The sequence and annotation data displayed in the Genome Browser
are freely available for any use
with the following conditions:
- Genome sequence data use restrictions are noted within the
species sections on the Credits
- Some annotation tracks contributed by external collaborators
contain proprietary data that have specific use restrictions. To
check for restrictions associated with a particular genome assembly,
review the database/README.txt file in the assembly's
downloads directory.
The UCSC, Ensembl, and NCBI browser and annotation groups
have established a common set of minimum requirements for
public display of genome data made available after Spring
2009, described
The Genome Browser and Blat software are free for academic,
nonprofit, and personal use. A license is required for commercial use.
See the Licenses page for more information.
Program-driven use of this software is limited to a maximum of one
hit every 15 seconds and no more than 5,000 hits per day.
For assistance with questions or problems regarding the UCSC Genome
Browser software, database, genome assemblies, or release cycles,
- see the FAQ.
+ see the FAQ.