  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/hg/liftFrags/liftFrags.c src/hg/liftFrags/liftFrags.c
index 485499d..16c3d98 100644
--- src/hg/liftFrags/liftFrags.c
+++ src/hg/liftFrags/liftFrags.c
@@ -1,240 +1,239 @@
 /* liftFrags - This program lifts annotations on fragments to FPC contig 
  * coordinates. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "agpFrag.h"
 #include "rmskOut.h"
 #include "psl.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: liftFrags.c,v 1.6 2006/04/13 16:59:56 angie Exp $";
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "liftFrags - This program lifts annotations on clone fragments\n"
   "to FPC contig coordinates\n"
   "   liftFrags destFile gold.N geno.lst sourceDir\n"
   "Currently this only handles RepeatMasker .out files\n"
   "or psLayout .psl files\n");
 struct agpFrag *readGold(char *fileName, struct hash *fragHash, int *retSize)
 /* Read in fragments from gold file. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *words[16];
 int wordCount;
 struct agpFrag *fragList = NULL, *frag;
 int end, maxEnd = 0;
 while ((wordCount = lineFileChop(lf, words)) != 0)
     if (words[4][0] != 'N' && words[4][0] != 'U')
 	lineFileExpectWords(lf, 9, wordCount);
 	frag = agpFragLoad(words);
 	// file is 1-based but agpFragLoad() now assumes 0-based:
 	frag->chromStart -= 1;
 	frag->fragStart  -= 1;
 	slAddHead(&fragList, frag);
 	hashAddUnique(fragHash, frag->frag, frag);
 	end = frag->chromEnd;
 	end = atoi(words[2]);
     if (end > maxEnd) maxEnd = end;
 *retSize = maxEnd;
 return fragList;
 boolean changeRmskCoordinates(struct rmskOut *rmsk, struct agpFrag *frag, int destSize)
 /* Change coordinates of rmsk from frag to contig or chromosome level. */
 int s, e, start, end, offset;
 start = max(rmsk->genoStart, frag->fragStart);
 end = min(rmsk->genoEnd, frag->fragEnd);
 if (start >= end)
     return FALSE;
 if (frag->strand[0] == '+')
     offset = frag->chromStart - frag->fragStart;
     s = start + offset;
     e = end + offset;
     offset = frag->chromStart;
     s = offset + frag->fragEnd - end;
     e = offset + frag->fragEnd - start;
     if (rmsk->strand[0] == '+') rmsk->strand[0] = '-';
     else rmsk->strand[0] = '+';
 rmsk->genoName = cloneString(frag->chrom);
 rmsk->genoStart = s;
 rmsk->genoEnd = e;
 rmsk->genoLeft = destSize - e;
 return TRUE;
 int rmskOutCmpGenoStart(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on query. */
 const struct rmskOut *a = *((struct rmskOut **)va);
 const struct rmskOut *b = *((struct rmskOut **)vb);
 return a->genoStart - b->genoStart;
 void liftOut(char *destFile, struct hash *fragHash, int destSize, 
 	char *genoLst, char *sourceDir)
 /* Lift all .out files from genoLst.  Only lift fragments that are in fragHash.  */
 struct rmskOut *inList, *outList = NULL, *rmsk, *rmskNext;
 char *buf, **genoFiles, rmskFile[512];
 int genoCount, i;
 struct agpFrag *frag;
 int totalCount = 0, liftedCount = 0;
 readAllWords(genoLst, &genoFiles, &genoCount, &buf);
 for (i = 0; i<genoCount; ++i)
     sprintf(rmskFile, "%s.out", genoFiles[i]);
     inList = rmskOutRead(rmskFile);
     for (rmsk = inList; rmsk != NULL; rmsk = rmskNext)
 	rmskNext = rmsk->next;
 	frag = hashFindVal(fragHash, rmsk->genoName);
 	if (frag != NULL)
 	    if (changeRmskCoordinates(rmsk, frag, destSize))
 		slAddHead(&outList, rmsk);
 printf("Writing %d repeats (of %d) to %s\n", liftedCount, totalCount, destFile);
 slSort(&outList, rmskOutCmpGenoStart);
 rmskOutWriteAllOut(destFile, outList);
 boolean changePslCoordinates(struct psl *psl, struct agpFrag *frag, int destSize)
 /* Change coordinates of psl from frag to contig or chromosome level. */
 int s, e, start, end, offset;
 int blockCount, j;
 unsigned *tStarts;
 start = psl->tStart;
 end = psl->tEnd;
 if (start >= end)
     return FALSE;
 if (frag->strand[0] == '+')
     offset = frag->chromStart - frag->fragStart;
     s = start + offset;
     e = end + offset;
     offset = frag->chromStart;
     s = offset + frag->fragEnd - end;
     e = offset + frag->fragEnd - start;
     if (psl->strand[0] == '+') psl->strand[0] = '-';
     else psl->strand[0] = '+';
 psl->tName = cloneString(frag->chrom);
 psl->tStart = s;
 psl->tEnd = e;
 psl->tSize = destSize - e;
 blockCount = psl->blockCount;
 tStarts = psl->tStarts;
 for (j=0; j<blockCount; ++j) 
    tStarts[j] += offset;
 return TRUE;
 void liftPsl(char *destFile, struct hash *fragHash, int destSize, 
 	char *genoLst, char *sourceDir)
 /* Lift all .psl files from genoLst.  Only lift fragments that are in fragHash.  */
 struct psl *inList, *outList = NULL, *psl, *pslNext;
 char *buf, **genoFiles, pslFile[512];
 int genoCount, i;
 struct agpFrag *frag;
 int totalCount = 0, liftedCount = 0;
 readAllWords(genoLst, &genoFiles, &genoCount, &buf);
 for (i = 0; i<genoCount; ++i)
     sprintf(pslFile, "%s", genoFiles[i]);
     inList = pslLoadAll(pslFile);
     for (psl = inList; psl != NULL; psl = pslNext)
 	pslNext = psl->next;
 	frag = hashFindVal(fragHash, psl->tName);
 	if (frag != NULL)
 	    if (changePslCoordinates(psl, frag, destSize))
 		slAddHead(&outList, psl);
 printf("Writing %d psl records (of %d) to %s\n", liftedCount, totalCount, destFile);
 slSort(&outList, pslCmpTarget);
 pslWriteAll(outList, destFile, TRUE);
 void liftFrags(char *destFile, char *goldFile, char *genoLst, char *sourceDir)
 /* liftFrags - This program lifts annotations on fragments to FPC contig 
  * coordinates. */
 struct hash *fragHash = newHash(16);
 struct agpFrag *fragList = NULL;
 int goldSize;
 fragList = readGold(goldFile, fragHash, &goldSize);
 printf("%d frags in %d bases in %s\n", slCount(fragList), goldSize, goldFile);
 if (endsWith(destFile, ".out"))
     liftOut(destFile, fragHash, goldSize, genoLst, sourceDir);
 else if (endsWith(destFile, ".psl"))
     liftPsl(destFile, fragHash, goldSize, genoLst, sourceDir);
     errAbort("Unrecognized suffix on %s", destFile);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 if (argc != 5)
 liftFrags(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
 return 0;