  Wed Nov 23 16:11:22 2011 -0800
changes the str output of printsize to be just the megabytes with no unit
diff --git python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
index 3a4b52e..ae5cbee 100644
--- python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
+++ python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
@@ -242,38 +242,36 @@
         if bytes >= (1024**2):
             terabytes = bytes / (1024**2)
             size = '%.2f TB' % terabytes
         elif bytes >= (1024):
             gigabytes = bytes / (1024)
             size = '%.0f GB' % gigabytes
             return 0
         return size
     def __printSize(self, size, output, totalsize, type):
         nicesize = self.__determineNiceSize(size)
         if nicesize:
-            strout = "%s: %d MB (%s)" % (type, size, nicesize)
-            output.append(strout)
+            output.append("%s: %d MB (%s)" % (type, size, nicesize))
-            strout = "%s: %d MB" % (type, size)
-            output.append(strout)
+            output.append("%s: %d MB" % (type, size))
         totalsize = totalsize + size
-        return (output, totalsize, strout)
+        return (output, totalsize, str(size))
     def __printSection(self, new, untouched, revoked, all, title, path, summary):
         output = []
         removeline = "Revoked/Replaced/Renamed"
         totaline = "Total (New + Untouched + Revoked/Replaced/Renamed)"
         caps = title.upper()
         if title == "supplemental":
             removeline = "Removed"
             totaline = "Total"
             title = title + " files"
             caps = title.upper()
         elif title == 'gbdbs':
             caps = "GBDBS"
             title = "gbdb files"
         elif title == "download":