  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/hg/getFeatDna/getFeatDna.c src/hg/getFeatDna/getFeatDna.c
index 52bdad6..d256d7d 100644
--- src/hg/getFeatDna/getFeatDna.c
+++ src/hg/getFeatDna/getFeatDna.c
@@ -1,318 +1,317 @@
 /* getFeatDna - Get dna for a type of feature. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "nib.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: getFeatDna.c,v 1.10 2008/09/03 19:18:40 markd Exp $";
 /* Variables set explicitly or optionally from command line. */
 char *database = NULL;		/* Which database? */
 int chromStart = 0;		/* Start of range to select from. */
 int chromEnd = BIGNUM;          /* End of range. */
 char *where = NULL;		/* Extra selection info. */
 boolean breakUp = FALSE;	/* Break up things? */
 int merge = -1;			/* Merge close blocks? */
 char *outputType = "fasta";	/* Type of output. */
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "getFeatDna - Get dna for a type of feature\n"
   "   getFeatDna database table chrom output.fa\n"
   "   database is the name of a browser database, like 'hg6'\n"
   "   table is the name of a table in this database, like 'exoFish'\n"
   "   chrom is a chromosome name, like 'chr8' or 'chr7_random'.  'all'\n"
   "       can be used here to denote all chromosomes\n"
   "   output.fa is where to put the output in Fasta format\n"
   "   -chromStart=NNN   restrict to features that start after NNN\n"
   "   -chromEnd=NNN     restrict to features that end before NNN\n"
   "   '-where=some sql pattern'  restrict to features matching some sql pattern\n"
   "   -breakUp=how break up alignments into pieces.  How is one of\n"
   "                exons - parts that align\n"
   "                introns - parts between alignments\n"
   "                cdsExons - coding exons (only for gene predictions)\n"
   "   -merge=N     merge blocks separated by N or less\n"
   "   -output=format format of output.  One of:\n"
   "                fasta - fasta sequence (default)\n"
   "                pos - position list\n"
   "   -addStart=NNN How much to add to feature start coordinate\n"
   "   -addEnd=NNN   How much to add to feature end coordinate\n"
   "   -addTo=how    How to add to feature coordinates.  One of:\n"
   "                   whole - the whole thing (default)\n"
   "                   start - addStart/padEnd relative to feature start\n"
   "                   end   - addStart/padEnd relative to feature end\n"
 static int blockIx = 0;	/* Index of block written. */
 char *makeFaStartLine(char *chrom, char *table, int start, int size)
 /* Create fa start line. */
 char faName[128];
 static char faStartLine[512];
 if (startsWith("chr", table))
     sprintf(faName, "%s_%d", table, blockIx);
     sprintf(faName, "%s_%s_%d", chrom, table, blockIx);
 sprintf(faStartLine, "%s %s %s %d %d", 
 	faName, database, chrom, start, start+size);
 return faStartLine;
 void writeOut(FILE *f, char *chrom, int start, int size, char strand, DNA *dna, char *faHeader)
 /* Write output to file */
 if (sameWord(outputType, "pos"))
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%c\n", chrom, start, start+size, strand);
 else if (sameWord(outputType, "fasta"))
     faWriteNext(f, faHeader, dna, size);
     errAbort("Unknown output type %s\n", outputType);
 void outputDna(FILE *f, char *chrom, char *table, 
     int start, int size, char *dna, 
     char *nibFileName, FILE *nibFile, int nibSize, 
     char strand, char *faName)
 /* Output DNA either directly from nib or by upper-casing DNA. */
 if (merge >= 0)
     toUpperN(dna + start, size);
     struct dnaSeq *seq = nibLdPart(nibFileName, nibFile, nibSize, start, size);
     if (strand == '-')
         reverseComplement(seq->dna, size);
     if (faName == NULL)
         faName = makeFaStartLine(chrom, table, start, size);
     writeOut(f, chrom, start, size, strand, seq->dna, faName);
 void chromFeatDna(char *table, char *chrom, FILE *f)
 /* chromFeatDna - Get dna for a type of feature on one chromosome. */
 /* Get chromosome in lower case case.  If merging set bits that 
  * are part of feature of interest to upper case, and then scan 
  * for blocks of lower upper case and output them. If not merging
  * then just output dna for features directly. */
 struct dyString *query = newDyString(512);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char chromField[32], startField[32], endField[32];
 struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
 DNA *dna = NULL;
 int s=0,e,sz,i,size=0;
 boolean lastIsUpper = FALSE, isUpper = FALSE;
 char nibFileName[512];
 FILE *nibFile = NULL;
 int nibSize;
 if (!hFindChromStartEndFields(database, table, chromField, startField, endField))
