  Fri Dec 2 09:34:39 2011 -0800
removed rcsid (#295)
diff --git src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigAsciiToBinary.c src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigAsciiToBinary.c
index 6eda4bf..cc2fc41 100644
--- src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigAsciiToBinary.c
+++ src/utils/wigAsciiToBinary/wigAsciiToBinary.c
@@ -1,485 +1,484 @@
 /* wigAsciiToBinary - convert ascii Wiggle data to binary file
  *	plus, produces file read for load into database
  *	The ascii data file is simply two columns, white space separated:
  *	first column: offset within chromosome, 1 relative closed end
  *	second column: any real data value
  *	Each data block will have its own specific scale computed
  *	This first pass will assume the scores are specified for
  *	a single nucleotide base.  If the offset sequence has
  *	missing data in it, the missing data will be set to the
  *	"WIG_NO_DATA" indication.  (WIG_NO_DATA == 128)
  *	The binary data file is simply one unsigned char value per byte.
  *	The suffix for this binary data file is: .wib - wiggle binary
  *	The second file produced is a bed-like format file, with chrom,
  *	chromStart, chromEnd, etc.  See hg/inc/wiggle.h for structure
  *	definition.  The important thing about this file is that it will
  *	have the pointers into the binary data file and definitions of
  *	where the bytes belong.  This file extension is: .wig - wiggle
  *	Holes in the data are allowed.  A command line argument can
  *	specify the actual span of a data point == how many nucleotide
  *	bases the value is representative of.
  *	There is a concept of a "bin" size which means how many values
  *	should be maintained in a single table row entry.  This can be
  *	controlled by command line argument.  Holes in the input data
  *	will be filled with NO_DATA values up to the size of the current
  *	"bin".  If the missing data continues past the next "bin" size
  *	number of data points, that table row will be skipped.  Thus, it
  *	is only necessary to have table rows which contain valid data.
  *	The "bin" size is under control with a command line argument.
 #include	"common.h"
 #include	"options.h"
 #include	"linefile.h"
 #define	WIG_NO_DATA	128
 #define MAX_BYTE_VALUE	127
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: wigAsciiToBinary.c,v 1.27 2005/03/04 20:49:31 galt Exp $";
 /* command line option specifications */
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = {
     {"offset", OPTION_LONG_LONG},
     {"binsize", OPTION_LONG_LONG},
     {"dataSpan", OPTION_LONG_LONG},
     {"chrom", OPTION_STRING},
     {"wibFile", OPTION_STRING},
     {"name", OPTION_STRING},
     {"minVal", OPTION_FLOAT},
     {"maxVal", OPTION_FLOAT},
     {"obsolete", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {NULL, 0}
 /*	FEATURE REQUEST - allow specification of columns in data file
  *	where the chrom offset and data value can be found.  This would
  *	allow any type of column data file to work.  Also, it may be
  *	necessary in the future to allow a third column of data input
  *	which would specify the chromosome this data belongs to, or even
  *	a fourth column which names the data element, although these
  *	extra columns and subsequent processing would require quite a
  *	bit of work.  It is by far much easier to do pre-processing of
  *	mixed data like that to break it up into separate files for each
  *	chromosome and named feature.
 static long long add_offset = 0;	/* to allow "lifting" of the data */
 static long long binsize = 1024;	/* # of data points per table row */
 static long long dataSpan = 1;		/* bases spanned per data point */
 static char * chrom = (char *) NULL;	/* to specify chrom name	*/
 static char * wibFile = (char *) NULL;	/* to name the .wib file	*/
 static char * name = (char *) NULL;	/* to specify feature name	*/
 static double minVal = BIGNUM;          /* minimum value that is allowed in data. */
 static double maxVal = BIGNUM;     /* maximum value that is allowed in data. */
 static boolean trimVals = FALSE;/*should the data be trimmed by min & maxVal?*/
 static boolean obsolete = FALSE;/*use this program even though it is obsolete*/
 static void usage()
 /* Explain how to use program. */
     "wigAsciiToBinary - convert ascii Wiggle data to binary file\n"
     "usage: wigAsciiToBinary [options] <file names>\n"
     "\t<file names> - list of files to process, (use: stdin for data from pipe)\n"
     "\t-offset=N - add N to all coordinates, default 0\n"
     "\t-binsize=N - # of points per database row entry, default 1024\n"
     "\t-dataSpan=N - # of bases spanned for each data point, default 1\n"
     "\t-chrom=chrN - this data is for chrN. Use with twoColumn output\n"
     "\t-wibFile=chrN - to name the .wib output file\n"
     "\t-name=<feature name> - to name the feature, default chrN or\n"
     "\t\t-chrom= specified\n"
     "\t-verbose=N - display process while underway (only N=2 does something)\n"
