
+s = fgets(gff->buf, gff->bufSize, gff->file);
+if (s == NULL)
+    {
+    return FALSE;
+    }
+gff->bytesInBuf = strlen(gff->buf);
+gff->readIx = 0;
+gff->lineNumber += 1;
+return TRUE;
+static boolean _gffSeekDoubleSharpLine(struct gff *gff)
+/* Go find next line that begins with ## */
+for (;;)
+    {
+    if (!_gffGetLine(gff)) return FALSE;
+    if (gff->bytesInBuf >= 2)
+	if (gff->buf[0] == '#' && gff->buf[1] == '#') 
+		return TRUE;
+    }
 boolean gffOpen(struct gff *gff, char *fileName)
 /* Initialize gff structure and open file for it. */
     /* Initialize structure and open file. */
     zeroBytes(gff, sizeof(*gff));
     gff->memPool = lmInit(16*1024);
     gff->fileSize = fileSize(fileName);
     if (gff->fileSize < 0 ||
        (gff->file = fopen(fileName, "rb")) == NULL)
             warn("Couldn't find the file named %s\n", fileName);
 	    return FALSE;
     strcpy(gff->fileName, fileName);
     gff->bufSize = ArraySize(gff->buf);
     /* Make sure it's a gff file. */
     if (strncmp(gff->buf, _gffIdent, strlen(_gffIdent)) != 0)
 	warn("%s doesn't appear to be a .gff file\n", fileName);
 	return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 void gffClose(struct gff *gff)
 /* Close down gff structure. */
 if (gff->file != NULL)
 zeroBytes(gff, sizeof(*gff));
-static boolean _gffGetLine(struct gff *gff)
-/* Get the next line into a gff file.  (private)
- * return FALSE at EOF or if problem. */
-char *s;
-s = fgets(gff->buf, gff->bufSize, gff->file);
-if (s == NULL)
-    {
-    return FALSE;
-    }
-gff->bytesInBuf = strlen(gff->buf);
-gff->readIx = 0;
-gff->lineNumber += 1;
-return TRUE;
 #if 0 /* unused */
 static boolean _gffAtEof(struct gff *gff)
 /* Returns TRUE if at the end of gff file. */
 return gff->file == NULL;
 #if 0 /* unused */
 static char _getGffChar(struct gff *gff)
 /* Return next byte (not next base) in gff file. Return zero
  * if at end of file. */
 if (gff->readIx >= gff->bytesInBuf)
 	if (!_gffGetLine(gff)) return 0;
 return gff->buf[gff->readIx++];
-static boolean _gffSeekDoubleSharpLine(struct gff *gff)
-/* Go find next line that begins with ## */
-for (;;)
-    {
-    if (!_gffGetLine(gff)) return FALSE;
-    if (gff->bytesInBuf >= 2)
-	if (gff->buf[0] == '#' && gff->buf[1] == '#') 
-		return TRUE;
-    }
 static boolean _gffSeekDna(struct gff *gff)
 /* Skip through file until you get the DNA */ 
 static char dnaIdent[] = "##DNA";
 for (;;)
     if (!_gffGetLine(gff)) return FALSE;
     if (strncmp(gff->buf, dnaIdent, strlen(dnaIdent)) == 0)
 	sscanf(gff->buf, "##DNA %s", gff->dnaName);
 	gff->bytesInBuf = 0; /* We're done with gff line. */
 	return TRUE;
 static boolean gffNextDnaLine(struct gff *gff)
 /* Fetches next line of DNA. */
 static char endIdent[] = "##end-DNA";
 if (!_gffSeekDoubleSharpLine(gff)) 
     return FALSE;
 /* Check to see if have reached end of DNA sequence */
 if (strncmp(gff->buf, endIdent, strlen(endIdent))==0)
     gff->bytesInBuf = 0; /* We're done with gff line. */
     return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 boolean gffReadDna(struct gff *gff)
 /* Read all the DNA in a file. */
 long dnaSize = 0;
 DNA *dna;
 DNA *line;
 int lineCount;
 DNA b;
 if (gff->dna != NULL)
 	return TRUE; /* We already read it. */
 if (!_gffSeekDna(gff))
 	return FALSE;
 if ((gff->dna = wantMem(gff->fileSize)) == NULL)
     warn("Couldn't allocate %ld bytes for DNA\n",
     return FALSE;
 dna = gff->dna;
 for (;;)
     if (!gffNextDnaLine(gff))
     line = gff->buf + gff->readIx;
     lineCount = gff->bytesInBuf-gff->readIx;
     while (--lineCount >= 0)
         b = *line++;
         if ((b = ntChars[(int)b]) != 0)
             *dna++ = b;
             dnaSize += 1;
 gff->dnaSize = dnaSize;
 return TRUE;
 struct gffGene *gffFindGene(struct gff *gff, char *geneName)
 /* Find gene with given name.  Case sensitive. */
 struct gffGene *g;
 for (g=gff->genes; g!=NULL; g=g->next)
     if (strcmp(geneName, g->name) == 0)
 	return g;
 return NULL;
 struct gffGene *gffFindGeneIgnoreCase(struct gff *gff, char *geneName)
 /* Find gene with given name.  Not case sensitive. */
 struct gffGene *g;
 for (g=gff->genes; g!=NULL; g=g->next)
     if (differentWord(geneName, g->name) == 0)
 	return g;
 return NULL;
 /* Allocate memory and clear it to zero.  Report error
  * and kill program if can't allocate it. */
 static void *gffNeedMem(struct gff *gff, int size)
 return lmAlloc(gff->memPool, size);
 static void gffSegmentInsertSort(struct gffSegment **plist, 
 	struct gffSegment *seg)
 /* Insert segment on list, keeping list ordered by start field 
          gffSegment **plist;	 Pointer to list. 
          gffSegment *seg;	 Segment to insert 
 struct gffSegment *next;
 long segStart = seg->start;
 for (;;)
     next = *plist;
     if (next == NULL)
     if (next->start > segStart)
     plist = &(next->next);
 seg->next = next;   
 *plist = seg;
 static void offsetsFromExons(struct gffGene *gene)
 /* Figure out start and end offsets of gene from it's exons. */
 GffExon *exon;
 long end = 0;
 long start = 0x7fffffff; /* I should use a .h file constant here... */
 for (exon = gene->exons; exon != NULL; exon = exon->next)
     if (exon->start < start)
 	start = exon->start;
     if (exon->end > end)
 	end = exon->end;
 gene->start = start;
 gene->end = end;
 void gffPrintInfo(struct gff *gff, FILE *out)
 /* Print summary info about file. */
 struct gffGene *gene;
 fprintf(out, "\n%s\n", gff->fileName);
 fprintf(out, "DNA %s (%ld bases)\n", 
 	gff->dnaName, gff->dnaSize);
 fprintf(out, "%d genes\n", slCount(gff->genes));
 for (gene = gff->genes; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next)
     fprintf(out, "gene %s has %ld bases, %d exons, %d introns\n",
 	gene->name, gene->end - gene->start + 1,
 	slCount(gene->exons), slCount(gene->introns));
 static boolean checkWordCount(struct gff *gff, int wordCount)
 if (wordCount >= 9)
     return TRUE;
     warn("???%s???\n", gff->buf);
     warn("Can't handle line %d of %s.\n", 
 	    gff->lineNumber, gff->fileName);
     return FALSE;
 boolean gffReadGenes(struct gff *gff)
 /* Read all the gene (as opposed to base) info in file. */
 int wordCount;
 struct gffSegLine seg;
 char curGroup[128];
 struct gffGene *gene = NULL;
 GffIntron *intron = NULL;
 GffExon *exon = NULL;
 boolean warnedUnknown = FALSE;
 boolean isNewGene;
 curGroup[0] = 0; /* Start off with no group */
 /* Line scanning loop. */
 for (;;)
     /* Get next line and parse it into segLine data structure. */
     if (!_gffGetLine(gff)) 
 	break;	 /* End of file. */
     if (gff->buf[0] == '#')
 	continue; /* Ignore sharp containing lines. */
     wordCount = gffSegLineScan(gff, &seg);
     if (wordCount < 9)
 	continue; /* Ignore blank lines and short ones. */
     /* Make sure that start is less than or equal end. */
     if (seg.start > seg.end)
 	warn("start greater than end line %d of %s.\n",
 		gff->lineNumber, gff->fileName);
 	return FALSE;
     /* Get the gene we're working on.  First see if
      * it's the same as last time around. */
     isNewGene = FALSE;
     if (strcmp(seg.group, curGroup) != 0)
 	strcpy(curGroup, seg.group);
 	if ((gene = gffFindGene(gff, seg.group)) == NULL)
 	    /* It's a new gene! */
 	    if (!checkWordCount(gff, wordCount)) return FALSE;
 	    isNewGene = TRUE;
 	    gene = gffNeedMem(gff, sizeof(*gene));
 	    strcpy(gene->name, seg.group);
 	    slAddTail(&gff->genes, gene); 
 	    gene->strand = seg.strand[0];
 	    gene->frame = atoi(seg.frame);
 	    if (differentWord(seg.feature, "CDS") == 0)
 		gene->start = seg.start-1;
 		gene->end = seg.end-1;
     /* Look at what sort of feature it is, and decide what to do. */
     if (differentWord(seg.feature, "CDS")==0)
 	/* CDS (coding segments) have been processed already
