  Fri Dec 16 12:24:38 2011 -0800
show assembly next to scale bar (redmin #4073)
diff --git src/hg/inc/hui.h src/hg/inc/hui.h
index 58cdc37..19e94f2 100644
--- src/hg/inc/hui.h
+++ src/hg/inc/hui.h
@@ -87,30 +87,31 @@
 /* Definitions for User Psl track (hgBlat results). */
 #define USER_PSL_TRACK_NAME "hgUserPsl"
 #define USER_PSL_TRACK_LABEL "Blat Sequence"
 #define USER_PSL_TRACK_LONGLABEL "Your Sequence from BLAT Search"
 /* Display of bases on the ruler, and multiple alignments.
  * If present, indicates reverse strand */
 #define COMPLEMENT_BASES_VAR    "complement"
 /*	For trackUi and hgTracks, motif highlight options	*/
 #define BASE_MOTIFS	"hgt.motifs"
 #define MOTIF_COMPLEMENT	"hgt.motifComplement"
 #define BASE_SCALE_BAR  "hgt.baseShowScaleBar"
 #define BASE_SHOWRULER  "hgt.baseShowRuler"
 #define BASE_SHOWPOS	"hgt.baseShowPos"
 #define BASE_SHOWASM	"hgt.baseShowAsm"
+#define BASE_SHOWASM_SCALEBAR	"hgt.baseShowAsmScaleBar"
 #define BASE_TITLE	"hgt.baseTitle"
 #define REV_CMPL_DISP   "hgt.revCmplDisp"
 /* Configuration variable to cause ruler zoom to zoom to base level */
 #define RULER_BASE_ZOOM_VAR      "rulerBaseZoom"
 /* Maf track display variables and their values */
 #define MAF_GENEPRED_VAR  "mafGenePred"
 #define MAF_FRAMING_VAR   "mafFrame"
 #define MAF_DOT_VAR       "mafDot"
 #define MAF_CHAIN_VAR     "mafChain"
 /* display of bases for tracks that are type psl and have sequence e.g. ESTs */
 #define PSL_SEQUENCE_BASES	"pslSequenceBases"