  Mon Nov 21 14:08:32 2011 -0800
Fixed bug occurring on ddcl mdbVals that are beneath an added or removed line.
diff --git src/hg/js/utils.js src/hg/js/utils.js
index 6ac3d81..19f09fe 100644
--- src/hg/js/utils.js
+++ src/hg/js/utils.js
@@ -1861,53 +1861,45 @@
                     cmd: "hgt_mdbVal" + num, // NOTE must match METADATA_VALUE_PREFIX in hg/hgTracks/searchTracks.c
                     num: num
         // NOTE: with newJquery, the response is getting a new error (missing ; before statement)
         //       There were also several XML parsing errors.
         // This error is fixed with the addition of "dataType: 'html'," above.
     handleNewMdbVals: function (response, status)
     { // Handle ajax response (repopulate a metadata val select)
     // This handles the currnet case when 2 vars have the same name (e.g. advanced, files tabs)
         var td = $('td#' + this.cmd );
         if (td != undefined) {
-            var usesFilterBy = ($("select.mdbVar[name='hgt_mdbVar"+this.num+"']").hasClass('noMulti') == false);
             var inp = $(td).find('.mdbVal');
             var tdIsLike = $('td#isLike'+this.num);
             if (inp != undefined && tdIsLike != undefined) {
                 if ($(inp).hasClass('freeText')) {
-                } else if ($(inp).hasClass('wildList')
-                    || (usesFilterBy && $(inp).hasClass('filterBy'))) {
+                } else if ($(inp).hasClass('wildList') ||  $(inp).hasClass('filterBy')) {
                     $(tdIsLike).text('is among');
                 } else {
             $(td).find('.filterBy').each( function(i) { // Do this by 'each' to set noneIsAll individually
-                if (usesFilterBy) {
-                } else {
-                    $(this).attr("multiple",false);
-                    $(this).removeClass('filterBy');
-                    $(this).show();
-                }
     mdbValChanged: function (obj)
     { // Keep all tabs with same selects in sync  TODO: Change from name to id based identification and only have one set of inputs in form
     // This handles the currnet case when 2 vars have the same name (e.g. advanced, files tabs)
         findTracks.clearFound();  // Changing values so abandon what has been found
         if ($('#advancedTab').length == 1 && $('#filesTab').length == 1) {
             var newVal = $(obj).val();
             var a = /hgt_mdbVal(\d+)/.exec(obj.name); // NOTE must match METADATA_NAME_PREFIX in hg/hgTracks/searchTracks.c
             if(newVal != undefined && a && a[1]) {
@@ -2139,122 +2131,130 @@
             $('form#trackSearch').attr('method','POST'); // Must be post to avoid url too long  NOTE: probably needs to be post anyway
         return false;
     configSet: function (name)
     {// Called when configuring a composite or superTrack
         var thisForm =  $('form#searchResults');
-    mdbSelectPlusMinus: function (obj, rowNum)
+    mdbSelectPlusMinus: function (obj)
     { // Now [+][-] mdb var rows with javascript rather than cgi roundtrip
     // Will remove row or clone new one.  Complication is that 'advanced' and 'files' tab duplicate the tables!
         var objId = $(obj).attr('id');
-        rowNum = objId.substring(objId.length - 1);
-        if ($(obj).val() == '+') {
-            var buttons = $("input#plusButton"+rowNum);  // Two tabs may have the exact same buttons!
+        var rowNum = objId.substring(objId.length - 1);
+        var val = $(obj).text();
+        if (val == undefined || val.length == 0)
+            val = $(obj).val(); // Remove this when non-CSS buttons go away
+        if (val == '+') {
+            var buttons = $("#plusButton"+rowNum);  // Two tabs may have the exact same buttons!
             if (buttons.length > 0) {
                 var table = null;
                 $(buttons).each(function (i) {
                     var tr = $(this).parents('tr.mdbSelect')[0];
                     if (tr != undefined) {
                         table = $(tr).parents('table')[0];
                         var newTr = $(tr).clone();
                         var element = $(newTr).find("td[id^='hgt_mdbVal']")[0];
                         if (element != undefined)
                         element = $(newTr).find("td[id^='isLike']")[0];
                         if (element != undefined)
                         $(tr).after( newTr );
                         element = $(newTr).find("select.mdbVar")[0];
                         if (element != undefined)
                             $(element).attr('selectedIndex',-1);  // chrome needs this after 'after'
                 if (table)
                     findTracks.mdbSelectRowsNormalize(table); // magic is in this function
                 return false;
         } else { // == '-'
-            var buttons = $("input#minusButton"+rowNum);  // Two tabs may have the exact same buttons!
