  Mon Oct 24 17:27:06 2011 -0700
changes name of variable that I already used, but not in scope or the same context, this fix is onyl for aesthetics
diff --git python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
index 1f3f8bb..56d3568 100755
--- python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
+++ python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
@@ -88,33 +88,33 @@
         #cursor.execute ("show tables like '%s%s'" % (composite, "%"))
         #tableset = set(cursor.fetchall())
         mdbtableset = set(mdb.filter(lambda s: s['objType'] == 'table' and 'tableName' in s and 'attic' not in s, lambda s: s['metaObject']))
         mdbtableset = mdbtableset - revokedset
         mdbtableset = set(mdb.filter(lambda s: s['metaObject'] in mdbtableset, lambda s: s['tableName']))
         revokedtableset = set(mdb.filter(lambda s: s['metaObject'] in revokedset, lambda s: s['tableName']))
         sep = "','"
         tablestr = sep.join(mdbtableset)
         tablestr = "'" + tablestr + "'"
         #this should really be using python's database module, but I'd need admin access to install it
         #at this point, I am just parsing the output form hgsql
         cmd = "hgsql %s -e \"select table_name from information_schema.TABLES where table_name in (%s)\"" % (database, tablestr)
         p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True)
-        output = p.stdout.read()
+        cmdoutput = p.stdout.read()
-        sqltableset = set(output.split("\n")[1:-1])
+        sqltableset = set(cmdoutput.split("\n")[1:-1])
         missingTableNames = set(mdb.filter(lambda s: s['objType'] == 'table' and 'tableName' not in s and 'attic' not in s, lambda s: s['metaObject']))
         missingFromDb = mdbtableset - sqltableset
         if missingTableNames:
             for i in missingTableNames:
                 errors.append("table: %s is type obj, but missing tableName field called by %s" % (i, status))
         if missingFromDb:
             for i in missingFromDb:
                 errors.append("table: %s table not found in Db called by %s" % (i, status))
         return (mdbtableset, revokedtableset, errors)
@@ -155,32 +155,32 @@
                     errors.append("gbdb: revoked gbdb %s does not exist in /gbdb/%s/bbi" % (j, database))
         return (gbdbfileset, revokedfileset, errors)
     def __getTableSize(self):
         (mdbtableset, database) = (self.newTableSet, self.database)
         tablesize = float(0)
         tablelist = list()
         for i in mdbtableset:
             tablelist.append("table_name = '%s'" % i)
         orsep = " OR "
         orstr = orsep.join(tablelist)
         cmd = "hgsql %s -e \"SELECT ROUND(data_length/1024/1024,2) total_size_mb, ROUND(index_length/1024/1024,2) total_index_size_mb FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE %s\"" % (database, orstr)
         p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True)
-        output = p.stdout.read()
-        for i in output.split("\n")[1:-1]:
+        cmdoutput = p.stdout.read()
+        for i in cmdoutput.split("\n")[1:-1]:
             fields = i.split()
             for j in fields:
                 tablesize = tablesize + float(j)
         return math.ceil(tablesize)
     def __checkMd5sums(self):
         (newfiles, oldfiles, loose) = (self.newReleaseFiles, self.oldReleaseFiles, self.loose)
         errors = []
         for i in oldfiles:
             if i not in newfiles:
             elif re.match('wgEncode.*', i):
                 if oldfiles[i].md5sum != newfiles[i].md5sum:
                     errors.append("file: %s have changed md5sums between releases. %s vs %s" % (i, oldfiles[i].md5sum, newfiles[i].md5sum))
         if loose: