  Mon Oct 10 15:50:38 2011 -0700
Bug #5591 (dup. GO id's in joining query w/knownGene, kgXref):1. Band-aid: remove successive duplicates from joined output.
It would be better to prevent duplicate queries upstream, but
significantly more work.
2. Got rid of unnecessary duplication of code (joinedTablesTabOut
and joinedTablesTabOutFile) that would have required the same fix
in two places.

diff --git src/hg/hgTables/joining.c src/hg/hgTables/joining.c
index e794c4f..49d7af2 100644
--- src/hg/hgTables/joining.c
+++ src/hg/hgTables/joining.c
@@ -1,1212 +1,1164 @@
 /* Joining.c - stuff to help create joined queries.  Most of
  * the joining is happening in C rather than SQL, mostly so
  * that we can filter on an ID hash as we go, and also deal
  * with prefixes and suffixes to the dang keys. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "memalloc.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "joiner.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgTables.h"
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: joining.c,v 1.58 2010/04/13 05:51:25 kent Exp $";
 struct joinedRow
 /* A row that is joinable.  Allocated in joinableResult->lm. */
     struct joinedRow *next;
     struct slName **fields;	/* Fields user has requested. */
     struct slName **keys;	/* Fields to key from. */
     bool passedFilter;		/* TRUE if row has passed filter at this stage. */
     bool hitThisTable;		/* TRUE if hit on this table. */
 struct joinedTables
 /* Database query result table that is joinable. */
     struct joinedTables *next;
     struct lm *lm;	/* Local memory structure - used for row allocations. */
     struct joinerDtf *fieldList;	/* Fields user has requested. */
     int fieldCount;	/* Number of fields - calculated at start of load. */
     struct joinerDtf *keyList;	/* List of keys. */
     int keyCount;	/* Number of keys- calculated at start of load. */
     struct joinedRow *rowList;	/* Rows - allocated in lm. */
     int rowCount;	/* Number of rows. */
     int maxRowCount;	/* Max row count allowed (0 means no limit) */
     struct dyString *filter;  /* Filter if any applied. */
-static void joinedTablesTabOut(struct joinedTables *joined)
-/* Write out fields. */
-struct joinedRow *jr;
-struct joinerDtf *field;
-int outCount = 0;
-/* Print out field names. */
-if (joined->filter)
-    {
-    hPrintf("#filter: %s\n", joined->filter->string);
-    }
-for (field = joined->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
-    {
-    hPrintf("%s.%s.%s", field->database, field->table, field->field);
-    if (field->next == NULL)
-        hPrintf("\n");
-    else
-        hPrintf("\t");
-    }
-for (jr = joined->rowList; jr != NULL; jr = jr->next)
-    {
-    int i;
-    if (jr->passedFilter)
-	{
-	for (i=0; i<joined->fieldCount; ++i)
-	    {
-	    struct slName *s;
-	    if (i != 0)
-		hPrintf("\t");
-	    s = jr->fields[i];
-	    if (s == NULL)
-	        hPrintf("n/a");
-	    else if (s->next == NULL)
-	        hPrintf("%s", s->name);
-	    else
-	        {
-		while (s != NULL)
-		    {
-		    hPrintf("%s,", s->name);
-		    s = s->next;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	hPrintf("\n");
-	++outCount;
-	}
-    }
 static void joinedTablesTabOutFile(struct joinedTables *joined, FILE *f)
 /* write out fields to file handle */
 struct joinedRow *jr;
 struct joinerDtf *field;
 int outCount = 0;
+if (f == NULL)
+    f = stdout;
 /* Print out field names. */
 if (joined->filter)
     fprintf(f, "#filter: %s\n", joined->filter->string);
 fprintf(f, "#");
 for (field = joined->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
     fprintf(f, "%s.%s.%s", field->database, field->table, field->field);
     if (field->next == NULL)
         fprintf(f, "\n");
         fprintf(f, "\t");
 for (jr = joined->rowList; jr != NULL; jr = jr->next)
     int i;
     if (jr->passedFilter)
 	for (i=0; i<joined->fieldCount; ++i)
 	    struct slName *s;
 	    if (i != 0)
                 fprintf(f, "\t");
 	    s = jr->fields[i];
 	    if (s == NULL)
                 fprintf(f, "n/a");
 	    else if (s->next == NULL)
 	        fprintf(f, "%s", s->name);
+		char *lastS = NULL;
 		while (s != NULL)
+		    if (lastS == NULL || !sameString(lastS, s->name))
 		    fprintf(f, "%s,", s->name);
+		    lastS = s->name;
 		    s = s->next;
 	fprintf(f, "\n");
 static struct joinedTables *joinedTablesNew(int fieldCount, 
 	int keyCount, int maxRowCount)
 /* Make up new empty joinedTables. */
 struct joinedTables *jt;
 struct lm *lm;
 lm = jt->lm = lmInit(64*1024);
 jt->fieldCount = fieldCount;
 jt->keyCount = keyCount;
 jt->maxRowCount = maxRowCount;
 return jt;
 static void joinedTablesFree(struct joinedTables **pJt)
 /* Free up joinable table and associated rows. */
 struct joinedTables *jt = *pJt;
 if (jt != NULL)
 static struct joinedRow *jrRowAdd(struct joinedTables *joined, char **row,
 	int fieldCount, int keyCount)
 /* Add new row to joinable table. */
 if (joined->maxRowCount != 0 && joined->rowCount >= joined->maxRowCount)
     warn("Stopping after %d rows, try restricting region or adding filter", 
     return NULL;
     struct joinedRow *jr;
     int i;
     struct lm *lm = joined->lm;
     lmAllocVar(lm, jr);
     lmAllocArray(lm, jr->fields, joined->fieldCount);
     lmAllocArray(lm, jr->keys, joined->keyCount);
     jr->passedFilter = TRUE;
     for (i=0; i<fieldCount; ++i)
 	jr->fields[i] = lmSlName(lm, row[i]);
     row += fieldCount;
     for (i=0; i<keyCount; ++i)
 	jr->keys[i] = lmSlName(lm, row[i]);
     slAddHead(&joined->rowList, jr);
     joined->rowCount += 1;
     return jr;
 static void jrRowExpand(struct joinedTables *joined, 
 	struct joinedRow *jr, char **row,
         int fieldOffset, int fieldCount, int keyOffset, int keyCount)
 /* Add some more to row. */
 int i;
 struct slName **keys = jr->keys + keyOffset;
 struct slName **fields = jr->fields + fieldOffset;
 struct lm *lm = joined->lm;
 struct slName *name;
 if (fieldCount + fieldOffset > joined->fieldCount)
 if (keyCount + keyOffset > joined->keyCount)
 for (i=0; i<fieldCount; ++i)
     name = lmSlName(lm, row[i]);
     slAddTail(&fields[i], name);
 row += fieldCount;
 for (i=0; i<keyCount; ++i)
     name = lmSlName(lm, row[i]);
     slAddHead(&keys[i], name);
 static char *chopKey(struct slName *prefixList, 
 	struct slName *suffixList, char *key)
 /* Chop off any prefixes/suffixes from key. */
 struct slName *n;
 for (n=prefixList; n != NULL; n = n->next)
     if (startsWith(n->name, key))
         key += strlen(n->name);
 for (n=suffixList; n!=NULL; n = n->next)
     char *e = strstr(key, n->name);
     if (e != NULL)
 	*e = 0;
 return key;
 static struct joinerDtf *fieldsToDtfs(struct slName *fieldList)
 /* Convert list from dotted triple to dtf format. */
 struct joinerDtf *dtfList = NULL, *dtf;
 struct slName *field;
 for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
     dtf = joinerDtfFromDottedTriple(field->name);
     slAddHead(&dtfList, dtf);
 return dtfList;
 static void makeOrderedCommaFieldList(struct slName *orderList, 
 	struct joinerDtf *dtfList, struct dyString *dy)
 /* Given list in order, and a subset of fields to use, make
  * a comma separated list of that subset in order. */
 struct joinerDtf *dtf;
 struct slName *order;
 boolean first = TRUE;
 struct hash *dtfHash = newHash(8);
 /* Build up hash of field names. */
 for (dtf = dtfList; dtf != NULL; dtf = dtf->next)
     hashAdd(dtfHash, dtf->field, NULL);
 for (order = orderList; order != NULL; order = order->next)
     if (hashLookup(dtfHash, order->name))
 	if (first)
 	    first = FALSE;
 	    dyStringAppendC(dy, ',');
 	dyStringAppend(dy, order->name);
 void makeDbOrderedCommaFieldList(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
 	char *table, struct joinerDtf *dtfList, struct dyString *dy)
 /* Assumes that dtfList all points to same table.  This will return 
  * a comma-separated field list in the same order as the fields are 
  * in database. */
 char *split = chromTable(conn, table);
 struct slName *fieldList = sqlListFields(conn, split);
 makeOrderedCommaFieldList(fieldList, dtfList, dy);
 static void makeCtOrderedCommaFieldList(struct joinerDtf *dtfList, 
 	struct dyString *dy)
 /* Make comma-separated field list in same order as fields are in
  * custom track. */
 char *track = dtfList->table;
 struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(track);
 char *type = ct->dbTrackType;
 struct slName *fieldList = NULL;
 if (startsWithWord("makeItems", type) || sameWord("bedDetail", type) || sameWord("pgSnp", type))
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
     fieldList = sqlListFields(conn, ct->dbTableName);
     fieldList = getBedFields(15);
 makeOrderedCommaFieldList(fieldList, dtfList, dy);
 static void makeBigBedOrderedCommaFieldList(struct joinerDtf *dtfList,
 	struct dyString *dy)
 /* Make comma-separated field list in same order as fields are in
  * big bed. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(dtfList->database);
 struct slName *fieldList = bigBedGetFields(dtfList->table, conn);
 makeOrderedCommaFieldList(fieldList, dtfList, dy);
