  Fri Oct 21 14:38:24 2011 -0700
Moved all python scripts from /python/programs to live in sr/hg/encode as per Kate's request for all encode programs in a common place.
diff --git python/programs/qaInit/qaInit python/programs/qaInit/qaInit
deleted file mode 100755
index f2fcd2c..0000000
--- python/programs/qaInit/qaInit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os, re, argparse, subprocess, math, datetime
-from ucscgenomics import ra, track
-def getMethods(qaDir, args, user, d):
-	cmd = "curl -X GET http://genomewiki.cse.ucsc.edu/genecats/index.php/ENCODE_QA 2>/dev/null"
-	p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True)
-	output = p.stdout.read().split("\n")
-	r = re.compile('<li class="toclevel.*="tocnumber">(\S+)<.*="toctext">(.*)<\/span>')
-	if os.path.exists(qaDir + '/methods'):
-		return
-	f = open(qaDir + '/methods', 'w')
-	f.write(args.composite + "\n")
-	f.write(args.database + "\n")
-	f.write("Release " + args.release + "\n")
-	f.write(str(d) + "\n")
-	f.write(user + "\n")
-	f.write("\n")
-	for line in output:
-		m = r.match(line)
-		if m:
-			tabs = ""
-			for char in m.group(1):
-				if char == ".":
-					tabs = tabs + "    "
-			if tabs == "":
-				f.write("\n")
-			f.write("%s%s %s\n" % (tabs, m.group(1), m.group(2)))
-	return
-def writeClaimMail(args, user, qaDir):
-	f = open(qaDir + '/claimMail', 'w')
-	mail = """Hi Kate,
-I am claiming the %s (Release %s) %s track.
-Please let me know if there is another track you'd like me to work on instead.
-""" % (args.composite, args.release, args.database, user)
-	f.write(mail)
-	f.close()
-	return
-def makeLinks(c, args, qaDir):
-	notesfile = c._notesDirectory + "%s.release%s.notes" % (args.composite, args.release)
-	downloads = c.downloadsDirectory + "release%s" % args.release
-	if os.path.exists(qaDir + "/notes.file"):
-		os.remove(qaDir + "/notes.file")
-	os.symlink(notesfile, qaDir + "/notes.file")
-	if os.path.exists(qaDir + "/downloads"):
-		os.remove(qaDir + "/downloads")
-	os.symlink(downloads, qaDir + "/downloads")
-	return notesfile
-def parseNotes(lines):
-	tables = set()
-	gbdbs = set()
-	files = set()
-	supplemental = set()
-	others = set()
-	size = ""
-	switch = 0
-	p1 = re.compile('New Tables')
-	p2 = re.compile('New Download Files')
-	p3 = re.compile('New Gbdb Files')
-	p4 = re.compile('New Supplemental Files')
-	p5 = re.compile('New Other Files')
-	s = re.compile('Total: (\d+) MB')
-	e = re.compile('^$')
-	for i in lines:
-		if p1.search(i):
-			switch = 1
-			continue
-		if p2.search(i):
-			switch = 2
-			continue
-		if p3.search(i):
-			switch = 3
-			continue
-		if p4.search(i):
-			switch = 4
-			continue
-		if p5.search(i):
-			switch = 5
-			continue
-		sm = s.match(i)
-		if sm:
-			size = sm.group(1)
-		if e.match(i):
-			switch = 0
-			#print "empty line"	
-		if switch == 1:
-			tables.add(i)
-		if switch == 2:
-			files.add(i)
-		if switch == 3:
-			gbdbs.add(i)
-		if switch == 4:
-			supplemental.add(i)
-		if switch == 5:
-			others.add(i)
-	return tables, gbdbs, files, supplemental, others, str(size)
-def writeTableMail(tables, args, user, qaDir):
-	tablestr = ""
-	if tables:
-		sep = ""
-		tablestr = sep.join(list(sorted(tables)))
-		mail = """Hi Pushers,
-For the *%s* database (2 part request):
-1) Please push trackDb and friends
-2) Please push these %s tables:
-from mysqlbeta -> mysqlrr
-Reason: releasing ENCODE %s track on %s to the RR http://redmine.soe.ucsc.edu/issues/%s
-Thank you!
-""" % (args.database, len(tables), tablestr, args.composite, args.database, args.redmine, user)
-	else:
-		mail = """Hi Pushers,
-For the *%s* database:
-1) Please push trackDb and friends
-from mysqlbeta -> mysqlrr
-Reason: releasing _____(fill in metadata or trackDb changes)____ for ENCODE %s track on %s to the RR
-Thank you!
-""" % (args.database, args.composite, args.database, user)
-	f = open(qaDir + "/pushTableMail", "w")
-	f.write(mail)
-	f.close
-	if not tablestr:
-                return ""
-	f = open(qaDir + "/tableList", "w")
-	f.write(tablestr)
-	f.close
-	return tablestr
-def writeGbdbMail(gbdbs, args, user, qaDir):
-	sep = ""
-	gbdbstr = sep.join(list(sorted(gbdbs)))
-	mail = """
-Hi Pushers,
-Please push these %s gbdb files:
-\tfrom hgwdev --> hgnfs1
-Reason: staging %s %s track on beta, http://redmine.soe.ucsc.edu/issues/%s
-Thank You!
-""" % (len(gbdbs), gbdbstr, args.composite, args.database, args.redmine, user)
-	f = open(qaDir + "/pushGbdbsMail", "w")
-	f.write(mail)
-	f.close()
-	return gbdbstr
-def writeFileMail(files, others, args, user, qaDir, c):
-	sep = ""
-	filestr = sep.join(list(sorted(files | others)))
-	mail = """Hi Pushers,
-Please push these %s files:
-from hgwdev to hgdownload:
-Please note the destination on hgdownload is *one directory above the location on dev*
-Reason: releasing ENCODE %s on %s to the RR http://redmine.soe.ucsc.edu/issues/%s
-""" % (len(files|others), filestr, c._rrHttpDir, args.composite, args.database, args.redmine, user)
-	f = open(qaDir + "/pushFilesMail", "w")
-	f.write(mail)
-	f.close()
-	subIds = dict()
-	mdb = c.alphaMetaDb
-	p = re.compile('.*(wgE.*)')
-	for i in files:
-		m = p.match(i)
-		file = m.group(1)
-		filestanza = mdb.filter(lambda s: re.match(".*%s.*" % file,s['fileName']), lambda s: s)
-		if filestanza:
-			for j in filestanza:
-				if 'subId' in j:
-					if not j['subId'] in subIds:
-						subIds[j['subId']] = 1
-	return filestr, set(sorted(subIds.keys()))
-def writeHtml(args, c, qaDir):
-	f = open(c._trackDbPath, "r")
-	lines = f.readlines()
-	f.close
-	short = ""
-	long = ""
-	for i in lines:
-		m = re.match('((long|short)Label)\s+(.*)', i)
-		if m:
-			if m.group(1) == 'longLabel':
-				long = m.group(3)
-			if m.group(1) == 'shortLabel':
-				short = m.group(3)
-	html = """<TR>
-        <TD><A HREF="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/%s/encodeDCC/%s/"
-        TARGET=_BLANK>%s</A></TD>
-        <TD>%s</TD>
-</TR>""" % (args.database, args.composite, short, long)
-	f = open(qaDir + "/htmlDownloadSnippet", "w")
-	f.write(html)
-	f.close()
-	return short, long
-def runScript(args, qaDir):
-	cmd = "qaEncodeTracks.csh %s %s/tableList 2>&1" % (args.database, qaDir)
-	p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True)
-	output = p.stdout.read()
-	f = open(qaDir + "/script.output", "w")
-	sep = ""
-	outstr = sep.join(output)
-	f.write(outstr)
-	f.close()
-	return
-def writeSql(tablestr, filestr, gbdbstr, d, short, long, args, notes, size, user, qaDir):
-	newYN = "Y"
-	if int(args.release) > 1:
-		newYN = "N"
-	sql = """tbls={
-}""" % (tablestr, filestr + "\n" + gbdbstr, size, user, str(d), str(d), short, long, args.database, newYN, args.redmine, notes, args.database, args.composite) 
-	f = open(qaDir + "/release.sql", "w")
-	f.write(sql)
-	f.close()
-	return
-def writePushHtmlMail(args, user, qaDir):
-	downloads = 'downloads.html'
-	if re.match('mm\S+', args.database):
-		downloads = downloadsMouse.html
-	mail = """Hi Pushers,
-Please push the following file:
-from hgwbeta --> RR.
-Reason: added the newly released ENCODE %s %s
-""" % (downloads, args.composite, args.database, user)
-def changeStatus(subIds):
-	for i in subIds:
-		cmd = "encodeStatus.pl %s reviewing 2>&1" % (i)
-		p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True)
-		output = p.stdout.read()
-	return
-def main():
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        prog='qaInit',
-        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
-        description='Initializes QA directory for claiming a release',
-        epilog=
-qaInir hg19 wgEncodeSydhTfbs 1 69
-        )
-	parser.add_argument('database', help='The database, typically hg19 or mm9')
-	parser.add_argument('composite', help='The composite name, wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeq for instance')
-	parser.add_argument('release', help='The new release to be released')
-	parser.add_argument('redmine', help='The Redmins issue number')
-	args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
-	user = os.environ['USER']
-	c = track.CompositeTrack(args.database, args.composite)
-	qaDir = c.qaInitDir + "release%s" % args.release 
-	d = datetime.date.today()
-	if not os.path.exists(qaDir):
-		os.makedirs(qaDir)
-	getMethods(qaDir, args, user, d)
-	makeLinks(c, args, qaDir)
-	notesFile = makeLinks(c, args, qaDir)
-	writeClaimMail(args, user, qaDir)
-	m = re.match('.*(kent/.*)', notesFile)
-	notes = m.group(1)
-	f = open(notesFile, "r")
-	lines = f.readlines()
-	if not re.match('mkChangeNotes v2', lines[0]):
-		print "notes files is not the correct version"
-		return
-	(tables, gbdbs, files, supplemental, others, size) = parseNotes(lines)
-	tablestr = writeTableMail(tables, args, user, qaDir)
-	gbdbstr = writeGbdbMail(gbdbs, args, user, qaDir)
-	(filestr, subIds) = writeFileMail(files, supplemental | others, args, user, qaDir, c)
-	(short, long) = writeHtml(args, c, qaDir)
-	writePushHtmlMail(args, user, qaDir)
-	writeSql(tablestr, filestr, gbdbstr, d, short, long, args, notes, size, user, qaDir)
-	changeStatus(subIds)
-	#runScript(args, qaDir)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	main()