Merge parents 3c7f865 98180c8
  Mon Oct 31 16:18:35 2011 -0700
style.txt updated, fixed merge conflict
diff --cc python/lib/ucscgenomics/track.py
index e0f529f,00f3420..e8e5085
--- python/lib/ucscgenomics/track.py
+++ python/lib/ucscgenomics/track.py
@@@ -132,50 -132,69 +132,69 @@@
      def httpDownloadsPath(self):
          """The location of the downloadable files path in apache form"""
          if not os.path.isdir(self._httpDownloadsPath):
              raise KeyError(self._httpDownloadsPath + ' does not exist')
          return self._httpDownloadsPath
      def files(self):
          """A list of all files in the downloads directory of this composite"""
              return self._files
          except AttributeError:
              md5sums = readMd5sums(self._md5path)
              radict = dict()
 -            for stanza in self.alphaMetaDb:
 +            for stanza in self.alphaMetaDb.itervalues():
                  if 'fileName' in stanza:
                      for file in stanza['fileName'].split(','):
                          radict[file] = stanza
              self._files = dict()
              for file in os.listdir(self.downloadsDirectory):
                  if os.path.isfile(self.downloadsDirectory + file):
                      stanza = None
                      if file in radict:
                          stanza = radict[file]
                      if file in md5sums:
                          self._files[file] = TrackFile(self.downloadsDirectory + file, md5sums[file], stanza)
                          self._files[file] = TrackFile(self.downloadsDirectory + file, None, stanza)
              return self._files
+     @property 
+     def qaInitDir(self):
+         qaDir = '/hive/groups/encode/encodeQa/' + self._database + '/' + self._name + '/'
+         if os.path.exists(qaDir) and os.path.isdir(qaDir):
+             pass
+         else:
+             os.makedirs(qaDir)
+         self._qaDir = qaDir
+         return qaDir
+     @property 
+     def qaInitDirTest(self):
+         qaDir = '/hive/groups/encode/encodeQa/test/' + self._database + '/' + self._name + '/'
+         if os.path.exists(qaDir) and os.path.isdir(qaDir):
+             pass
+         else:
+             os.makedirs(qaDir)
+         self._qaDir = qaDir
+         return qaDir
      def releases(self):
          """A list of all files in the release directory of this composite"""
              return self._releaseFiles
          except AttributeError:
              self._releaseFiles = list()
              count = 1
              while os.path.exists(self.downloadsDirectory + 'release' + str(count)):
                  releasepath = self.downloadsDirectory + 'release' + str(count) + '/'
                  md5s = readMd5sums(releasepath + 'md5sum.txt')
                  releasefiles = dict()
                  for file in os.listdir(releasepath):