a44421a79fb36cc2036fe116b97ea3bc9590cd0c braney Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800 removed rcsid (#295) diff --git src/lib/tests/pipelineTester.c src/lib/tests/pipelineTester.c index b28ea4f..fba32a8 100644 --- src/lib/tests/pipelineTester.c +++ src/lib/tests/pipelineTester.c @@ -1,275 +1,274 @@ /* pipelineTester - test program for pipeline object */ #include "common.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "options.h" -static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: pipelineTester.c,v 1.5 2009/12/19 00:23:21 angie Exp $"; void usage(char *msg) /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "%s\n\n" "pipelineTester - test program for pipeline object\n" "\n" "Usage:\n" " pipelineTester [options] cmdArgs1 [cmdArgs2 ..]\n" "\n" "Each cmdArgs are a command and whitespace separated\n" "arguments to pipe together. Within a cmdArgs, single or\n" "double quote maybe used to quote words.\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -exitCode=n - run with no-abort and expect this error code,\n" " which can be zero.\n" " -write - create a write pipeline\n" " -memApi - test memory buffer API\n" " -pipeData=file - for a read pipeline, data read from the pipeline is copied\n" " to this file for verification. For a write pipeline, data from this\n" " file is written to the pipeline.\n" " -otherEnd=file - file for other end of pipeline\n" " -stderr=file - file for stderr of pipeline\n" " -fdApi - use the file descriptor API\n", msg); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { {"exitCode", OPTION_INT}, {"write", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"memApi", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"pipeData", OPTION_STRING}, {"otherEnd", OPTION_STRING}, {"stderr", OPTION_STRING}, {"fdApi", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0}, }; /* options from command line */ boolean noAbort = FALSE; /* don't abort, check exit code */ int expectExitCode = 0; /* expected exit code */ boolean fdApi = FALSE; /* use the file descriptor API */ boolean isWrite = FALSE; /* make a write pipeline */ boolean memApi = FALSE; /* test memory buffer API */ char *pipeDataFile = NULL; /* use for input or output to the pipeline */ char *otherEndFile = NULL; /* file for other end of pipeline */ char *stderrFile = NULL; /* file for other stderr of pipeline */ int countOpenFiles() /* count the number of opens. This is used to make sure no stray * pipes have been left open. */ { int cnt = 0; int fd; struct stat statBuf; for (fd = 0; fd < 64; fd++) { if (fstat(fd, &statBuf) == 0) cnt++; } return cnt; } char *parseQuoted(char **spPtr, char *cmdArgs) /* parse a quoted string */ { char *start = *spPtr; char quote = *start++; char *end = strchr(start, quote); if (end == NULL) errAbort("no closing quote in: %s", cmdArgs); *spPtr = end+1; return cloneStringZ(start, end-start); } char **splitCmd(char *cmdArgs) /* split a command and arguments into null termiated list, handling quoting */ { // this will get the maximum number of words, as it doesn't consider quoting int maxNumWords = chopByWhite(cmdArgs, NULL, 0); char **words = needMem((maxNumWords+1)*sizeof(char*)); int iWord = 0; char *sp = skipLeadingSpaces(cmdArgs); while (*sp != '\0') { assert(iWord < maxNumWords); if ((*sp == '"') || (*sp == '\'')) words[iWord++] = parseQuoted(&sp, cmdArgs); else { char *end = skipToSpaces(sp); if (end == NULL) end = sp + strlen(sp); words[iWord++] = cloneStringZ(sp, (end - sp)); sp = end; } sp = skipLeadingSpaces(sp); } return words; } char ***splitCmds(int nCmdsArgs, char **cmdsArgs) /* split all commands into a pipeline */ { char ***cmds = needMem((nCmdsArgs+1)*sizeof(char**)); int i; for (i = 0; i < nCmdsArgs; i++) cmds[i] = splitCmd(cmdsArgs[i]); return cmds; } void readTest(struct pipeline *pl) /* test a read pipeline */ { struct lineFile *pipeLf = pipelineLineFile(pl); FILE *dataFh = mustOpen(pipeDataFile, "w"); char *line; while (lineFileNext(pipeLf, &line, NULL)) { fputs(line, dataFh); fputc('\n', dataFh); if (ferror(dataFh)) errnoAbort("error writing data from pipeline to: %s", pipeDataFile); } carefulClose(&dataFh); } void writeTest(struct pipeline *pl) /* test a write pipeline */ { FILE *pipeFh = pipelineFile(pl); struct lineFile *dataLf = lineFileOpen(pipeDataFile, TRUE); char *line; while (lineFileNext(dataLf, &line, NULL)) { fputs(line, pipeFh); fputc('\n', pipeFh); if (ferror(pipeFh)) errnoAbort("error writing data to pipeline: %s", pipelineDesc(pl)); } lineFileClose(&dataLf); } void *loadMemData(char *dataFile, size_t *dataSizeRet) /* load a file into memory */ { off_t dataSize = fileSize(dataFile); void *buf = needLargeMem(dataSize); FILE *fh = mustOpen(dataFile, "r"); mustRead(fh, buf, dataSize); carefulClose(&fh); *dataSizeRet = dataSize; return buf; } void runPipelineTest(struct pipeline *pl) /* execute and validate test once pipeline has been created */ { /* if no data file is specified, we just let the pipeline run without * interacting with it */ if (pipeDataFile != NULL) { if (isWrite) writeTest(pl); else readTest(pl); } int exitCode = pipelineWait(pl); if (exitCode != expectExitCode) errAbort("expected exitCode %d, got %d", expectExitCode, exitCode); } void pipelineTestFd(char ***cmds, unsigned options) /* test for file descriptor API */ { int mode = (isWrite ? O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC : O_RDONLY); int otherEndFd = mustOpenFd(otherEndFile, mode); int stderrFd = (stderrFile == NULL) ? STDERR_FILENO : mustOpenFd(stderrFile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC); struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpenFd(cmds, options, otherEndFd, stderrFd); runPipelineTest(pl); pipelineFree(&pl); mustCloseFd(&otherEndFd); if (stderrFile != NULL) mustCloseFd(&stderrFd); } void pipelineTestMem(char ***cmds, unsigned options) /* test for memory buffer API */ { int stderrFd = (stderrFile == NULL) ? STDERR_FILENO : mustOpenFd(stderrFile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC); size_t otherEndBufSize = 0; void *otherEndBuf = loadMemData(otherEndFile, &otherEndBufSize); struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpenMem(cmds, options, otherEndBuf, otherEndBufSize, stderrFd); runPipelineTest(pl); pipelineFree(&pl); freeMem(otherEndBuf); if (stderrFile != NULL) mustCloseFd(&stderrFd); } void pipelineTestFName(char ***cmds, unsigned options) /* test for file name API */ { struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpen(cmds, options, otherEndFile, stderrFile); runPipelineTest(pl); pipelineFree(&pl); } void pipelineTester(int nCmdsArgs, char **cmdsArgs) /* pipeline tester */ { unsigned options = (isWrite ? pipelineWrite : pipelineRead); if (noAbort) options |= pipelineNoAbort; int startOpenCnt = countOpenFiles(); char ***cmds = splitCmds(nCmdsArgs, cmdsArgs); if (fdApi) pipelineTestFd(cmds, options); else if (memApi) pipelineTestMem(cmds, options); else pipelineTestFName(cmds, options); /* it's ok to have less open, as would happen if we read from stdin */ int endOpenCnt = countOpenFiles(); if (endOpenCnt > startOpenCnt) errAbort("started with %d files open, now have %d open", startOpenCnt, endOpenCnt); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (argc < 2) usage("wrong number of args"); if (optionExists("exitCode")) { noAbort = TRUE; expectExitCode = optionInt("exitCode", 0); } isWrite = optionExists("write"); memApi = optionExists("memApi"); fdApi = optionExists("fdApi"); if (fdApi && memApi) errAbort("can't specify both -fdApi and -memApi"); pipeDataFile = optionVal("pipeData", NULL); otherEndFile = optionVal("otherEnd", NULL); if (fdApi && (otherEndFile == NULL)) errAbort("-fdApi requires -otherEndFile"); if (memApi && (otherEndFile == NULL)) errAbort("-memApi requires -otherEndFile"); stderrFile = optionVal("stderr", NULL); pipelineTester(argc-1, argv+1); return 0; }