  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/jkOwnLib/gfPcrLib.c src/jkOwnLib/gfPcrLib.c
index 1cfc30a..da8fcdb 100644
--- src/jkOwnLib/gfPcrLib.c
+++ src/jkOwnLib/gfPcrLib.c
@@ -1,572 +1,571 @@
 /* gfPcrLib - Routines to help do in silico PCR.
  * Copyright 2004-2005 Jim Kent.  All rights reserved. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "genoFind.h"
 #include "sqlNum.h"
 #include "gfInternal.h"
 #include "gfPcrLib.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: gfPcrLib.c,v 1.13 2010/05/15 06:28:15 galt Exp $";
 /**** Input and Output Handlers *****/
 void gfPcrOutputFree(struct gfPcrOutput **pOut)
 /* Free up a gfPcrOutput structure. */
 struct gfPcrOutput *out = *pOut;
 if (pOut != NULL)
 void gfPcrOutputFreeList(struct gfPcrOutput **pList)
 /* Free up a list of gfPcrOutput structures. */
 struct gfPcrOutput *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 void gfPcrInputStaticLoad(char **row, struct gfPcrInput *ret)
 /* Load a row from gfPcrInput table into ret.  The contents of ret will
  * be replaced at the next call to this function. */
 ret->name = row[0];
 ret->fPrimer = row[1];
 ret->rPrimer = row[2];
 struct gfPcrInput *gfPcrInputLoad(char **row)
 /* Load a gfPcrInput from row fetched with select * from gfPcrInput
  * from database.  Dispose of this with gfPcrInputFree(). */
 struct gfPcrInput *ret;
 ret->name = cloneString(row[0]);
 ret->fPrimer = cloneString(row[1]);
 ret->rPrimer = cloneString(row[2]);
 return ret;
 struct gfPcrInput *gfPcrInputLoadAll(char *fileName) 
 /* Load all gfPcrInput from a whitespace-separated file.
  * Dispose of this with gfPcrInputFreeList(). */
 struct gfPcrInput *list = NULL, *el;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *row[3];
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     el = gfPcrInputLoad(row);
     slAddHead(&list, el);
 return list;
 void gfPcrInputFree(struct gfPcrInput **pEl)
 /* Free a single dynamically allocated gfPcrInput such as created
  * with gfPcrInputLoad(). */
 struct gfPcrInput *el;
 if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return;
 void gfPcrInputFreeList(struct gfPcrInput **pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated gfPcrInput's */
 struct gfPcrInput *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 /**** Handle Refinement (after Index has given us approximate position) *****/
 static boolean goodMatch(char *a, char *b, int size)
 /* Return TRUE if there are 2 matches per mismatch. */
 int score = 0, i;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
    if (a[i] == b[i])
        score += 1;
        score -= 2;
 return score >= 0;
 static void upperMatch(char *dna, char *primer, int size)
 /* Uppercase DNA where it matches primer. */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     if (dna[i] == primer[i])
         dna[i] = toupper(dna[i]);
 static void outputFa(struct gfPcrOutput *out, FILE *f, char *url)
 /* Output match in fasta format. */
 int fPrimerSize = strlen(out->fPrimer);
 int rPrimerSize = strlen(out->rPrimer);
 int productSize = out->rPos - out->fPos;
 char *dna = cloneStringZ(out->dna, productSize);
 char *rrPrimer = cloneString(out->rPrimer);
 char *ffPrimer = cloneString(out->fPrimer);
 struct dyString *faLabel = newDyString(0);
 char *name = out->name;
 /* Create fasta header with position, possibly empty name, and upper cased primers with position optionally hyperlinked. */
 if (url != NULL)
     dyStringAppend(faLabel, "<A HREF=\"");
     dyStringPrintf(faLabel, url, out->seqName, out->fPos+1, out->rPos);
     dyStringAppend(faLabel, "\">");
 dyStringPrintf(faLabel, "%s:%d%c%d", 
 	out->seqName, out->fPos+1, out->strand, out->rPos);
 if (url != NULL)
     dyStringAppend(faLabel, "</A>");
 if (name != NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(faLabel, " %s", name);
 dyStringPrintf(faLabel, " %dbp %s %s",
 	out->rPos - out->fPos, ffPrimer, rrPrimer);
 /* Flip reverse primer to be in same direction and case as sequence. */
 reverseComplement(rrPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 /* Capitalize where sequence and primer match, and write out sequence. */