+            var buttons = $("#minusButton"+rowNum);  // Two tabs may have the exact same buttons!
             if (buttons.length > 0) {
                 var remaining = 0;
                 $(buttons).each(function (i) {
                     var tr = $(this).parents('tr')[0];
                     var table = $(tr).parents('table')[0];
                     if (tr != undefined)
                     remaining = findTracks.mdbSelectRowsNormalize(table);  // Must renormalize since 2nd of 3 rows may have been removed
                 if (remaining > 0) {
                     removeNum = remaining + 1;  // Got to remove the cart vars, though it doesn't matter which as count must not be too many.
                     setCartVars( [ "hgt_mdbVar"+removeNum, "hgt_mdbVal"+removeNum ], [ "[]","[]" ] );
                 findTracks.clearFound();  // Changing values so abandon what has been found
                 return false;
         return true;
     mdbSelectRowsNormalize: function (table)
     { // Called when [-][+] buttons changed the number of mdbSelects in findTracks\
     // Will walk through each row and get the numberings of addressable elements correct.
-        //var table = $('table#'+tableId);
         if (table != undefined) {
             var mdbSelectRows = $(table).find('tr.mdbSelect');
             var needMinus = (mdbSelectRows.length > 2);
             $(table).find('tr.mdbSelect').each( function (ix) {
                 var rowNum = ix + 1;  // Each [-][+] and mdb var=val pair of selects must be numbered
                 // First the [-][+] buttons
-                var plusButton = $(this).find("input[value='+']")[0];
-                if (plusButton != undefined) {
+                var plusButton = $(this).find("[id^='plusButton']")[0];
+                if (plusButton != undefined) {  // should always be a plus button
+                    var oldNum =  Number(plusButton.id.substring(plusButton.id.length - 1));
+                    if (oldNum == rowNum)
+                        return;  // that is continue with the next row
-                    // rebinding click appears to be not needed and screws up IE as well.
-                    //$(plusButton).unbind('click')
-                    //$(plusButton).click(function() { return findTracks.mdbSelectPlusMinus($(plusButton), rowNum); });
-                    var minusButton = $(this).find("input[value='-']")[0];
+                    var minusButton = $(this).find("[id^='minusButton']")[0];
                     if (needMinus) {
                         if (minusButton == undefined) {
-                            $(plusButton).before("<input type='button' id='minusButton"+rowNum+"' value='-' style='font-size:.7em;' title='delete this row' onclick='return findTracks.mdbSelectPlusMinus(this,"+rowNum+");'>");
-                            minusButton = $(this).find("input[value='-']")[0];
-                        } else {
+                            if ($(plusButton).hasClass('pmButton'))
+                                $(plusButton).before("<span class='pmButton' id='minusButton"+rowNum+"' title='delete this row' onclick='findTracks.mdbSelectPlusMinus(this);'>-</span>");
+                            else   // Remove this else when non-CSS buttons go away
+                                $(plusButton).before("<input type='button' id='minusButton"+rowNum+"' value='-' style='font-size:.7em;' title='delete this row' onclick='return findTracks.mdbSelectPlusMinus(this);'>");
+                        } else
-                            $(minusButton).unbind('click');
-                            $(minusButton).click(function() { return findTracks.mdbSelectPlusMinus($(minusButton), rowNum); });
-                        }
                     } else if (minusButton != undefined)
                 // Now the mdb var=val pair of selects
-                var element = $(this).find("select[name^='hgt_mdbVar']")[0];
+                var element = $(this).find(".mdbVar")[0];  // select var
                 if (element != undefined)
                     $(element).attr('name','hgt_mdbVar' + rowNum);
-                element = $(this).find("select[name^='hgt_mdbVal']")[0];
-                if (element != undefined)
+                element = $(this).find(".mdbVal")[0];      // select val
+                if (element != undefined) {                // not there if new row
                     $(element).attr('name','hgt_mdbVal' + rowNum);
+                    if ($(element).hasClass('filterBy')) {
+                        $(element).attr('id',''); // removing id ensures renumbering id
+                        ddcl.reinit([ element ],true);
+                    }
+                }
                 // A couple more things
                 element = $(this).find("td[id^='isLike']")[0];
                 if (element != undefined)
                     $(element).attr('id','isLike' + rowNum);
                 element = $(this).find("td[id^='hgt_mdbVal']")[0];
                 if (element != undefined)
                     $(element).attr('id','hgt_mdbVal' + rowNum);
             return mdbSelectRows.length;
         return 0;
     switchTabs: function (ui)