 static void makeBamOrderedCommaFieldList(struct joinerDtf *dtfList,
 	struct dyString *dy)
 /* Make comma-separated field list in same order as fields are in
  * big bed. */
 struct slName *fieldList = bamGetFields(dtfList->table);
 makeOrderedCommaFieldList(fieldList, dtfList, dy);
 static void makeVcfOrderedCommaFieldList(struct joinerDtf *dtfList,
 	struct dyString *dy)
 /* Make comma-separated field list in same order as fields are in
  * big bed. */
 struct slName *fieldList = vcfGetFields(dtfList->table);
 makeOrderedCommaFieldList(fieldList, dtfList, dy);
 struct tableJoiner
 /* List of fields in a single table. */
     struct tableJoiner *next;	/* Next in list. */
     char *database;		/* Database we're in.  Not alloced here. */
     char *table;		/* Table we're in.  Not alloced here. */
     struct joinerDtf *fieldList;	/* Fields. */
     struct slRef *keysOut;	/* Keys that connect to output.
                                  * Value is joinerPair. */
     boolean loaded;	/* If true is loaded. */
 void tableJoinerFree(struct tableJoiner **pTf)
 /* Free up memory associated with tableJoiner. */
 struct tableJoiner *tj = *pTf;
 if (tj != NULL)
 void tableJoinerFreeList(struct tableJoiner **pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated tableJoiner's */
 struct tableJoiner *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 static void orderFieldsInTable(struct tableJoiner *tj)
 /* Rearrange order of fields in tj->fieldList so that 
  * they are the same as the order in the database. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(tj->database);
 char *splitTable = chromTable(conn, tj->table);
 struct hash *fieldHash = hashNew(0);
 struct slName *field, *fieldList = sqlListFields(conn, splitTable);
 struct joinerDtf *dtf, *newList = NULL;
 /* Build up hash of field names. */
 for (dtf = tj->fieldList; dtf != NULL; dtf = dtf->next)
     hashAdd(fieldHash, dtf->field, dtf);
 /* Build up new list in correct order. */
 for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
     dtf = hashFindVal(fieldHash, field->name);
     if (dtf != NULL)
 	slAddHead(&newList, dtf);
 tj->fieldList = newList;
 static void addDtfListToBundle(struct hash *hash, struct tableJoiner **pList,
 	struct joinerDtf *dtfList, boolean addField)
 /* Add table to hash/list if haven't seen it already.  Optionally add
  * field to table. */
 char fullName[256];
 struct joinerDtf *dtf, *dupe;
 struct tableJoiner *tj;
 for (dtf = dtfList; dtf != NULL; dtf = dtf->next)
     safef(fullName, sizeof(fullName), "%s.%s", dtf->database, dtf->table);
     tj = hashFindVal(hash, fullName);
     if (tj == NULL)
 	hashAdd(hash, fullName, tj);
 	tj->database = dtf->database;
 	tj->table = dtf->table;
 	slAddHead(pList, tj);
     if (addField)
 	dupe = joinerDtfClone(dtf);
 	slAddTail(&tj->fieldList, dupe);
 static struct tableJoiner *bundleFieldsIntoTables(struct joinerDtf *resultFields,
 	struct joinerDtf *filterTables)
 /* Convert list of fields to list of tables.  */
 struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
 struct tableJoiner *tjList = NULL, *tj;
 addDtfListToBundle(hash, &tjList, resultFields, TRUE);
 addDtfListToBundle(hash, &tjList, filterTables, FALSE);
 for (tj = tjList; tj != NULL; tj = tj->next)
 return tjList;
 static struct joinerDtf *tableToDtfs(struct tableJoiner *tjList)
 /* Make dtfList from tjList, with empty field fields. */
 struct joinerDtf *list = NULL, *dtf;
 struct tableJoiner *tj;
 for (tj = tjList; tj != NULL; tj = tj->next)
     dtf = joinerDtfNew(tj->database, tj->table, NULL);
     slAddHead(&list, dtf);
 return list;
 static struct tableJoiner *findTable(struct tableJoiner *tjList, char *db, char *table)
 /* Find table that matches. */
 struct tableJoiner *tj;
 char dbTableBuf[256];
 dbOverrideFromTable(dbTableBuf, &db, &table);
 for (tj = tjList; tj != NULL; tj = tj->next)
     if (sameString(tj->database,db) && sameString(tj->table, table))
         return tj;
 return NULL;
 int tableFieldsCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two tableJoiner. */
 const struct tableJoiner *a = *((struct tableJoiner **)va);
 const struct tableJoiner *b = *((struct tableJoiner **)vb);
 int diff;
 diff = strcmp(a->database, b->database);
 if (diff == 0)
     diff = strcmp(a->table, b->table);
 return diff;
 void orderTables(struct tableJoiner **pTfList, char *primaryDb, char *primaryTable)
 /* Order table list so that primary table is first and the rest are
  * alphabetical.  This is the order they are listed in the UI.