 	 * for the most part. Here just make sure they aren't
 	 * duplicated. */
 	if (!checkWordCount(gff, wordCount)) return FALSE;
 	if (!isNewGene)
 	    if (gene->start != 0 || gene->end != 0)
 		warn("Warning duplicate CDS for %s\n",
 		warn("Line %d of %s\n", 
 			gff->lineNumber, gff->fileName);
     else if (differentWord(seg.feature, "SE") == 0 
 	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "IE") == 0
 	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "FE") == 0
 	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "E") == 0
 	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "exon") == 0)
 	/* It's some sort of exon.  We'll deal with the complications
 	 * of it being possibly on the minus strand later, so can
 	 * tread initial, final, single, and regular exons the same
 	 * here. */
 	if (!checkWordCount(gff, wordCount)) return FALSE;
 	exon = gffNeedMem(gff, sizeof(*exon));
 	exon->start = seg.start-1;
 	exon->end = seg.end-1;
 	exon->frame = atoi(seg.frame);
 	gffSegmentInsertSort(&gene->exons, exon);
     else if (differentWord(seg.feature, "I") == 0 
 	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "intron") == 0)
 	/* It's an intron. */
 	if (!checkWordCount(gff, wordCount)) return FALSE;
 	intron = gffNeedMem(gff, sizeof(*intron));
 	intron->start = seg.start-1;
 	intron->end = seg.end-1;
 	intron->frame = atoi(seg.frame);
 	gffSegmentInsertSort(&gene->introns, intron);
     else if (strcmp(seg.feature, "IG")  == 0)
 	/* I don't know what it is, but we can ignore it. */
 	if (!warnedUnknown)
 	    warn("Unknown feature %s line %d of %s, ignoring\n",
 		    seg.feature,  gff->lineNumber, gff->fileName);
 	    warnedUnknown = TRUE;
 /* Fix up gene length from exons if needed. */
 for (gene = gff->genes; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next)
     if (gene->start >= gene->end)
 return TRUE;
 static boolean geneDna(struct gff *gff, struct gffGene *gene,
     int leftExtra, int rightExtra, char **retDna, long *retDnaSize,
     int *retStartOffset)
 /* Allocate an array and fill it with dna from a gene. */
 char *dna;
 char *pt;
 long geneSize;
 long i;
 long seqStart, seqEnd, seqSize;
 /* Filter out unreasonable looking genes - input to this
  * program isn't totally clean. */
 geneSize = gene->end - gene->start + 1;
 if (geneSize <= 0 || geneSize >= 1000000)
     return FALSE;  
 /* Figure out extents of DNA we're going to return.
  * Return extra they ask for if possible, but clip
  * it to what is actually in GFF file. */
 seqStart = gene->start - leftExtra;
 seqEnd = gene->end + rightExtra + 1;
 if (seqStart < 0)
     seqStart = 0;
 if (seqEnd > gff->dnaSize)
     seqEnd = gff->dnaSize;
 seqSize = seqEnd - seqStart;
 /* Allocate memory and fetch the dna. */
 dna = needMem(seqSize+1);
 pt = dna;
 for (i=0; i<seqSize; i++)
     *pt++ = gff->dna[seqStart+i];
 *pt = 0;
 /* Report results back to caller. */
 *retDna = dna;
 *retDnaSize = seqSize;
 *retStartOffset = (gene->start - seqStart);
 return TRUE;
 static void fixDirectionAndOffsets(struct gffGene *gene, char *dna, long dnaSize, int newStart)
 /* Reverse complement DNA if gene is on negative strand.
