  Wed Nov 16 08:15:56 2011 -0800
Added UMD cow announcement, archived some news items, fixed some typos etc.
diff --git src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
index 8537181..4610bef 100644
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                 <TABLE BGCOLOR="#fffee8" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING=0>
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                     To receive announcements of new genome 
                     assembly releases, new software features, updates and 
                     training seminars by email, subscribe to the
                     <A HREF="https://lists.soe.ucsc.edu/mailman/listinfo/genome-announce" 
                     TARGET=_blank>genome-announce</A> mailing list.</P>
             <!-- start news -->
-            <!-- sacCer3 Assembly Release -->
+        	<FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>7 November 2011 - UMD Cow
+		Assembly Now Available in Genome Browser</B></FONT>
-        	<FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>10 October 2011 - Updated Yeast Browser Released</B></FONT>
-		    <p>We are happy to announce an updated Yeast Genome Browser for
-		    <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>, sacCer3. The April 2011 <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em>
-		    genome assembly (<i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> S288c assembly from Saccharomyces Genome 
-		    Database (GCA_000146055.2)) was produced by the <A HREF="http://www.yeastgenome.org/"
-			taget="_blank"><em>Saccharomyces</em> Genome Database (SGD&#8482;)</A> project.</p>
+		    In response to the many requests from the bovine research
+		    community, we now offer the University of Maryland (UMD)
+		    <em>Bos taurus</em> assembly in the Genome Browser, in 
+		    addition to the assemblies produced by the Baylor College 
+		    of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center. The UMD v3.1 
+		    assembly (Nov. 2009, UCSC bosTau6) was produced by the 
+		    <A HREF="http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/" TARGET=_blank>UMD Center 
+		    for Bioinformatics and Computational 
+		    Biology</A> (CBCB) in College Park, MD. </P>
+		    <P>
+		    The UMD 3.1 assembly is based on reads downloaded from 
+		    the NCBI Trace Archive, most of which were sequenced by
+		    the Baylor College of Medicine. UMD reports that they were
+		    able to apply several assembly improvement techniques
+		    to produce an assembly that is substantially more accurate 
+		    and complete than alternative versions, as evaluated using
+		    independent metrics. Based on UMD statistics, this 
+		    assembly provides more genome coverage, closes 
+		    thousands of gaps, corrects many erroneous inversions, 
+		    deletions, and translocations, and fixes thousands of 
+		    single-nucleotide errors. For more information, see 
+		    Zimina AV <em>et al</em>, 
+		    <A HREF="http://genomebiology.com/2009/10/4/R42"
+		    TARGET=_blank>A whole-genome assembly of the domestic
+		    cow, Bos taurus</A>, <em>Genome Biol.</em>2009;10(4) and 
+		    the UMD CBCB 
+		    <A HREF="http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/research/bos_taurus_assembly.shtml">Bos taurus assembly</A> web page.</P>
-			Chromosomes available in this assembly: chrI, chrII, chrIII, chrIV ... etc ... chrXVI, 
-			and chrM.  See also: <A HREF="http://www.yeastgenome.org/cache/genomeSnapshot.html"
-			TARGET="_blank">SGD&#8482; genome snapshot/overview</A>.
+		    Downloads of the UMD bovine data and annotations may be 
+		    obtained from the UCSC Genome Browser 
+		    <A HREF="ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/bosTau6/">FTP server</A> 
+		    or <A HREF="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html#cow">Downloads</A> page.
-			Downloads of the yeast data and annotations may be obtained from the UCSC
-			Genome Browser <A HREF="ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/sacCer3/"
-			TARGET=_blank>FTP server</A> or
-			<A HREF="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html#yeast"
-			TARGET=_blank>Downloads</A> page.
-			The <EM>S. cerevisiae</EM> annotation tracks were generated by
-			UCSC and collaborators worldwide.
-			<p>
-            We'd like to thank the Saccharomyces Genome 
-		    Database (SGD&#8482;). The <i>S. cerevisiae</i> Genome Browser and annotation tracks were produced by 
-		    Hiram Clawson, Greg Roe, and Steve Heitner. See the <A HREF="goldenPath/credits.html#yeast_credits"
-		    >Credits</A> page for a detailed list of the organizations and individuals who 
-		    contributed to this release.