  * (However we get them scrambled since the CGI variables are not
  * ordered.)*/
 struct tableJoiner *tjList = *pTfList;
 struct tableJoiner *primaryTf = findTable(tjList, primaryDb, primaryTable);
 if (primaryTf != NULL)
     slRemoveEl(&tjList, primaryTf);
 slSort(&tjList, tableFieldsCmp);
 if (primaryTf != NULL)
     slAddHead(&tjList, primaryTf);
 *pTfList = tjList;
 boolean inKeysOut(struct tableJoiner *tj, struct joinerPair *route)
 /* See if key implied by route is already in tableJoiner. */
 struct slRef *ref;
 for (ref = tj->keysOut; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
     struct joinerPair *jp = ref->val;
     struct joinerDtf *a = jp->a;
     if (sameString(a->database, route->a->database)
      && sameString(a->table, route->a->table)
      && sameString(a->field, route->a->field))
          return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 void addOutKeys(struct hash *tableHash, struct joinerPair *routeList, 
 	struct tableJoiner **pTfList)
 /* Add output keys to tableJoiners.  These are in table hash.
  * We may also have to add some fieldLess tables to the mix,
  * which will get appended to *pTfList, and added to the hash
  * if need be. */
 struct joinerPair *route;
 struct tableJoiner *tj;
 char fullName[256];
 for (route = routeList; route != NULL; route = route->next)
     struct joinerDtf *a = route->a;
     safef(fullName, sizeof(fullName), "%s.%s", a->database, a->table);
     tj = hashFindVal(tableHash, fullName);
     if (tj == NULL)
 	tj->database = a->database;
 	tj->table = a->table;
 	slAddTail(pTfList, tj);
 	hashAdd(tableHash, fullName, tj);
     if (!inKeysOut(tj, route))
 	refAdd(&tj->keysOut, route);
 void dyStringAddList(struct dyString *dy, char *s)
 /* Add s to end of string.  If string is non-empty
  * first add comma.  This make it relatively easy to
  * build up comma-separates lists. */
 if (dy->stringSize > 0)
     dyStringAppendC(dy, ',');
 dyStringAppend(dy, s);
 void tjLoadSome(struct region *regionList,
     struct joinedTables *joined, int fieldOffset, int keyOffset,
     char *idField, struct hash *idHash, 
     struct slName *chopBefore, struct slName *chopAfter,
     struct tableJoiner *tj, boolean isPositional, boolean isFirst)
 /* Load up rows. */
 struct region *region;
 struct dyString *sqlFields = dyStringNew(0);
 struct joinerDtf *dtf;
 struct slRef *ref;
 struct joinerPair *jp;
 int fieldCount = 0, keyCount = 0;
 int idFieldIx = -1;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(tj->database);
 char *identifierFilter = NULL;
 char *filter;
 boolean needUpdateFilter = FALSE;
 struct joinedRow *jr;
 if (isFirst)
     identifierFilter = identifierWhereClause(idField, idHash);
 filter = filterClause(tj->database, tj->table, regionList->chrom, identifierFilter);
 /* Record combined filter. */
 // Show only the SQL filter built from filter page options, not identifierFilter,
 // because identifierFilter can get enormous (like 126kB for 12,500 rsIDs).
