a44421a79fb36cc2036fe116b97ea3bc9590cd0c braney Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800 removed rcsid (#295) diff --git src/utils/jkShell/jkShell.c src/utils/jkShell/jkShell.c old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index 13cb148..2742c0a --- src/utils/jkShell/jkShell.c +++ src/utils/jkShell/jkShell.c @@ -1,1886 +1,1885 @@ /* jkShell - Simple shell. Reads a line. Executes a line. */ #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "dlist.h" #include "portable.h" #include "obscure.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: jkShell.c,v 1.2 2003/05/06 07:41:07 kate Exp $"; boolean checkAbort(); /* Check and clear abort */ void maskControlC(); /* Make Control C not kill us. */ /* Begin with some general purpose functions that should probably * go into library some day. */ boolean isDir(char *fileName) /* Returns TRUE if file is a directory. */ { struct stat buf; int result; /* Get data associated with file */ result = stat( fileName, &buf ); /* Check if statistics are valid: */ if( result != 0 ) { return FALSE; } else { return ((buf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) != 0); } } boolean fileExists(char *fileName) /* Returns TRUE if file exists. */ { struct stat buf; return (stat(fileName, &buf) == 0); } boolean copyOpenFile(int s, int d) /* Copy contents of s to d. */ { int sizeRead; char buf[8*1024]; boolean ok = TRUE; for (;;) { sizeRead = read(s, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (sizeRead > 0) { if (write(d, buf, sizeRead) < sizeRead) { fprintf(stderr, "Write failed. Disk full?"); ok = FALSE; break; } } if (sizeRead < sizeof(buf)) break; } return ok; } boolean copyFile(char *source, char *dest) /* Do big copy from source to dest. Prints a warning and * returns FALSE if it fails. */ { int s, d; boolean ok = TRUE; s = open(source, _O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY); if (s == -1) { warn("Couldn't open %s", source); return FALSE; } d = open(dest, _O_WRONLY|_O_CREAT|_O_TRUNC|_O_BINARY, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE ); if (d == -1) { warn("Couldn't create %s", dest); close(s); return FALSE; } ok = copyOpenFile(s, d); close(s); close(d); return ok; } char *fileNameOnly(char *path) /* Returns file name part of path, ignoring * directory info. */ { char *d1 = strrchr(path, '/'); char *d2 = strrchr(path, '\\'); char *d3 = strrchr(path, ':'); char *dirEnd = NULL; /* Get Last directory character. */ dirEnd = d1; if (d2 != NULL) { if (dirEnd == NULL || d2 > dirEnd) dirEnd = d2; } if (d3 != NULL) { if (dirEnd == NULL || d3 > dirEnd) dirEnd = d3; } if (dirEnd == NULL) return path; else return dirEnd+1; } enum specialKeys { skLeft = 0x4b, skRight = 0x4d, skUp = 0x48, skDown = 0x50, skDel = 0x53, skHome = 0x47, skEnd = 0x4f, skPageUp = 0x49, skPageDown = 0x51, skInsert = 0x52, }; static void redrawLine(char *prompt, char *buf, int cursorPos, int blanks) /* Redraw line for line editor. */ { int bufLen = strlen(buf); int extraChars = bufLen - cursorPos + blanks; int i; putch('\r'); cputs(prompt); cputs(buf); for (i=0; i bufCharCount) cursorPos = bufCharCount; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, 0); for (;;) { c = getch(); if (c == 0 || c == 0xE0) { c = getch(); if (c == skLeft) { if (cursorPos > 0) { --cursorPos; putch('\b'); } } else if (c == skRight) { if (cursorPos < bufCharCount) { ++cursorPos; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, 0); } } else if (c == skDel) { if (cursorPos < bufCharCount) { int endChars = bufCharCount - cursorPos - 1; memmove(buf+cursorPos, buf+cursorPos+1, endChars); --bufCharCount; buf[bufCharCount] = 0; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, 1); } } else if (c == skUp) { boolean gotHistory = FALSE; if (history != NULL && history->tail->prev != NULL) { if (curNode == NULL) { curNode = history->tail; gotHistory = TRUE; } else { struct dlNode *pn = curNode->prev; if (pn->prev != NULL) { curNode = pn; gotHistory = TRUE; } } if (gotHistory) { int oldSize = bufCharCount; int sizeDif; strcpy(buf,curNode->val); bufCharCount = cursorPos = strlen(buf); sizeDif = oldSize - bufCharCount; if (sizeDif < 0) sizeDif = 0; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, sizeDif); } } } else if (c == skDown) { if (curNode != NULL && curNode->next != NULL && curNode->next->next != NULL) { int oldSize = bufCharCount; int