a44421a79fb36cc2036fe116b97ea3bc9590cd0c braney Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800 removed rcsid (#295) diff --git src/hg/affyGnf/affyPslAndAtlasToBed.c src/hg/affyGnf/affyPslAndAtlasToBed.c index 99d9699..8e18594 100644 --- src/hg/affyGnf/affyPslAndAtlasToBed.c +++ src/hg/affyGnf/affyPslAndAtlasToBed.c @@ -1,692 +1,691 @@ /* program to fit affy data into multiple score bed format and associated expRecord file from the affy file and the pslFile */ #include "common.h" #include "options.h" #include "affyAtlas.h" #include "psl.h" #include "hash.h" #include "bed.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "expRecord.h" -static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: affyPslAndAtlasToBed.c,v 1.11 2004/07/17 22:18:48 hartera Exp $"; #define DEBUG 0 void usage() { errAbort("affyPslAndAtlasToBed - Takes an alignment of affy probe target\n" "sequences and the human atlas results file to create an msBed file.\n" "usage:\n" " affyPslAndAtlasToBed pslFile atlasFile out.bed out.expRecord\n" "options:\n" " -shortOut Do short output format (no mapping only spots)\n" " -newType Use for newer type including mouse\n" " -chip=XXXX (default HG-U95Av2)\n"); } boolean shortOut = FALSE; boolean newType = FALSE; char *chip = "HG-U95Av2"; FILE *scores = NULL; /* output all scores here, used to generate a histogram of all results */ int missingExpsCount = 0; /* how many missing data points are there */ int noExpCount = 0; /* how many points contain no experimental data */ int missingVal = -10000; /* use this value for missing data */ static struct optionSpec options[] = { {"shortOut", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"newType", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"suffix", OPTION_STRING}, {"chip", OPTION_STRING}, {NULL, 0}, }; struct idVal /* generic structure with float val */ { struct idVal *next; /* Next in singly linked list. */ char id[33]; /* identifier */ float val; /* the value of interest */ }; int statSortable(const void *e1, const void *e2) { const struct idVal *v1 = *((struct idVal**)e1); const struct idVal *v2 = *((struct idVal**)e2); float val = v1->val - v2->val; if(val > 0) return 1; if(val < 0) return -1; if(val == 0) return 0; } void statSort(struct idVal **statList) /* sorts a stat in increasing order */ { slSort(statList,statSortable); } float statMedian(struct idVal **statList) /* finds the median of the list, will sort list to do this */ { boolean odd = slCount(*statList)%2; int half = slCount(*statList)/2; struct idVal *s=NULL, *s2=NULL; float median = -1; statSort(statList); /* if odd the median is the middle value */ if(odd) { s = slElementFromIx(*statList,half); if(s != NULL) median = s->val; } /* if even the median is the average of the two middle values */ else { s = slElementFromIx(*statList,half); s2 = slElementFromIx(*statList,half-1); if(s != NULL && s2 != NULL) median = (s->val + s2->val)/2; } return median; } void statFree(struct idVal **pEl) /* Free a single dynamically allocated stat such as created * with statLoad(). */ { struct idVal *el; if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return; freez(pEl); } void statFreeList(struct idVal **pList) /* Free a list of dynamically allocated stat's */ { struct idVal *el, *next; for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next) { next = el->next; statFree(&el); } *pList = NULL; } char *parseNameFromHgc(char *string) /** parses out the name of the probe set. free returned string with freez() */ { char startPat[64]; char *toRet = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; safef(startPat, sizeof(startPat), "%s:", chip); toRet = strstr(string, startPat); if(toRet == NULL) { toRet = string; } else { toRet++; toRet = strstr(toRet, ":"); if(toRet == NULL) errAbort("Can't parse target name from %s.", string); toRet++; tmp = strstr(toRet, ";"); if(tmp != NULL) *tmp = '\0'; } toRet = cloneString(toRet); return toRet; } struct bed *createBedsFromPsls(char *pslFile, int expCount) /** creates a list of beds from a pslfile, allocates memory for arrays as determined by expCount */ { struct psl *pslList = NULL, *psl = NULL; struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed = NULL; pslList = pslLoadAll(pslFile); for(psl = pslList; psl != NULL; psl = psl->next) { bed = bedFromPsl(psl); freez(&bed->name); bed->name=parseNameFromHgc(psl->qName); bed->score = 0; bed->expCount = 0; bed->expIds = needMem(sizeof(int)*expCount); bed->expScores = needMem(sizeof(float)*expCount); slAddHead(&bedList,bed); } slReverse(&bedList); pslFreeList(&pslList); return bedList; } struct hash *createBedHash(struct bed *bedList) /** takes a list of beds and puts them in a hash with duplicates numbered as name_1, name_2 */ { struct hash *bedHash = newHash(5); struct bed *bed = NULL; struct dyString *ds = newDyString(1024); char *name = NULL; for(bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { int count = 0; char *targetName = NULL; struct bed *tmp = NULL; dyStringClear(ds); dyStringPrintf(ds,"%s_%d", bed->name, count); /* since we may have duplications, look for an empty slot in the hash */ while(TRUE && (count < 1000)) { tmp = hashFindVal(bedHash, ds->string); if(tmp == NULL) { hashAddUnique(bedHash, ds->string, bed); break; } else { dyStringClear(ds); dyStringPrintf(ds, "%s_%d", bed->name, ++count); } } } return bedHash; } struct expRecord *expRecordFromAffyAtlas(struct affyAtlas *aa) /** constructs a simple experiment record from information in an affyAtlas record */ { static int id = 0; struct expRecord *er = NULL; char name[256]; AllocVar(er); sprintf(name, "%s_%s", aa->annName, aa->tissue); er->id = id++; er->name = cloneString(name); er->description = cloneString(aa->tissue); er->url = cloneString("http://www.affymetrix.com/analysis/index.affx"); er->ref = cloneString("http://www.gnf.org/"); er->credit = cloneString("http://www.gnf.org/"); er->numExtras = 3; er->extras = needMem(sizeof(char*) * er->numExtras); er->extras[0] = cloneString(chip); er->extras[1] = cloneString(aa->annName); er->extras[2] = cloneString(aa->tissue); return er; } boolean differentExperiment(struct expRecord *er, struct affyAtlas *aa) /* return TRUE if this expRecord was derived from an affyAtlas record similar to this one FALSE otherwise */ { if(er == NULL && aa == NULL) return TRUE; if(er == NULL) return FALSE; if(aa == NULL) return FALSE; if(strstr(er->name, aa->annName) && strstr(er->name, aa->tissue)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } boolean differentAA(struct affyAtlas *aa1,struct affyAtlas *aa2) /** returns TRUE if from different chips FALSE otherwise */ { return differentString(aa1->annName, aa2->annName); } int countExperiments(struct affyAtlas *aaList) /** takes an affy atlas file and counts the different experiments in it */ { struct affyAtlas *aa=NULL, *aaMark = NULL; int count =1; aaMark = aaList; for(aa = aaList; aa != NULL; aa = aa->next) { if(differentAA(aaMark, aa)) { count++; aaMark = aa; } } return count; } void addExperimentToBed(struct bed *bed, struct affyAtlas *aa, struct expRecord *er) /** add one affy atlas record to a ms bed record */ { bed->expIds[bed->expCount] = er->id; bed->score += aa->signal; bed->expScores[bed->expCount] = aa->signal; bed->expCount++; } void appendNewExperiment(struct hash *bedHash, struct affyAtlas *aa, struct expRecord *er) /** finds the correct beds from the beds hash and adds the data in the affyAtlas record to them. */ { char buff[256]; int count =0; struct bed *bed = NULL; snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s_%d", aa->probeSet, count); while(TRUE) { bed = hashFindVal(bedHash, buff); if(bed == NULL) break; else { addExperimentToBed(bed, aa, er); snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s_%d", aa->probeSet, ++count); } } } void appendExperiments(struct hash *bedHash, struct affyAtlas *aaList, struct expRecord **erList) /** loop through the altas file creating new experiments and appending them to the beds in the bed hash */ { struct affyAtlas *aa=NULL; struct expRecord *er = NULL; assert(aaList); er = expRecordFromAffyAtlas(aaList); for(aa = aaList; aa != NULL; aa = aa->next) { if(differentExperiment(er, aa)) { slAddHead(erList, er); er = expRecordFromAffyAtlas(aa); } appendNewExperiment(bedHash, aa, er); } /* add last experiment */ slAddHead(erList,er); } void checkAllBeds(struct bed **bedList, int expCount) /** check to make sure that all the beds have the same number of experiments associated with them */ { struct bed *bed = NULL; for(bed = *bedList; bed != NULL; ) { if(bed->expCount != expCount) { struct bed *tmp = NULL; if(bed->expCount != 0) { warn("Bed %s at %d has only %d exps, mark is %d", bed->name, slIxFromElement(*bedList, bed), bed->expCount, expCount); missingExpsCount++; } else noExpCount++; tmp = bed->next; slRemoveEl(bedList, bed); bed = tmp; } else bed = bed->next; } } float safeLog2(float num) /* returns log base 2 of num if num > 0, else returns 0 */ { if(num > 0) return logBase2(num); else return 0; } void convertIntensitiesToRatios(struct bed *bedList) /* for each bed calculate the median intensity not including missing data and calcute scores as ratio of each intensity to median intensity. */ { FILE *mediansOut = NULL, *valuesOut = NULL; float median = 0; struct idVal *statList = NULL, *stat = NULL; struct bed *bed = NULL; int i = 0; #ifdef DEBUG valuesOut = mustOpen("values.debug", "w"); mediansOut = mustOpen("medians.debug", "w"); #endif for(bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { float ratio = 0; float logRatio = 0; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(mediansOut, "%s", bed->name); fprintf(valuesOut, "%s", bed->name); #endif /* find the median value by sorting */ for(i=0; i<bed->expCount; i++) { if(bed->expScores[i] != missingVal) { AllocVar(stat); stat->val = bed->expScores[i]; slAddHead(&statList, stat); } } median = statMedian(&statList); #ifdef DEBUG for(stat = statList; stat != NULL; stat = stat->next) { fprintf(valuesOut, "\t%f", stat->val); } fprintf(valuesOut, "\n"); fprintf(mediansOut, "\t%f\n", median); #endif statFreeList(&statList); for(i=0; i<bed->expCount; i++) { if(bed->expScores[i] != missingVal) { ratio = bed->expScores[i] / median; logRatio = safeLog2(ratio); bed->expScores[i] = logRatio; fprintf(scores, "%f\n", logRatio); } } } #ifdef DEBUG carefulClose(&mediansOut); carefulClose(&valuesOut); #endif } void calculateAverages(struct bed *bedList) /** divide the sum of the intensities stored in the score by number of experiments */ { struct bed *bed = NULL; for(bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { float tmp; assert(bed->expCount); tmp = bed->score / bed->expCount; if(tmp <= 0) bed->score = missingVal; else { tmp = 10 * tmp; bed->score = (int)tmp; } } } void affyPslAndAtlasToBedOld(char *pslFile, char *atlasFile, char *bedOut, char *expRecOut) /** Main function that does all the work for old-style*/ { struct hash *bedHash = NULL; struct affyAtlas *aaList=NULL, *aa=NULL; struct expRecord *erList=NULL, *er=NULL; struct bed *bedList=NULL, *bed=NULL; int expCount = 0; FILE *erOut = NULL, *bOut=NULL; warn("loading atlas file"); aaList = affyAtlasLoadAll(atlasFile); expCount = countExperiments(aaList); warn("creating list of beds from alignments"); bedList = createBedsFromPsls(pslFile, expCount); warn("creating hash from list of beds"); bedHash = createBedHash(bedList); warn("appending experiments to beds in hash"); appendExperiments(bedHash, aaList, &erList); warn("Running sanity Checks"); checkAllBeds(&bedList, expCount); warn("%d beds were missing experiments." , missingExpsCount); warn("%d beds had no experiments.", noExpCount); warn("Calculating average intensities"); convertIntensitiesToRatios(bedList); calculateAverages(bedList); warn("writing expRecords out"); erOut = mustOpen(expRecOut, "w"); for(er = erList; er != NULL; er = er->next) expRecordTabOut(er, erOut); carefulClose(&erOut); warn("writing beds out"); bOut = mustOpen(bedOut, "w"); for(bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) bedTabOutN(bed, 15, bOut); carefulClose(&bOut); warn("cleaning up.."); freeHash(&bedHash); bedFreeList(&bedList); warn("Done."); } struct expCounter /* Keep track when have multiple experiments on same tissue. */ { char *name; /* Not allocated here. */ int count; /* Count of times seen. */ }; int lineToExp(char *line, char *fileName) /* Convert line to an expression record file. * Return number of expression records. */ { FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w"); struct hash *hash = newHash(10); /* Integer valued hash */ char *word; int wordCount = 0; struct expCounter *ec; char *spaced; char name[128]; while ((word = nextTabWord(&line)) != NULL) { if ((ec = hashFindVal(hash, word)) == NULL) { AllocVar(ec); hashAddSaveName(hash, word, ec, &ec->name); } spaced = cloneString(word); subChar(spaced, '_', ' '); ec->count += 1; if (ec->count > 1) safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s %d", spaced, ec->count); else safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s", spaced); fprintf(f, "%d\t", wordCount); fprintf(f, "%s\t", name); fprintf(f, "%s\t", name); fprintf(f, "%s\t", "http://www.affymetrix.com/analysis/index.affx"); fprintf(f, "%s\t", "http://expression.gnf.org"); fprintf(f, "%s\t", "http://www.gnf.org"); fprintf(f, "3\t"); fprintf(f, "%s,%s,%s,\n", chip, "n/a", spaced); ++wordCount; } carefulClose(&f); return wordCount; } int findPositiveMedian(double *data, int count, double minVal) /* Find median of positive numbers in data. */ { double *sorted; int i, realCount = 0; double median = -1; AllocArray(sorted, count); for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { if (data[i] >= minVal) { sorted[realCount] = data[i]; ++realCount; } } if (realCount > 2) { median = doubleMedian(realCount, sorted); } freez(&sorted); return median; } void shortDataOut(FILE *f, char *name, int count, double *scores) /* Do short type output. */ { int i; fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t", name, count); for (i=0; i<count; ++i) fprintf(f, "%0.3f,", scores[i]); fprintf(f, "\n"); } void affyPslAndAtlasToBedNew(char *pslFile, char *atlasFile, char *bedOut, char *expRecOut) /** Main function that does all the work for new-style*/ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(atlasFile, TRUE); char *line, *name; int i, wordCount, expCount; char **row; double *data, median; double invMedian, ratio, logRatio; char *affyId; struct hash *hash = newHash(17); struct psl *psl; struct bed *bed; FILE *f = NULL; int dataCount = 0, pslCount = 0, bedCount = 0; int minExpVal = 20; /* Open Atlas file and use first line to create experiment table. */ if (!lineFileNextReal(lf, &line)) errAbort("%s is empty", lf->fileName); if (startsWith("Affy", line)) line += 4; if (line[0] != '\t') errAbort("%s doesn't seem to be a new format atlas file", lf->fileName); expCount = lineToExp(line+1, expRecOut); if (expCount <= 0) errAbort("No experiments in %s it seems", lf->fileName); warn("%d experiments\n", expCount); f = mustOpen(bedOut, "w"); /* Build up a hash keyed by affyID with an int array of data * for value. Do output in short case. */ AllocArray(row, expCount); while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line)) { affyId = nextWord(&line); wordCount = chopByWhite(line, row, expCount); if (wordCount != expCount) errAbort("Expecting %d data points, got %d line %d of %s", expCount, wordCount, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); if (hashLookup(hash, affyId)) { warn("Duplicate %s, skipping all but first.", affyId); continue; } AllocArray(data, expCount); for (i=0; i<expCount; ++i) { data[i] = atof(row[i]); if (data[i] < minExpVal) data[i] = minExpVal; } median = findPositiveMedian(data, expCount, minExpVal); if (median >= 0) { invMedian = 1.0/median; for (i=0; i<expCount; ++i) { double val = data[i]; val = safeLog2(invMedian*val); data[i] = val; } if (shortOut) shortDataOut(f, affyId, expCount, data); else hashAdd(hash, affyId, data); } data = NULL; ++dataCount; } lineFileClose(&lf); warn("%d rows of expression data\n", dataCount); /* Stream through psl file, converting it to bed with expression data. */ if (!shortOut) { lf = pslFileOpen(pslFile); while ((psl = pslNext(lf)) != NULL) { ++pslCount; /* get probe id from sequence name */ name=parseNameFromHgc(psl->qName); data = hashFindVal(hash, name); if (data != NULL) { struct bed *bed = bedFromPsl(psl); bed->expCount = expCount; AllocArray(bed->expIds, expCount); AllocArray(bed->expScores, expCount); for (i=0; i<expCount; ++i) { bed->expScores[i] = data[i]; bed->expIds[i] = i; } bedTabOutN(bed, 15, f); ++bedCount; bedFree(&bed); } pslFree(&psl); } warn("%d records in %s", pslCount, pslFile); warn("%d records written to %s", bedCount, bedOut); } lineFileClose(&lf); carefulClose(&f); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); shortOut = optionExists("shortOut"); newType = optionExists("newType"); chip = optionVal("chip", chip); if(argc != 5) usage(); scores = mustOpen("scores.tab", "w"); if (newType) affyPslAndAtlasToBedNew(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); else affyPslAndAtlasToBedOld(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); return 0; }