 char *filterNoIds = filterClause(tj->database, tj->table, regionList->chrom, NULL);
 if (filterNoIds != NULL)
     if (joined->filter == NULL)
 	joined->filter = dyStringNew(0);
 	dyStringAppend(joined->filter, " AND ");
     dyStringAppend(joined->filter, filterNoIds);
     if (!isFirst)
         needUpdateFilter = TRUE;
 	for (jr = joined->rowList; jr != NULL; jr = jr->next)
 	    jr->hitThisTable = FALSE;
 /* Create field spec for sql - first fields user will see, and
  * second keys if any. */
 for (dtf = tj->fieldList; dtf != NULL; dtf = dtf->next)
     struct joinerDtf *dupe = joinerDtfClone(dtf);
     slAddTail(&joined->fieldList, dupe);
     dyStringAddList(sqlFields, dtf->field);
 for (ref = tj->keysOut; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
     struct joinerDtf *dupe;
     jp = ref->val;
     dupe = joinerDtfClone(jp->a);
     slAddTail(&joined->keyList, dupe);
     dyStringAddList(sqlFields, jp->a->field);
 if (idHash != NULL)
     if (idField == NULL)
     idFieldIx = fieldCount + keyCount;
     dyStringAddList(sqlFields, idField);
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
     char **row;
     /* We free at end of loop so we get new one for each chromosome. */
     char *filter = filterClause(tj->database, tj->table, region->chrom, identifierFilter);
     struct sqlResult *sr = regionQuery(conn, tj->table, 
     	sqlFields->string, region, isPositional, filter);
     while (sr != NULL && (row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	if (idFieldIx < 0)
 	    if (jrRowAdd(joined, row, fieldCount, keyCount) == NULL)
 	    char *id = row[idFieldIx];
 	    if (isFirst)
 		if (hashLookup(idHash, id))
 		    if (jrRowAdd(joined, row, fieldCount, keyCount) == NULL)
 		struct hashEl *bucket;
 		id = chopKey(chopBefore, chopAfter, id);
 		for (bucket = hashLookup(idHash, id); bucket != NULL;
 		     bucket = hashLookupNext(bucket))
 		     jr = bucket->val;
 		     jr->hitThisTable = TRUE;
 		     jrRowExpand(joined, jr, row, 
 		    	fieldOffset, fieldCount, keyOffset, keyCount);
     if (!isPositional)
 if (isFirst)
 if (needUpdateFilter)
     for (jr = joined->rowList; jr != NULL; jr = jr->next)
 	jr->passedFilter &= jr->hitThisTable;
 tj->loaded = TRUE;
 struct joinedTables *tjLoadFirst(struct region *regionList,
 	struct tableJoiner *tj, int totalFieldCount,
 	int totalKeyCount, int maxRowCount)
 /* Load up first table in series of joined tables.  This allocates
  * field and key arrays big enough for all. */
 struct joinedTables *joined = joinedTablesNew(totalFieldCount, 
 	totalKeyCount, maxRowCount);
 struct hash *idHash = NULL;
 struct hTableInfo *hti = getHtiOnDb(tj->database, tj->table);
 char *idField = getIdField(tj->database, curTrack, tj->table, hti);
 if (idField != NULL)
     idHash = identifierHash(tj->database, tj->table);
 tjLoadSome(regionList, joined, 0, 0, 
 	idField, idHash, NULL, NULL, tj, 
 	isPositional(tj->database, tj->table), TRUE);
 return joined;
 int findDtfIndex(struct joinerDtf *list, struct joinerDtf *dtf)
 /* Find dtf on list. */
 struct joinerDtf *el;
 int ix;
 for (el = list, ix=0; el != NULL; el = el->next, ++ix)
     if (sameString(el->database, dtf->database)
      && sameString(el->table, dtf->table)
      && sameString(el->field, dtf->field))
         return ix;
 return -1;
 struct hash *hashKeyField(struct joinedTables *joined, int keyIx,
 	struct joinerField *jf)
 /* Make a hash based on key field. */
 int hashSize = digitsBaseTwo(joined->rowCount);
 struct hash *hash = NULL;
 struct joinedRow *jr;
 if (hashSize > 20)
     hashSize = 20;
 hash = newHash(hashSize);
 for (jr = joined->rowList; jr != NULL; jr = jr->next)
     struct slName *key;
     for (key = jr->keys[keyIx]; key != NULL; key = key->next)
 	if (jf->separator == NULL)
 	    char *s = chopKey(jf->chopBefore, jf->chopAfter, key->name);
 	    if (s[0] != 0)
 		hashAdd(hash, s, jr);
 	    char *s = key->name, *e;
 	    char sep = jf->separator[0];
 	    while (s != NULL && s[0] != 0)
 		e = strchr(s, sep);
 		if (e != NULL)
 		    *e++ = 0;
 		s = chopKey(jf->chopBefore, jf->chopAfter, s);
 		if (s[0] != 0)
 		    hashAdd(hash, s, jr);
 		s = e;
 return hash;
 struct tableJoiner *findTableJoiner(struct tableJoiner *list, 
     char *database, char *table)
 /* Find tableJoiner for given database/table. */
 struct tableJoiner *el;
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (sameString(el->database, database) && sameString(el->table, table))
         return el;
 return NULL;
 static struct joinerField *findJoinerField(struct joinerSet *js, 
 	struct joinerDtf *dtf)