 upperMatch(dna, out->fPrimer, fPrimerSize);
 upperMatch(dna + productSize - rPrimerSize, rrPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 faWriteNext(f, faLabel->string, dna, productSize);
 /* Clean up. */
 static int countMatch(char *a, char *b, int size)
 /* Count number of letters in a, b that match */
 int count = 0, i;
 for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
     if (a[i] == b[i])
 return count;
 static int getBedScore(struct gfPcrOutput *out)
 /* Return a score in BED range (0-1000). */
 int size = out->rPos - out->fPos;
 int fPrimerSize = strlen(out->fPrimer);
 int rPrimerSize = strlen(out->rPrimer);
 int match = countMatch(out->dna, out->fPrimer, fPrimerSize);
 assert(size > 0);
 reverseComplement(out->rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 match += countMatch(out->dna + size - rPrimerSize, out->rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 reverseComplement(out->rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 return round(1000.0 * match / (double)(fPrimerSize + rPrimerSize));
 static void outputBed(struct gfPcrOutput *out, FILE *f, char *url)
 /* Output match in BED 6 format. */
 char *name = out->name;
 if (name == NULL) name = "n/a";
 fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t", out->seqName, out->fPos, out->rPos);
 fprintf(f, "%s\t", name);
 fprintf(f, "%d\t", getBedScore(out));
 fprintf(f, "%c\n", out->strand);
 static void outputBed12(struct gfPcrOutput *out, FILE *f, char *url)
 /* Output match in BED 12 format (a block for each primer). */
 int fPrimerSize = strlen(out->fPrimer);
 int rPrimerSize = strlen(out->rPrimer);
 char *name = out->name;
 if (name == NULL) name = "n/a";
 fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t", out->seqName, out->fPos, out->rPos, name);
 fprintf(f, "%d\t%c\t", getBedScore(out), out->strand);
 fprintf(f, "%d\t%d\t", out->fPos, out->rPos);
 fprintf(f, "0\t2\t%d,%d,\t0,%d\n", fPrimerSize, rPrimerSize,
 	out->rPos - out->fPos - rPrimerSize);
 static void outputPsl(struct gfPcrOutput *out, FILE *f, char *url)
 /* Output match in PSL format. */
 int match;
 int size = out->rPos - out->fPos;
 int fPrimerSize = strlen(out->fPrimer);
 int rPrimerSize = strlen(out->rPrimer);
 int bothSize = fPrimerSize + rPrimerSize;
 int gapSize = size - bothSize;
 char *name = out->name;
 if (name == NULL) name = "n/a";
 match = countMatch(out->dna, out->fPrimer, fPrimerSize);
 reverseComplement(out->rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 assert(size > 0);
 match += countMatch(out->dna + size - rPrimerSize, out->rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 reverseComplement(out->rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 fprintf(f, "%d\t", match);
 fprintf(f, "%d\t", bothSize - match);
 fprintf(f, "0\t0\t");	/* repMatch, nCount. */
 fprintf(f, "1\t%d\t", gapSize);   /* qNumInsert, qBaseInsert */
 fprintf(f, "1\t%d\t", gapSize);   /* tNumInsert, tBaseInsert */
 fprintf(f, "%c\t", out->strand);
 fprintf(f, "%s\t", name);
 fprintf(f, "%d\t", size);
 fprintf(f, "0\t%d\t", size);	/* qStart, qEnd */
 fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t", out->seqName, out->seqSize);
 fprintf(f, "%d\t%d\t", out->fPos, out->rPos);
 fprintf(f, "2\t");
 if (out->strand == '+')
     fprintf(f, "%d,%d,\t", fPrimerSize, rPrimerSize);
     fprintf(f, "%d,%d,\t", 0,size - rPrimerSize);
     fprintf(f, "%d,%d,\n", out->fPos, out->rPos - rPrimerSize);
     fprintf(f, "%d,%d,\t", rPrimerSize, fPrimerSize);
     fprintf(f, "%d,%d,\t", 0,size - fPrimerSize);
     fprintf(f, "%d,%d,\n", out->fPos, out->rPos - fPrimerSize);
 typedef void (*outFunction)(struct gfPcrOutput *out, FILE *f, char *url) ;
 static outFunction gfPcrOutputFunction(char *outType)
 /* Return a pointer to output function for the given output type. */
 outFunction output = NULL;
 if (sameWord(outType, "fa"))
     output = outputFa;
 else if (sameWord(outType, "bed"))
     output = outputBed;
 else if (sameWord(outType, "bed12"))
     output = outputBed12;
 else if (sameWord(outType, "psl"))
     output = outputPsl;
     errAbort("Unrecognized pcr output type %s", outType);
