a44421a79fb36cc2036fe116b97ea3bc9590cd0c braney Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800 removed rcsid (#295) diff --git src/hg/hgBlatTest/hgBlatTest.c src/hg/hgBlatTest/hgBlatTest.c index da0563b..623e0f0 100644 --- src/hg/hgBlatTest/hgBlatTest.c +++ src/hg/hgBlatTest/hgBlatTest.c @@ -1,1380 +1,1379 @@ /* hgBlatTest - Test hgBlat web page. - was cloned from hgblatTest */ #include "common.h" #include "memalloc.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "htmshell.h" #include "portable.h" #include "options.h" #include "errCatch.h" #include "ra.h" #include "fa.h" #include "nib.h" #include "htmlPage.h" #include "../near/hgNear/hgNear.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "qa.h" #include <time.h> -static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: hgBlatTest.c,v 1.3 2004/11/07 05:26:30 kent Exp $"; /* Command line variables. */ char *dataDir = "./"; char *clOrg = NULL; /* Organism from command line. */ char *clDb = NULL; /* DB from command line */ char *clType = NULL; /* Type var from command line. */ char *clSort = NULL; /* Sort var from command line. */ char *clOutput = NULL; /* Output var from command line. */ int clRepeat = 3; /* Number of repetitions. */ char *raName = "hgBlatTest.ra"; struct hash *raList = NULL; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "hgBlatTest - Test hgBlat web page\n" "usage:\n" " hgBlatTest url log\n" "options:\n" " -org=Human - Restrict to Human (or Mouse, Fruitfly, etc.)\n" " -db=hg16 - Restrict to particular database\n" " -type=DNA - DNA query\n" " -sort=query,score - sorty output by query and score, default\n" " -output=query,score - sorty output by query and score, default\n" " -dataDir=dataDir - Use selected data dir, default %s\n" " -repeat=N - Number of times to repeat test (on random genes), default %d\n" , dataDir, clRepeat); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { {"org", OPTION_STRING}, {"db", OPTION_STRING}, {"type", OPTION_STRING}, {"sort", OPTION_STRING}, {"output", OPTION_STRING}, {"dataDir", OPTION_STRING}, {"repeat", OPTION_INT}, {NULL, 0}, }; struct blatTest /* Test on one column. */ { struct blatTest *next; struct qaStatus *status; /* Result of test. */ char *info[6]; }; enum blatTestInfoIx { ntiiTest = 0, ntiiOrg = 1, ntiiDb = 2, ntiiType = 3, ntiiSort = 4, ntiiOutput = 5, }; char *blatTestInfoTypes[] = { "test", "organism", "db", "type", "sort", "output" }; struct blatTest *blatTestList = NULL; /* List of all tests, latest on top. */ struct blatTest *blatTestNew(struct qaStatus *status, char *test, char *org, char *db, char *type, char *sort, char *output ) /* Save away column test results. */ { struct blatTest *bt; AllocVar(bt); bt->status = status; bt->info[ntiiTest] = cloneString(naForNull(test)); bt->info[ntiiOrg] = cloneString(naForNull(org)); bt->info[ntiiDb] = cloneString(naForNull(db)); bt->info[ntiiType] = cloneString(naForNull(type)); bt->info[ntiiSort] = cloneString(naForNull(sort)); bt->info[ntiiOutput] = cloneString(naForNull(output)); slAddHead(&blatTestList, bt); return bt; } void blatTestLogOne(struct blatTest *test, FILE *f) /* Log test result to file. */ { int i; for (i=0; i<ArraySize(test->info); ++i) fprintf(f, "%s ", test->info[i]); fprintf(f, "%s\n", test->status->errMessage); } char *nearStartTablePat = "<!-- Start Rows -->"; char *nearEndTablePat = "<!-- End Rows -->"; char *nearEndRowPat = "<!-- Row -->"; int nearCountRows(struct htmlPage *page) /* Count number of rows in big table. */ { return qaCountBetween(page->htmlText, nearStartTablePat, nearEndTablePat, nearEndRowPat); } int nearCountUniqAccRows(struct htmlPage *page) /* Count number of unique rows in table containing just hyperlinked * accessions. */ { char *startTable, *endTable, *startRow; char *s, *e, *row, *acc; int count = 0; struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(0); if (page == NULL) return -1; /* Set s to first row. */ s = stringIn(nearStartTablePat, page->htmlText); if (s == NULL) return -1; s += strlen(nearStartTablePat); for (;;) { e = stringIn(nearEndRowPat, s); if (e == NULL) break; row = cloneStringZ(s, e-s); acc = qaStringBetween(row, "_blank>", "</a>"); if (acc == NULL) { warn("Can't find between _blank> and </a> while counting uniq row %s", row); freez(&row); break; } if (!hashLookup(uniqHash, acc)) { hashAdd(uniqHash, acc, NULL); ++count; } freez(&row); freez(&acc); s = e + strlen(nearEndRowPat); } hashFree(&uniqHash); return count; } struct htmlPage *quickSubmit(struct htmlPage *basePage, char *org, char *db, char *type, char *sort, char *output, char *userSeq, char *testName, char *button, char *buttonVal) /* Submit page and record info. Return NULL if a problem. */ { struct blatTest *test; struct qaStatus *qs; struct htmlPage *page; if (basePage != NULL) { if (org != NULL) htmlPageSetVar(basePage, NULL, "org", org); if (db != NULL) htmlPageSetVar(basePage, NULL, "db", db); if (userSeq != NULL) htmlPageSetVar(basePage, NULL, "userSeq", userSeq); qs = qaPageFromForm(basePage, basePage->forms, button, buttonVal, &page); test = blatTestNew(qs, testName, org, db, type, sort, output); } return page; } void serialSubmit(struct htmlPage **pPage, char *org, char *db, char *type, char *sort, char *output, char *userSeq, char *testName, char *button, char *buttonVal) /* Submit page, replacing old page with new one. */ { struct htmlPage *oldPage = *pPage; if (oldPage != NULL) { *pPage = quickSubmit(oldPage, org, db, type, sort, output, userSeq, testName, button, buttonVal); htmlPageFree(&oldPage); } } void quickErrReport() /* Report error at head of list if any */ { struct blatTest *test = blatTestList; if (test->status->errMessage != NULL) blatTestLogOne(test, stderr); } void testCol(struct htmlPage *emptyConfig, char *org, char *db, char *col, char *gene) /* Test one column. */ { struct htmlPage *printPage = NULL; struct blatTest *test; struct qaStatus *qs; char visVar[256]; safef(visVar, sizeof(visVar), "near.col.%s.vis", col); htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, visVar, "on"); htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, orderVarName, "geneDistance"); htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, countVarName, "25"); //printPage = quickSubmit(emptyConfig, NULL, org, db, col, gene, "colPrint", "Submit", "on"); if (printPage != NULL) { int expectCount = 25; int lineCount = nearCountRows(printPage); if (lineCount != expectCount) qaStatusSoftError(blatTestList->status, "Got %d rows, expected %d", lineCount, expectCount); } quickErrReport(); htmlPageFree(&printPage); htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, visVar, NULL); } struct htmlPage *emptyConfigPage(struct htmlPage *dbPage, char *org, char *db) /* Get empty configuration page. */ { //return quickSubmit(dbPage, NULL, org, db, NULL, NULL, "emptyConfig", hideAllConfName, "on"); return NULL; //debug } void testColInfo(struct htmlPage *dbPage, char *org, char *db, char *col) /* Click on all colInfo columns. */ { struct htmlPage *infoPage = NULL; //debug // quickSubmit(dbPage, NULL, org, db, col, NULL, "colInfo", colInfoVarName, col); if (infoPage != NULL) { if (stringIn("No additional info available", infoPage->htmlText)) qaStatusSoftError(blatTestList->status, "%s failed - no %s.html?", colInfoVarName, col); } quickErrReport(); htmlPageFree(&infoPage); } void testDbColumns(struct htmlPage *dbPage, char *org, char *db, struct slName *geneList) /* Test on one database. */ { struct htmlPage *emptyConfig; struct slName *colList = NULL, *col; struct htmlFormVar *var; struct slName *gene; uglyf("testDbColumns %s %s\n", org, db); emptyConfig = emptyConfigPage(dbPage, org, db); if (emptyConfig != NULL ) { for (var = emptyConfig->forms->vars; var != NULL; var = var->next) { if (startsWith("near.col.", var->name) && endsWith(var->name, ".vis")) { char *colNameStart = var->name + strlen("near.col."); char *colNameEnd = strchr(colNameStart, '.'); *colNameEnd = 0; col = slNameNew(colNameStart); slAddHead(&colList, col); *colNameEnd = '.'; } } slReverse(&colList); for (gene = geneList; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next) { htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, searchVarName, gene->name); for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { testCol(emptyConfig, org, db, col->name, gene->name); } } for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { testColInfo(dbPage, org, db, col->name); } } htmlPageFree(&emptyConfig); } void testSortX(struct htmlPage *emptyConfig, char *org, char *db, char *sort, char *gene, char *accColumn) /* Test one column. */ { char accVis[256]; struct htmlPage *printPage = NULL; safef(accVis, sizeof(accVis), "near.col.