 /* Find field in set if any that matches dtf */
 struct slRef *chain = joinerSetInheritanceChain(js), *link;
 struct joinerField *jf, *ret = NULL;
 for (link = chain; link != NULL; link = link->next)
     js = link->val;
     for (jf = js->fieldList; jf != NULL; jf = jf->next)
 	 if (sameString(dtf->table, jf->table) && sameString(dtf->field, jf->field))
 	     if (slNameInList(jf->dbList, dtf->database))
 		 ret = jf;
     if (ret != NULL)
 return ret;
 static struct joinedTables *joinedTablesCreate( struct joiner *joiner, 
 	char *primaryDb, char *primaryTable,
 	struct joinerDtf *fieldList, struct joinerDtf *filterTables,
 	int maxRowCount, struct region *regionList)
 /* Create joinedTables structure from fields. */
 struct tableJoiner *tj, *tjList = bundleFieldsIntoTables(fieldList, filterTables);
 struct joinerPair *routeList = NULL, *route;
 struct joinedTables *joined = NULL;
 struct hash *tableHash = newHash(8);
 int totalKeyCount = 0, totalFieldCount = 0;
 int curKeyCount = 0, curFieldCount = 0;
 struct joinerDtf *tableDtfs;
 for (tj = tjList; tj != NULL; tj = tj->next)
     char buf[256];
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%s", tj->database, tj->table);
     hashAdd(tableHash, buf, tj);
 orderTables(&tjList, primaryDb, primaryTable);
 tableDtfs = tableToDtfs(tjList);
 routeList = joinerFindRouteThroughAll(joiner, tableDtfs);
 if (routeList == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't find route from %s to %s via all.joiner", primaryTable, tjList->next->table);
 addOutKeys(tableHash, routeList, &tjList);
 /* If first table is non-positional then it will lead to a lot
  * of n/a's in later fields unless we treat the genome-wide. */
 if (!isPositional(tjList->database, tjList->table))
     regionList = getRegionsFullGenome();
 /* Count up total fields and keys. */
 for (tj = tjList; tj != NULL; tj = tj->next)
     totalKeyCount += slCount(tj->keysOut);
     totalFieldCount += slCount(tj->fieldList);
 /* Do first table.  This one uses identifier hash if any. */
     joined = tjLoadFirst(regionList,
 	    tjList, totalFieldCount, totalKeyCount, maxRowCount);
     curKeyCount = slCount(tjList->keysOut);
     curFieldCount = slCount(tjList->fieldList);
 /* Follow routing list for rest. */
 if (!sameString(tjList->database, routeList->a->database))
 if (!sameString(tjList->table, routeList->a->table))
 for (route = routeList; route != NULL; route = route->next)
     struct tableJoiner *tj = findTableJoiner(tjList, 
 	    route->b->database, route->b->table);
     struct joinerField *jfA = NULL, *jfB = NULL;
     if (tj == NULL)
     jfA = findJoinerField(route->identifier, route->a);
     if (jfA == NULL)
     jfB = findJoinerField(route->identifier, route->b);
     if (jfB == NULL)
     if (!tj->loaded)
 	int keyIx;
 	struct hash *keyHash = NULL;
 	keyIx = findDtfIndex(joined->keyList, route->a);
 	if (keyIx < 0)
 	keyHash = hashKeyField(joined, keyIx, jfA);
 	tjLoadSome(regionList, joined, curFieldCount, curKeyCount,
 	    route->b->field, keyHash, 
 	    jfB->chopBefore, jfB->chopAfter, 
 	    tj, isPositional(tj->database, tj->table),  FALSE);
 	curKeyCount += slCount(tj->keysOut);
 	curFieldCount += slCount(tj->fieldList);
 return joined;
 static boolean allSameTable(struct joinerDtf *fieldList, struct joinerDtf *filterTables)
 /* Return TRUE if all db/tables in fieldList and filterTables are same. */
 struct joinerDtf *first = fieldList, *dtf;
 if (first == NULL) internalErr();
 for (dtf = first->next; dtf != NULL; dtf = dtf->next)
     if (!joinerDtfSameTable(first, dtf))
         return FALSE;
 for (dtf = filterTables; dtf != NULL; dtf = dtf->next)
     if (!joinerDtfSameTable(first, dtf))
         return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 static boolean isPrimary(char *db, char *table)
 /* Return TRUE if db.table is the primary table in this query. */
 if (sameString(db, database) && sameString(table, curTable))
     return TRUE;
     char dbTable[256];
     safef(dbTable, sizeof(dbTable), "%s.%s", db, table);
     if (sameString(dbTable, curTable))
 	return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 boolean joinRequired(char *db, char *table,
 		     struct slName *fieldList,
 		     struct joinerDtf **pDtfList,
 		     struct joinerDtf **pFilterTables)
 /* Given a list of db.table.field values, determine whether a joining query 
  * will be required.  Consider not only the tables to be queried but also 
  * the tables to be filtered (which can be a different set).  If db.table 
  * is not the primary db.table in the search, no tables are to be filtered.