sizeDif; curNode = curNode->next; strcpy(buf,curNode->val); bufCharCount = cursorPos = strlen(buf); sizeDif = oldSize - bufCharCount; if (sizeDif < 0) sizeDif = 0; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, sizeDif); } else { buf[0] = 0; redrawLine(prompt, buf, 0, bufCharCount); cursorPos = bufCharCount = 0; } } else if (c == skHome) { cursorPos = 0; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, 0); } else if (c == skEnd) { cursorPos = bufCharCount; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, 0); } else { printf("\n0x%x\n", c); redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, 0); } } else if (c == '\r') return; else if (c == '\b') { if (cursorPos > 0) { if (cursorPos == bufCharCount) { putch('\b'); putch(' '); putch('\b'); --cursorPos; --bufCharCount; buf[bufCharCount] = 0; } else { int endChars = bufCharCount - cursorPos; memmove(buf+cursorPos-1, buf+cursorPos, endChars); --cursorPos; --bufCharCount; buf[bufCharCount] = 0; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, 1); } } } else { if (bufCharCount < bufSize-1) { if (cursorPos == bufCharCount) { putch(c); buf[bufCharCount] = c; bufCharCount += 1; buf[bufCharCount] = 0; cursorPos += 1; } else { int endChars = bufCharCount - cursorPos; memmove(buf+cursorPos+1, buf+cursorPos, endChars); buf[cursorPos] = c; ++cursorPos; ++bufCharCount; buf[bufCharCount] = 0; redrawLine(prompt, buf, cursorPos, 0); } } } } } void enterLine(struct dlList *history, char *prompt, char *buf, int bufSize) /* Get a line from user letting them edit it and use arrow keys for command history. */ { *buf = 0; editLine(history, prompt, buf, 0, bufSize); putch('\r'); putch('\n'); } boolean gotAbort = FALSE; /* Set if got ^C abort. */ int handleControlC(int sig) /* Signal handler for control C. */ { gotAbort = TRUE; maskControlC(); /* Apparently at least in Windows after catching signal you have * to reset signal handler. */ return 0; } void clearAbort() /* Clear last abort. */ { gotAbort = FALSE; } boolean checkAbort() /* Check and clear abort */ { if (gotAbort) { clearAbort(); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } int commandLimit = 1000; /* Max length of command line (here because Windows will * crash if you give it a really long one.). */ enum shellReturnCode /* Return code values. */ { slcEof = 0, /* End of file. */ slcOk = 1, /* A-ok. */ slcError = 2, /* Problem. */ }; int shellLine(struct shell *sh, char *line, FILE *f); /* Do processing of one line of user input. Returns * slcEof to quit. */ void enterLine(struct dlList *history, char *prompt, char *buf, int bufSize); /* Get a line from user letting them edit it and use arrow keys for command history. */ struct shell /* Holds data structures for a shell. */ { char *inBuf; /* Holds input line. */ int inBufAlloc; /* Allocated size of input line. */ char *outBuf; /* Holds output line. */ int outBufAlloc; /* Allocates size of output line. */ struct dlList *history; /* Recent commands. */ int historySize; /* Current length of history. */ int maxHistorySize; /* Number of commands to keep. */ int commandsSeen; /* Number of commands seen. */ struct hash *variables; /* Variable hash table. */ struct hash *aliases; /* Alias hash table. */ char *prompt; /* Prompt string. */ }; struct shell *newShell() /* Return a new shell. */ { struct shell *sh; AllocVar(sh); sh->inBufAlloc = 1024; sh->inBuf = needMem(sh->inBufAlloc); sh->outBufAlloc = 64*1024; sh->outBuf = needMem(sh->outBufAlloc); sh->history = newDlList(); sh->maxHistorySize = 200; sh->variables = newHash(0); sh->aliases = newHash(0); sh->prompt = "pong% "; return sh; } void freeShell(struct shell **pSh) /* Free up a shell. */ { struct shell *sh; if ((sh = *pSh) != NULL) { freeMem(sh->inBuf); freeMem(sh->outBuf); freeDlListAndVals(&sh->history); freeHashAndVals(&sh->variables); freeHashAndVals(&sh->aliases); } } struct slName *newTok(char *string, int size) /* Allocat slName for string of give size. */ { struct slName *n = needMem(sizeof(*n) + size); memcpy(n->name, string, size); return n; } bool isNameChar[256]; void makeIsNameChar() /* Make array of flags that say whether something is * an acceptable part of a word or not. */ { int i; for (i=0; i'] = FALSE; isNameChar['<'] = FALSE; isNameChar['&'] = FALSE; isNameChar[')'] = FALSE; isNameChar['('] = FALSE; isNameChar[0] = FALSE; } char *firstNonName(char *s) /* Return first