  Tue Sep 6 21:47:53 2011 -0700
ENCODE data matrix web app.  First cut with most functionality in place, for internal feature review.  There are 3 web pages -- a Data Summary, Data Matrix, and Chip Matrix -- for both human and mouse.  This version doesn't have proper Mouse support. The Chip Matrix is missing some features present in the Data Matrix.  There are performance improvements needed (notably, additional features in hgApi to limit data transferred by organism or other filters).
diff --git src/hg/js/encodeDataSummary.js src/hg/js/encodeDataSummary.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ccd8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/js/encodeDataSummary.js
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+//encodeDataSummary.js - pull experiment table and metadata from server 
+//      and display in summary tables
+// Formatted: jsbeautify.py -j
+// Syntax checked: jslint indent:4, plusplus: true, continue: true, unparam: true, sloppy: true, browser: true */
+/*global $, encodeProject */
+$(function () {
+    var requests = [
+    // Requests to server API
+    encodeProject.serverRequests.experiment, encodeProject.serverRequests.dataType, encodeProject.serverRequests.antibody],
+        selectedDataType = null,
+        dataTypeLabelHash = {};
+    function tableOut(table, types, exps, selectableData) {
+        // Helper function to output tables to document
+        var total = 0,
+            row = 0,
+            assembly = $("#var_assembly").val();
+        // lay out table
+        $.each(exps, function (key, value) {
+            types.push(key);
+            total += parseInt(value, 10);
+        });
+        types.sort();
+        $.each(types, function (i, value) {
+            if (dataTypeLabelHash[value]) {
+                description = dataTypeLabelHash[value].description;
+            } else {
+                description = '';
+            }
+            // quote the end tags so HTML validator doesn't whine
+            $(table).append("<tr class='" +
+                (row % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd") +
+                "'><td title='" + description + "'>" + value + "<\/td><td id='" + value + "' class='dataItem' title='Click to search for " + value + " data'>" + exps[value] + "<\/td><\/tr>");
+            row++;
+        });
+        if (selectableData) {
+        // TODO: suppress 'Click' title for non-selectables
+        //if (!selectableData) {
+            //$(".dataItem").removeAttr("title");
+        //} else {
+            // set up search buttons, initially disabled (must select data to enable)
+            $(".searchButton").attr("disabled", "true");
+            $("#buttonTrackSearch").click(function () {
+                // TODO: base on preview
+                window.location = "/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=" + assembly + "&tsCurTab=advancedTab&hgt_tsPage=&hgt_tSearch=search&hgt_mdbVar1=dataType&hgt_mdbVal1=" + selectedDataType;
+            });
+            $("#buttonFileSearch").click(function () {
+                // TODO: base on preview
+                window.location = "/cgi-bin/hgFileSearch?db=" + assembly + "&tsCurTab=advancedTab&hgt_tsPage=&hgt_tSearch=search&hgt_mdbVar1=dataType&hgt_mdbVal1=" + selectedDataType;
+            });
+            // set up selectability on data types
+            $(".dataItem").addClass("selectable");
+            $(".dataItem").click(function () {
+                if (selectedDataType === null) {
+                    $(this).addClass("selected");
+                    selectedDataType = $(this).attr("id");
+                    $(".searchButton").removeAttr("disabled");
+                } else {
+                    if ($(this).hasClass("selected")) {
+                        selectedDataType = null;
+                        $(this).removeClass("selected");
+                        $(".searchButton").attr("disabled", "true");
+                    } else {
+                        $(".selected").removeClass("selected");
+                        $(this).addClass("selected");
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        $(table).append("<tr><th>Total: " + types.length + "<\/th><th>" + total + "<\/th><\/tr>");
+        if (total === 0) {
+            $(table).remove();
+        }
+    }
+    function handleServerData(responses) {
+        // Main actions, called when loading data from server is complete
+        var experiments = responses[0],
+            dataTypes = responses[1],
+            antibodies = responses[2],
+            antibodyHash = {},
+            dataTypeHash = {},
+            refGenomeExps = {},
+            cellAssayExps = {},
+            tfbsExps = {},
+            antibody, target, dataType, total, refGenomeTypes = [],
+            elementTypes = [],
+            tfbsTypes = [],
+            organism, assembly, header;
+        // variables passed in hidden fields
+        organism = $("#var_organism").val();
+        assembly = $("#var_assembly").val();
+        header = $("#var_pageHeader").val();
+        $("#pageHeader").text(header);
+        $("title").text('ENCODE ' + header);
+        $.each(antibodies, function (i, item) {
+            antibodyHash[item.term] = item;
+        });
+        $.each(dataTypes, function (i, item) {
+            dataTypeHash[item.term] = item;
+            dataTypeLabelHash[item.label] = item;
+        });
+        $.each(experiments, function (i, exp) {
+            // todo: filter out with arg to hgApi
+            if (exp.organism !== organism) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            antibody = encodeProject.antibodyFromExp(exp);
+            if (antibody) {
+                target = encodeProject.targetFromAntibody(antibody, antibodyHash);
+            }
+            // add experiments into the appropriate table object
+            if (exp.cellType === 'None') {
+                dataType = dataTypeHash[exp.dataType].label;
+                if (!refGenomeExps[dataType]) {
+                    refGenomeExps[dataType] = 0;
+                }
+                refGenomeExps[dataType]++;
+            } else if (exp.dataType === 'ChipSeq') {
+                if (!target) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                if (target.match(/^H[234]/)) {
+                    // histone mark 
+                    dataType = 'Histone ' + target;
+                    if (!cellAssayExps[dataType]) {
+                        cellAssayExps[dataType] = 0;
+                    }
+                    cellAssayExps[dataType]++;
+                } else {
+                    if (!tfbsExps[target]) {
+                        tfbsExps[target] = 0;
+                    }
+                    tfbsExps[target]++;
+                }
+            } else {
+                dataType = dataTypeHash[exp.dataType].label;
+                if (!cellAssayExps[dataType]) {
+                    cellAssayExps[dataType] = 0;
+                }
+                cellAssayExps[dataType]++;
+            }
+        });
+        // fill in tables and activate buttons
+        tableOut("#refGenomeTable", refGenomeTypes, refGenomeExps, true);
+        tableOut("#elementTable", elementTypes, cellAssayExps, false);
+        $("#buttonDataMatrix").click(function () {
+            window.location = "encodeDataMatrixHuman.html";
+        });
+        tableOut("#tfbsTable", tfbsTypes, tfbsExps, false);
+        $("#buttonChipMatrix").click(function () {
+            window.location = "encodeChipMatrixHuman.html";
+        });
+    }
+    // initialize
+    encodeProject.setup({
+        // todo: add hidden page variable for server
+        server: "hgwdev-kate.cse.ucsc.edu"
+        //server: "genome-preview.ucsc.edu"
+    });
+    encodeProject.loadAllFromServer(requests, handleServerData);