     "\t-minVal=N - minimum allowable data value, values will be capped here.\n"
     "\t-maxVal=N - maximum allowable data value, values will be capped here.\n"
     "\t-obsolete - Use this program even though it is obsolete.\n"
     "If the name of the input files are of the form: chrN.<....> this will\n"
     "\tset the output file names.  Otherwise use the -wibFile option.\n"
     "Generally the ascii files have one to three columns.\n"
     "\t<sequence name> <sequence position> <data value>   or \n"
     "\t<sequence position> <data value> or\n"
     "\t<data value>\n"
     "If the sequence position is not specified in a line, it is assumed to be\n"
     "one past the previous position.  If the sequence name is not specified\n"
     "it is the same as the previous line.\n"
 static unsigned long long bincount = 0;	/* to count binsize for wig file */
 static unsigned long long chromStart = 0;	/* for table row data */
 static unsigned long long chromEnd = 0;	/* for table row data */
 static FILE *wigout;	/*	file handle for wiggle database file	*/
 static FILE *binout;	/*	file handle for binary data file	*/
 static char *chromName = (char *) NULL;	/* pseudo bed-6 data to follow */
 static char featureName[254];			/* the name of this feature */
 static unsigned long long rowCount = 0;	/* to count rows output */
 static off_t fileOffsetBegin = 0;	/* where this bin started in binary */
 static char *binfile = (char *) NULL;	/* file name of binary data file */
 static unsigned long long Offset = 0;	/* from data input	*/
 static off_t fileOffset = 0;		/* where are we in the binary data */
 static double *data_values = (double *) NULL;
 			/* all the data values read in for this one row */
 static unsigned char * validData = (unsigned char *) NULL;
 				/* array to keep track of what data is valid */
 static double overallUpperLimit;	/* for the complete set of data */
 static double overallLowerLimit;	/* for the complete set of data */
  *	The table rows need to be printed in a couple of different
  *	places in the code.
  *	Definition of this row format can be found in hg/inc/wiggle.h
  *	and hg/lib/wiggle.as, etc ...
 static void output_row()
 double lowerLimit = 1.0e+300;
 double upperLimit = -1.0e+300;
 double dataRange = 0.0;
 double sumData = 0.0;
 double sumSquares = 0.0;
 unsigned long long i;
 unsigned long long validCount = 0; /* number of valid data points */
 if (bincount)
     /*	scan the data and determine stats for it	*/
     for (i=0; i < bincount; ++i)
 	if (validData[i])
 	    if (data_values[i] > upperLimit) upperLimit = data_values[i];
 	    if (data_values[i] < lowerLimit) lowerLimit = data_values[i];
 	    sumData += data_values[i];
 	    sumSquares += data_values[i] * data_values[i];
     if (validCount < 1) {
 	errAbort("ERROR: empty row being produced at row: %d\n", rowCount);
     dataRange = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
     if (upperLimit > overallUpperLimit) overallUpperLimit = upperLimit;
     if (lowerLimit < overallLowerLimit) overallLowerLimit = lowerLimit;
     /*	With limits determined, can now scale and output the values
      *  compressed down to byte data values for the binary file
     for (i=0; i < bincount; ++i)
 	int byteOutput;	/* should be unsigned char, but fputc() wants int */
 	if (validData[i])
 		if (dataRange > 0.0)
 			byteOutput = MAX_BYTE_VALUE *
 				((data_values[i] - lowerLimit)/dataRange);
 		    } else {
 			byteOutput = 0;
 	    } else {
 		byteOutput = WIG_NO_DATA;
 	fputc(byteOutput,binout);	/*	output a data byte */
     chromEnd = chromStart + (bincount * dataSpan);
     verbose(2, "row: %llu %llu-%llu total: %llu valid: %llu, miss: %llu, file offset: %llu\n", rowCount, chromStart+add_offset, chromEnd+add_offset, bincount, validCount, bincount-validCount, fileOffsetBegin);
     fprintf( wigout,
 	chromName, chromStart+add_offset, chromEnd+add_offset,
 	featureName, rowCount, dataSpan, bincount,
 	(unsigned long long)fileOffsetBegin, basename(binfile), lowerLimit,
 	dataRange, validCount, sumData, sumSquares);
 bincount = 0;	/* to count up to binsize	*/
 for (i=0; i < binsize; ++i)	/*	reset valid indicator	*/
     validData[i] = FALSE;
 chromStart = Offset + dataSpan;
 verbose(2, "next chromStart = %llu = %llu + %llu\n", chromStart, Offset, dataSpan);
 fileOffsetBegin = fileOffset;
 }	/*	static void output_row()	*/
 void badFormat(struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Complain about format. */
 errAbort("Badly formatted line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 void wigAsciiToBinary( int argc, char *argv[] )
 int i = 0;				/* general purpose int counter	*/
 struct lineFile *lf;			/* for line file utilities	*/
 char * fileName;			/* the basename of the input file */
 char *line = (char *) NULL;		/* to receive data input line	*/
 char *words[4];				/* to split data input line	*/
 int wordCount = 0;			/* result of split	*/
 int validLines = 0;			/* counting only lines with data */
