  Mon Dec 5 18:33:18 2011 -0800
patches to t2g to make it work even if no article/sequence table exist
diff --git src/hg/hgc/t2g.c src/hg/hgc/t2g.c
index f1b334d..2d7e8ed 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/t2g.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/t2g.c
@@ -34,34 +34,39 @@
                 abstract = "(No abstract found for this article. Please use the link to the fulltext above.)";
         docId = cloneString(row[0]);
         printf("<P>%s</P>\n", row[3]);
         printf("<A HREF=\"%s\"><B>%s</B></A>\n", row[1], row[2]);
         printf("<P style=\"width:800px; font-size:80%%\">%s</P>\n", row[4]);
         printf("<P style=\"width:800px; font-size:100%%\">%s</P>\n", abstract);
     return docId;
 struct hash* getSeqIdHash(struct sqlConnection* conn, char* trackTable, char* docId, char *item, char* seqName, int start)
-    /* get sequence-Ids for feature that was clicked (item&startPos are unique) and return as hash */
-    // there must be an easier way to do this...
-    // couldn't find a function that splits a string and converts it to a list
     char query[512];
+    /* check first if the column exists (some debugging tables on hgwdev don't have seqIds) */
+    safef(query, sizeof(query), "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s LIKE 'seqIds';", trackTable);
+    char* seqIdPresent = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
+    if (!seqIdPresent) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* get sequence-Ids for feature that was clicked (item&startPos are unique) and return as hash */
     safef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT seqIds,'' FROM %s WHERE name='%s' "
         "and chrom='%s' and chromStart=%d", trackTable, item, seqName, start);
     if (t2gDebug)
     char* seqIdCoordString = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     char* seqIdCoords[1024];
     int partCount = chopString(seqIdCoordString, ",", seqIdCoords, ArraySize(seqIdCoords));
     int i;
     struct hash *seqIdHash = NULL;
     seqIdHash = newHash(0);
     for (i=0; i<partCount; i++) 
         char* seqId[1024];
         chopString(seqIdCoords[i], ":", seqId, ArraySize(seqId));
         if (t2gDebug)
@@ -116,31 +121,31 @@
         char* fileDesc = row[0];
         char* snippet  = row[1];
         char* locList  = row[2];
         char* artId    = row[3];
         char* fileId   = row[4];
         char* seqId    = row[5];
         char* seq      = row[6];
         // annotation (=sequence) ID is a 64 bit int with 10 digits for 
         // article, 3 digits for file, 5 for annotation
         char annotId[100];
         safef(annotId, 100, "%010d%03d%05d", atoi(artId), atoi(fileId), atoi(seqId));
         // only display this sequence if we're in the right section
-        if ((hashLookup(filterIdHash, annotId)==0) ^ !isClickedSection) {
+        if (filterIdHash!=NULL && ((hashLookup(filterIdHash, annotId)==0) ^ !isClickedSection)) {
             foundSkippedRows = FALSE;
         if (fasta)
             printf("<TT>>%s<BR>%s<BR></TT>", annotId, seq);
             printf("<TR style=\"background-color: #%s\">\n", HG_COL_LOCAL_TABLE);
             if (showDesc)
                 printf("<TD style=\"word-break: normal\">%s\n", fileDesc);
             //printf("<TD><I>%s</I></TD>\n", snippet); 
             printf("<TD style=\"word-break: normal\"><I>%s</I></TD>\n", snippet); 
@@ -177,31 +182,35 @@
     return foundSkippedRows;
 void printSeqInfo(struct sqlConnection* conn, char* trackTable,
     char* docId, char* item, char* seqName, int start, bool fileDesc, bool fasta)
     /* print sequences, split into two sections 
      * two sections: one for sequences that were clicked, one for all others*/
     struct hash* clickedSeqs = getSeqIdHash(conn, trackTable, docId, item, seqName, start);
     bool skippedRows;
+    if (clickedSeqs) 
     skippedRows = printSeqSection(docId, "Sequences used to construct this feature", fileDesc, conn, clickedSeqs, 1, fasta);
+    else 
+        skippedRows=1;
     if (skippedRows)
         printSeqSection(docId, "Other Sequences in this article", fileDesc, conn, clickedSeqs, 0, fasta);
     //printf("<P>No more sequences<P>");
     if (endsWith(trackTable, "Elsevier"))
         printf("<P><SMALL>Article information and excerpts are Copyright 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</SMALL><P>");
 void printTrackVersion(struct trackDb *tdb, struct sqlConnection* conn, char* item) 
     char versionString[256];
     char dateReference[256];
     char headerTitle[512];