%s.vis", accColumn); htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, accVis, "on"); htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, orderVarName, sort); htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, countVarName, "25"); htmlPageSetVar(emptyConfig, NULL, searchVarName, gene); //printPage = quickSubmit(emptyConfig, sort, org, db, NULL, gene, "sortType", "submit", "on"); if (printPage != NULL) { int lineCount = nearCountRows(printPage); if (lineCount < 1) qaStatusSoftError(blatTestList->status, "No rows for sort %s", sort); } quickErrReport(); htmlPageFree(&printPage); } void testDbSorts(struct htmlPage *dbPage, char *org, char *db, char *accColumn, struct slName *geneList) /* Test on one database. */ { struct htmlPage *emptyConfig; struct slName *colList = NULL, *col; struct htmlFormVar *sortVar = htmlFormVarGet(dbPage->forms, orderVarName); struct slName *gene, *sort; uglyf("testDbSorts %s %s\n", org, db); if (sortVar == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't find var %s", orderVarName); emptyConfig = emptyConfigPage(dbPage, org, db); if (emptyConfig != NULL) { for (sort = sortVar->values; sort != NULL; sort= sort->next) { for (gene = geneList; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next) { testSortX(emptyConfig, org, db, sort->name, gene->name, accColumn); } } htmlPageFree(&emptyConfig); } } void testDbFilters(struct htmlPage *dbPage, char *org, char *db, char *accColumn, struct slName *geneList) /* Test filter that returns just geneList. */ { struct slName *gene; int rowCount; char accFilter[256]; safef(accFilter, sizeof(accFilter), "near.as.%s.wild", accColumn); /* Start out with filter page. */ struct htmlPage *page = NULL; //debug //quickSubmit(dbPage, NULL, org, db, accColumn, NULL, // "accOneFilterPage", advFilterVarName, "on"); verbose(1, "testFilters %s %s\n", org, db); if (page == NULL) return; /* Set up to filter exactly one gene. */ { htmlPageSetVar(page, NULL, accFilter, geneList->name); htmlPageSetVar(page, NULL, searchVarName, geneList->name); //serialSubmit(&page, NULL, org, db, accColumn, geneList->name, // "accOneFilterSubmit", "Submit", "on"); if (page == NULL) return; /* Make sure really got one gene. */ rowCount = nearCountUniqAccRows(page); if (rowCount != 1) { qaStatusSoftError(blatTestList->status, "Acc exact filter returned %d items", rowCount); } } /* Set up filter for all genes in list. */ { struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0); int geneCount = slCount(geneList); for (gene = geneList; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next) dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s ", gene->name); htmlPageSetVar(page, NULL, accFilter, dy->string); htmlPageSetVar(page, NULL, countVarName, "all"); /* despite 3 genes requested, must see all if many dupes */ //serialSubmit(&page, NULL, org, db, accColumn, dy->string, // "accMultiFilterSubmit", "Submit", "on"); dyStringFree(&dy); if (page == NULL) return; rowCount = nearCountUniqAccRows(page); if (rowCount != geneCount) { qaStatusSoftError(blatTestList->status, "Acc multi filter expecting %d, got %d items", geneCount, rowCount); } } /* Set up filter for wildcard in list. */ { struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0); char len = strlen(geneList->name); dyStringAppendN(dy, geneList->name, len-1); dyStringAppendC(dy, '*'); htmlPageSetVar(page, NULL, accFilter, dy->string); // serialSubmit(&page, NULL, org, db, accColumn, dy->string, // "accWildFilterSubmit", "Submit", "on"); dyStringFree(&dy); if (page == NULL) return; rowCount = nearCountRows(page); if (rowCount < 1) { qaStatusSoftError(blatTestList->status, "Acc wild filter no match"); } } /* Clear out advanced filters. */ { htmlPageFree(&page); // page = quickSubmit(dbPage, NULL, org, db, NULL, NULL, // "advFilterClear", advFilterClearVarName, "on"); } htmlPageFree(&page); } // ========================================================================== // testing mods to hdb.c: (hopefully compiler will resolve at linktime) //struct dnaSeq *hGenBankGetMrnaC(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *compatTable); //aaSeq *hGenBankGetPepC(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *compatTable); void testOutput(struct htmlPage *sortPage, struct htmlForm *sortForm, char *org, char *db, char *type, char *sort, char *output, struct slName *geneList, char **dna, char **pro) /* Test on one output. */ { struct htmlPage *outputPage, *page; struct htmlForm *mainForm; struct slName *gene; char *seq=NULL; htmlPageSetVar(sortPage, sortForm, "org", org); htmlPageSetVar(sortPage, sortForm, "db", db); htmlPageSetVar(sortPage, sortForm, "type", type); htmlPageSetVar(sortPage, sortForm, "sort", sort); htmlPageSetVar(sortPage, sortForm, "output", output); outputPage = htmlPageFromForm(sortPage, sortPage->forms, "submit", "Submit"); if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(outputPage, "mainForm")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get main form on outputPage"); // we may want to report the error but try to keep going. int g = 0; for (gene = geneList; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next) { if (sameWord(type,"BLAT's guess")) { if ((rand() % 2) == 0) { seq = dna[g]; } else { seq = pro[g]; } } else if (sameWord(type,"DNA")) { seq = dna[g]; } else if (sameWord(type,"Protein")) { seq = pro[g]; } else if (sameWord(type,"translated RNA")) { seq = dna[g]; } else if (sameWord(type,"translated DNA")) { seq = dna[g]; } else { errAbort("unknown type=%s",type); } if (!seq) { uglyf("testOutput: seq value NULL for %s.