  * If pDtfList is not null, make it point to the list of joinerDtfs 
  * derived from fieldList. 
  * If pFilterTables is not null, make it point to the list of joinerDtfs 
  * containing the dbs and tables (but not fields) of tables to be filtered. */
 struct joinerDtf *dtfList = fieldsToDtfs(fieldList);
 struct joinerDtf *filterTables = filteringTables();
 boolean ret = FALSE;
 /* Ignore filterTables() if this query is not on the primary table. */
 if (! isPrimary(db, table))
 ret = (! allSameTable(dtfList, filterTables));
 if (pDtfList != NULL)
     *pDtfList = dtfList;
 if (pFilterTables != NULL)
     *pFilterTables = filterTables;
 return ret;
 void tabOutSelectedFields(
 	char *primaryDb,		/* The primary database. */
 	char *primaryTable, 		/* The primary table. */
 	FILE *f,			/* file for output, null for stdout */
 	struct slName *fieldList)	/* List of db.table.field */
 /* Do tab-separated output on selected fields, which may
  * or may not include multiple tables. */
 struct joinerDtf *dtfList = NULL;
 struct joinerDtf *filterTables = NULL;
 boolean doJoin = joinRequired(primaryDb, primaryTable,
 			      fieldList, &dtfList, &filterTables);
 if (! doJoin)
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(dtfList->database);
     struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
     if (isBigBed(database, dtfList->table, NULL, ctLookupName))
 	makeBigBedOrderedCommaFieldList(dtfList, dy);
     else if (isBamTable(dtfList->table))
         makeBamOrderedCommaFieldList(dtfList, dy);
     else if (isVcfTable(dtfList->table))
         makeVcfOrderedCommaFieldList(dtfList, dy);
     else if (isCustomTrack(dtfList->table))
         makeCtOrderedCommaFieldList(dtfList, dy);
 	makeDbOrderedCommaFieldList(conn, dtfList->table, dtfList, dy);
     doTabOutTable(dtfList->database, dtfList->table, f, conn, dy->string);
     struct joiner *joiner = allJoiner;
     struct joinedTables *joined = joinedTablesCreate(joiner, 
     	primaryDb, primaryTable, dtfList, filterTables, 1000000, getRegions());
-    if (f == NULL)
-        joinedTablesTabOut(joined);
-    else
         joinedTablesTabOutFile(joined, f);
 static struct slName *getBedFieldSlNameList(struct hTableInfo *hti,
 					    char *db, char *table)
 /* Return the bed-compat field list for the given table, as 
  * slName list of "$db.$table.$field". */
 struct slName *snList = NULL, *sn = NULL;
 int fieldCount = 0;
 char *fields = NULL;
 char *words[16];
 char dtf[256];
 int i;
 if (hti == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't find table info for table %s.%s", db, table);
 bedSqlFieldsExceptForChrom(hti, &fieldCount, &fields);
 /* Update our notion of fieldCount -- the chrom field is omitted, and 
  * (if applicable) the reserved field is omitted too: */
 fieldCount = chopCommas(fields, words);
 for (i=fieldCount-1;  i >= 0;  i--)
     if (sameString(words[i], "0"))
     safef(dtf, sizeof(dtf), "%s.%s.%s", db, table, words[i]);
     sn = slNameNew(dtf);
     slAddHead(&snList, sn);
 safef(dtf, sizeof(dtf), "%s.%s.%s", db, table, hti->chromField);
 sn = slNameNew(dtf);
 slAddHead(&snList, sn);
 return snList;
 static int *getBedFieldIndices(struct joinedTables *joined,
 			       struct hTableInfo *hti)
 /* Go through the list of joined fields and determine how they map to bed 
  * fields. */
 int *indices = needMem(sizeof(int) * 12);
 struct joinerDtf *field = NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=0;  i < 12;  i++)
     indices[i] = -1;
 i = 0;
 for (field = joined->fieldList;  field != NULL;  field = field->next)
     if (sameString(field->field, hti->chromField))
 	indices[0] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->startField))
 	indices[1] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->endField))
 	indices[2] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->nameField))
