  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/utils/findMotif/findMotif.c src/utils/findMotif/findMotif.c
index 5ef2cec..444494f 100644
--- src/utils/findMotif/findMotif.c
+++ src/utils/findMotif/findMotif.c
@@ -1,313 +1,312 @@
 /* findMotif - find specified motif in nib files. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "dnaLoad.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "memalloc.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: findMotif.c,v 1.13 2009/07/07 17:58:56 hiram Exp $";
 char *chr = (char *)NULL;	/*	process the one chromosome listed */
 char *motif = (char *)NULL;	/*	specified motif string */
 unsigned motifLen = 0;		/*	length of motif	*/
 unsigned long long motifVal;	/*	motif converted to a number	*/
 unsigned long long complementVal;	/*	- strand complement	*/
 boolean bedOutput = TRUE;	/*	output bed file (default) */
 boolean wigOutput = FALSE;	/*  output wiggle format instead of bed file */
 char *strand = (char *)NULL;
 boolean doPlusStrand = TRUE;	/*	output bed file instead of wiggle */
 boolean doMinusStrand = TRUE;	/*	output bed file instead of wiggle */
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "findMotif - find specified motif in sequence\n"
   "   findMotif [options] -motif=<acgt...> sequence\n"
   "   sequence is a .fa , .nib or .2bit file or a file which is a list of sequence files.\n"
   "   -motif=<acgt...> - search for this specified motif (case ignored, [acgt] only)\n"
   "   -chr=<chrN> - process only this one chrN from the sequence\n"
   "   -strand=<+|-> - limit to only one strand.  Default is both.\n"
   "   -bedOutput - output bed format (this is the default)\n"
   "   -wigOutput - output wiggle data format instead of bed file\n"
   "   -verbose=N - set information level [1-4]\n"
   "   NOTE: motif must be longer than 4 characters, less than 17\n"
   "   -verbose=4 - will display gaps as bed file data lines to stderr"
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"chr", OPTION_STRING},
    {"strand", OPTION_STRING},
    {"motif", OPTION_STRING},
    {"bedOutput", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"wigOutput", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {NULL, 0},
 static void scanSeq(struct dnaSeq *seq)
 int i, val;
 FILE *nf = NULL;
 DNA *dna;
 unsigned long long mask;
 unsigned long long chromPosition = 0;
 register unsigned long long incomingVal = 0;
 unsigned long long incomingLength = 0;
 unsigned long long posFound = 0;
 unsigned long long negFound = 0;
 unsigned long long posPreviousPosition = 0;
 unsigned long long negPreviousPosition = 0;
 register unsigned long long posNeedle = motifVal;
 register unsigned long long negNeedle = complementVal;
 unsigned long long enterGap = 1;
 boolean inGap = FALSE;
 unsigned long long gapCount = 0;
 mask = 3;
 for (i=1; i < motifLen; ++i )
 	mask = (mask << 2) | 3;
 verbose(2, "#\tsequence: %s size: %d, motifMask: %#llx\n", seq->name, seq->size, mask);
 verbose(2, "#\tmotif numerical value: %llu (%#llx)\n", posNeedle, posNeedle);
 /* Need "chrom" */
 dna = seq->dna;
 for (i=0; i < seq->size; ++i)
     val = ntVal[(int)dna[i]];
     switch (val)
 	case T_BASE_VAL:
 	case C_BASE_VAL:
 	case A_BASE_VAL:
 	case G_BASE_VAL:
 	    incomingVal = mask & ((incomingVal << 2) | val);
 	    if (! incomingLength)
 		if (inGap &&
 		 (((long long int)chromPosition - (long long int)enterGap) > 0))
 			    "#\treturn from gap at %llu, gap length: %llu\n",
 			    chromPosition, chromPosition - enterGap);
 		    verbose(4, "#GAP %s\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%s\n",
 			    seq->name, enterGap-1, chromPosition-1, gapCount,
 			    chromPosition - enterGap, "+");
 		    /* assume no more gaps, this is safe to a chrom size
 		     *	of 1 Tb */
 		    enterGap = (unsigned long long)BIGNUM << 10;
 	    inGap = FALSE;
 	    if (doPlusStrand && (incomingLength >= motifLen)
 		&& (incomingVal == posNeedle))
 		if (wigOutput)
 		    printf("%llu 1 %#llx == %#llx\n", chromPosition-motifLen+1, incomingVal&mask,posNeedle);
 		    printf("%s\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%d\t%s\n", seq->name, chromPosition-motifLen, chromPosition, posFound+negFound, 1000, "+");
 		if ((posPreviousPosition + motifLen) > chromPosition)
 		    verbose(2, "#\toverlapping + at: %s:%llu-%llu\n", seq->name, posPreviousPosition, chromPosition);
 		posPreviousPosition = chromPosition;
