  Mon Jan 30 10:52:08 2012 -0800
added geo library and metaDb ra file library
diff --git python/lib/ucscgenomics/geo.py python/lib/ucscgenomics/geo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a6efd6
--- /dev/null
+++ python/lib/ucscgenomics/geo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import urllib2, re, datetime
+# if the molecule is RNA, we need to map our data into !Sample_molecule, which only takes certain fields
+# first we check rnaExtractMapping. If its not there, we use the localization. This is because (at current)
+# polyA is the most important trait, otherwise its going to be nonPolyA which GEO doesn't accept that. 
+rnaExtractMapping = {
+    'shortPolyA': 'polyA RNA', 
+    'longPolyA': 'polyA RNA', 
+    'polyA': 'polyA RNA'
+localizationMapping = {
+    'cytosol': 'cytoplasmic RNA', 
+    'polysome': 'cytoplasmic RNA',
+    'membraneFraction': 'cytoplasmic RNA',
+    'mitochondria': 'cytoplasmic RNA',
+    'nucleus': 'nuclear RNA', 
+    'nucleolus': 'nuclear RNA', 
+    'nucleoplasm': 'nuclear RNA', 
+    'nuclearMatrix': 'nuclear RNA', 
+    'chromatin': 'nuclear RNA',
+    'cell': 'total RNA'
+# map our instrument names to GEO's names
+instrumentModels = {
+    'Illumina_GA2x': 'Illumina Genome Analyzer II',
+    'Illumina_GA2': 'Illumina Genome Analyzer II',
+    'Illumina_HiSeq_2000': 'Illumina HiSeq 2000',
+    'Illumina_GA1': 'Illumina Genome Analyzer',
+    'Illumina_GA1_or_GA2': 'Illumina Genome Analyzer, Illumina Genome Analyzer II',
+    'SOLiD_Unknown': 'SOLiD',
+    'Unknown': 'Illumina Genome Analyzer'
+def getHtml(geoId):
+    try:
+        response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=%s' % geoId)
+    except:
+        return None
+    return response.read()
+def getGeo(geoId):
+    return re.findall('(GSM[0-9]+)</a></td>\n<td valign="top">([^<]+)</td>', getHtml(geoId))
+def getDateSubmitted(geoId):
+    datestr = re.search('<td>Submission date</td>\n<td>([^<]+)</td>', getHtml(geoId))
+    if datestr == None:
+        return None
+    return datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr.group(1), '%b %d, %Y')
+def getDateUpdated(geoId):
+    datestr = re.search('<td>Last update date</td>\n<td>([^<]+)</td>', getHtml(geoId))
+    if datestr == None:
+        return None
+    return datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr.group(1), '%b %d, %Y')