non-name character in string */ { char c; for (;;) { c = *s; if (!isNameChar[c]) return s; ++s; } } struct slName *tokenize(char *text) /* Return a list of tokenized text. */ { char c; char *s = text; struct slName *tokList = NULL, *tok; while((c = *s++) != 0) { if (isspace(c)) { char *start = s-1; while (isspace(*s)) ++s; tok = newTok(start, s-start); slAddHead(&tokList, tok); } else if (c == '"') { /* Go look for next (unescaped) quote */ char *start = s; char lastC = c; while ((c = *s) != 0) { if (c == '"' && lastC != '\\') { break; } lastC = c; ++s; } tok = newTok(start, s - start); slAddHead(&tokList, tok); if (c == '"') ++s; } else if (isNameChar[c]) { char *start = s-1; for (;;) { c = *s; if (!isNameChar[c]) break; ++s; } tok = newTok(start, s-start); slAddHead(&tokList, tok); } else { tok = newTok(&c, 1); slAddHead(&tokList, tok); } } slReverse(&tokList); return tokList; } struct slName *stripSpaceTokens(struct slName *tokList) /* Remove white space tokens from list. */ { struct slName *newList = NULL, *tok, *next; for (tok = tokList; tok != NULL; tok = next) { next = tok->next; if (isspace(tok->name[0])) freeMem(tok); else slAddHead(&newList, tok); } slReverse(&newList); return newList; } void flattenOutput(struct shell *sh, struct slName *tokList, char *spacer) /* Copy token list to space-delimited sh->outBuf */ { int totalSize = 1; /* 1 extra for zero tag. */ struct slName *tok; char *s; int len; int spaceLen = 0; if (spacer != NULL) spaceLen = strlen(spacer); for (tok = tokList; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) totalSize += (strlen(tok->name) + spaceLen); if (totalSize > sh->outBufAlloc) { sh->outBuf = needMoreMem(sh->outBuf, 0, totalSize); sh->outBufAlloc = totalSize; } s = sh->outBuf; for (tok = tokList; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) { len = strlen(tok->name); memcpy(s, tok->name, len); s += len; if (spacer != NULL && tok->next != NULL) { memcpy(s, spacer, spaceLen); s += spaceLen; } } *s++ = 0; } int doSystem(struct shell *sh, struct slName *tokList) /* Put all the tokens back together in a space delimited * string and do a system call on it. */ { int retVal = slcOk; int sysRet; flattenOutput(sh, tokList, " "); sh->outBuf[commandLimit] = 0; sysRet = _spawnlp(_P_WAIT, tokList->name, sh->outBuf, NULL ); //sysRet = system(sh->outBuf); /* Sadly the system call only returns -1 in case of * an internal error, not if there was a problem * with the underlying program. */ if (sysRet != 0) { if (errno) perror(NULL); retVal = slcError; } return retVal; } char *findUnescaped(char *s, char target) /* Find first unescaped target char in s. */ { char lastC = 0; char c; while ((c = *s) != 0) { if (c == target && lastC != '\\') return s; lastC = c; ++s; } return NULL; } struct dlNode *relBack(struct shell *sh, int val) /* Go back 'val' in history. Return NULL if can't go that * far back. */ { struct dlNode *histNode; for (histNode = sh->history->tail; histNode->prev != NULL; histNode = histNode->prev) { if (++val >= 0) break; } if (histNode->next == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, that's before recorded history\n"); histNode = NULL; } return histNode; } struct slName *lastRealNode(struct slName *tokList) /* Return last real node in list. */ { struct slName *tok, *lastReal = NULL; for (tok = tokList; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) { if (!isspace(tok->name[0])) lastReal = tok; } return lastReal; } boolean interpretHistory(struct shell *sh, char *firstBang) /* Expand out some sort of bang! history. */ { char *s = firstBang+1; struct dlNode *histNode = NULL; char c = *s; char *hist = NULL; struct slName *tokList = NULL, *tok; boolean ok; if (c == '$') { histNode = relBack(sh, -1); if (histNode != NULL) { tokList = tokenize(histNode->val); tok = lastRealNode(tokList); if (tok != NULL) hist = tok->name; } } else if (c == '!') { histNode = relBack(sh, -1); } else if (c == '-') { int val = atoi(s); if (val < 0) { histNode = relBack(sh, val); } } else if (isdigit(c)) { int val = atoi(s); histNode = relBack(sh, val - sh->commandsSeen - 1); } else { char *end = skipToSpaces(s); int size; if (end == NULL) size = strlen(s); else size = end - s; for (histNode = sh->history->tail; histNode->prev != NULL; histNode = histNode->prev) { char *command = histNode->val; if (strncmp(command, s, size) == 0) break; } if (histNode->prev == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "!%s not found\n", s); histNode = NULL; } } if (hist == NULL && histNode != NULL && histNode->prev != NULL) { hist = histNode->val; } if (hist != NULL) { int oldLen = strlen(sh->inBuf); int histLen = strlen(hist); int beforeLen = firstBang - sh->inBuf; char *after = firstNonName(s); int afterStart = after - sh->inBuf; int afterLen = oldLen - afterStart; int newLen = beforeLen + histLen + afterLen; if (newLen >= sh->inBufAlloc) { sh->inBuf = needMoreMem(sh->inBuf, oldLen, newLen+1); sh->inBufAlloc = newLen+1; } memmove(sh->inBuf + beforeLen + histLen, sh->inBuf + afterStart, afterLen); memcpy(sh->inBuf + beforeLen, hist, histLen); sh->inBuf[newLen] = 0; printf("%s\n", sh->inBuf); ok = TRUE; } else ok = FALSE; slFreeList(&tokList); return ok; } boolean doHistory(struct shell *sh) /* Deal with command history - adding and interpreting. */ { char *s = trimSpaces(sh->inBuf); if (s != NULL) { /* Look for !. If it's there deal with it before * adding to history. */ char *bang = findUnescaped(s, '!'); char *dupe; if (bang != NULL) { if (!interpretHistory(sh, bang)) return FALSE; } dupe = cloneString(sh->inBuf); dlAddValTail(sh->history, dupe); if (++sh->historySize == sh->maxHistorySize) { struct dlNode *old = dlPopHead(sh->history); freeMem(old->val); freeMem(old); sh->historySize -= 1; } ++sh->commandsSeen; } return TRUE; } struct slName *lookupAliases(struct shell *sh, struct slName *tokList) /* Look up first token to see if it's an alias. */ { if (tokList == NULL) return NULL; else { char *command = tokList->name; struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(sh->aliases, command); if (hel == NULL) return tokList; else { /* We got alias. Dummy up token list with aliased * head, flatten it out, and retokenize. */ char *alias = hel->val; struct slName *newHead = newSlName(alias); newHead->next = tokList->next; flattenOutput(sh, newHead, NULL); freeMem(newHead); slFreeList(&tokList); tokList = tokenize(sh->outBuf); return tokList; } } } struct slName *lookupVariables(struct shell *sh, struct slName *tokList) /* Look up variables (any tokens that start with $) */ { struct slName *newList = NULL, *next, *tok; struct hashEl *hel; boolean gotAny = FALSE; char *varStart; for (tok = tokList; tok != NULL; tok = next) { next = tok->next; if ((varStart = findUnescaped(tok->name, '$')) != NULL) { /* Extract variable part of token, replace it, and put * back rest of token. */ char *before = tok->name; /* Start of part before var. */ int beforeSize = varStart - before; char *after; /* Start of part after var. */ char *colon; char colonCommand = 0; int afterSize; int varSize; char varNameBuf[256]; varStart += 1; colon = findUnescaped(varStart, ':'); if (colon == NULL) { after = varStart; while (isalpha(*after)) ++after; varSize = after-varStart; } else { after = colon+2; varSize = colon-varStart; colonCommand = colon[1]; } afterSize = strlen(after); if (varSize >= sizeof(varNameBuf)) warn("%s too long\n", varStart); memcpy(varNameBuf, varStart, varSize); varNameBuf[varSize] = 0; if ((hel = hashLookup(sh->variables, varNameBuf)) != NULL) { struct slName *t; if (beforeSize > 0) { t = newTok(before, beforeSize); slAddHead(&newList, t); } if (colonCommand == 0) t = newSlName(hel->val); else { char *s = hel->val; char *suffix = strrchr(s, '.'); int prefixSize, suffixSize; int wholeSize = strlen(s); if (suffix == NULL) { suffix = s + wholeSize; suffixSize = 0; prefixSize = wholeSize; } else { prefixSize = suffix - s; suffix += 1; suffixSize = wholeSize - prefixSize - 1; } if (colonCommand == 'r') t = newTok(s, prefixSize); else if (colonCommand == 'e') t = newTok(suffix, suffixSize); else t = newTok(s, wholeSize); } slAddHead(&newList, t); if (afterSize > 0) { t = newTok(after, afterSize); slAddHead(&newList, t); } freez(&tok); gotAny = TRUE; } else { slAddHead(&newList, tok); } } else { slAddHead(&newList, tok); } } slReverse(&newList); if (gotAny) { flattenOutput(sh, newList, NULL); slFreeList(&newList); newList = tokenize(sh->outBuf); } return newList; } boolean anyWild(char *s) /* Returns TRUE if any characters in string are wildcards. */ { char c; while ((c = *s++) != 0) { if (c == '?' || c == '*') return TRUE; } return FALSE; } struct slName *lookupWildcards(struct shell *sh, struct slName *tokList) /* Expand wildcards */ { struct slName *newList = NULL, *next, *tok; boolean gotDir = FALSE; boolean gotWild = FALSE; int origCount; int newCount; char *s; if (tokList == NULL) return NULL; origCount = slCount(tokList); for (tok = tokList; tok != NULL; tok = next) { next = tok->next; s = tok->name; if (anyWild(s)) { char *pattern = fileNameOnly(s); char *dir; char endChar; struct slName *t, *nt, *dirList; gotWild = TRUE; /* Parse out directory if any and pattern. */ if (pattern != s) { endChar = pattern[-1]; pattern[-1] = 0; dir = s; gotDir = TRUE; } else { dir = "."; } /* Read directory and put it on new list in place * of the wildcard. */ dirList = listDir(dir, pattern); if (gotDir) { char pathBuf[512]; for (t = dirList; t != NULL; t = t->next) { sprintf(pathBuf, "%s%c%s", dir, endChar, t->name); nt = newSlName(pathBuf); slAddHead(&newList, nt); } slFreeList(&dirList); } else { for (t = dirList; t != NULL; t = nt) { nt = t->next; slAddHead(&newList, t); } } freeMem(tok); } else { slAddHead(&newList, tok); } } slReverse(&newList); newCount = slCount(newList); if (gotWild && (newCount == 0 || (newCount <= 1 && origCount > 1))) { fprintf(stderr, "No wildcard match.\n"); slFreeList(&newList); } return newList; } int noHistoryShell(struct shell *sh, char *fileName) /* Interpret lines in file without putting onto * history or doing prompts. */ { FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); int lineCount = 0; int retCode = slcOk; if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open %s\n", fileName); return slcError; } for (;;) { if (fgets(sh->inBuf, sh->inBufAlloc, f) == NULL) break; ++lineCount; retCode = shellLine(sh, trimSpaces(sh->inBuf), f); if (retCode != slcOk) break; } fclose(f); if (retCode == slcEof) return slcOk; else return retCode; } void setUsage() /* Explain usage of the set command. */ { fprintf(stderr, "set - set a variable to a value\n" "usage\n" " set var=val\n"); } void forEachUsage() /* Explain usage of the foreach command. */ { fprintf(stderr, "foreach - do something a number of times\n" "usage\n" " foreach var (list)\n" " command1\n" " command2\n" " ...\n" " end\n"); } int doForEach(struct shell *sh, struct slName *foreachToks, FILE *f) /* Interpret a foreach command. */ { boolean isInteractive = (f == stdin); int tokCount = slCount(foreachToks); char *var; struct slName *tok, *valList, *next; struct slName *lineList = NULL, *line; boolean interpretIt = TRUE; char *s; int retCode = slcOk; /* Parse first line: * foreach var ( ... ) */ if (tokCount < 4) { forEachUsage(); return slcError; } tok = foreachToks->next; var = tok->name; tok = tok->next; if (!sameString(tok->name, "(")) { forEachUsage(); return slcError; } valList = tok->next; while ((next = tok->next) != NULL) tok = next; if (!sameString(tok->name, ")")) { forEachUsage(); return slcError; } /* Store away lines until end. */ for (;;) { if (isInteractive) { enterLine(sh->history, "foreach: ", sh->inBuf, sh->inBufAlloc); if (!doHistory(sh)) continue; } else if (fgets(sh->inBuf, sh->inBufAlloc, f) == NULL) { interpretIt = FALSE; fprintf(stderr, "foreach without end\n"); retCode = slcError; break; } s = trimSpaces(sh->inBuf); if (sameWord(s, "end")) break; line = newSlName(sh->inBuf); slAddHead(&lineList, line); } slReverse(&lineList); if (interpretIt) { for (tok = valList; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) { struct hashEl *hel; if (sameString(tok->name, ")")) break; hel = hashStore(sh->variables, var); if (hel != NULL) { freeMem(hel->val); hel->val = cloneString(tok->name); } for (line = lineList; line != NULL; line = line->next) { retCode = shellLine(sh, line->name, f); if (retCode != slcOk) break; } if (retCode != slcOk) break; } } slFreeList(&lineList); return retCode; } boolean cmRename(char *a, char *b) /* Rename file a to b */ { if (fileExists(b)) remove(b); if (rename(a, b) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't rename %s to %s\n", a, b); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } boolean cmCharCopy(char *source, char *dest) /* Copy source file to dest. */ { int c; FILE *s, *d; boolean ok = TRUE; if ((s = fopen(source, "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open %s", source); perror(""); return FALSE; } if ((d = fopen(dest, "wb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create %s", dest); perror(""); fclose(s); return FALSE; } while ((c = getc(s)) != EOF) { if ((putc(c, d)) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "%s truncated", dest); perror(""); ok = FALSE; break; } } fclose(s); fclose(d); return ok; } void cpMvUsage(boolean isMv) /* Print usage instructions for mv or copy command */ { char *name = (isMv ? "mv" : "cp"); if (isMv) { fprintf(stderr, "mv - move files\n"); name = "mv"; } else { fprintf(stderr, "cp - copy files\n"); name = "cp"; } fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n" " %s oldName newName\n" "or\n" " %s file(s) dir\n", name, name); } int doCpMv(struct slName *tokLine, int tokCount, char *line, boolean isMv) /* Do mv or copy command (depending on cpMv function passed in. */ { boolean (*cpMv)(char *a, char *b) = (isMv ? cmRename : copyFile); if (tokCount < 3) { cpMvUsage(isMv); return slcError; } else { struct slName *dest = lastRealNode(tokLine); if (isDir(dest->name)) { char destPath[512]; struct slName *source; char *sourcePath; for (source = tokLine->next; source != dest; source = source->next) { sourcePath = source->name; sprintf(destPath, "%s/%s", dest->name, fileNameOnly(sourcePath)); if (!cpMv(sourcePath, destPath)) { return slcError; } } } else { if (tokCount != 3) { cpMvUsage(isMv); return slcError; } else { char *oldName, *newName; struct slName *tok = tokLine->next; oldName = tok->name; newName = dest->name; if (!cpMv(oldName, newName)) { return slcError; } } } } return slcOk; } struct fileInfo /* Full info about one file - used by ls. */ { struct fileInfo *next; /* Next in list. */ char *name; /* File name (not allocated here) */ struct stat stat; /* Result from stat system call. */ }; int cmpFiSize(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two files by size. */ { struct fileInfo **pA = (struct fileInfo **)va; struct fileInfo **pB = (struct fileInfo **)vb; struct fileInfo *a = *pA, *b = *pB; return a->stat.st_size- b->stat.st_size; } int cmpFiTime(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two files by time. */ { struct fileInfo **pA = (struct fileInfo **)va; struct fileInfo **pB = (struct fileInfo **)vb; struct fileInfo *a = *pA, *b = *pB; return a->stat.st_mtime - b->stat.st_mtime; } int doLs(struct slName *tokLine, int tokCount, char *line) /* List files. */ { struct slName *tok; char *name; int result; boolean doLong = FALSE; boolean doOne = FALSE; boolean sortSize = FALSE; boolean sortTime = FALSE; struct fileInfo *fiList = NULL, *fi; int nameSize, maxNameSize = 0; int lineSize = 80; int perLine; int linePos = 0; struct slName *ourList = NULL; int fileCount = 0; double totalSize = 0; int retCode = slcOk; clearAbort(); /* This can take long enough that we check for ^C. */ /* Collect options and count real files. */ for (tok = tokLine->next; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) { name = tok->name; if (name[0] == '-') { char *s = name+1; char c; while ((c = *s++) != 0) { c = tolower(c); if (c == 'l') doLong = TRUE; else if (c == '1') doOne = TRUE; else if (c == 's') sortSize = TRUE; else if (c == 't') sortTime = TRUE; } } else { ++fileCount; } } /* If no real files then list current directory. */ if (fileCount == 0) { tok = ourList = listDir(".", "*"); fileCount = slCount(ourList); if (checkAbort()) { retCode = slcError; goto CLEANUP; } } else tok = tokLine->next; /* Collect info on all files. */ for (; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) { name = tok->name; if (name[0] != '-') { AllocVar(fi); result = stat(name, &fi->stat); if (result != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", name); perror(""); freeMem(fi); } else { nameSize = strlen(name); if (nameSize > maxNameSize) maxNameSize = nameSize; fi->name = name; slAddHead(&fiList, fi); } } } /* Second pass - sort and print info. */ if (sortSize) slSort(&fiList, cmpFiSize); if (sortTime) slSort(&fiList, cmpFiTime); perLine = lineSize/(maxNameSize+2); if (perLine < 1) perLine = 1; for (fi = fiList; fi != NULL; fi = fi->next) { if (doLong) { /* Print something like: drwxr-xr-x 512 Feb 3 12:29:19 patJobs/ */ struct tm *tm = localtime(&fi->stat.st_mtime); char dirChar = '-'; char readChar = '-'; char writeChar = '-'; char exeChar = '-'; if (fi->stat.