8bf3bd8ce2aac20d76aced7838628f2a343ad8ff larrym Thu Nov 3 13:15:30 2011 -0700 add replaceRegEx diff --git src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h index 25858c9..b597b1a 100644 --- src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h +++ src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h @@ -1,213 +1,218 @@ /* jsHelper - some little helper routines to manage our javascript. * We don't do much javascript - just occassionally use it so that * when they select something from a pull-down, it will go hit the server to * figure out how to reload other control options based on the choice. * (For instance if they change the group, which items in the track * drop-down need to change). * * We accomplish this by maintaining two forms - a mainForm and a * hiddenForm. The hiddenForm maintains echo's of all the variables * in the main form, which get updated onChange of controls that need * to 'ripple' to other controls. The onChange also submits the * control. */ #ifndef JSHELPER_H #define JSHELPER_H #include "cart.h" #include <regex.h> #define JS_CLEAR_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL "Clear all" #define JS_SET_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL "Set all" #define JS_DEFAULTS_BUTTON_LABEL "Set defaults" #define NEW_JQUERY 1 // temporary define turn on to test new jQuery (1.5) and jQuery UI (1.8) void jsCreateHiddenForm(struct cart *cart, char *scriptName, char **vars, int varCount); /* Create a hidden form with the given variables. Must be * called. */ void jsInit(); /* If this is the first call, set window.onload to the operations * performed upon loading a page and print supporting javascript. * Currently this just sets the page vertical position if specified on * CGI, and also calls jsWriteFunctions. * Subsequent calls do nothing, so this can be called many times. */ void jsWriteFunctions(); /* Write out Javascript functions. */ struct dyString *jsOnChangeStart(); /* Start up an onChange string */ char *jsOnChangeEnd(struct dyString **pDy); /* Finish up javascript onChange command. */ void jsDropDownCarryOver(struct dyString *dy, char *var); /* Add statement to carry-over drop-down item to dy. */ void jsTextCarryOver(struct dyString *dy, char *var); /* Add statement to carry-over text item to dy. */ void jsTrackingVar(char *jsVar, char *val); /* Emit a little Javascript to keep track of a variable. * This helps especially with radio buttons. */ void jsMakeTrackingRadioButton(char *cgiVar, char *jsVar, char *val, char *selVal); /* Make a radio button that also sets tracking variable * in javascript. */ void jsMakeTrackingCheckBox(struct cart *cart, char *cgiVar, char *jsVar, boolean usualVal); /* Make a check box filling in with existing value and * putting a javascript tracking variable on it. */ void jsTrackedVarCarryOver(struct dyString *dy, char *cgiVar, char *jsVar); /* Carry over tracked variable (radio button?) to hidden form. */ char *jsRadioUpdate(char *cgiVar, char *jsVar, char *val); /* Make a little javascript to check and uncheck radio buttons * according to new value. To use this you must have called * jsWriteFunctions somewhere, and also must use jsMakeTrackingRadioButton * to make the buttons. */ char *jsSetVerticalPosition(char *form); /* Returns a javascript statement for storing the vertical position of the * page; typically this would go just before a document submit. * jsInit must be called first. * Do not free return value! */ void jsMakeSetClearButton(struct cart *cart, char *form, char *buttonVar, char *buttonLabel, char *cartVarPrefix, struct slName *cartVarSuffixList, char *anchor, boolean currentPos, boolean isSet); /* Make a button for setting or clearing all of a list of boolean * cart variables (i.e. checkboxes). If this button was just pressed, * set or clear those cart variables. * Optional html anchor is appended to the form's action if given. * If currentPos, anchor is ignored and jsSetVerticalPosition is used so * that the new page gets the same vertical offset as the current page. */ void jsMakeCheckboxGroupSetClearButton(char *buttonVar, boolean isSet); /* Make a button for setting or clearing a set of checkboxes with the same name. * Uses only javascript to change the checkboxes, no resubmit. */ char *jsPressOnEnter(char *button); /* Returns a javascript statement that clicks button when the Enter key * has been pressed; typically this would go in a text input. * jsInit must be called first. * Do not free return value! */ void jsIncludeFile(char *fileName, char *noScriptMsg); /* Prints out html to include given javascript file from the js directory; suppresses redundant * <script ...