%s.\n",org,db); htmlPageFree(&outputPage); return; } page = quickSubmit(outputPage, org, db, type, sort, output, seq, "BlatTest combos", "submit", "Submit"); quickErrReport(); if (page != NULL) { htmlPageFree(&page); } g++; } htmlPageFree(&outputPage); } void testSort(struct htmlPage *typePage, struct htmlForm *typeForm, char *org, char *db, char *type, char *sort, struct slName *geneList, char **dna, char **pro) /* Test on one sort. */ { struct htmlPage *sortPage; struct htmlForm *mainForm; struct htmlFormVar *outputVar; struct slName *output; htmlPageSetVar(typePage, typeForm, "org", org); htmlPageSetVar(typePage, typeForm, "db", db); htmlPageSetVar(typePage, typeForm, "type", type); htmlPageSetVar(typePage, typeForm, "sort", sort); sortPage = htmlPageFromForm(typePage, typePage->forms, "submit", "Submit"); if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(sortPage, "mainForm")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get main form on sortPage"); // we may want to report the error but try to keep going. if ((outputVar = htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "output")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get output var"); for (output = outputVar->values; output != NULL; output = output->next) { if (clOutput == NULL || sameString(clOutput, output->name)) { uglyf("testSort: output->name=%s \n",output->name); testOutput(sortPage, mainForm, org, db, type, sort, output->name, geneList, dna, pro); } } htmlPageFree(&sortPage); } void testType(struct htmlPage *dbPage, struct htmlForm *dbForm, char *org, char *db, char *type, struct slName *geneList, char **dna, char **pro) /* Test on one type. */ { struct htmlPage *typePage; struct htmlForm *mainForm; struct htmlFormVar *sortVar; struct slName *sort; htmlPageSetVar(dbPage, dbForm, "org", org); htmlPageSetVar(dbPage, dbForm, "db", db); htmlPageSetVar(dbPage, dbForm, "type", type); typePage = htmlPageFromForm(dbPage, dbPage->forms, "submit", "Submit"); if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(typePage, "mainForm")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get main form on typePage"); // we may want to report the error but try to keep going. if ((sortVar = htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "sort")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get sort var"); for (sort = sortVar->values; sort != NULL; sort = sort->next) { if (clSort == NULL || sameString(clSort, sort->name)) { uglyf("testType: sort->name=%s \n",sort->name); testSort(typePage, mainForm, org, db, type, sort->name, geneList, dna, pro); } } htmlPageFree(&typePage); } struct hash *findRaSection(struct hash *raList, char *name) /* find section in ra with this name */ { struct hash *raHash,*result=NULL; char *section = NULL; char *targ = cloneString(name); eraseWhiteSpace(targ); /* name entry at top of each group cannot have whitespace */ for (raHash = raList; raHash != NULL; raHash = raHash->next) { section = hashFindVal(raHash, "name"); //debug //uglyf("section=%s\n",section); if (section) { if (sameWord(section,targ)) { result=raHash; } } } freez(&targ); return result; } void inheritRa(char **pvar, struct hash *ra, char *name) /* override previous value if non-null value found */ { char *temp=NULL; if (temp = hashFindVal(ra, name)) { *pvar = temp; } } char *getFieldWhereField(char *db, char *table, char *field, char *whereField, char *whereValue) /* Get random sample from database. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db); char query[256], **row; struct sqlResult *sr; char *result=NULL; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select %s from %s where %s = '%s'", field, table, whereField, whereValue); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { result = cloneString(row[0]); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); sqlDisconnect(&conn); return result; } int genePredCdnaSize(struct genePred *gp) /* Return total size of all exons. */ { int totalSize = 0; int exonIx; for (exonIx = 0; exonIx < gp->exonCount; ++exonIx) { totalSize += (gp->exonEnds[exonIx] - gp->exonStarts[exonIx]); } return totalSize; } struct dnaSeq *hDnaFromSeqD(char *db, char *seqName, int start, int end, enum dnaCase dnaCase) /* Fetch DNA (galt added db) */ { char fileName[512]; char query[512]; struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL; struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db); struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select fileName from chromInfo where chrom='%s'", seqName); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { safef(fileName,sizeof(fileName),"%s",row[0]); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); sqlDisconnect(&conn); seq = nibLoadPart(fileName, start, end-start); if (dnaCase == dnaUpper) touppers(seq->dna); return seq; } struct dnaSeq *getCdnaSeqD(char *db, struct genePred *gp) /* Load in cDNA sequence associated with gene prediction. */ { int txStart = gp->txStart; // hDnaFromSeq struct dnaSeq *genoSeq = hDnaFromSeqD(db, gp->chrom, txStart, gp->txEnd, dnaLower); struct dnaSeq *cdnaSeq; int cdnaSize = genePredCdnaSize(gp); int cdnaOffset = 0, exonStart, exonSize, exonIx; AllocVar(cdnaSeq); cdnaSeq->dna = needMem(cdnaSize+1); cdnaSeq->size = cdnaSize; for (exonIx = 0; exonIx < gp->exonCount; ++exonIx) { exonStart = gp->exonStarts[exonIx]; exonSize = gp->exonEnds[exonIx] - exonStart; memcpy(cdnaSeq->dna + cdnaOffset, genoSeq->dna + (exonStart - txStart), exonSize); cdnaOffset += exonSize; } assert(cdnaOffset == cdnaSeq->size); freeDnaSeq(&genoSeq); return cdnaSeq; } void getCdsInMrna(struct genePred *gp, int *retCdsStart, int *retCdsEnd) /* Given a gene prediction, figure out the * CDS start and end in mRNA coordinates. */ { int missingStart = 0, missingEnd = 0; int exonStart, exonEnd, exonSize, exonIx; int totalSize = 0; for (exonIx = 0; exonIx < gp->exonCount; ++exonIx) { exonStart = gp->exonStarts[exonIx]; exonEnd = gp->exonEnds[exonIx]; exonSize = exonEnd - exonStart; totalSize += exonSize; missingStart += exonSize - positiveRangeIntersection(exonStart, exonEnd, gp->cdsStart, exonEnd); missingEnd += exonSize - positiveRangeIntersection(exonStart, exonEnd, exonStart, gp->cdsEnd); } *retCdsStart = missingStart; *retCdsEnd = totalSize - missingEnd; } struct dnaSeq *htcGeneMrna(char *db, char * table, char *geneName) /* Display cDNA predicted from genome */ { char query[512]; struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db); struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; struct genePred *gp; struct dnaSeq *seq=NULL; int cdsStart, cdsEnd; int rowOffset = 0; char *fld=NULL; int f = 0; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where name = '%s'", table, geneName); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((fld = sqlFieldName(sr)) != NULL) { if (sameString(fld,"bin")) { rowOffset = f+1; } f++; } uglyf("rowOffset=%d \n",rowOffset); if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { gp = genePredLoad(row+rowOffset); seq = getCdnaSeqD(db, gp); getCdsInMrna(gp, &cdsStart, &cdsEnd); toUpperN(seq->dna + cdsStart, cdsEnd - cdsStart); if (gp->strand[0] == '-') { reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size); } genePredFree(&gp); //freeDnaSeq(&seq); don't free it, return it. } sqlFreeResult(&sr); sqlDisconnect(&conn); return seq; } void testDb(struct htmlPage *orgPage, struct htmlForm *orgForm, char *org, char *db) /* Test on one database. */ { struct hash *genomeRa=NULL; char *dnaTable = NULL; char *lnkTable = NULL; char *proTable = NULL; char *dnaColumn = NULL; char *lnkColumn = NULL; char *proColumn = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *temp = NULL; genomeRa=findRaSection(raList,"global"); if (!genomeRa) { errAbort("testDb: .ra has no global section \n"); } inheritRa(&dnaTable, genomeRa, "dna"); inheritRa(&lnkTable, genomeRa, "lnk"); inheritRa(&proTable, genomeRa, "pro"); inheritRa(&dnaColumn, genomeRa, "dnaColumn"); inheritRa(&lnkColumn, genomeRa, "lnkColumn"); inheritRa(&proColumn, genomeRa, "proColumn"); inheritRa(&method, genomeRa, "method"); genomeRa=findRaSection(raList,org); if (!genomeRa) { uglyf("testDb: skipping org=%s, has no .ra section \n",org); return; /* if there's no section for the organism, assume it should be skipped. */ } inheritRa(&dnaTable, genomeRa, "dna"); inheritRa(&lnkTable, genomeRa, "lnk"); inheritRa(&proTable, genomeRa, "pro"); inheritRa(&dnaColumn, genomeRa, "dnaColumn"); inheritRa(&lnkColumn, genomeRa, "lnkColumn"); inheritRa(&proColumn, genomeRa, "proColumn"); inheritRa(&method, genomeRa, "method"); genomeRa=findRaSection(raList,db); if (!genomeRa) { uglyf("testDb: skipping db=%s, has no .ra section \n",db); return; /* if there's no section for the db, assume it should be skipped. */ } inheritRa(&dnaTable, genomeRa, "dna"); inheritRa(&lnkTable, genomeRa, "lnk"); inheritRa(&proTable, genomeRa, "pro"); inheritRa(&dnaColumn, genomeRa, "dnaColumn"); inheritRa(&lnkColumn, genomeRa, "lnkColumn"); inheritRa(&proColumn, genomeRa, "proColumn"); inheritRa(&method, genomeRa, "method"); uglyf("dnaTable=%s \n",dnaTable); if (!dnaTable) { uglyf("testDb: dnaTable missing for org=%s db=%s line, skipping \n",org,db); return; } uglyf("lnkTable=%s \n",lnkTable); if (!lnkTable) { uglyf("testDb: lnkTable missing for org=%s db=%s line, skipping \n",org,db); return; } uglyf("proTable=%s \n",proTable); if (!proTable) { uglyf("testDb: proTable missing for org=%s db=%s line, skipping \n",org,db); return; } uglyf("dnaColumn=%s \n",dnaColumn); if (!dnaColumn) { uglyf("testDb: dnaColumn missing for org=%s db=%s, skipping \n",org,db); return; } uglyf("lnkColumn=%s \n",lnkColumn); if (!lnkColumn) { uglyf("testDb: lnkColumn missing for org=%s db=%s, skipping \n",org,db); return; } uglyf("proColumn=%s \n",proColumn); if (!proColumn) { uglyf("testDb: proColumn missing for org=%s db=%s, skipping \n",org,db); return; } uglyf("method=%s \n",method); if (!method) { uglyf("testDb: method missing for org=%s db=%s, skipping \n",org,db); return; } struct slName *geneList = NULL; char **dna; char **pro; // debug //clRepeat = 1; dna=needMem(clRepeat*sizeof(char*)); pro=needMem(clRepeat*sizeof(char*)); if (sameWord(method,"1")) geneList = sqlRandomSample(db, dnaTable, dnaColumn, clRepeat); else if (sameWord(method,"2")) geneList = sqlRandomSample(db, proTable, dnaColumn, clRepeat); else errAbort("unknown method %s in .ra",method); if (!geneList) { uglyf("testDb: sqlRandomSample returned empty geneList for %s.%s \n",db,dnaTable); return; } struct htmlPage *dbPage; //debug struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0); int geneCount = slCount(geneList); struct slName *gene; //char *dna = NULL; //HGID retId = 0; char *tempdna = NULL; struct dnaSeq *dnaseq=NULL; aaSeq *proseq=NULL; struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocOrConnect(db); uglyf("sqlGetDatabase(conn) = %s\n", sqlGetDatabase(conn) ); //uglyf("host=%s, db=%s, user=%s, pwd=%s \n", hGetDbHost(), hGetDbName(), hGetDbUser(), hGetDbPassword()); char *acc = NULL; int g = 0; for (gene = geneList; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next) { //uglyf("testDb: got to top of geneList loop for %s.%s \n",db,dnaTable); acc = gene->name; //uglyf("testDb: got past acc=gene->name for %s.%s \n",db,dnaTable); //acc = "NM_020967"; //acc = "AB002332"; dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s ", acc); //dna = hGetSeqAndId(conn, acc, &retId); //uglyf("testDb: about to call hgGetSeqAndId for %s.%s \n",db,dnaTable); //tempdna = hGetSeqAndId(conn, acc, NULL); //if (tempdna) // { // dnaseq = faFromMemText(tempdna); // //uglyf("\ntestDb: gene = %s. size=%d.\n tempdna=%s.\n",acc,strlen(tempdna),tempdna); // //uglyf("\ntestDb: dnaseq->dna=%s.\n",dnaseq->dna); // } //else // { // uglyf("testDb: hGetSeqAndId returned empty result for %s.%s \n",db,dnaTable); // return; // } if (sameWord(method,"1")) { //uglyf("testDb: about to call hgGenBankGetMrnaC for %s.%s \n",db,dnaTable); dnaseq = hGenBankGetMrnaC(conn, acc, NULL); if (!dnaseq) { uglyf("testDb: hGenBankGetMrnaC returned empty result for %s.%s \n",db,dnaTable); return; } } else if (sameWord(method,"2")) { //uglyf("testDb: about to call htcGeneMrna for %s.%s.%s \n",db,dnaTable,acc); dnaseq = htcGeneMrna(db, dnaTable, acc); if (!dnaseq) { uglyf("testDb: htcGeneMrna returned empty result for %s.%s.%s \n",db,dnaTable,acc); return; } } else { errAbort("unknown method %s in .ra",method); } char *protAcc = getFieldWhereField(db, lnkTable, proColumn, lnkColumn, acc); uglyf("testDb: protAcc=%s for %s.%s.%s='%s' \n",protAcc,db,dnaTable,dnaColumn,acc); //debug: restore this line: proseq = hGenBankGetPepC (conn, protAcc, proTable); if (!proseq) { uglyf("\n testDb: hGenBankGetPepC returned empty result for %s.%s \n",db,proTable); return; } //dna = dnaseq->dna; //uglyf("testDb: gene = %s. dnasize=%d. retId=%u.\n",acc,strlen(dna),retId); //uglyf("testDb: gene = %s. dna=%lu. retId=%u.\n",acc,(unsigned long)dna,retId); ///uglyf("testDb: gene = %s. dna=%s. \n",acc,dna); if (dnaseq != NULL) { if (dnaseq->dna != NULL) { //uglyf("\n testDb: gene = %s. size=%d.\n dnaseq->dna=%s.