  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/hg/affyTransciptome/affyTransLiftedToSample.c src/hg/affyTransciptome/affyTransLiftedToSample.c
index 30ee150..cf968aa 100644
--- src/hg/affyTransciptome/affyTransLiftedToSample.c
+++ src/hg/affyTransciptome/affyTransLiftedToSample.c
@@ -1,163 +1,162 @@
 #include "common.h"
 #include "affyTransLifted.h"
 #include "sample.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: affyTransLiftedToSample.c,v 1.2 2003/05/06 07:22:13 kate Exp $";
 void usage()
 /* Give the user a hint about how to use this program. */
 errAbort("affyTransLiftedToSample - takes a data file from Simon Cawley at\n"
 	 "Affymetrix which represents the transcriptome data, lifted and normalized\n"
 	 "for a new version of the human genome. File format is:\n"
 	 "and  produces a sample file representing the  same data.\n"
 	 "affyTransLiftedToSample <int grouping amount> <lifted files.....>\n");
 char *findChromName(char *longName)
 /* Find the chrXX in longName. */
 char *s = strstr(longName, "chr");
 if(s == NULL)
     errAbort("affyTransLiftedToSample::findChromName() - Can't find 'chr' in %s", longName);
 return s;
 struct sample *sampleFromAffyTransLifted(struct affyTransLifted *atl, char *name)
 /* Create a sample data structure from information in the atl, free with
    sampleFree(). */
 struct sample *s = NULL;
 char *chrom = NULL;
 float score = 0;
 chrom = findChromName(atl->chrom);
 s->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 s->chromStart = s->chromEnd = atl->chromPos;
 s->name = cloneString(name);
 score = (atl->normPM - atl->normMM);
 if(score < 0) 
     score = 0;
 s->score = score;
 sprintf(s->strand, "+");
 s->sampleCount = 1;
 AllocArray(s->samplePosition, s->sampleCount);
 s->samplePosition[0] = 0;
 AllocArray(s->sampleHeight, s->sampleCount);
 s->sampleHeight[0] = s->score;
 return s;
 int sampleCoordCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on query. */
 const struct sample *a = *((struct sample **)va);
 const struct sample *b = *((struct sample **)vb);
 int diff;
 diff = strcmp(a->chrom, b->chrom);
 if(diff == 0)
     diff = a->chromStart - b->chromStart;
 return diff;
 void addSampleToCurrent(struct sample *target, struct sample *samp, int grouping)
 int i;
 int base = target->sampleCount;
 for(i=0;i<samp->sampleCount; i++)
     assert(base+i < grouping);
     target->score += samp->score;
     target->samplePosition[base + i] = samp->samplePosition[i] + samp->chromStart - target->chromStart;
     target->sampleHeight[base + i] = samp->sampleHeight[i];
 struct sample *groupByPosition(int grouping , struct sample *sampList)
 struct sample *groupedList = NULL, *samp = NULL, *currSamp = NULL, *sampNext=NULL;
 int count = 0;
 for(samp = sampList; samp != NULL; samp = sampNext)
     sampNext = samp->next;
     currSamp->chrom = cloneString(samp->chrom);
     currSamp->chromStart = samp->chromStart;
     currSamp->name = cloneString(samp->name);
     snprintf(currSamp->strand, sizeof(currSamp->strand), "%s", samp->strand);
     AllocArray(currSamp->samplePosition, grouping);
     AllocArray(currSamp->sampleHeight, grouping);
     count = 0;
     while(samp != NULL && count < grouping && sameString(samp->chrom,currSamp->chrom))
 	addSampleToCurrent(currSamp, samp, grouping);
 	count += samp->sampleCount;
 	samp = sampNext = samp->next;
     if(count != 0)
 	currSamp->score = currSamp->score / count;
     currSamp->chromEnd = currSamp->chromStart + currSamp->samplePosition[count -1];
     slAddHead(&groupedList, currSamp);
 return groupedList;
 void affyTransLiftedToSample(int grouping, char *affyTransIn)
 /* Top level function to run combine pairs and offset files to give sample. */
 struct affyTransLifted *atl = NULL, *atlList = NULL;
 struct sample *sampList = NULL, *samp = NULL;
 struct sample *groupedList = NULL;
 char *fileRoot = NULL;
 char buff[10+strlen(affyTransIn)];
 FILE *out = NULL;
 char *fileNameCopy = cloneString(affyTransIn);
 fprintf(stderr, ".");
 atlList = affyTransLiftedLoadAll(affyTransIn);
 //warn("Creating samples.");
 for(atl = atlList; atl != NULL; atl = atl->next)
     samp = sampleFromAffyTransLifted(atl, fileNameCopy);
     if(samp != NULL)
 	slAddHead(&sampList, samp);
 //warn("Sorting Samples");
 slSort(&sampList, sampleCoordCmp);
 groupedList = groupByPosition(grouping, sampList);
 //warn("Saving Samples.");
 snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s.sample", affyTransIn);
 out = mustOpen(buff, "w");
 for(samp = groupedList; samp != NULL; samp = samp->next)
     sampleTabOut(samp, out);
 //warn("Cleaning up.");
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 int i;
 int grouping;
 if(argc < 3)
 grouping = atoi(argv[1]);
 warn("starting conversion of %d files.\n", argc - 2);
 for(i=2; i<argc; i++)
     affyTransLiftedToSample(grouping , argv[i]);
 return 0;