  Thu Jan 26 11:44:52 2012 -0800
Fixed 2 bugs with filterBy's as seen on Encode Gencode V10.  First, subtrack filterby's were getting the wrong name in some circumstances.  Second, putting filterBy's inside a view cfg means they may have been hidden during setup.  But ddcl's require visible multi-selects to be sized properly.
diff --git src/hg/js/hui.js src/hg/js/hui.js
index 2b46d71..41c02af 100644
--- src/hg/js/hui.js
+++ src/hg/js/hui.js
@@ -612,30 +612,35 @@
 // Will hide the configuration controls associated with one name
     $("input[name$='"+view+".showCfg']").val("off");      // Set cart variable
     $("tr[id^='tr_cfg_"+view+"']").css('display','none'); // Hide controls
 function showConfigControls(name)
 // Will show configuration controls for name= {tableName}.{view}
 // Config controls not matching name will be hidden
     var trs  = $("tr[id^='tr_cfg_']")
     $("input[name$='.showCfg']").val("off"); // Turn all off
     $( trs ).each( function (i) {
         if( this.id == 'tr_cfg_'+name && this.style.display == 'none') {
             $( this ).css('display','');
+            var cfgBox = this;
+            // Since filterBys amy have been hidden on page load, must reinit them now.
+            $(cfgBox).find('.filterBy').each( function(i) {
+                ddcl.reinit(this,false); // false means conditioned on failed initial setup.
+            });
         else if( this.style.display == '') {
             $( this ).css('display','none');
     // Close the cfg controls in the subtracks
     $("table.subtracks").each( function (i) { subtrackCfgHideAll(this);} );
     return true;
 function hideOrShowSubtrack(obj)
 // This can show/hide a tablerow that contains a specific object
 // Containing <tr>'s must be id'd with 'tr_' + obj.id