  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/hg/qacAgpLift/qacAgpLift.c src/hg/qacAgpLift/qacAgpLift.c
index 56a0589..e8e7f0d 100644
--- src/hg/qacAgpLift/qacAgpLift.c
+++ src/hg/qacAgpLift/qacAgpLift.c
@@ -1,227 +1,226 @@
 /* qacAgpLift - Use AGP to combine per-scaffold qac into per-chrom qac. */
 /* Originally written by Kate as hg/chimpStuff/chimpChromQuals. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "qaSeq.h"
 #include "rle.h"
 #include "agpFrag.h"
 #include "agpGap.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: qacAgpLift.c,v 1.4 2007/03/31 19:38:16 markd Exp $";
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "qacAgpLift - Use AGP to combine per-scaffold qac into per-chrom qac.\n"
   "   qacAgpLift scaffoldToChrom.agp scaffolds.qac chrom.qac\n"
   "    -mScore=N - score to use for missing data (otherwise fail)\n"
   "            range: 0-99, recommended values are 98 (low qual) or 99 (high)"
 int mScore = -1;               /* use this only if positive value */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"mScore", OPTION_INT},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct qac
 /* A run-length-compressed set of quality scores. */
     int uncSize;		/* Uncompressed size. */
     int compSize;		/* Compressed size. */
     signed char data[1];	/* Compressed data. */
 struct hash *qacReadToHash(char *fileName)
 /* Read in a qac file into a hash of qacs keyed by name. */
 boolean isSwapped;
 FILE *f = qacOpenVerify(fileName, &isSwapped);
 bits32 compSize, uncSize;
 struct qac *qac;
 char *name;
 struct hash *hash = newHash(18);
 int count = 0;
 for (;;)
     name = readString(f);
     if (name == NULL)
     mustReadOne(f, uncSize);
     if (isSwapped)
 	uncSize = byteSwap32(uncSize);
     mustReadOne(f, compSize);
     if (isSwapped)
 	compSize = byteSwap32(compSize);
     qac = needHugeMem(sizeof(*qac) + compSize - 1);
     qac->uncSize = uncSize;
     qac->compSize = compSize;
     mustRead(f, qac->data, compSize);
     hashAdd(hash, name, qac);
 verbose(1, "Read %d qacs from %s\n", count, fileName);
 return hash;
 struct chrom
 /* A list of agpFrags. */
     struct chrom *next;
     int size;			/* Max size of chrom. */
     struct agpFrag *list;	/* List of fragments in chrom. */
 struct chrom *readChromScaffoldsFromAgp(char *fileName)
 /* Read in agp file and return as list of chroms. */
 struct hash *chromHash = newHash(17);
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *row[9];
 int wordCount;
 struct chrom *chromList = NULL, *chrom;
 struct agpFrag *frag = NULL;
 struct agpGap *gap = NULL;
 char *chromName;
 int chromSize = 0;
 for (;;)
     wordCount = lineFileChop(lf, row);
     if (wordCount <= 0)
     if (wordCount < 8)
     if (row[4][0] == 'N' || row[4][0] == 'U')
         /* need to get chromEnd from gaps to determine chrom size
          * if the chrom ends with a gap */
         gap = agpGapLoad(row);
         chromName = gap->chrom;
         chromSize = gap->chromEnd;
         frag = NULL;
         if (wordCount < 9)
         frag = agpFragLoad(row);
         chromName = frag->chrom;
         chromSize = frag->chromEnd;
         frag->chromStart -= 1;
         frag->fragStart -= 1;
         if (frag->fragEnd - frag->fragStart != 
             frag->chromEnd - frag->chromStart)
                 errAbort("chrom/scaffold size mismatch line %d of %s",
                                   lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     chrom = hashFindVal(chromHash, chromName);
     if (chrom == NULL)
         slAddHead(&chromList, chrom);
         hashAdd(chromHash, chromName, chrom);
     chrom->size = max(chromSize, chrom->size);
     if (frag != NULL)
         slAddHead(&chrom->list, frag);
 for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
 verbose(1, "Got %d chroms in %s\n", slCount(chromList), lf->fileName);
 return chromList;
 void qacAgpLift(char *agpFile, char *qacInName, char *qacOutName)
 /* qacAgpLift - Use AGP to combine per-scaffold qac into per-chrom qac. */
 struct hash *qacHash = qacReadToHash(qacInName);
 struct chrom *chrom, *chromList = readChromScaffoldsFromAgp(agpFile);
 FILE *f = mustOpen(qacOutName, "w");
 struct qaSeq qa;
 struct agpFrag *frag;
 struct qac *qac;
 int bufSize = 0;
 UBYTE *buf = NULL;
 int qaMaxSize = 0;
 int fragSize;
 int count = 0;
 for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
     /* Set up qa to hold uncompressed quals for whole chrom. */
     qa.name = chrom->list->chrom;
     verbose(1, "    %s size=%d\n", chrom->list->chrom, chrom->size);
     qa.size = chrom->size;
     if (qaMaxSize < qa.size)
 	qa.qa = needHugeZeroedMem(qa.size);
 	qaMaxSize = qa.size;
         zeroBytes(qa.qa, qa.size);
     /* Uncompress contig quality scores and copy into chrom's quality buffer. */
     for (frag = chrom->list; frag != NULL; frag = frag->next)
         struct hashEl *hel;
         fragSize = frag->fragEnd - frag->fragStart;
         if ((hel = hashLookup(qacHash, frag->frag)) != NULL)
             qac = (struct qac *) hel->val;
             if (bufSize < qac->uncSize)
                 bufSize = qac->uncSize;
                 buf = needMem(bufSize);
             rleUncompress(qac->data, qac->compSize, buf, qac->uncSize);
             if (frag->strand[0] == '-')
                 reverseBytes((char*)buf, qac->uncSize);
             memcpy(qa.qa + frag->chromStart, buf + frag->fragStart, fragSize);
             /* agp frag not found in qac hash -- missing data */
             if (mScore < 0)
                 errAbort("missing data: no quality scores for %s", frag->frag);
             /* fill in missing data with specified score */
             memset(qa.qa + frag->chromStart, mScore, fragSize);
     /* Compress and write it out. */
     qacWriteNext(f, &qa);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 mScore = optionInt("mScore", mScore);
 if (argc != 4)
 qacAgpLift(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
 return 0;