 	indices[3] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->scoreField))
 	indices[4] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->strandField))
 	indices[5] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->cdsStartField))
 	indices[6] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->cdsEndField))
 	indices[7] = i;
     /* Reserved is skipped!  So indices after this point are 1 smaller. */
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->countField))
 	indices[8] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->endsSizesField))
 	indices[9] = i;
     else if (sameString(field->field, hti->startsField))
 	indices[10] = i;
 return indices;
 static struct bed *joinedTablesToBed(struct joinedTables *joined,
 				     struct hTableInfo *hti, int bedFieldCount,
 				     struct lm *lm)
 /* Make a bedList from the joining query results. */
 struct joinedRow *jr;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL;
 boolean isPsl = sameString("tStarts", hti->startsField);
 boolean isGenePred = sameString("exonEnds", hti->endsSizesField);
 boolean isBedWithBlocks = ((sameString("chromStarts", hti->startsField) ||
 			    sameString("blockStarts", hti->startsField))
 			   && sameString("blockSizes", hti->endsSizesField));
 boolean pslKnowIfProtein, pslIsProtein;
 int *bedFieldIndices = getBedFieldIndices(joined, hti);
 /* The reserved field is skipped, so adjust count for row creation: */
 int adjBedFieldCount = (bedFieldCount > 8) ? bedFieldCount-1 : bedFieldCount;
 char *chrom = NULL;
 for (jr = joined->rowList; jr != NULL; jr = jr->next)
     if (jr->passedFilter)
 	int i;
 	struct bed *bed = NULL;
 	char *row[16];
 	for (i=0;  i < adjBedFieldCount;  i++)
 	    if (bedFieldIndices[i] < 0)
 		row[i] = "0";
 		row[i] = jr->fields[bedFieldIndices[i]]->name;
 	if ((chrom == NULL) || (! sameString(chrom, row[0])))
 	    chrom = lmCloneString(lm, row[0]);
 	bed = bedFromRow(chrom, row+1, bedFieldCount,
 			 isPsl, isGenePred, isBedWithBlocks,
 			 &pslKnowIfProtein, &pslIsProtein, lm);
 	slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
 return bedList;
 struct bed *dbGetFilteredBedsOnRegions(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
 	char *db, char *dbVarName, char *table, char *tableVarName,
 	struct region *regionList, struct lm *lm, 
 	int *retFieldCount)
 /* Get list of beds from database, in all regions, that pass filtering. */
 /* A joining query may be required if the filter incorporates linked tables. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti = getHti(db, table, conn);
 struct slName *fieldList = getBedFieldSlNameList(hti, db, table);
 struct joinerDtf *dtfList = NULL;
 struct joinerDtf *filterTables = NULL;
 boolean doJoin = joinRequired(db, table,
 			      fieldList, &dtfList, &filterTables);
 struct region *region;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL;
 char *idField = getIdField(db, curTrack, table, hti);
 struct hash *idHash = identifierHash(db, table);
 if (! doJoin)
     for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
 	char *identifierFilter = identifierWhereClause(idField, idHash);
 	char *filter = filterClause(dbVarName, tableVarName, region->chrom, identifierFilter);
 	struct bed *bedListRegion = getRegionAsMergedBed(dbVarName, tableVarName,
 				    region, filter, idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
 	struct bed *bed, *nextBed;
 	for (bed = bedListRegion; bed != NULL; bed = nextBed)
 	    nextBed = bed->next;
 	    slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
     struct joiner *joiner = allJoiner;
     struct joinedTables *joined = joinedTablesCreate(joiner, 
     	db, table, dtfList, filterTables, 1000000, regionList);
     int bedFieldCount = hTableInfoBedFieldCount(hti);
     if (retFieldCount != NULL)
 	*retFieldCount = bedFieldCount;
     bedList = joinedTablesToBed(joined, hti, bedFieldCount, lm);
 return bedList;