  Fri Oct 28 20:09:25 2011 -0700
add NEW_MENUS code to experiment with using jabico derived menus (see redmine #5245)
diff --git src/hg/lib/web.c src/hg/lib/web.c
index f8d9ecb..22e42b1 100644
--- src/hg/lib/web.c
+++ src/hg/lib/web.c
@@ -7,30 +7,31 @@
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "hPrint.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "dbDb.h"
 #include "hgColors.h"
 #include "hubConnect.h"
 #include "search.h"
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 #include "axtInfo.h"
 #include "wikiLink.h"
 #include "googleAnalytics.h"
+#include "jsHelper.h"
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
 #include "errabort.h"  // FIXME tmp hack to try to find source of popWarnHandler underflows in browse
 /* phoneHome business */
 #include <utime.h>
 #include <htmlPage.h>
 #include <signal.h>
 /* phoneHome business */
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: web.c,v 1.173 2010/05/20 03:14:17 kent Exp $";
 /* flag that tell if the CGI header has already been outputed */
 boolean webHeadAlreadyOutputed = FALSE;
 /* flag that tell if text CGI header hsa been outputed */
 boolean webInTextMode = FALSE;
 static char *dbCgiName = "db";
@@ -82,41 +83,47 @@
 /* set a style to add to the header */
 extraStyle = style;
 void webStartText()
 /* output the head for a text page */
 /*printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n\n");*/
 webHeadAlreadyOutputed = TRUE;
 webInTextMode = TRUE;
+// NEW_MENUS is used to experiment with using jabico derived menus (see redmine #5245)
+// curently only used in larrym's tree
+// #define NEW_MENUS
 static void webStartWrapperDetailedInternal(struct cart *theCart,
 	char *db, char *headerText, char *textOutBuf,
 	boolean withHttpHeader, boolean withLogo, boolean skipSectionHeader,
 	boolean withHtmlHeader)
 /* output a CGI and HTML header with the given title in printf format */
 char uiState[256];
 char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
 boolean isEncode = FALSE;
+#ifndef NEW_MENUS
 boolean isGsid   = hIsGsidServer();
 boolean isGisaid = hIsGisaidServer();
 if (theCart)
     char *theGenome = NULL;
     char *genomeEnc = NULL;
     getDbAndGenome(theCart, &db, &theGenome, NULL);
     genomeEnc = cgiEncode(theGenome);
     safef(uiState, sizeof(uiState), "?%s=%s&%s=%s&%s=%u",
 	     orgCgiName, genomeEnc,
 	     dbCgiName, db,
 	     cartSessionVarName(), cartSessionId(theCart));
@@ -208,30 +215,65 @@
 	puts("<A HREF=\"http://www.genome.gov/10005107\" TARGET=\"_BLANK\">"
 	     "<IMG SRC=\"../images/ENCODE_scaleup_logo.png\" height=50 ALT=\"ENCODE Project at NHGRI\">"
 	puts("<IMG SRC=\"../images/encodeDcc.jpg\" ALT=\"ENCODE Project at UCSC\">");
 	puts("<IMG SRC=\"../images/title.jpg\">");
     puts("</TH></TR>" "\n"
     	 "" "\n" );
 /* Put up the hot links bar. */
+#ifdef NEW_MENUS
+    char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
+    jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
+    if(docRoot != NULL)
+        {
+        struct dyString *file = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", docRoot, "NavBar.html");
+        FILE *fd = fopen(dyStringContents(file), "r");
+        if(fd == NULL)
+            // fail some other way (e.g. HTTP 500)?
+            errAbort("Couldn't open header file '%s' for reading", dyStringContents(file));
+        else
+            {
+            char buf[4096];
+            while(TRUE)
+                {
+                size_t n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fd);
+                if(n)
+                    fwrite(buf, 1, n, stdout);
+                else
+                    break;
+                }
+            fclose(fd);
+            printf("<base href='http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/'>\n");
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. when running from command line)
+        // XXXX ????
+        }
 if (isGisaid)
     printf("<TABLE WIDTH='100%%' class='topBlueBar' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='2'><TR>\n");
     printf("<TD><A HREF='../index.html' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n");                           // Home
     if (haveBlat)
         printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgBlat?command=start' class='topbar'>Blat</A></TD>\n");     // Blat
     printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gisaidSample' class='topbar'>Sample View</A></TD>\n");          // Subject  View
     printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTracks%s' class='topbar'>Sequence View</A></TD>\n",uiState);  // Sequence View
     printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gisaidTable' class='topbar'>Table View</A></TD>\n");            // Table View
     printf("<TD style='width:95%%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE>\n"); // last column squeezes other columns left
 else if (isGsid)
     printf("<TABLE class='topBlueBar' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='2'><TR>\n");
     printf("<TD><A HREF='../index.html' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n");                                               // Home
@@ -331,30 +373,32 @@
             printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgGenomeHelp.html'");
         else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession"))
             printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgSessionHelp.html'");
         else if (endsWith(scriptName, "pbGateway"))
             printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/pbTracksHelpFiles/pbTracksHelp.shtml'");
         else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgVisiGene"))
             printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#VisiGeneHelp'");
             printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html'");
         printf(" class='topbar'>Help</A></TD>\n");
     printf("<TD style='width:95%%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE>\n"); // last column squeezes other columns left
 /* this HTML must be in calling code if skipSectionHeader is TRUE */
     puts(        // TODO: Replace nested tables with CSS (difficulty is that tables are closed elsewhere)
          "<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++ CONTENT TABLES +++++++++++++++++++ -->" "\n"
          "<TR><TD COLSPAN=3>\n"
          "      <!--outer table is for border purposes-->\n"
          "      <TABLE WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_BORDER "' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='1'><TR><TD>\n"
          "     <div class='subheadingBar'><div class='windowSize' id='sectTtl'>"
          "     </div></div>\n"