  Fri Oct 21 14:38:24 2011 -0700
Moved all python scripts from /python/programs to live in sr/hg/encode as per Kate's request for all encode programs in a common place.
diff --git python/programs/trackInfo/trackInfo python/programs/trackInfo/trackInfo
deleted file mode 100755
index e1b4038..0000000
--- python/programs/trackInfo/trackInfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os, shutil, argparse
-from ucscgenomics import ra, soft, track, styles
-def filesize(val):
-	if val > 1099511627776:
-		return str(round(float(val) / 1099511627776, 2)) + 'TB'
-	if val > 1073741824:
-		return str(round(float(val) / 1073741824, 2)) + 'GB'
-	if val > 1048576:
-		return str(round(float(val) / 1048576, 2)) + 'MB'
-	if val > 1024:
-		return str(round(float(val) / 1024, 2)) + 'KB'
-	else:
-		return str(val) + 'B'
-def getFileType(filename):
-	filename.replace('.gz', '')
-	return filename.rsplit('.')[1]
-def isRawFile(filename):
-	return (getFileType(filename) == 'fastq' or getFileType(filename) == 'fasta')
-def isSupplimentaryFile(filename):
-	return not isRawFile(filename)
-def createMappings(mdb):
-	expIds = dict()
-	geoMapping = dict()
-	series = None
-	for stanza in mdb.itervalues():
-		if 'objType' in stanza and stanza['objType'] == 'composite':
-			series = stanza
-			continue
-		if 'expId' not in stanza:
-			continue
-		expId = int(stanza['expId'])
-		if expId not in expIds:
-			expIds[expId] = list()
-		expIds[expId].append(stanza)
-		if 'geoSampleAccession' in stanza:
-			# otherwise we keep track of the geo number for partially submitted samples
-			if expId not in geoMapping:
-				geoMapping[expId] = stanza['geoSampleAccession']
-			elif geoMapping[expId] != 'Inconsistent' and geoMapping[expId] != stanza['geoSampleAccession']:
-				geoMapping[expId] = 'Inconsistent'
-	return expIds, geoMapping, series
-def main():
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Provides information about a composite track.\nRed - Missing\nBlue - Already submitted\nYellow - Inconsistent GEO Accession per sample\nGreen - GEO Accession Number\nWhite - Unsubmitted file')
-	parser.add_argument('-u', '--unsubmitted', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not list samples that have already been submitted')
-	parser.add_argument('-m', '--missing', action='store_true', default=False, help='List only missing files')
-	parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show file sizes')
-	parser.add_argument('-c', '--collapse', action='store_true', default=False, help='Collapses all sample files, showing just the sample list')
-	parser.add_argument('-t', '--trackPath', help='Overrides the default track path ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/')
-	parser.add_argument('database', help='The database, typically hg19 or mm9')
-	parser.add_argument('composite', help='The composite name, wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeq for instance')
-	parser.add_argument('expIds', nargs='*', help='Any number of expIds separated by spaces, you can also specify a range by using a hyphen, "140 150 160-170" for instance, or leave blank to specify the entire file')
-	if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-		parser.print_usage()
-		return
-	args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
-	compositeTrack = track.CompositeTrack(args.database, args.composite, args.trackPath)
-	ids = list()
-	for id in args.expIds:
-		if '-' in id:
-			start, end = id.split('-', 1)
-			ids.extend(range(int(start), int(end) + 1))
-		else:
-			ids.append(int(id))
-	expIds, geoMapping, series = createMappings(compositeTrack.alphaMetaDb)
-	if len(ids) == 0:
-		ids = expIds.keys()
-		ids.sort()
-	out = list()
-	totalsize = 0
-	filecount = 0
-	for idNum in ids:
-		samplesize = 0
-		submittedfiles = 0
-		samplefiles = 0
-		expId = expIds[idNum]
-		for stanza in expId:
-			if 'geoSampleAccession' in stanza and args.unsubmitted:
-				continue
-			if stanza['fileName'] in compositeTrack.files and not args.missing:
-				file = compositeTrack.files[stanza['fileName']]
-				samplesize = samplesize + file.size
-				samplefiles = samplefiles + 1
-				totalsize = totalsize + file.size
-				filecount = filecount + 1
-				if 'geoSampleAccession' in stanza:
-					submittedfiles = submittedfiles + 1
-		size = ''
-		if args.size:
-			size = '[%s]' % filesize(samplesize)
-		if idNum in geoMapping:
-			if geoMapping[idNum] == 'Inconsistent':
-				if not args.unsubmitted:
-					out.append('\t%s %s %s%s - %s files' % (str(idNum), styles.style(expId[0]['metaObject'], 'blue'), styles.style('[%s]' % geoMapping[idNum], 'yellow'), size, str(samplefiles)))
-			elif samplefiles == submittedfiles:
-				if not args.unsubmitted:
-					out.append('\t%s %s %s%s - %s files' % (str(idNum), styles.style(expId[0]['metaObject'], 'blue'), styles.style('[%s]' % geoMapping[idNum], 'green'), size, str(samplefiles)))
-			else:
-				out.append('\t%s %s %s%s - %s files' % (str(idNum), styles.style(expId[0]['metaObject'], 'cyan'), styles.style('[%s]' % geoMapping[idNum], 'green'), size, str(samplefiles)))
-		else:
-			out.append('\t%s %s %s - %s files' % (str(idNum), expId[0]['metaObject'], size, str(samplefiles)))
-		for stanza in expId:
-			if 'geoSampleAccession' in stanza and args.unsubmitted or args.collapse:
-				continue
-			if stanza['fileName'] in compositeTrack.files:
-				if args.missing:
-					continue
-				file = compositeTrack.files[stanza['fileName']]
-				size = ''
-				if args.size:
-					size = '[%s]' % filesize(file.size)
-				if 'geoSampleAccession' not in stanza:
-					out.append('\t\t%s %s' % (file.name, size))
-				elif idNum in geoMapping and geoMapping[idNum] == 'Inconsistent':
-					out.append('\t\t%s %s%s' % (styles.style(file.name, 'blue'), styles.style('[%s]' % stanza['geoSampleAccession'], 'green'), size))
-				else:
-					out.append('\t\t%s %s' % (styles.style(file.name, 'blue'), size))
-			else:
-				out.append('\t\t%s' % styles.style(stanza['fileName'], 'red'))
-	strsub = ''
-	if 'geoSeriesAccession' in series:
-		strsub = styles.style('[%s]' % series['geoSeriesAccession'], 'green')
-	modestr = ' '
-	for id in args.expIds:
-		modestr = modestr + id + ',' 
-	modestr = modestr[:len(modestr) - 1]
-	size = ''
-	if args.size:
-		size = '[%s]' % filesize(totalsize)
-	out.insert(0, '%s %s%s%s - %s files' % (compositeTrack.name, size, strsub, modestr, str(filecount)))
-	for line in out:
-		print line
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	main()
\ No newline at end of file