Commits for cline
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v260_preview to v260_preview2 (2011-11-15 to 2011-11-22) v260
- Removing the commands to build the knownToCdsSnp and knownToGnf1h tables. knownToGnf1h is obsolete, superceded by knownToGnfAtlas2. knownToCdsSnp never really worked out, and decisions were made to drop it (see git #20, comment #49)
- src/hg/makeDb/doc/ucscGenes/hg19.ucscGenes13.csh - lines changed 2, context: html, text, full: html, text
- Removing some dependencies to tables pepMwAa and pepPi, which are/were specific to the Proteome Browser
- src/hg/makeDb/schema/all.joiner - lines changed 3, context: html, text, full: html, text
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