> tags if called repeatedly. * <noscript>...</noscript> tags are provided automatically. The noscript message may be specified via * the noScriptMsg parameter (the string may contain HTML markup). A default msg is provided * if noScriptMsg == NULL; noscript msg is suppressed if noScriptMsg == "" (this is useful * if you want to more carefully control where the message will appear on the page). */ char *jsCheckAllOnClickHandler(char *idPrefix, boolean state); /* Returns javascript for use as an onclick attribute value to apply "check all"/"uncheck all" * to all checkboxes with given idPrefix. * state parameter determines whether to "check all" or "uncheck all" (TRUE means "check all"). */ void cgiMakeCheckAllSubmitButton(char *name, char *value, char *id, char *idPrefix, boolean state); /* Make submit button which uses javascript to apply check all or uncheck all to all * checkboxes with given idPrefix. * state parameter determines whether to "check all" or "uncheck all" (TRUE means "check all"). * id parameter may be NULL */ char *jsStripJavascript(char *str); /* Strip out anything that looks like javascript in html string. This function is designed to cleanup user input (e.g. to avoid XSS attacks). Returned string should be free'ed after use. */ char *stripRegEx(char *str, char *regEx, int flags); /* Strip out text matching regEx from str. flags is passed through to regcomp as the cflags argument. Returned string should be free'ed after use. */ +char *replaceRegEx(char *str, char *replace, char *regEx, int flags); +/* Replace text matching regEx in str with replace string. + flags is passed through to regcomp as the cflags argument. + Returned string should be free'ed after use. */ + void jsBeginCollapsibleSection(struct cart *cart, char *track, char *section, char *sectionTitle, boolean isOpenDefault); /* Make the hidden input, collapse/expand button and <TR id=...> needed for utils.js's * setTableRowVisibility(). Caller needs to have already created a <TABLE> and <FORM>. */ void jsEndCollapsibleSection(); /* End the collapsible <TR id=...>. */ /* JSON Element code let's you build up a DOM like data structure in memory and then serialize it into html for communication with client side code. */ // supported types typedef enum _jsonElementType { jsonList = 0, jsonHash = 1, jsonNumber = 2, jsonDouble = 3, jsonBoolean = 4, jsonString = 5 } jsonElementType; struct jsonElement { jsonElementType type; // rest of data is here. }; struct jsonListElement { jsonElementType type; struct slRef *list; }; struct jsonHashElement { jsonElementType type; struct hash *hash; }; struct jsonStringElement { jsonElementType type; char *str; }; struct jsonStringElement *newJsonString(char *str); struct jsonHashElement *newJsonHash(struct hash *h); struct jsonListElement *newJsonList(struct slRef *list); void jsonHashAdd(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, struct jsonElement *ele); void jsonHashAddString(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, char *val); // Add a string to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object; // existing values are replaced. void jsonHashAddNumber(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, long val); // Add a number to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object; // existing values are replaced. void jsonHashAddDouble(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, double val); void jsonHashAddBoolean(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, boolean val); // Add a boolean to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object; // existing values are replaced. void jsonListAdd(struct slRef **list, struct jsonElement *ele); void jsonListAddString(struct slRef **list, char *val); void jsonListAddNumber(struct slRef **list, long val); void jsonListAddDouble(struct slRef **list, double val); void jsonListAddBoolean(struct slRef **list, boolean val); void jsonPrint(struct jsonElement *json, char *name, int indentLevel); // print out a jsonElement void jsonErrPrintf(struct dyString *ds, char *format, ...); // Printf a json error to a dyString for communicating with ajax code; format is: // {"error": error message here} #endif /* JSHELPER_H */