 return output;
 void gfPcrOutputWriteList(struct gfPcrOutput *outList, char *outType, 
 	char *url, FILE *f)
 /* Write list of outputs in specified format (either "fa" or "bed") 
  * to file.  If url is non-null it should be a printf formatted
  * string that takes %s, %d, %d for chromosome, start, end. */
 outFunction output = gfPcrOutputFunction(outType);
 struct gfPcrOutput *out;
 for (out = outList; out != NULL; out = out->next)
     output(out, f, url);
 void gfPcrOutputWriteOne(struct gfPcrOutput *out, char *outType, 
 	char *url, FILE *f)
 /* Write a single output in specified format (either "fa" or "bed") 
  * to file.  If url is non-null it should be a printf formatted
  * string that takes %s, %d, %d for chromosome, start, end. */
 outFunction output = gfPcrOutputFunction(outType);
 output(out, f, url);
 void gfPcrOutputWriteAll(struct gfPcrOutput *outList, 
 	char *outType, char *url, char *fileName)
 /* Create file of outputs in specified format (either "fa" or "bed") 
  * to file.  If url is non-null it should be a printf formatted
  * string that takes %s, %d, %d for chromosome, start, end. */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 gfPcrOutputWriteList(outList, outType, url, f);
 static void pcrLocalStrand(char *pcrName, 
 	struct dnaSeq *seq,  int seqOffset, char *seqName, int seqSize,
 	int maxSize, char *fPrimer, int fPrimerSize, char *rPrimer, int rPrimerSize,
 	int minPerfect, int minGood,
 	char strand, struct gfPcrOutput **pOutList)
 /* Do detailed PCR scan on one strand and report results. */
 char *fDna = seq->dna, *rDna;
 char *endDna = fDna + seq->size;
 char *fpPerfect = fPrimer + fPrimerSize - minPerfect;
 char *rpPerfect = rPrimer;
 char *fpMatch, *rpMatch;
 int goodSize = minGood - minPerfect;
 struct gfPcrOutput  *out;
 int matchSize;
 reverseComplement(rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 for (;;)
     fpMatch = memMatch(fpPerfect, minPerfect, fDna, endDna - fDna);
     if (fpMatch == NULL)
     rDna = fpMatch;
     for (;;)
 	int fPos, rPos, fGoodPos, rGoodPos, fTrim, rTrim;
 	rpMatch = memMatch(rpPerfect, minPerfect, rDna, endDna - rDna);
 	if (rpMatch == NULL)
 	fPos = fpMatch - (fPrimerSize - minPerfect) - seq->dna;
 	rPos = rpMatch + rPrimerSize - seq->dna;
 	/* deal with primers dangling off either end of the target sequence */
 	if (fPos < 0)
 	    fTrim = 0 - fPos;
 	    fPos = 0;
 	    fTrim = 0;
 	if (rPos > seq->size)
 	    rTrim = rPos - seq->size;
 	    rPos = seq->size;
 	    rTrim = 0;
 	fGoodPos = fpMatch - goodSize - seq->dna;
 	rGoodPos = rpMatch + minPerfect - seq->dna;
 	fGoodPos = max(fGoodPos, 0);
 	rGoodPos = min(rGoodPos, seq->size);
 	matchSize = rPos - fPos;
 	int fGoodSize = fGoodPos - fPos;
 	int rGoodSize = rPos - rGoodPos;
 	fGoodSize = min(fGoodSize, goodSize);
 	rGoodSize = min(rGoodSize, goodSize);
         if (rPos >= 0 && fPos >= 0 && fPos < seq->size && matchSize <= maxSize)
 	    /* If matches well enough create output record. */
 	    if (goodMatch(seq->dna + fGoodPos, fpPerfect - fGoodSize, fGoodSize) &&
 	        goodMatch(seq->dna + rGoodPos, rpPerfect + minPerfect, rGoodSize))
 		/* Truncate the copy of the primers going into the out-> record using rTrim and fTrim if needed. */
 		out->name  = cloneString(pcrName);
 		out->fPrimer = cloneString(fPrimer + fTrim);
 		out->rPrimer = cloneStringZ(rPrimer, rPrimerSize - rTrim);
 		reverseComplement(out->rPrimer, rPrimerSize - rTrim);
 		out->seqName = cloneString(seqName);
 		out->seqSize = seqSize;
 		out->fPos = fPos + seqOffset;
 		out->rPos = rPos + seqOffset;
 		out->strand = strand;
 		out->dna = cloneStringZ(seq->dna + fPos, matchSize);
 		/* Dealing with the strand of darkness....  Here we just have to swap
 		 * forward and reverse primers to flip strands, and reverse complement
 		 * the amplified area.. */
 		if (strand == '-')
 		    char *temp = out->rPrimer;
 		    out->rPrimer = out->fPrimer;
 		    out->fPrimer = temp;
 		    reverseComplement(out->dna, matchSize);
 		slAddHead(pOutList, out);
 	rDna = rpMatch+1;
     fDna = fpMatch + 1;
 reverseComplement(rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 void gfPcrLocal(char *pcrName, 
