  Mon Sep 12 15:45:11 2011 -0700
Removing open hand cursor and adding toggle clicking back into image as per Angie and Jim's desires.
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index f782a43..09e90b7 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@ -1348,46 +1348,46 @@
         portX += tl.leftLabelWidth + gfxBorder;
     portWidth = portWidth-gfxBorder-insideX;
 #endif//def IMAGEv2_DRAG_SCROLL
 int arrowWidth = insideHeight;
 int arrowButtonWidth = arrowWidth + 2 * NEXT_ITEM_ARROW_BUFFER;
 int rightButtonX = portX + portWidth - arrowButtonWidth - 1;
 char buttonText[256];
 Color fillColor = lightGrayIndex();
 labelColor = blackIndex();
 hvGfxNextItemButton(hvg, rightButtonX + NEXT_ITEM_ARROW_BUFFER, y, arrowWidth, arrowWidth, labelColor, fillColor, TRUE);
 hvGfxNextItemButton(hvg, portX + NEXT_ITEM_ARROW_BUFFER, y, arrowWidth, arrowWidth, labelColor, fillColor, FALSE);
 safef(buttonText, ArraySize(buttonText), "hgt.prevItem=%s", track->track);
 mapBoxReinvoke(hvg, portX, y + 1, arrowButtonWidth, insideHeight, track, FALSE,
            NULL, 0, 0, (revCmplDisp ? "Next item" : "Prev item"), buttonText);
 char *label = (theImgBox ? track->longLabel : parentTrack->longLabel);
 int width = portWidth - (2 * arrowButtonWidth);
 int x = portX + arrowButtonWidth;
 // make toggle cover only actual label
 int size = mgFontStringWidth(font,label) + 12;  // get close enough to the label
 if (width > size)
     x += width/2 - size/2;
     width = size;
 mapBoxToggleVis(hvg, x, y + 1, width, insideHeight, (theImgBox ? track : parentTrack));
-#else///ifndef IMAGEv2_SHORT_MAPITEMS
+#else///ifndef IMAGEv2_SHORT_TOGGLE
 mapBoxToggleVis(hvg, portX + arrowButtonWidth, y + 1, portWidth - (2 * arrowButtonWidth),
                 insideHeight, (theImgBox ? track : parentTrack));
-#endif///ndef IMAGEv2_SHORT_MAPITEMS
+#endif///ndef IMAGEv2_SHORT_TOGGLE
 safef(buttonText, ArraySize(buttonText), "hgt.nextItem=%s", track->track);
 mapBoxReinvoke(hvg, portX + portWidth - arrowButtonWidth, y + 1, arrowButtonWidth, insideHeight, track, FALSE,
            NULL, 0, 0, (revCmplDisp ? "Prev item" : "Next item"), buttonText);
 static int doCenterLabels(struct track *track, struct track *parentTrack,
                                 struct hvGfx *hvg, MgFont *font, int y)
 /* Draw center labels.  Return y coord */
 if (track->limitedVis != tvHide)
     if (isCenterLabelIncluded(track))
         int trackPastTabX = (withLeftLabels ? trackTabWidth : 0);
         int trackPastTabWidth = tl.picWidth - trackPastTabX;
@@ -1400,39 +1400,39 @@
         Color labelColor = (track->labelColor ?
