  Mon Dec 12 11:14:07 2011 -0800
Feature #3707 (VCF in hgTables): Brooke pointed out that the headerline that shows the selected fields should appear just before the data
rows (note 25).  I had put it up top to invalidate the VCF header, but
that was silly.  Instead, put an informational comment up top explaining
that the output is not valid VCF, and put the selected-columns header
line where it belongs.

diff --git src/hg/hgTables/vcf.c src/hg/hgTables/vcf.c
index 511523e..83c3ce2 100644
--- src/hg/hgTables/vcf.c
+++ src/hg/hgTables/vcf.c
@@ -1,482 +1,482 @@
 /* vcf - stuff to handle VCF stuff in table browser. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hgTables.h"
 #include "asFilter.h"
 #include "hubConnect.h"
 #include "asParse.h"
 #include "hgBam.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #if (defined USE_TABIX && defined KNETFILE_HOOKS)
 #include "knetUdc.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 boolean isVcfTable(char *table)
 /* Return TRUE if table corresponds to a VCF file. */
 struct trackDb *tdb = hashFindVal(fullTrackAndSubtrackHash, table);
 if (tdb)
     return tdbIsVcf(tdb);
     return trackIsType(database, table, curTrack, "vcfTabix", ctLookupName);
 char *vcfFileName(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *seqName)
 /* Return file name associated with VCF.  This handles differences whether it's
  * a custom or built-in track.  Do a freeMem on returned string when done. */
 char *fileName = bigFileNameFromCtOrHub(table, conn);
 if (fileName == NULL)
     fileName = bamFileNameFromTable(conn, table, seqName);
 return fileName;
 struct hTableInfo *vcfToHti(char *table)
 /* Get standard fields of VCF into hti structure. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti;
 hti->rootName = cloneString(table);
 hti->isPos= TRUE;
 strcpy(hti->chromField, "chrom");
 strcpy(hti->startField, "pos");
 strcpy(hti->nameField, "id");
 hti->type = cloneString("vcfTabix");
 return hti;
 struct slName *vcfGetFields(char *table)
 /* Get fields of vcf as simple name list. */
 struct asObject *as = vcfAsObj();
 struct slName *names = asColNames(as);
 return names;
 struct sqlFieldType *vcfListFieldsAndTypes()
 /* Get fields of bigBed as list of sqlFieldType. */
 struct asObject *as = vcfAsObj();
 struct sqlFieldType *list = sqlFieldTypesFromAs(as);
 return list;
 void dyJoin(struct dyString *dy, char *delim, char **words, int wordCount)
 /* Clear dy and append wordCount words interspersed with delim. */
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < wordCount;  i++)
     if (i > 0)
 	dyStringAppend(dy, delim);
     dyStringAppend(dy, words[i]);
 void vcfInfoElsToString(struct dyString *dy, struct vcfFile *vcff, struct vcfRecord *rec)
 /* Unpack rec's typed infoElements to semicolon-sep'd string in dy.*/
 if (rec->infoCount == 0)
     dyStringAppendC(dy, '.');
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < rec->infoCount;  i++)
     if (i > 0)
 	dyStringAppendC(dy, ';');
     const struct vcfInfoElement *el = &(rec->infoElements[i]);
     const struct vcfInfoDef *def = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, el->key);
     enum vcfInfoType type = def? def->type : vcfInfoNoType;
     dyStringAppend(dy, el->key);
     if (el->count > 0)
 	dyStringAppendC(dy, '=');
     int j;
     for (j = 0;  j < el->count;  j++)
 	if (j > 0)
 	    dyStringAppendC(dy, ',');
 	union vcfDatum dat = el->values[j];
 	switch (type)
 	    case vcfInfoInteger:
 		dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d", dat.datInt);
 	    case vcfInfoFloat:
 		// use big precision and erase trailing zeros:
 		char fbuf[64];
 		safef(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), "%.16lf", dat.datFloat);
 		int i;
 		for (i = strlen(fbuf) - 1;  i > 0;  i--)
 		    if (fbuf[i] == '0')
 			fbuf[i] = '\0';
 		dyStringAppend(dy, fbuf);
 	    case vcfInfoCharacter:
 		dyStringAppendC(dy, dat.datChar);
 	    case vcfInfoFlag: // Flags could have values in older VCF
 	    case vcfInfoNoType:
 	    case vcfInfoString:
 		dyStringAppend(dy, dat.datString);
 		errAbort("Invalid vcfInfoType %d (how did this get past parser?", type);
 #define VCF_NUM_BUF_SIZE 256
 void vcfRecordToRow(struct vcfRecord *rec, char *chrom, char *numBuf, struct dyString *dyAlt,
 		    struct dyString *dyFilter, struct dyString *dyInfo, struct dyString *dyGt,
 		    char *row[VCFDATALINE_NUM_COLS])
 /* Convert vcfRecord to array of strings, using numBuf to store ascii
  * versions of numbers and dyStrings to store stringified arrays. */
 struct vcfFile *vcff = rec->file;
 char *numPt = numBuf;
 row[0] = chrom; // VCF files' chrom field often lacks "chr" -- use region->chrom from caller.
