a44421a79fb36cc2036fe116b97ea3bc9590cd0c braney Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800 removed rcsid (#295) diff --git src/lib/tests/mimeDecodeTest.c src/lib/tests/mimeDecodeTest.c index 8777315..d3aa6fd 100644 --- src/lib/tests/mimeDecodeTest.c +++ src/lib/tests/mimeDecodeTest.c @@ -1,369 +1,368 @@ /* mimeDecodeTest.c for parsing MIME from a descriptor (stdin). * * This file is copyright 2006 Galt Barber, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #include "common.h" #include "options.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "errabort.h" #include "hash.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "mime.h" #include "base64.h" #include "quotedP.h" -static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: mimeDecodeTest.c,v 1.3 2006/10/27 18:52:14 galt Exp $"; /* * Note: MIME is a nested structure that makes a tree that streams in depth-first. */ int noNameCount = 0; char noName[256]; char outPath[256]; char *altHeader = NULL; boolean cidPass = FALSE; struct hash *cidHash = NULL; struct dyString *dy = NULL; char *outDir = "."; void usage(char *msg) /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "%s\n\n" "mimeDecode - parse and decode mime input on stdin\n" "\n" "Usage:\n" " mimeDecode [options] outDir\n" "where outDir is the output directory.\n" "Options:\n" " -altHeader='CONTENT_TYPE=\"multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x\"'\n" " be sure to specify the same boundary pattern that is used \n" " in the stdin input.\n" " -autoBoundary - no boundary given, scan for --.\n" " -cid - process html replacing cid urls with filenames.\n" " -noNames - ignore given filenames, use noNames for all.\n" " --help - this help screen\n", msg); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { {"altHeader", OPTION_STRING}, {"autoBoundary", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"cid", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"noNames", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"-help", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0}, }; static void handleCID(char **html, char *ctMain) /* Handle CID replacements if needed */ { if (optionExists("cid") && ctMain && sameWord(ctMain,"text/html")) { struct hashEl *el, *list = hashElListHash(cidHash); for(el=list;el;el=el->next) { char *cid=addSuffix("cid:",el->name); if (stringIn(cid,*html)) { char *new = replaceChars(*html, cid, el->val); freez(html); *html = new; } freez(&cid); // support for content-location if (stringIn(el->name,*html)) { char *new = replaceChars(*html, el->name, el->val); freez(html); *html = new; } } hashElFreeList(&list); } } void printMimeInfo(struct mimePart *mp, FILE *out, int level) /* print mimeParts info and decode and detach recursively if needed */ { char *cd = NULL, *cdMain = NULL, *cdName = NULL, *cdFileName = NULL, *ct = NULL, *ctMain = NULL, *ctCharset = NULL, *ctName = NULL, *ce = NULL, *ceMain = NULL, *cid = NULL, *cidMain = NULL, *cl = NULL, *clMain = NULL; char *margin = needMem(level+1); int i = 0; for(i=0;i<level;++i) margin[i] = ' '; margin[level] = 0; cd = hashFindVal(mp->hdr,"content-disposition"); ct = hashFindVal(mp->hdr,"content-type"); ce = hashFindVal(mp->hdr,"content-transfer-encoding"); cid = hashFindVal(mp->hdr,"content-id"); cl = hashFindVal(mp->hdr,"content-location"); if (cd) { dyStringPrintf(dy,"%scontent-disposition: %s\n",margin,cd); cdMain=getMimeHeaderMainVal(cd); cdName=getMimeHeaderFieldVal(cd,"name"); dyStringPrintf(dy,"%smain:[%s]\n",margin,cdMain); dyStringPrintf(dy,"%sname:[%s]\n",margin,cdName); cdFileName=getMimeHeaderFieldVal(cd,"filename"); if (cdFileName) dyStringPrintf(dy,"%sfilename:[%s]\n",margin,cdFileName); } if (ct) { dyStringPrintf(dy,"%scontent-type: %s\n",margin,ct); ctMain=getMimeHeaderMainVal(ct); ctCharset=getMimeHeaderFieldVal(ct,"charset"); ctName=getMimeHeaderFieldVal(ct,"name"); } if (ce) { dyStringPrintf(dy,"%scontent-transer-encoding: %s\n",margin,ce); ceMain=getMimeHeaderMainVal(ce); } if (cid) { dyStringPrintf(dy,"%scontent-id: %s\n",margin,cid); if (cid[0]=='<' && lastChar(cid)=='>') cidMain = cloneStringZ(cid+1,strlen(cid)-2); else cidMain = cloneString(cid); } if (cl) { // this is a url and needs decoding cgiDecode(cl, cl, strlen(cl)); dyStringPrintf(dy,"%scontent-location: %s\n",margin,cl); clMain=getMimeHeaderMainVal(cl); } if (cd) { dyStringPrintf(dy,"%ssize:[%llu]\n",margin,(unsigned long long) mp->size); if (mp->binary) dyStringPrintf(dy,"%sbinary (contains zeros)\n",margin); if (mp->fileName) dyStringPrintf(dy,"%sfileName=[%s]\n",margin, mp->fileName); if (!cidPass) dyStringPrintf(dy,"%sdata:[%s]\n",margin, mp->binary && mp->data ? "<binary data not safe to print>" : mp->data); dyStringPrintf(dy,"\n"); } if (mp->data) /* typical case in ram */ { char *outName = NULL; char *ext = ""; if (ctMain) { if (sameWord(ctMain,"text/plain")) ext = ".txt"; if (sameWord(ctMain,"text/html")) ext = ".html"; if (sameWord(ctMain,"image/jpeg")) ext = ".jpg"; } safef(noName, sizeof(noName), "noName%d%s", noNameCount, ext); if (cdFileName) outName = cdFileName; else if (ctName) outName = ctName; if (optionExists("noNames") || outName==NULL) { outName = noName; ++noNameCount; } if (cidPass) { if (cidMain) hashAdd(cidHash,cidMain,cloneString(outName)); if (clMain) hashAdd(cidHash,clMain,cloneString(outName)); } else { FILE *f = NULL; safef(outPath, sizeof(outPath), "%s/%s", outDir, outName); f = mustOpen(outPath,"w"); if (ceMain && sameWord(ceMain,"base64")) { size_t newSize = 0; char *decoded = NULL; boolean base64Ok = base64Validate(mp->data); /* also removes whitespace */ if (!base64Ok) dyStringPrintf(dy,"%swarning: base64Validate failed on mp->data\n",margin); decoded = base64Decode((char *)mp->data, &newSize); mustWrite(f, decoded, newSize); freez(&decoded); } else if (ceMain && sameWord(ceMain,"quoted-printable")) { char *decoded = quotedPrintableDecode((char *)mp->data); handleCID(&decoded, ctMain); mustWrite(f, decoded, strlen(decoded)); freez(&decoded); } else { handleCID(&mp->data, ctMain); mustWrite(f, mp->data, mp->size); } carefulClose(&f); } } else if (mp->fileName) /* huge file triggers tempfile */ { } else if (mp->multi) { dyStringPrintf(dy,"%snested MIME structure\n\n",margin); for(mp=mp->multi;mp;mp=mp->next) printMimeInfo(mp, out, level+1); } else { errAbort("mp-> type not data,fileName, or multi - unexpected MIME structure"); } freez(&cidMain); freez(&ceMain); freez(&ctName); freez(&ctCharset); freez(&ctMain); freez(&cdName); freez(&cdFileName); freez(&margin); } static struct mimePart * cgiParseMultipart(int fd, FILE *out, boolean autoBoundary) /* process a multipart form */ { char h[1024]; /* hold mime header line */ char *s = NULL; struct mimeBuf *mb = NULL; struct mimePart *mp = NULL; char **env = NULL; if (altHeader) { /* find the CONTENT_ environment strings, use to make Alternate Header string for MIME */ for(env=environ; *env; env++) if (startsWith("CONTENT_",*env)) { //debug //fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",*env); //debug safef(h,sizeof(h),"%s",*env); /* change env syntax to MIME style header, from _ to - */ s = strchr(h,'_'); if (!s) errAbort("expecting '_' parsing env var %s for MIME alt header", *env); *s = '-'; /* change env syntax to MIME style header, from = to : */ s = strchr(h,'='); if (!s) errAbort("expecting '=' parsing env var %s for MIME alt header", *env); *s = ':'; dyStringPrintf(dy,"%s\r\n",h); } dyStringAppend(dy,"\r\n"); /* blank line at end means end of headers */ fprintf(out,"Alternate Header Text:\n%s",dy->string); } mb = initMimeBuf(fd); if (altHeader) /* The Alternate Header will get freed */ mp = parseMultiParts(mb, cloneString(dy->string)); else if (autoBoundary) mp = parseMultiParts(mb, "autoBoundary"); else mp = parseMultiParts(mb, NULL); if(!mp->multi) /* expecting multipart child parts */ errAbort("Malformatted multipart-form."); freez(&mb); if (optionExists("cid")) { /* make a preliminary pass to populate cid hash */ noNameCount = 0; cidPass = TRUE; dyStringClear(dy); printMimeInfo(mp, out, 0); } noNameCount = 0; cidPass = FALSE; dyStringClear(dy); printMimeInfo(mp, out, 0); fprintf(out,"%s",dy->string); return mp; } static void freeMimeParts(struct mimePart **pMp) /* free struct mimePart* recursively if needed */ { struct mimePart *next = NULL, *mp = *pMp; while (mp) { next = mp->next; if (mp->multi) freeMimeParts(&mp->multi); freeHashAndVals(&mp->hdr); freez(&mp->data); freez(&mp->fileName); freez(pMp); mp = next; pMp = ∓ } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct mimePart *mp = NULL; optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (argc != 2) usage("wrong number of args"); if (optionExists("-help")) usage("help"); if (optionExists("altHeader") && optionExists("autoBoundary")) usage("-altHeader and -autoBoundary may not be used together"); altHeader = optionVal("altHeader",altHeader); outDir = argv[1]; if (altHeader) putenv(altHeader); cidHash = hashNew(5); dy = dyStringNew(0); mp = cgiParseMultipart(STDIN_FILENO, stdout, optionExists("autoBoundary")); freeMimeParts(&mp); hashFree(&cidHash); freeDyString(&dy); return 0; }