053ed6b66eec779a34343b6e38a96a1bb5357234 rhead Fri Oct 28 16:02:26 2011 -0700 Removed extra echo. diff --git src/utils/qa/alertBqueue.csh src/utils/qa/alertBqueue.csh index 63a68f5..b0f8852 100755 --- src/utils/qa/alertBqueue.csh +++ src/utils/qa/alertBqueue.csh @@ -1,105 +1,104 @@ #!/bin/tcsh source `which qaConfig.csh` ################################ # # 10-03-2008 # # checks pushQ for B entries and send email to developer and QA # # Robert Kuhn # ################################ set go="" # make lists of substitutions for email addresses set counter=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ) set alias=( andy belinda brian brooke bob donna fan jim jing larry mark rachel zach ) set email=( aamp giardine braney rhead kuhn donnak fanhsu kent jzhu larrym markd hartera jsanborn ) if ( $#argv != 1 ) then echo echo " checks pushQ for B entries and sends email to developer and QA." echo " uses hard-coded aliases to get email address from nicknames." echo echo " usage: go" echo exit else set go=$argv[1] endif if ( "$HOST" != "hgwdev" ) then echo "\n error: you must run this script on dev!\n" exit 1 endif if ( $go != "go" ) then echo echo ' only the argument "go" is allowed.' echo exit 1 endif # echo "testing \n \n sending only to ann and bob right now \n \n " > Bfile echo "greetings. \n" > Bfile echo " this is a periodic reminder from a QA cronjob." >> Bfile echo " you have content in the B-queue that someone should look at." >> Bfile echo " discarding the track =is= an option." >> Bfile echo "\n usually a track is in the B-queue because QA is expecting something" >> Bfile echo " from the dev crew.\n" >> Bfile hgsql -h $sqlbeta -t -e "SELECT dbs, track, reviewer, sponsor, \ qadate FROM pushQ WHERE priority = 'B' AND reviewer != '' ORDER BY qadate" \ qapushq >> Bfile # get list of all developers and QA involved in B-queue tracks set contacts=`hgsql -N -h $sqlbeta -e "SELECT sponsor, reviewer FROM pushQ \ WHERE priority = 'B' AND reviewer != ''" qapushq` # check for empty Bqueue if ( "$contacts" == "" ) then # echo "quitting. nothing to do" exit endif # clean up list to get unique names set contacts=`echo $contacts | sed "s/,/ /g" | sed "s/ /\n/g" \ | perl -wpe '$_ = lcfirst($_);' | sort -u` set debug=true set debug=false if ( $debug == "true" ) then echo "\ncontacts $contacts" echo "contactsReal $contacts" # set contacts="larrym kate fan ann Hiram rachel Andy andy bob larry " echo "contactsDebug $contacts" endif # replace common names with email addresses foreach i ( $counter ) set contacts=`echo $contacts | sed "s/$alias[$i] /$email[$i] /g"` if ( $debug == "true" ) then echo dollarI $i echo $alias[$i] echo $email[$i] echo " contacts $contacts" ## send output only to selected people # set contacts="ann kuhn pauline rhead" endif end if ( $debug == "true" ) then cat Bfile exit endif # add ann and b0b to list set contacts="$contacts ann kuhn" -echo contacts $contacts foreach contact ( $contacts ) cat Bfile | mail $contact'@soe.ucsc.edu' -s "B-queue alert" end rm Bfile