 row[1] = numPt;
 numPt += safef(numPt, VCF_NUM_BUF_SIZE - (numPt-numBuf), "%u", rec->chromStart+1);
 row[2] = rec->name;
 row[3] = rec->alleles[0];
 dyJoin(dyAlt, ",", &(rec->alleles[1]), rec->alleleCount-1);
 row[4] = dyAlt->string;
 row[5] = rec->qual;
 dyJoin(dyFilter, ";", rec->filters, rec->filterCount);
 row[6] = dyFilter->string;
 vcfInfoElsToString(dyInfo, vcff, rec);
 row[7] = dyInfo->string;
 if (vcff->genotypeCount > 0)
     row[8] = rec->format;
     dyJoin(dyGt, "\t", rec->genotypeUnparsedStrings, vcff->genotypeCount);
     row[9] = dyGt->string;
     row[8] = row[9] = ""; // compatible with localmem usage
 void vcfTabOut(char *db, char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fields, FILE *f)
 /* Print out selected fields from VCF.  If fields is NULL, then print out all fields. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti = NULL;
 hti = getHti(db, table, conn);
 struct hash *idHash = NULL;
 char *idField = getIdField(db, curTrack, table, hti);
 int idFieldNum = 0;
 /* if we know what field to use for the identifiers, get the hash of names */
 if (idField != NULL)
     idHash = identifierHash(db, table);
 if (f == NULL)
     f = stdout;
 /* Convert comma separated list of fields to array. */
 int fieldCount = chopByChar(fields, ',', NULL, 0);
 char **fieldArray;
 AllocArray(fieldArray, fieldCount);
 chopByChar(fields, ',', fieldArray, fieldCount);
 /* Get list of all fields in big bed and turn it into a hash of column indexes keyed by
  * column name. */
 struct hash *fieldHash = hashNew(0);
 struct slName *bb, *bbList = vcfGetFields(table);
 int i;
 for (bb = bbList, i=0; bb != NULL; bb = bb->next, ++i)
     /* if we know the field for identifiers, save it away */
     if ((idField != NULL) && sameString(idField, bb->name))
 	idFieldNum = i;
     hashAddInt(fieldHash, bb->name, i);
 /* Create an array of column indexes corresponding to the selected field list. */
 int *columnArray;
 AllocArray(columnArray, fieldCount);
 for (i=0; i<fieldCount; ++i)
     columnArray[i] = hashIntVal(fieldHash, fieldArray[i]);
-/* Output row of labels if we are outputting only selected columns.