\n",acc,strlen(dnaseq->dna),dnaseq->dna); //struct htmlForm *mainForm; //if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(orgPage, "mainForm")) == NULL) // errAbort("Couldn't get main form"); /* uglyf("\nbefore: org=%s, db=%s, type=%s, sort=%s, output=%s, userSeq=%s\n", (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "org"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "db"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "type"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "sort"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "output"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "userSeq"))->curVal ); */ /* struct htmlFormVar *var; var = htmlFormVarGet(form, name); if (var == NULL) { AllocVar(var); var->type = "TEXT"; var->tagName = "INPUT"; var->name = name; var->curVal; } */ //if (org != NULL) // htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, mainForm, "org", org); //if (db != NULL) // htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, mainForm, "db", db); //htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, mainForm, "type", "DNA"); //htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, mainForm, "sort", "score"); //htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, mainForm, "output", "psl"); //htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, mainForm, "userSeq", dnaseq->dna); //htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, mainForm, "seqFile", dnaseq->dna); /* uglyf("\nafter: org=%s, db=%s, type=%s, sort=%s, output=%s, userSeq=%s\n", (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "org"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "db"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "type"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "sort"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "output"))->curVal, (htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "userSeq"))->curVal ); */ /* struct htmlFormVar *var; var = htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "seqFile"); if (var == NULL) { uglyf("var=htmlFormVarGet returned %lu \n",(unsigned long)var); } else { uglyf("\ntype=%s, tagName=%s, name=%s, curVal=%s \n", var->type, var->tagName, var->name, var->curVal ); } */ //struct qaStatus *qs; //struct htmlPage *page; //qs = qaPageFromForm(orgPage, orgPage->forms, "Submit", "Submit", &page); //qs = qaPageFromForm(orgPage, htmlFormGet(orgPage, "mainForm"), "Submit", "Submit", &page); //page = htmlPageFromForm(orgPage, mainForm, "Submit", "Submit"); //uglyf("qs.errMessage=%s, qs.hardError=%d \n",qs->errMessage,qs->hardError); //uglyf("%s\n",page->htmlText); } } if (proseq != NULL) { if (proseq->dna != NULL) { //uglyf("\n testDb: gene = %s. size=%d. \n proseq->dna=%s.\n",acc,strlen(proseq->dna),proseq->dna); } } //freez(&dna); //save for later dna[g]=cloneString(dnaseq->dna); pro[g]=cloneString(proseq->dna); freez(&dnaseq); freez(&proseq); //uglyf("dbg: got here3 \n"); g++; } uglyf("testDb: genelist = %s.\n",dy->string); dyStringFree(&dy); //uglyf("host=%s, db=%s, user=%s, pwd=%s \n", hGetDbHost(), hGetDbName(), hGetDbUser(), hGetDbPassword()); hFreeOrDisconnect(&conn); htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, orgForm, "db", db); //dbPage = quickSubmit(orgPage, org, db, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "dbEmptyPage", "submit", "Submit"); //quickErrReport(); //uglyf("dbg: got here5 \n"); dbPage = htmlPageFromForm(orgPage, orgPage->forms, "submit", "Submit"); //uglyf("dbg: got here6 \n dbPage->htmlText=%s\n",dbPage->htmlText); if (dbPage != NULL) { struct htmlForm *mainForm; struct htmlFormVar *typeVar; struct slName *type; //testDbColumns(dbPage, org, db, geneList); //testDbSorts(dbPage, org, db, dnaColumn, geneList); //testDbFilters(dbPage, org, db, dnaColumn, geneList); // uglyf("dbg: got here4 \n"); if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(dbPage, "mainForm")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get main form on dbPage"); // we may want to report the error but try to keep going. if ((typeVar = htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "type")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get type var"); for (type = typeVar->values; type != NULL; type = type->next) { if (clType == NULL || sameString(clType, type->name)) { uglyf("testDb: type->name=%s \n",type->name); testType(dbPage, mainForm, org, db, type->name, geneList, dna, pro); } } } // uglyf("dbg: got here7 \n"); htmlPageFree(&dbPage); for (g=0;g<clRepeat;g++) { freez(&dna[g]); freez(&pro[g]); } freez(&dna); freez(&pro); // uglyf("dbg: got here8 \n"); } void testOrg(struct htmlPage *rootPage, struct