                             track->labelColor : track->ixColor);
         hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, insideX, y+1, insideWidth, insideHeight,
                             labelColor, font, label);
         if (track->nextItemButtonable && track->nextPrevItem && !tdbIsComposite(track->tdb))
             if (withNextItemArrows || trackDbSettingOn(track->tdb, "nextItemButton"))
                 doLabelNextItemButtons(track, parentTrack, hvg, font, y, trackPastTabX,
                         trackPastTabWidth, fontHeight, insideHeight, labelColor);
                 toggleDone = TRUE;
         if (!toggleDone)
-        #ifdef IMAGEv2_SHORT_MAPITEMS
+        #ifdef IMAGEv2_SHORT_TOGGLE
             // make toggle cover only actual label
             int size = mgFontStringWidth(font,label) + 12;  // get close enough to the label
             if (trackPastTabWidth > size)
                 trackPastTabX = insideX + insideWidth/2 - size/2;
                 trackPastTabWidth = size;
-        #endif///def IMAGEv2_SHORT_MAPITEMS
+        #endif///def IMAGEv2_SHORT_TOGGLE
             mapBoxToggleVis(hvg, trackPastTabX, y+1,trackPastTabWidth, insideHeight,
                             (theImgBox ? track : parentTrack));
         y += fontHeight;
     y += track->totalHeight(track, track->limitedVis);
 return y;
 static int doDrawItems(struct track *track, struct hvGfx *hvg, MgFont *font,
                                     int y, long *lastTime)
 /* Draw track items.  Return y coord */
 int fontHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font);
@@ -1568,57 +1568,53 @@
             if (trackIsCompositeWithSubtracks(track))  //TODO: Change when tracks->subtracks are always set for composite
                 if (isCenterLabelIncluded(track))
                     y += fontHeight;
                 struct track *subtrack;
                 for (subtrack = track->subtracks;  subtrack != NULL;subtrack = subtrack->next)
                     if (isSubtrackVisible(subtrack))
                         if(subtrack->limitedVis == tvFull)
                             y = doMapItems(subtrack, hvg, fontHeight, y);
                             if (isCenterLabelIncluded(subtrack))
                                 y += fontHeight;
-                        #ifndef IMAGEv2_DRAG_SCROLL
                             if(theImgBox && subtrack->limitedVis == tvDense)
                                 mapBoxToggleVis(hvg, trackPastTabX, y, trackPastTabWidth, track->lineHeight, subtrack);
-                        #endif///ndef IMAGEv2_DRAG_SCROLL
                             y += subtrack->totalHeight(subtrack, subtrack->limitedVis);
 		y = doMapItems(track, hvg, fontHeight, y);
             y += trackPlusLabelHeight(track, fontHeight);
     case tvDense:
         if (isCenterLabelIncluded(track))
             y += fontHeight;
         if (tdbIsComposite(track->tdb))
             mapHeight = track->height;
             mapHeight = track->lineHeight;
-    #ifndef IMAGEv2_DRAG_SCROLL
         int maxWinToDraw = getMaxWindowToDraw(track->tdb);
         if (maxWinToDraw <= 1 || (winEnd - winStart) <= maxWinToDraw)
             mapBoxToggleVis(hvg, trackPastTabX, y, trackPastTabWidth, mapHeight, track);
-    #endif///ndef IMAGEv2_DRAG_SCROLL
         y += mapHeight;
     case tvHide:
         break;  /* Do nothing; */
 return y;
 int computeScaleBar(int numBases, char scaleText[], int scaleTextSize)
 /* Do some scalebar calculations and return the number of bases the scalebar will span. */
 char *baseWord = "bases";
 int scaleBases = 0;
 int scaleBasesTextNum = 0;
@@ -2455,34 +2451,32 @@
             // data slice of tracks
             sliceOffsetY     = yStart;
             sliceHeight      = yEnd - yStart - 1;
             curImgTrack = imgBoxTrackFind(theImgBox,track->tdb,NULL);
             if(sliceHeight > 0)
                 curSlice    = imgTrackSliceUpdateOrAdd(curImgTrack,stData,theOneImg,NULL,sliceWidth[stData],sliceHeight,sliceOffsetX[stData],sliceOffsetY);
                 curMap      = sliceMapFindOrStart(curSlice,track->tdb->track,NULL); // No common linkRoot
         if (trackShouldUseAjaxRetrieval(track))
             y += REMOTE_TRACK_HEIGHT;
             y = doDrawItems(track, hvg, font, y, &lastTime);
-        #ifndef IMAGEv2_DRAG_SCROLL
         if (theImgBox && track->limitedVis == tvDense && tdbIsCompositeChild(track->tdb))
             mapBoxToggleVis(hvg, 0, yStart,tl.picWidth, sliceHeight,track); // Strange mabBoxToggleLogic handles reverse complement itself so x=0, width=tl.picWidth
-        #endif///ndef IMAGEv2_DRAG_SCROLL
             warn("Slice height does not add up.  Expecting %d != %d actual",yEnd - yStart - 1,y-yStart);
 /* if a track can draw its left labels, now is the time since it
  *  knows what exactly happened during drawItems
 if (withLeftLabels)
     y = yAfterRuler;
     for (flatTrack = flatTracks; flatTrack != NULL; flatTrack = flatTrack->next)
         track = flatTrack->track;