- * We will include original VCF header below, and adding a comment line
- * at the top invalidates the VCF. */
+// If we are outputting a subset of fields, invalidate the VCF header.
 boolean allFields = (fieldCount == VCFDATALINE_NUM_COLS);
 if (!allFields)
-    {
-    fprintf(f, "#%s", fieldArray[0]);
-    for (i=1; i<fieldCount; ++i)
-	fprintf(f, "\t%s", fieldArray[i]);
-    fprintf(f, "\n");
-    }
+    fprintf(f, "# Only selected columns are included below; output is not valid VCF.\n");
 struct asObject *as = vcfAsObj();
 struct asFilter *filter = NULL;
 if (anyFilter())
     filter = asFilterFromCart(cart, db, table, as);
 /* Loop through outputting each region */
 struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions();
 int maxOut = bigFileMaxOutput();
 // Include the header, absolutely necessary for VCF parsing.
 boolean printedHeader = FALSE;
 // Temporary storage for row-ification:
 struct dyString *dyAlt = newDyString(1024);
 struct dyString *dyFilter = newDyString(1024);
 struct dyString *dyInfo = newDyString(1024);
 struct dyString *dyGt = newDyString(1024);
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL && (maxOut > 0); region = region->next)
     char *fileName = vcfFileName(table, conn, region->chrom);
     struct vcfFile *vcff = vcfTabixFileMayOpen(fileName, region->chrom, region->start, region->end,
 					       100, maxOut);
     if (vcff == NULL)
     // If we are outputting all fields, but this VCF has no genotype info, omit the
     // genotype columns from output:
     if (allFields && vcff->genotypeCount == 0)
 	fieldCount = VCFDATALINE_NUM_COLS - 2;
     if (!printedHeader)
 	fprintf(f, "%s", vcff->headerString);
 	if (filter)
 	    fprintf(f, "# Filtering on %d columns\n", slCount(filter->columnList));
+	if (!allFields)
+	    {
+	    fprintf(f, "#%s", fieldArray[0]);
+	    for (i=1; i<fieldCount; ++i)
+		fprintf(f, "\t%s", fieldArray[i]);
+	    fprintf(f, "\n");
+	    }
 	printedHeader = TRUE;
     char *row[VCFDATALINE_NUM_COLS];
     char numBuf[VCF_NUM_BUF_SIZE];
     for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL && (maxOut > 0);  rec = rec->next)
 	vcfRecordToRow(rec, region->chrom, numBuf, dyAlt, dyFilter, dyInfo, dyGt, row);
 	if (asFilterOnRow(filter, row))
 	    /* if we're looking for identifiers, check if this matches */
 	    if ((idHash != NULL) && (hashLookup(idHash, row[idFieldNum]) == NULL))
 	    // All fields output: after asFilter'ing, preserve original VCF chrom
 	    if (allFields && !sameString(rec->chrom, region->chrom))
 		row[0] = rec->chrom;
 	    int i;
 	    fprintf(f, "%s", row[columnArray[0]]);
 	    for (i=1; i<fieldCount; ++i)
 		fprintf(f, "\t%s", row[columnArray[i]]);
 	    fprintf(f, "\n");
 	    maxOut --;
 if (maxOut == 0)
     warn("Reached output limit of %d data values, please make region smaller,\n\tor set a higher output line limit with the filter settings.", bigFileMaxOutput());
 /* Clean up and exit. */
 dyStringFree(&dyAlt);  dyStringFree(&dyFilter);  dyStringFree(&dyInfo);  dyStringFree(&dyGt);
 static void addFilteredBedsOnRegion(char *fileName, struct region *region, char *table,
 				    struct asFilter *filter, struct lm *bedLm,
 				    struct bed **pBedList, struct hash *idHash, int *pMaxOut)
 /* Add relevant beds in reverse order to pBedList */
 struct vcfFile *vcff = vcfTabixFileMayOpen(fileName, region->chrom, region->start, region->end,
 					   100, *pMaxOut);
 if (vcff == NULL)
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 char numBuf[VCF_NUM_BUF_SIZE];
 // Temporary storage for row-ification:
 struct dyString *dyAlt = newDyString(1024);
 struct dyString *dyFilter = newDyString(1024);
 struct dyString *dyInfo = newDyString(1024);
 struct dyString *dyGt = newDyString(1024);
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
     vcfRecordToRow(rec, region->chrom, numBuf, dyAlt, dyFilter, dyInfo, dyGt, row);
     if (asFilterOnRow(filter, row))
 	if ((idHash != NULL) && (hashLookup(idHash, rec->name) == NULL))
 	struct bed *bed;