 	    if (doMinusStrand && (incomingLength >= motifLen)
 		&& (incomingVal == negNeedle))
 		if (wigOutput)
 		    printf("%llu -1 %#llx == %#llx\n", chromPosition-motifLen+1, incomingVal&mask,negNeedle);
 		    printf("%s\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%d\t%s\n", seq->name, chromPosition-motifLen, chromPosition, posFound+negFound, 1000, "-");
 		if ((negPreviousPosition + motifLen) > chromPosition)
 		    verbose(2, "#\toverlapping - at: %s:%llu-%llu\n", seq->name, negPreviousPosition, chromPosition);
 		negPreviousPosition = chromPosition;
 	    if (incomingLength)
 		verbose(3, "#\tenter gap at %llu\n", chromPosition);
 		enterGap = chromPosition;
 	    inGap = TRUE;
 	    incomingVal = 0;
 	    incomingLength = 0;
 if (inGap && (((long long int)chromPosition - (long long int)enterGap) > 0))
 	    "#\treturn from gap at %llu, gap length: %llu\n",
 	    chromPosition+1, chromPosition - enterGap + 1);
     verbose(4, "#GAP %s\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%s\n",
 	    seq->name, enterGap-1, chromPosition, gapCount,
 	    chromPosition - enterGap + 1, "+");
 verbose(2, "#\tfound: %llu times + strand, %llu times - strand\n",
     posFound, negFound );
 verbose(2, "#\t%% of chromosome: %g %% + strand %g %% - strand\n",
 static void findMotif(char *input)
 /* findMotif - find specified motif in sequence file. */
 struct dnaLoad *dl = dnaLoadOpen(input);
 struct dnaSeq *seq; 
 while ((seq = dnaLoadNext(dl)) != NULL)
     verbose(2, "#\tprocessing: %s\n", seq->name);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 int i;
 char *cp;
 unsigned long long reversed;
 size_t maxAlloc;
 char asciiAlloc[32];
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc < 2)
 maxAlloc = 2100000000 *
 sprintLongWithCommas(asciiAlloc, (long long) maxAlloc);
 verbose(4, "#\tmaxAlloc: %s\n", asciiAlloc);
 /* produces: size_t is 4 == 2100000000 ~= 2^31 = 2Gb
  *      size_t is 8 = 16800000000 ~= 2^34 = 16 Gb
 motif = optionVal("motif", NULL);
 chr = optionVal("chr", NULL);
 strand = optionVal("strand", NULL);
 bedOutput = optionExists("bedOutput");
 wigOutput = optionExists("wigOutput");
 if (wigOutput)
     bedOutput = FALSE;
     bedOutput = TRUE;
 if (chr)
     verbose(2, "#\tprocessing chr: %s\n", chr);
 if (strand)
     verbose(2, "#\tprocessing strand: '%s'\n", strand);
 if (motif)
     verbose(2, "#\tsearching for motif: %s\n", motif);
 else {
     warn("ERROR: -motif string empty, please specify a motif\n");
 verbose(2, "#\ttype output: %s\n", wigOutput ? "wiggle data" : "bed format");
 verbose(2, "#\tspecified sequence: %s\n", argv[1]);
 verbose(2, "#\tsizeof(motifVal): %d\n", (int)sizeof(motifVal));
 if (strand)
     if (! (sameString(strand,"+") | sameString(strand,"-")))
 	warn("ERROR: -strand specified ('%s') is not + or - ?\n", strand);
     /*	They are both on by default, turn off the one not specified */
     if (sameString(strand,"-"))
 	doPlusStrand = FALSE;
     if (sameString(strand,"+"))
 	doMinusStrand = FALSE;
 motifLen = strlen(motif);
 /*	at two bits per character, size limit of motif is
  *	number of bits in motifVal / 2
 if (motifLen > (4*sizeof(motifVal))/2 )
     warn("ERROR: motif string too long, limit %d\n", (4*(int)sizeof(motifVal))/2 );
 cp = motif;
 motifVal = 0;
 complementVal = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < motifLen; ++i)
 	switch (*cp)
 	case 'a':
 	case 'A':
 	    motifVal = (motifVal << 2) | A_BASE_VAL;
 	    complementVal = (complementVal << 2) | T_BASE_VAL;
 	case 'c':
 	case 'C':
 	    motifVal = (motifVal << 2) | C_BASE_VAL;
 	    complementVal = (complementVal << 2) | G_BASE_VAL;
 	case 'g':
 	case 'G':
 	    motifVal = (motifVal << 2) | G_BASE_VAL;
 	    complementVal = (complementVal << 2) | C_BASE_VAL;
 	case 't':
 	case 'T':
 	    motifVal = (motifVal << 2) | T_BASE_VAL;
 	    complementVal = (complementVal << 2) | A_BASE_VAL;
 		"ERROR: character in motif: '%c' is not one of ACGT\n", *cp);
 reversed = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < motifLen; ++i)
     int base;
     base = complementVal & 3;
     reversed = (reversed << 2) | base;
     complementVal >>= 2;
 complementVal = reversed;
 verbose(2, "#\tmotif numerical value: %llu (%#llx)\n", motifVal, motifVal);
 verbose(2, "#\tcomplement numerical value: %llu (%#llx)\n", complementVal, complementVal);
 if (motifLen < 5)
     warn("ERROR: motif string must be more than 4 characters\n");
 return 0;