 unsigned long long previousOffset = 0;	/* for data missing detection */
 double dataValue = 0.0;				/* from data input	*/
 char *wigfile = (char *) NULL;	/*	file name of wiggle database file */
 boolean firstInChrom;		/* Is this the first line in chromosome? */
 /*	for each input data file	*/
 for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
     verbose(2, "translating file: %s\n", argv[i]);
     fileName = basename(argv[i]);
     if (name)		/*	Is the name of this feature specified ?	*/
 	safef( featureName, sizeof(featureName) - 1, "%s", name);
     if (chrom)		/*	Is the chrom name specified ? */
 	chromName = cloneString(chrom);
 	if (! name)	/*	that names the feature too if not already */
 	    safef( featureName, sizeof(featureName) - 1, "%s", chrom);
     /*	Name mangling to determine output file name */
     if (wibFile)	/*	when specified, simply use it	*/
 	binfile = addSuffix(wibFile, ".wib");
 	wigfile = addSuffix(wibFile, ".wig");
 	} else {	/*	not specified, construct from input names */
 	if (startsWith("chr",fileName))
 	    char *tmpString;
 	    tmpString = cloneString(fileName);
 	    binfile = addSuffix(tmpString, ".wib");
 	    wigfile = addSuffix(tmpString, ".wig");
 	    if (! chrom)	/*	if not already taken care of	*/
 		chromName = cloneString(tmpString);
 	    if (! name && ! chrom)	/*	if not already done	*/
 		safef(featureName, sizeof(featureName) - 1, "%s", tmpString);
 	    } else {
 	    errAbort("Can not determine output file name, no -wibFile specified\n");
     verbose(2, "output files: %s, %s\n", binfile, wigfile);
     validLines = 0;	/* to count only lines with data */
     rowCount = 0;	/* to count rows output */
     bincount = 0;	/* to count up to binsize	*/
     fileOffset = 0;	/* current location within binary data file	*/
     fileOffsetBegin = 0;/* location in binary data file where this bin starts*/
     firstInChrom = TRUE;
     data_values =  needMem( (size_t) (binsize * sizeof(double)));
     validData = needMem( (size_t) (binsize * sizeof(unsigned char)));
     overallLowerLimit = 1.0e+300;	/* for the complete set of data */
     overallUpperLimit = -1.0e+300;	/* for the complete set of data */
     binout = mustOpen(binfile,"w");	/*	binary data file	*/
     wigout = mustOpen(wigfile,"w");	/*	table row definition file */
     lf = lineFileOpen(argv[i], TRUE);	/*	input file	*/
     while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
 	boolean readingFrameSlipped;
 	char *valEnd;
 	char *val;
 	wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
 	if (wordCount == 1)
 	    Offset += 1;
 	    val = words[0];
 	else if (wordCount == 2)
 	    Offset = atoll(words[0]) - 1;
 	    val = words[1];
 	else if (wordCount == 3)
 	    char *newChrom = words[0];
 	    boolean sameChrom = (chromName == NULL || sameString(chromName, newChrom));
 	    Offset = atoll(words[1]) - 1;
 	    val = words[2];
 	    if (!sameChrom)
 		firstInChrom = TRUE;
 	    if (chromName == NULL)
 		chromName = cloneString(newChrom);
 	    val = NULL;
 	if (Offset < 0)
 	    errAbort("Illegal offset %llu at line %d of %s", Offset+1, lf->lineIx,
 	dataValue = strtod(val, &valEnd);
 	    dataValue = max(minVal, dataValue);
 	    dataValue = min(maxVal, dataValue);
 	if ((*val == '\0') || (*valEnd != '\0'))
 	    errAbort("Not a valid float at line %d: %s\n", lf->lineIx, val);
 	/* see if this is the first time through, establish chromStart 	*/
 	if (firstInChrom) {
 	    chromStart = Offset;
 	    verbose(2, "first offset: %llu\n", chromStart);
 	else if (!firstInChrom && (Offset <= previousOffset))
 	    errAbort("ERROR: chrom positions not in order. line %d of %s\n"
 	             "previous: %llu >= %llu <-current", 
 		     lf->lineIx, lf->fileName, previousOffset+1, Offset+1);
 	/* if we are working on a zoom level and the data is not exactly
 	 * spaced according to the span, then we need to put each value
 	 * in its own row in order to keep positioning correct for these
 	 * data values.  The number of skipped bases has to be an even
 	 * multiple of dataSpan
 	readingFrameSlipped = FALSE;
 	if (!firstInChrom && (dataSpan > 1))
 	    int skippedBases;
 	    int spansSkipped;
 	    skippedBases = Offset - previousOffset;
 	    spansSkipped = skippedBases / dataSpan;
 	    if ((spansSkipped * dataSpan) != skippedBases)
 		readingFrameSlipped = TRUE;
 	if (readingFrameSlipped)
 	    verbose(2, "data not spanning %llu bases, prev: %llu, this: %llu, at line: %d\n", dataSpan, previousOffset, Offset, lf->lineIx);
 	    chromStart = Offset;	/*	a full reset here	*/
 	/*	Check to see if data is being skipped	*/
 	else if ( (!firstInChrom) && (Offset > (previousOffset + dataSpan)) )
 	    unsigned long long off;
 	    unsigned long long fillSize;	/* number of bytes */
 	    verbose(2, "missing data offsets: %llu - %llu\n",
 	    /*	If we are just going to fill the rest of this bin with
 	     *  no data, then may as well stop here.  No need to fill
 	     *  it with nothing.