 	lmAllocVar(bedLm, bed);
 	bed->chrom = lmCloneString(bedLm, region->chrom);
 	bed->chromStart = rec->chromStart;
 	bed->chromEnd = rec->chromEnd;
 	bed->name = lmCloneString(bedLm, rec->name);
 	slAddHead(pBedList, bed);
     if (*pMaxOut <= 0)
 dyStringFree(&dyAlt);  dyStringFree(&dyFilter);  dyStringFree(&dyInfo);  dyStringFree(&dyGt);
 struct bed *vcfGetFilteredBedsOnRegions(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *db, char *table, struct region *regionList, struct lm *lm,
 	int *retFieldCount)
 /* Get list of beds from VCF, in all regions, that pass filtering. */
 int maxOut = bigFileMaxOutput();
 /* Figure out vcf file name get column info and filter. */
 struct asObject *as = vcfAsObj();
 struct asFilter *filter = asFilterFromCart(cart, db, table, as);
 struct hash *idHash = identifierHash(db, table);
 /* Get beds a region at a time. */
 struct bed *bedList = NULL;
 struct region *region;
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
     char *fileName = vcfFileName(table, conn, region->chrom);
     addFilteredBedsOnRegion(fileName, region, table, filter, lm, &bedList, idHash, &maxOut);
     if (maxOut <= 0)
 	warn("Reached output limit of %d data values, please make region smaller,\n"
 	     "\tor set a higher output line limit with the filter settings.", bigFileMaxOutput());
 return bedList;
 struct slName *randomVcfIds(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, int count)
 /* Return some semi-random IDs from a VCF file. */
 /* Read 10000 items from vcf file,  or if they ask for a big list, then 4x what they ask for. */
 char *fileName = vcfFileName(table, conn, NULL);
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileTabixMayOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 if (lf == NULL)
 int orderedCount = count * 4;
 if (orderedCount < 10000)
     orderedCount = 10000;
 struct slName *idList = NULL;
 char *words[4];
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < orderedCount && lineFileChop(lf, words); i++)
     slAddHead(&idList, slNameNew(words[2]));
 /* Shuffle list and trim it to count if necessary. */
 shuffleList(&idList, 1);
 struct slName *sl;
 for (sl = idList, i = 0; sl != NULL; i++, sl = sl->next, i++)
     if (i+1 >= count)
 return idList;
 void showSchemaVcf(char *table)
 /* Show schema on vcf. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 char *fileName = vcfFileName(table, conn, NULL);
 struct asObject *as = vcfAsObj();
 hPrintf("<B>Database:</B> %s", database);
 hPrintf("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>Primary Table:</B> %s<br>", table);
 hPrintf("<B>VCF File:</B> %s", fileName);
 hPrintf("<B>Format description:</B> %s<BR>", as->comment);
 hPrintf("See the <A HREF=\"%s\" target=_blank>Variant Call Format specification</A> for  more details<BR>\n",
 /* Put up table that describes fields. */
 hPrintf("<TH>description</TH> ");
 struct asColumn *col;
 int colCount = 0;
 for (col = as->columnList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
     hPrintf("<TR><TD><TT>%s</TT></TD>", col->name);
     hPrintf("<TD>%s</TD></TR>", col->comment);
 /* Put up another section with sample rows. */
 webNewSection("Sample Rows");
 /* Fetch sample rows. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileTabixMayOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 if (lf == NULL)
 char *row[VCF_MAX_SCHEMA_COLS];
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < 10;  i++)
     int colCount = lineFileChop(lf, row);
     int colIx;
     if (i == 0)
 	// Print field names as column headers, using colCount to compute genotype span
 	for (colIx = 0, col = as->columnList; col != NULL && colIx < colCount;
 	     colIx++, col = col->next)
 	    if (sameString("genotypes", col->name) && colCount > colIx+1)
 		hPrintf("<TH colspan=%d>%s</TH>", colCount - colIx, col->name);
 		hPrintf("<TH>%s</TH>", col->name);
     for (colIx=0; colIx < colCount; ++colIx)
 	if (colCount > VCFDATALINE_NUM_COLS && colIx == colCount - 1)
 /* Clean up and go home. */