-			</p>
+              	    We'd like to thank the UMD CBCB for providing this genome 
+		    assembly. The UMD Cow Genome Browser and annotation tracks 
+		    were produced by Hiram Clawson, Chin Li, Brooke Rhead, Greg 
+		    Roe, Steve Heitner, and Donna Karolchik.  See the 
+		    <A HREF="goldenPath/credits.html#cow_credits">Credits</A> 
+		    page for a detailed list of the organizations and 
+		    individuals who contributed to this release.  </P>
+		    <P>
+            <!-- start archives -->
+            <!-- sacCer3 Assembly Release -->
+        	<FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>10 October 2011 - Updated Yeast Browser Released: </B></FONT>
+		    We are happy to announce the release of an updated browser 
+		    for the <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em> yeast genome. 
+		    <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#101011">Read more</A>.
+		    </P>
             <!-- New javascript features -->
                     <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>8 September 2011 -
-New Navigation and Display Features  </B></FONT>
-		    <P>
+New Navigation and Display Features: </B></FONT>
 		    We've added several new features to the Genome Browser 
 		    that make it easier to quickly configure and navigate 
 		    around in the browser's annotation tracks window.
-		    <P>
-		    <B>Automatic image resizing:</B> The first time the annotation 
-		    track window is displayed, or after the Genome Browser has
-		    been reset, the size of the track window is now set by 
-		    default to the width that best fits your Internet browser 
-		    window. If you subsequently resize your browser window, 
-		    you can automatically adjust the annotation track image 
-		    size to the new width by clicking the <em>resize</em> button
-		    under the track image. The default width can still be 
-		    manually overridden on the Track Configuration page. 
-		    <P>
-		    <B>Scrolling left or right in the track window:</B> You can now 
-		    scroll (pan) horizontally through the tracks image by clicking 
-		    on the image, dragging the cursor to the left or right, 
-		    then releasing the mouse button. The view may be scrolled 
-		    by up to one image width.
-		    <P>
-		    <B>Improved drag-zoom navigation:</B>  The browser's 
-		    &quot;drag-and-zoom&quot; feature lets you quickly zoom to a
-		    specific region of interest on the annotation tracks image.
-		    To define the region you wish to zoom to, depress the shift 
-		    key, click-and-hold 
-		    the mouse button on one edge of the desired zoom area
-		    (which can be anywhere in the tracks window), 
-		    drag the mouse right or left to highlight the 
-		    selection area, then release the mouse button.
-		    The annotation tracks image will automatically zoom to
-		    the new region. The Genome Browser still supports the 
-		    earlier implementation of this feature, which restricted
-		    the click-drag to the Base Position track area of the image,
-		    but did not require the shift key to be pressed. 
-		    <P>
-		    <B>Reordering groups of tracks:</B> 
-		    You can now vertically reposition an entire group of 
-		    associated tracks in the tracks image (such as all the 
-		    displayed subtracks in a composite track) by clicking and 
-		    holding the gray bar to the left of the tracks,
-		    dragging the group to the new position, then releasing
-		    the mouse button. To move a single track up or down, click 
-		    and hold the mouse button on the side label, drag the 
-		    highlighted track to the new position, then release the 
-		    mouse button.
-		    <P>
-		    If you haven't yet tried the browser's right-click 
-		    menu for quick access to frequently used track 
-		    configuration features and functionality, read more
-		    <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#011011">here</A>.
-		    <HR>
+		    <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#090811">Read more</A>.
             <!-- data hubs release  -->
                     <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>18 August 2011 -
 New Feature: Track Data Hubs:  </B></FONT>
-                    We are pleased to announce a new feature in the UCSC Genome Browser: Track Data Hubs. Track hubs are web-accessible directories of genomic data 
-			that can be viewed on the UCSC Genome Browser alongside native annotation 
-			tracks. 
+                    We are pleased to announce a new feature in the UCSC Genome 
+   		    Browser: Track Data Hubs. Track hubs are web-accessible 
+		    directories of genomic data that can be viewed on the UCSC 
+		    Genome Browser alongside native annotation tracks. 
 		    <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#081811">Read more</A>.
 ==> <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html">News Archives</a>
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