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) dirChar = 'd'; if (fi->stat.st_mode & _S_IREAD) readChar = 'r'; if (fi->stat.st_mode & _S_IWRITE) writeChar = 'w'; if (fi->stat.st_mode & _S_IEXEC) exeChar = 'x'; printf("%c%c%c%c %10lu %02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d %s\n", dirChar, readChar, writeChar, exeChar, fi->stat.st_size, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, fi->name); totalSize += fi->stat.st_size; } else { char buf[256]; char extra = ' '; // if (fi->stat.st_mode & _S_IEXEC) // extra = '*'; if (fi->stat.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) extra = '/'; if (doOne) extra = ' '; sprintf(buf, "%s%c", fi->name, extra); printf("%-*s", maxNameSize+1, buf); if (doOne) putchar('\n'); else { if (++linePos == perLine) { putchar('\n'); linePos = 0; } else putchar(' '); } } if (checkAbort()) { putchar('\n'); retCode = slcError; goto CLEANUP; } } if (!doOne && !doLong && linePos != 0) putchar('\n'); if (doLong) printf("%d files %1.0f bytes\n", fileCount, totalSize); CLEANUP: { slFreeList(&fiList); slFreeList(&ourList); return retCode; } } struct redirector /* This keeps track of input/output redirection. */ { int old[3]; /* Old stdin (0) stdout (1) stderr (2) */ int new[3]; /* New stdin, out, err. */ }; int cpToStdout(char *name) /* Copy file to standard out (unbuffered) */ { int s,d; int sizeRead; char buf[8*1024]; int bufSize = sizeof(buf); int retCode = slcOk; clearAbort(); d = 1; /* Standard out. */ s = open(name, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY); if (s == -1) { warn("Couldn't open %s", name); return slcError; } for (;;) { sizeRead = read(s, buf, bufSize); if (sizeRead > 0) { if (write(d, buf, sizeRead) < sizeRead) { fprintf(stderr, "Write failed. Disk full?"); retCode = slcError; break; } } if (sizeRead < bufSize) break; if (checkAbort()) { fprintf(stderr, "\nAborting cat from C\n"); retCode = slcError; break; } } close(s); return retCode; } int doCat(struct slName *tokLine, int tokCount, char *line) /* List files. */ { int retCode = slcOk; struct slName *tok; if (tokCount < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "cat - copy file(s) to standard output\n"); return slcError; } fflush(stdout); for (tok = tokLine->next; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) { if ((retCode = cpToStdout(tok->name)) != slcOk) break; } return retCode; } boolean redirectOne(struct redirector *rd, char *fileName, int fileIx, int openMode, int sMode) /* Redirect standard input, output, or error depending on fileIx. * Returns FALSE on failure. */ { int fd; if (rd->old[fileIx] != -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Only one < and one > allowed per command\n"); return FALSE; } rd->new[fileIx] = fd = open(fileName, openMode, sMode); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open %s\n", fileName); return FALSE; } if ((rd->old[fileIx] = _dup(fileIx)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't dup %d, we're hosed!\n", fileIx); return FALSE; } if (_dup2(fd, fileIx) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't dup2 %s and %d, we're hosed\n", fileName, fileIx); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } struct slName *doRedirection(struct shell *sh, struct slName *tokList, struct redirector *rd) /* Handle redirection - do necessary duplications and such of file handles. * Remove redirection character and files from token list. */ { struct slName *newList = NULL, *next, *tok; int i; for (i=0; i<3; ++i) rd->new[i] = rd->old[i] = -1; for (tok = tokList; tok != NULL; tok = next) { next = tok->next; if (tok->name[0] == '<') { freeMem(tok); tok = next; if (tok == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Need a file name after <\n"); goto ABORT; } next = tok->next; if (!redirectOne(rd, tok->name, 0, _O_RDONLY, 0)) goto ABORT; freeMem(tok); } else if (tok->name[0] == '>') { boolean errToo = FALSE; freeMem(tok); tok = next; if (tok == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Need a file name after >\n"); goto ABORT; } next = tok->next; fflush(stdout); if (tok->name[0] == '&') { errToo = TRUE; freeMem(tok); tok = next; if (tok == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Need a file name after >&\n"); goto ABORT; } next = tok->next; } if (!redirectOne(rd, tok->name, 1, _O_WRONLY|_O_CREAT|_O_TRUNC, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE )) goto ABORT; if (errToo) { fflush(stderr); rd->old[2] = _dup(2); dup2(rd->new[1], 2); } freeMem(tok); } else { slAddHead(&newList, tok); } } slReverse(&newList); return newList; ABORT: { slFreeList(&tok); slFreeList(&newList); return NULL; } } void