  * Update offsets of exons and introns in gene to 
  * make them point into dna, rather than into gff->dna. 
 long oldStart;
 long offset;
 GffIntron *intron;
 GffExon *exon;
 long temp;
 oldStart = gene->start;
 offset = oldStart - newStart;
 gene->start -= offset;
 gene->end -= offset;
 for (intron = gene->introns; intron != NULL; intron = intron->next)
     intron->start -= offset;
     intron->end -= offset;
 for (exon = gene->exons; exon != NULL; exon = exon->next)
     exon->start -= offset;
     exon->end -= offset;
 if (gene->strand == '-')
     reverseComplement(dna, dnaSize);
     temp = reverseOffset(gene->start, dnaSize);
     gene->start = reverseOffset(gene->end, dnaSize);
     gene->end = temp;
     for (intron = gene->introns; intron != NULL; intron = intron->next)
 	temp = reverseOffset(intron->start, dnaSize);
 	intron->start = reverseOffset(intron->end, dnaSize);
 	intron->end = temp;
     for (exon = gene->exons; exon != NULL; exon = exon->next)
 	temp = reverseOffset(exon->start, dnaSize);
 	exon->start = reverseOffset(exon->end, dnaSize);
 	exon->end = temp;
     gene->strand = '+';
 static struct gffSegment *dupeSegmentList(struct gffSegment *oldList,
 	struct gffSegment *newList)
 /* Duplicate a segment list into array of fresh memory. */
 struct gffSegment *oldEl, *newEl;
 if (oldList == NULL)
     return NULL;
 for (oldEl = oldList, newEl = newList; oldEl != NULL; oldEl=oldEl->next, newEl += 1)
     memcpy(newEl, oldEl, sizeof(*newEl));
     newEl->next = ((oldEl->next == NULL) ? NULL : newEl+1);
 return newList;
 struct gffGene *gffDupeGeneAndSurrounds(struct gff *gff, struct gffGene *oldGene,
     int leftExtra, int rightExtra)
 /* Make a duplicate of gene with extra DNA around coding region. 
  * gffFreeGene it when done. */
 /* In a perhaps hair brained scheme to save some cycles,
  * the memory allocation of the intron and exon lists
  * is shared with that of the gffGene itself. */
 struct gffGene *g;
 int intronCount = slCount(oldGene->introns);
 int exonCount = slCount(oldGene->exons);
 int memSize = sizeof(*g) + (intronCount + exonCount) * sizeof(struct gffSegment);
 char *memPt;
 int firstExonOffset;
 memPt = needMem(memSize);
 g = (struct gffGene *)memPt;
 memPt += sizeof(*g);
 g->exons = (struct gffSegment *)memPt;
 memPt += exonCount*sizeof(struct gffSegment);
 g->introns = (struct gffSegment *)memPt;
 g->next = NULL;
 g->start = oldGene->start;
 g->end = oldGene->end;
 g->strand = oldGene->strand;
 memcpy(g->name, oldGene->name, sizeof(g->name));
 g->exons = dupeSegmentList(oldGene->exons, g->exons);
 g->introns = dupeSegmentList(oldGene->introns, g->introns);
 if (!geneDna(gff, oldGene, leftExtra, rightExtra, 
     &g->dna, &g->dnaSize, &firstExonOffset))
     return NULL;
 fixDirectionAndOffsets(g, g->dna, g->dnaSize, firstExonOffset);
 return g;
 struct gffGene *gffDupeGene(struct gff *gff, struct gffGene *oldGene)
 /* Make a duplicate of gene (with it's own DNA) */
 return gffDupeGeneAndSurrounds(gff, oldGene, 0, 0);
 struct gffGene *gffGeneWithOwnDna(struct gff *gff, char *geneName)
 /* Find gene with given name.  Case sensitive. */
 struct gffGene *oldGene;
 oldGene = gffFindGeneIgnoreCase(gff, geneName);
 if (oldGene == NULL)
     return NULL;
 return gffDupeGene(gff, oldGene);
 void gffFreeGene(struct gffGene **pGene)
 /* Free a gene returned with dupeGene or geneWithOwnDna. 
  * (You don't want to free the ones returned by findGene,
  * they are still owned by the gff.)
 struct gffGene *g = *pGene;
 if (g == NULL)
 *pGene = NULL;
 struct dnaSeq *gffReadDnaSeq(char *fileName)
 /* Open gff file and read DNA sequence from it. */
 struct gff gff;
 struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
 if (!gffOpen(&gff, fileName))
     return NULL;
 if (gffReadDna(&gff))
     seq = newDnaSeq(gff.dna, gff.dnaSize, gff.dnaName);
     gff.dna = NULL;
 return seq;
 boolean gffOpenAndRead(struct gff *gff, char *fileName)
 /* Open up gff file and read everything in it. */
 if (gffOpen(gff, fileName))
     if (gffReadDna(gff))
 	if (gffReadGenes(gff))
 	    return TRUE;
 return FALSE;