  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/utils/textHist2/textHist2.c src/utils/textHist2/textHist2.c
index 5842ac7..987f819 100644
--- src/utils/textHist2/textHist2.c
+++ src/utils/textHist2/textHist2.c
@@ -1,220 +1,219 @@
 /* textHist2 - Make two dimensional histogram. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "psGfx.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: textHist2.c,v 1.10 2006/03/18 02:26:22 angie Exp $";
 int xBins = 12, yBins = 12;
 int xBinSize = 1, yBinSize = 1;
 int xMin = 0, yMin = 0;
 char *psFile = NULL;
 boolean doLog = FALSE;
 int margin = 0;
 int psSize = 5*72;
 int labelStep = 1;
 double postScale = 1.0;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "textHist2 - Make two dimensional histogram table out\n"
   "of a list of 2-D points, one per line.\n"
   "   textHist2 input\n"
   "   -xBins=N - number of bins in x dimension\n"
   "   -yBins=N - number of bins in y dimension\n"
   "   -xBinSize=N - size of bins in x dimension\n"
   "   -yBinSize=N - size of bins in x dimension\n"
   "   -xMin=N - minimum x number to record\n"
   "   -yMin=N - minimum y number to record\n"
   "   -ps=output.ps - make PostScript output\n"
   "   -psSize=N - Size in points (1/72th of inch)\n"
   "   -labelStep=N - How many bins to skip between labels\n"
   "   -margin=N - Margin in points for PostScript output\n"
   "   -log    - Logarithmic output (only works with ps now)\n"
   "   -postScale=N (default %f) - What to scale by after normalization\n"
   , postScale
 double mightLog(double val)
 /* Put val through a log transform if doLog is set. */
 if (doLog)
     val = log(1+val);
 return val;
 double findMaxVal(int *hist)
 /* Find maximum val in histogram. */
 int bothBins = xBins * yBins;
 int i;
 double val, maxVal = 0;
 for (i=0; i<bothBins; ++i)
     val = mightLog(hist[i]);
     if (maxVal < val)
         maxVal = val;
 return maxVal;
 void boxOut(struct psGfx *ps, int x, int y, int width, int height)
 /* Draw a filled box in current color. */
 psDrawBox(ps, x, y, width+1, height+1);
 void psOutput(int *hist, char *psFile)
 /* Output histogram in postscript format. */
 double labelSize = 72.0/2;
 double psInnerSize = psSize - labelSize;
 double tickSize = labelSize/4;
 double textSize = labelSize - tickSize;
 struct psGfx *ps = psOpen(psFile, psSize, psSize, psSize, psSize, margin);
 double val, maxVal = findMaxVal(hist);
 int x, y, both;
 double grayScale;
 double xPos, yPos, xMid;
 double xBinPts = psInnerSize/xBins;
 double yBinPts = psInnerSize/yBins;
 grayScale = 1.0 / maxVal * postScale;
 for (y=0; y<yBins; ++y)
     int yg = yBins-1-y;
     yPos = yg*yBinPts;
     for (x=0; x<xBins; ++x)
 	xPos = x * xBinPts + labelSize;
 	both = y*xBins + x;
 	val = mightLog(hist[both]) * grayScale;
 	if (val > 1.0) val = 1.0;
 	if (val < 0.0) val = 0.0;
 	psSetGray(ps, 1.0 - val);
 	boxOut(ps, xPos, yPos, xBinPts, yBinPts);
 /* Draw ticks and labels. */
 psSetGray(ps, 0);
 yPos = psInnerSize;
 for (x=labelStep; x<xBins; x += labelStep)
     char buf[16];
     sprintf(buf, "%d", x*xBinSize+xMin);
     xPos = x * xBinPts + labelSize;
     xMid = xPos;
     psDrawBox(ps, xPos, yPos, 1, tickSize);
     psTextDown(ps, xPos, yPos+tickSize+2, buf);
 for (y=labelStep; y<yBins; y += labelStep)
     char buf[16];
     int yg = yBins-y;
     sprintf(buf, "%d", y*yBinSize+yMin);
     yPos = yg*yBinPts;
     psDrawBox(ps, textSize, yPos, tickSize, 1);
     psTextAt(ps, 0, yPos, buf);
 void textOutput(int *hist)
 /* Output 2D histogram as 2D text table. */
 int x, y, both;
 int *digits = needMem(xBins * sizeof(int));
 /* Figure out longest number in each column. */
 for (x=0; x<xBins; ++x)
     int dig, maxDig = 0;
     char s[32];
     for (y=0; y<yBins; ++y)
 	both = y*xBins + x;
 	dig = sprintf(s, "%d", hist[both]);
 	if (maxDig < dig) maxDig = dig;
     digits[x] = maxDig;
 for (y=0; y<yBins; ++y)
     for (x=0; x<xBins; ++x)
 	both = y*xBins + x;
 	printf("%*d ", digits[x], hist[both]);
 void textHist2(char *inFile)
 /* textHist2 - Make two dimensional histogram. */
 int bothBins = xBins * yBins;
 int *hist = needMem(bothBins * sizeof(int));
 char *row[2];
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inFile, TRUE);
 int x, y, both;
 /* Read file and make counts. */
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     x = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 0);
     y = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
     if (x >= xMin && y >= yMin)
 	x = (x - xMin)/xBinSize;
 	y = (y - yMin)/yBinSize;
 	if (x >= 0 && x < xBins && y >= 0 && y < yBins)
 	    both = y*xBins + x;
 /* Output it. */
 if (psFile != NULL)
     psOutput(hist, psFile);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionHash(&argc, argv);
 if (argc != 2)
 xBins = optionInt("xBins", xBins);
 yBins = optionInt("yBins", yBins);
 xBinSize = optionInt("xBinSize", xBinSize);
 yBinSize = optionInt("yBinSize", yBinSize);
 xMin = optionInt("xMin", xMin);
 yMin = optionInt("yMin", yMin);
 psFile = optionVal("ps", NULL);
 psSize = optionInt("psSize", psSize);
 margin = optionInt("margin", margin);
 doLog = optionExists("log");
 labelStep = optionInt("labelStep", labelStep);
 postScale = optionFloat("postScale", postScale);
 return 0;