  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/hg/pslIntronsOnly/pslIntronsOnly.c src/hg/pslIntronsOnly/pslIntronsOnly.c
index 0f88c6c..2abd70a 100644
--- src/hg/pslIntronsOnly/pslIntronsOnly.c
+++ src/hg/pslIntronsOnly/pslIntronsOnly.c
@@ -1,88 +1,87 @@
 /* pslIntronsOnly - Filter psl files to only include those with introns. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "nib.h"
 #include "twoBit.h"
 #include "fa.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: pslIntronsOnly.c,v 1.10 2005/08/21 15:49:45 markd Exp $";
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "pslIntronsOnly - Filter psl files to only include those with introns\n"
   "   pslIntronsOnly in.psl genoFile out.psl\n"
   "The genoFile can be a fasta file, a chromosome nib, or a nib subrange.\n"
   "Subranges of nib files may specified using the syntax:\n"
   "   /path/file.nib:seqid:start-end\n"
   "   /path/file.2bit:seqid:start-end\n"
   "   /path/file.nib:start-end\n"
   "With the second form, a sequence id of file:start-end will be used.\n");
 struct hash *loadGeno(char *genoFile)
 /* load genome sequences into a hash.  This supports the multi-sequence
  * specs of twoBitLoadAll */
 struct dnaSeq *genos = NULL, *geno;
 struct hash *genoHash = hashNew(0);
 if (nibIsFile(genoFile))
     genos = nibLoadAllMasked(NIB_MASK_MIXED|NIB_BASE_NAME, genoFile);
 else if (twoBitIsSpec(genoFile))
     genos = twoBitLoadAll(genoFile);
     genos = faReadDna(genoFile);
 while ((geno = slPopHead(&genos)) != NULL)
     hashAdd(genoHash, geno->name, geno);
 return genoHash;
 void pslIntronsOnly(char *inPslName, char *genoFile, char *outPslName)
 /* pslIntronsOnly - Filter psl files to only include those with introns. */
 struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
 FILE *outFile = NULL;
 struct hash *genoHash = loadGeno(genoFile);
 struct psl *psl;
 int count = 0, intronCount = 0;
 lf = pslFileOpen(inPslName);
 outFile = mustOpen(outPslName, "w");
 while ((psl = pslNext(lf)) != NULL)
     struct dnaSeq *geno = hashMustFindVal(genoHash, psl->tName);
     if (pslHasIntron(psl, geno, 0))
 	pslTabOut(psl, outFile);
 printf("%d of %d in %s have introns\n", intronCount, count, inPslName);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 if (argc != 4)
 pslIntronsOnly(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
 return 0;