 	struct dnaSeq *seq, int seqOffset, char *seqName, int seqSize,
 	int maxSize, char *fPrimer, int fPrimerSize, char *rPrimer, int rPrimerSize,
 	int minPerfect, int minGood, char strand, struct gfPcrOutput **pOutList)
 /* Do detailed PCR scan on DNA already loaded into memory and put results
  * (in reverse order) on *pOutList. */
 /* For PCR primers reversing search strand just means switching
  * order of primers. */
 if (strand == '-')
     pcrLocalStrand(pcrName, seq, seqOffset, seqName, seqSize, maxSize, 
 	rPrimer, rPrimerSize, fPrimer, fPrimerSize, 
 	minPerfect, minGood, strand, pOutList);
     pcrLocalStrand(pcrName, seq, seqOffset, seqName, seqSize, maxSize, 
 	fPrimer, fPrimerSize, rPrimer, rPrimerSize, 
 	minPerfect, minGood, strand, pOutList);
 struct gfRange *gfPcrGetRanges(char *host, char *port, char *fPrimer, char *rPrimer,
 	int maxSize)
 /* Query gfServer with primers and convert response to a list of gfRanges. */
 char buf[256];
 int conn = gfConnect(host, port);
 struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range;
 /* Query server and put results into rangeList. */
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%spcr %s %s %d", gfSignature(), fPrimer, rPrimer, maxSize);
 mustWriteFd(conn, buf, strlen(buf));
 for (;;)
     if (netGetString(conn, buf) == NULL)
     if (sameString(buf, "end"))
     else if (startsWith("Error:", buf))
 	errAbort("%s", buf);
 	char *s = buf;
 	char *name, *start, *end, *strand;
 	name = nextWord(&s);
 	start = nextWord(&s);
 	end = nextWord(&s);
 	strand = nextWord(&s);
 	if (strand == NULL)
 	    errAbort("Truncated gfServer response");
 	range->tName = cloneString(name);
 	range->tStart = atoi(start);
 	range->tEnd = atoi(end);
 	range->tStrand = strand[0];
 	slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 static void gfPcrOneViaNet(
 	char *host, char *port, char *seqDir,
 	char *pcrName, char *fPrimer, char *rPrimer, int maxSize,
 	int minPerfect, int minGood,
 	struct hash *tFileCache, struct gfPcrOutput **pOutList)
 /* Query gfServer for likely primer hits, load DNA to do detailed
  * examination, and output hits to head of *pOutList.. */
 struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range;
 int fPrimerSize = strlen(fPrimer);
 int rPrimerSize = strlen(rPrimer);
 int maxPrimerSize = max(fPrimerSize, rPrimerSize);
 int minPrimerSize = min(fPrimerSize, rPrimerSize);
 /* Check for obvious user mistake. */
 if (minPrimerSize < minGood || minPrimerSize < minPerfect)
     errAbort("Need longer primer in pair %s (%dbp) %s (%dbp).  Minimum size is %d\n",
 	fPrimer, fPrimerSize, rPrimer, rPrimerSize, minGood);
 /* Load ranges and do more detailed snooping. */
 rangeList = gfPcrGetRanges(host, port, fPrimer, rPrimer, maxSize);
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     int tSeqSize;
     char seqName[PATH_LEN];
     struct dnaSeq *seq = gfiExpandAndLoadCached(range,
 	tFileCache, seqDir,  0, &tSeqSize, FALSE, FALSE, maxPrimerSize);
     gfiGetSeqName(range->tName, seqName, NULL);
     gfPcrLocal(pcrName, seq, range->tStart, seqName, tSeqSize, maxSize, 
 	    fPrimer, fPrimerSize, rPrimer, rPrimerSize, 
 	    minPerfect, minGood, range->tStrand, pOutList);
 struct gfPcrOutput *gfPcrViaNet(char *host, char *port, char *seqDir, 
 	struct gfPcrInput *inList, int maxSize, int minPerfect, int minGood)
 /* Do PCRs using gfServer index, returning list of results. */
 struct hash *tFileCache = gfFileCacheNew();
 struct gfPcrInput *in;
 struct gfPcrOutput *outList = NULL;
 for (in = inList; in != NULL; in = in->next)
     gfPcrOneViaNet(host, port, seqDir,
     	in->name, in->fPrimer, in->rPrimer, maxSize,
 	minPerfect, minGood,
     	tFileCache, &outList);
 return outList;
 char *gfPcrMakePrimer(char *s)
 /* Make primer (lowercased DNA) out of text.  Complain if
  * it is too short or too long. */
 int size = dnaFilteredSize(s);
 int realSize;
 char *primer = needMem(size+1);
 dnaFilter(s, primer);
 realSize = size - countChars(primer, 'n');
 if (realSize < 10 || realSize < size/2)
    errAbort("%s does not seem to be a good primer", s);
 return primer;