     errAbort("Couldn't find chrom/start/end fields in table %s", table);
 if (merge >= 0)
     seq = hLoadChrom(database, chrom);
     dna = seq->dna;
     size = seq->size;
     hNibForChrom(database, chrom, nibFileName);
     nibOpenVerify(nibFileName, &nibFile, &nibSize);
 if (breakUp)
     if (sameString(startField, "tStart"))
 	dyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where tStart >= %d and tEnd < %d",
 	    table, chromStart, chromEnd);
 	dyStringPrintf(query, " and %s = '%s'", chromField, chrom);
 	if (where != NULL)
 	    dyStringPrintf(query, " and %s", where);
 	sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
 	while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	    struct psl *psl = pslLoad(row);
 	    if (psl->strand[1] == '-')	/* Minus strand on target */
 		int tSize = psl->tSize;
 		for (i=0; i<psl->blockCount; ++i)
 		     sz = psl->blockSizes[i];
 		     s = tSize - (psl->tStarts[i] + sz);
 		     outputDna(f, chrom, table, 
 		         s, sz, dna, nibFileName, nibFile, nibSize, '-', NULL);
 		for (i=0; i<psl->blockCount; ++i)
 		     outputDna(f, chrom, table, psl->tStarts[i], psl->blockSizes[i], 
 			    dna, nibFileName, nibFile, nibSize, '+', NULL);
     else if (sameString(startField, "txStart"))
 	dyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where txStart >= %d and txEnd < %d",
 	    table, chromStart, chromEnd);
 	dyStringPrintf(query, " and %s = '%s'", chromField, chrom);
 	if (where != NULL)
 	    dyStringPrintf(query, " and %s", where);
 	sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
 	while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	    struct genePred *gp = genePredLoad(row);
 	    for (i=0; i<gp->exonCount; ++i)
 		 s = gp->exonStarts[i];
 		 sz = gp->exonEnds[i] - s;
 		 outputDna(f, chrom, table, 
 		    s, sz, dna, nibFileName, nibFile, nibSize, 
 		    gp->strand[0], gp->name);
         errAbort("Can only use breakUp parameter with psl or genePred formatted tables");
     dyStringPrintf(query, "select %s,%s from %s where %s >= %d and %s < %d", 
 	    startField, endField, table,
 	    startField, chromStart, endField, chromEnd);
     dyStringPrintf(query, " and %s = '%s'", chromField, chrom);
     if (where != NULL)
 	dyStringPrintf(query, " and %s", where);
     sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	s = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
 	e = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
 	sz = e - s;
 	if (seq != NULL && (sz < 0 || e >= size))
 	    errAbort("Coordinates out of range %d %d (%s size is %d)", s, e, chrom, size);
 	outputDna(f, chrom, table, s, sz, dna, nibFileName, nibFile, nibSize, 
 		'+', NULL);
 /* Merge nearby upper case blocks. */
 if (merge > 0)
     e = -merge-10;		/* Don't merge initial block. */
     for (i=0; i<=size; ++i)
 	isUpper = isupper(dna[i]);
 	if (isUpper && !lastIsUpper)
 	    s = i;
 	    if (s - e <= merge)
 		toUpperN(dna+e, s-e);
 	else if (!isUpper && lastIsUpper)
 	    e = i;
 	lastIsUpper = isUpper;
 if (merge >= 0)
     for (i=0; i<=size; ++i)
 	isUpper = isupper(dna[i]);
 	if (isUpper && !lastIsUpper)
 	    s = i;
 	else if (!isUpper && lastIsUpper)
 	    e = i;
 	    sz = e - s;
 	    writeOut(f, chrom, s, sz, '+', dna+s, makeFaStartLine(chrom, table, s, sz));
 	lastIsUpper = isUpper;
 void getFeatDna(char *table, char *chrom, char *outName)
 /* getFeatDna - Get dna for a type of feature an all relevant chromosomes. */
 char chrTableBuf[256];
 struct slName *chromList = NULL, *chromEl;
 boolean chromSpecificTable = !hTableExists(database, table);
 char *chrTable = (chromSpecificTable ? chrTableBuf : table);
 FILE *f = mustOpen(outName, "w");
 boolean toStdout = (sameString(outName, "stdout"));
 if (sameWord(chrom, "all"))
     chromList = hAllChromNames(database);
     chromList = newSlName(chrom);
 for (chromEl = chromList; chromEl != NULL; chromEl = chromEl->next)
     chrom = chromEl->name;
     if (chromSpecificTable)
 	sprintf(chrTable, "%s_%s", chrom, table);
 	if (!hTableExists(database, table))
 	    errAbort("table %s (and %s) don't exist in %s", table, 
 	         chrTable, database);
     if (!toStdout)
         printf("Processing %s %s\n", chrTable, chrom);
     chromFeatDna(chrTable, chrom, f);
 if (!toStdout)
     printf("%d features extracted to %s\n", blockIx, outName);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
 if (argc != 5)
 chromStart = cgiUsualInt("chromStart", chromStart);
 chromEnd = cgiUsualInt("chromEnd", chromEnd);
 where = cgiOptionalString("where");
 breakUp = cgiBoolean("breakUp");
 merge = cgiUsualInt("merge", merge);
 database = argv[1];
 getFeatDna(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
 return 0;