undoRedirection(struct redirector *rd) /* Restore old standard in, out and stuff. */ { int i; int oldFd, newFd; boolean gotAny = FALSE; if (rd->old[1] != -1) fflush(stdout); if (rd->old[2] != -1) fflush(stderr); for (i=0; i<3; ++i) { if ((oldFd = rd->old[i]) != -1) { newFd = rd->new[i]; _dup2(oldFd, i); if (i != 2) _close(newFd); rd->old[i] = rd->new[i] = -1; gotAny = TRUE; } } fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); } int shellLine(struct shell *sh, char *line, FILE *f) /* Do processing of one line of user input. Return FALSE * to quit. */ { struct slName *tokLine; /* Tokenized line. */ int retCode = slcOk; struct redirector rd; tokLine = tokenize(skipLeadingSpaces(line)); tokLine = lookupAliases(sh, tokLine); tokLine = lookupVariables(sh, tokLine); tokLine = stripSpaceTokens(tokLine); tokLine = lookupWildcards(sh, tokLine); tokLine = doRedirection(sh, tokLine, &rd); if (tokLine != NULL) { char *command = tokLine->name; int tokCount = slCount(tokLine); if (sameWord(command, "quit") || sameWord(command, "exit")) retCode = slcEof; else if (sameString(command, "cd") && tokCount > 1) { struct slName *dirName = tokLine->next; char *dir = dirName->name; int err = chdir(dir); if (err < 0) { warn("Couldn't change directory to %s", dir); retCode = slcError; } } else if (sameString(command, "pwd")) { char line[512]; getcwd(line, sizeof(line)); puts(line); } else if (sameString(command, "history")) { int count = dlCount(sh->history); int start = sh->commandsSeen - count + 1; int i = start; struct dlNode *hNode; for (hNode = sh->history->head; hNode->next != NULL; hNode = hNode->next) { printf("%d %s\n", i, hNode->val); ++i; } } else if (sameString(command, "alias")) { if (tokCount < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "alias - creates a shortcut for a command\n" "usage\n" " alias shortcut command\n"); retCode = slcError; } else { struct slName *tok = tokLine->next; command = tok->name; flattenOutput(sh, tok->next, " "); hashAdd(sh->aliases, command, cloneString(sh->outBuf)); } } else if (sameWord(command, "set")) { if (tokCount < 4) { setUsage(); retCode = slcError; } else { struct slName *tok = tokLine->next; char *var = tok->name; tok = tok->next; if (!sameString(tok->name, "=")) setUsage(); else { flattenOutput(sh, tok->next, " "); hashAdd(sh->variables, var, cloneString(sh->outBuf)); } } } else if (sameString(command, "source")) { if (tokCount != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "source - execute a batch file\n" "usage:\n" " source file\n"); retCode = slcError; } else { retCode = noHistoryShell(sh, tokLine->next->name); } } else if (sameString(command, "foreach")) { retCode = doForEach(sh, tokLine, f); } else if (sameString(command, "rm")) { if (tokCount < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "rm - remove files\n" "usage:\n" " rm file(s)\n"); } else { struct slName *tok = tokLine; while ((tok = tok->next) != NULL) { if (remove(tok->name) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't remove %s.\n", tok->name); break; } } } } else if (sameString(command, "mv")) { retCode = doCpMv(tokLine, tokCount, line, TRUE); } else if (sameString(command, "cp")) { retCode = doCpMv(tokLine, tokCount, line, FALSE); } else if (sameString(command, "ls")) { retCode = doLs(tokLine, tokCount, line); } else if (sameString(command, "cat")) { retCode = doCat(tokLine, tokCount, line); } else if (sameString(command, "echo")) { struct slName *tok; for (tok = tokLine->next; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) { fputs(tok->name, stdout); if (tok->next != NULL) fputc(' ', stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); } else { retCode = doSystem(sh, tokLine); } } undoRedirection(&rd); slFreeList(&tokLine); return retCode; } void maskControlC() /* Make controlC not terminate us. */ { signal(SIGINT, handleControlC); } void interactiveShell(struct shell *sh) /* Interpret shell on terminal input. */ { maskControlC(); for (;;) { enterLine(sh->history, sh->prompt, sh->inBuf, sh->inBufAlloc); if (!doHistory(sh)) continue; if (shellLine(sh, sh->inBuf, stdin) == slcEof) break; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct shell *sh; char *cshrc = "C:\\csh.rc"; makeIsNameChar(); sh = newShell(); if (fileExists(cshrc)) noHistoryShell(sh, cshrc); if (argc == 2) { noHistoryShell(sh, argv[1]); } else { interactiveShell(sh); } return 0; }