 	    fillSize = (Offset - (previousOffset + dataSpan)) / dataSpan;
 	    verbose(2, "filling NO_DATA for %llu bytes at bincount: %llu\n", fillSize, bincount);
 	    if (fillSize + bincount >= binsize)
 		verbose(2, "completing a bin due to  NO_DATA for %llu bytes, only %llu - %llu = %llu to go\n", fillSize, binsize, bincount, binsize - bincount);
 		verbose(2, "Offset: %llu, previousOffset: %llu\n",
 			Offset, previousOffset);
 		chromStart = Offset;	/*	a full reset here	*/
 	    } else {
 		fillSize = 0;
 		/*	fill missing data with NO_DATA indication	*/
 		for (off = previousOffset + dataSpan; off < Offset;
 			off += dataSpan)
 		    ++bincount;	/*	count scores in this bin */
 		    if (bincount >= binsize) break;
 		verbose(2, "filled NO_DATA for %llu bytes at bincount: %llu\n", fillSize, bincount);
 		/*	If that finished off this bin, output it
 		 *	This most likely should not happen here.  The
 		 *	check above: if (fillSize + bincount >= binsize) 
 		 *	should have caught this case already.
 		    if (bincount >= binsize)
 			chromStart = Offset;	/* a full reset here */
 	/*	With perhaps the missing data taken care of, back to the
 	 *	real data.
 	data_values[bincount] = dataValue;
 	validData[bincount] = TRUE;
 	++bincount;	/*	count scores in this bin */
 	/*	Is it time to output a row definition ? */
 	if (bincount >= binsize)
 	previousOffset = Offset;
 	firstInChrom = FALSE;
         }	/*	reading file input loop end	*/
     /*	Done with input file, any data points left in this bin ?	*/
     if (bincount)
     verbose(2, "fini: %s, read %d lines, table rows: %llu, data bytes: %lld\n",
 	    argv[i], lf->lineIx, rowCount, fileOffset);
     verbose(1, "data limits: [%g:%g], range: %g\n", 
 	overallLowerLimit, overallUpperLimit,
 	overallUpperLimit - overallLowerLimit);
     binfile = (char *) NULL;
     wigfile = (char *) NULL;
     chromName = (char *) NULL;
 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
 obsolete = optionExists("obsolete");
 if (! obsolete)
     verbose(1,"ERROR: This loader is obsolete.  Please use: 'wigEncode'\n");
     verbose(1,"\t(use -obsolete flag to run this encoder despite it being obsolete)\n");
     errAbort("ERROR: wigAsciiToBinary is obsolete, use 'wigEncode' instead");
 if (argc < 2)
 add_offset = optionLongLong("offset", 0);
 binsize = optionLongLong("binsize", 1024);
 dataSpan = optionLongLong("dataSpan", 1);
 chrom = optionVal("chrom", NULL);
 wibFile = optionVal("wibFile", NULL);
 name = optionVal("name", NULL);
 minVal = optionFloat("minVal", -1 * INFINITY);
 maxVal = optionFloat("maxVal", INFINITY);
 trimVals = optionExists("minVal") || optionExists("maxVal");
 verbose(2, "options: -verbose, offset= %llu, binsize= %llu, dataSpan= %llu\n",
     add_offset, binsize, dataSpan);
 if (chrom)
     verbose(2, "-chrom=%s\n", chrom);
 if (wibFile)
     verbose(2, "-wibFile=%s\n", wibFile);
 if (name)
     verbose(2, "-name=%s\n", name);
 wigAsciiToBinary(argc, argv);