htmlForm *rootForm, char *org) /* Test on organism. If forceDb is non-null, only test on * given database. */ { struct htmlPage *orgPage; struct htmlForm *mainForm; struct htmlFormVar *dbVar; struct slName *db; htmlPageSetVar(rootPage, rootForm, "org", org); htmlPageSetVar(rootPage, rootForm, "db", NULL); if (!findRaSection(raList,org)) { uglyf("testOrg: skipping org=%s, has no .ra section \n",org); return; /* if there's no section for the organism, assume it should be skipped. */ } printf("\n"); // separation orgPage = htmlPageFromForm(rootPage, rootPage->forms, "submit", "Submit"); if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(orgPage, "mainForm")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get main form on orgPage"); // we may want to report the error but try to keep going. if ((dbVar = htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "db")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get db var"); for (db = dbVar->values; db != NULL; db = db->next) { if (clDb == NULL || sameString(clDb, db->name)) { uglyf("testOrg: db->name=%s \n",db->name); testDb(orgPage, mainForm, org, db->name); } } htmlPageFree(&orgPage); } void statsOnSubsets(struct blatTest *list, int subIx, FILE *f) /* Report tests of certain subtype. */ { struct blatTest *test; struct hash *hash = newHash(0); struct slName *typeList = NULL, *type; fprintf(f, "\n%s subtotals\n", blatTestInfoTypes[subIx]); /* Get list of all types in this field. */ for (test = list; test != NULL; test = test->next) { char *info = test->info[subIx]; if (!hashLookup(hash, info)) { type = slNameNew(info); hashAdd(hash, info, type); slAddHead(&typeList, type); } } slNameSort(&typeList); hashFree(&hash); for (type = typeList; type != NULL; type = type->next) { struct qaStatistics *stats; AllocVar(stats); for (test = list; test != NULL; test = test->next) { if (sameString(type->name, test->info[subIx])) { qaStatisticsAdd(stats, test->status); } } qaStatisticsReport(stats, type->name, f); freez(&stats); } } void reportSummary(struct blatTest *list, FILE *f) /* Report summary of test results. */ { struct qaStatistics *stats; struct blatTest *test; AllocVar(stats); int i; for (i=0; i<=ntiiOutput; ++i) statsOnSubsets(list, i, f); for (test = list; test != NULL; test = test->next) qaStatisticsAdd(stats, test->status); qaStatisticsReport(stats, "Total", f); } void reportAll(struct blatTest *list, FILE *f) /* Report all tests. */ { struct blatTest *test; for (test = list; test != NULL; test = test->next) { if (test->status->errMessage != NULL) blatTestLogOne(test, f); } } void hgBlatTest(char *url, char *log) /* hgblatTest - Test hgBlat web page. */ { struct htmlPage *rootPage = htmlPageGet(url); struct htmlForm *mainForm; struct htmlFormVar *orgVar; FILE *f = mustOpen(log, "w"); htmlPageValidateOrAbort(rootPage); /* global settings? htmlPageSetVar(rootPage, NULL, orderVarName, "geneDistance"); htmlPageSetVar(rootPage, NULL, countVarName, "25"); */ if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(rootPage, "mainForm")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get main form"); if ((orgVar = htmlFormVarGet(mainForm, "org")) == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't get org var"); if (clOrg != NULL) { uglyf("clOrg=%s\n",clOrg); testOrg(rootPage, mainForm, clOrg); } else { struct slName *org; for (org = orgVar->values; org != NULL; org = org->next) { uglyf("clOrg=%s\n",org->name); testOrg(rootPage, mainForm, org->name); } } htmlPageFree(&rootPage); slReverse(&blatTestList); reportSummary(blatTestList, stdout); reportAll(blatTestList, f); fprintf(f, "---------------------------------------------\n"); reportSummary(blatTestList, f); } void hgBlatTestX(char *url, char *log) { struct htmlPage *page; struct qaStatus *qs; qs = qaPageGet(url, &page); qaStatusReportOne(stdout, qs, url); htmlPageFree(&page); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { pushCarefulMemHandler(200000000); /* Set initial seed */ srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (argc != 3) usage(); clDb = optionVal("db", clDb); clOrg = optionVal("org", clOrg); clType = optionVal("type", clType); clSort = optionVal("sort", clSort); clOutput = optionVal("output", clOutput); dataDir = optionVal("dataDir", dataDir); clRepeat = optionInt("repeat", clRepeat); raList = hgReadRa("org", "db", dataDir, raName, NULL); if (raList == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't find anything from %s", raName); hgBlatTest(argv[1], argv[2]); //hgBlatTestX(argv[1], argv[2]); hashFreeList(&raList); carefulCheckHeap(); return 0; }