  Mon Jan 30 16:02:10 2012 -0800
Use code that shlerps js and css files, and embedded js out of ajax returned html for popup cfg.  The same code has been altered to fix getting warnBox contents out of the ajax results and putting them into the current page's warnBox.
diff --git src/hg/js/hgTracks.js src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
index 68d89ce..407c1db 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
@@ -1,3192 +1,3167 @@
 // Javascript for use in hgTracks CGI
 // "use strict";
 var debug = false;
 var browser;              // browser ("msie", "safari" etc.) // move to utils.js?
 /* Data passed in from CGI via the hgTracks object:
  * string cgiVersion      // CGI_VERSION
  * string chromName       // current chromosome
  * int winStart           // genomic start coordinate (0-based, half-open)
  * int winEnd             // genomic end coordinate
  * int newWinWidth        // new width (in bps) if user clicks on the top ruler
  * boolean revCmplDisp    // true if we are in reverse display
  * int insideX            // width of side-bar (in pixels)
  * int rulerClickHeight   // height of ruler (in pixels) - zero if ruler is hidden
  * boolean inPlaceUpdate  // true if in-place-update is turned on
  * int imgBox*            // various drag-scroll values
  * boolean measureTiming  // true if measureTiming is on
  * Object trackDb         // hash of trackDb entries for tracks which are visible on current page
  * string err             // error message (present only when hgTracks has hit a fatal berror).
 function initVars()
 {  // There are various entry points, so we call initVars in several places to make sure all is well
     if (!genomePos.original) {
         // remember initial position and size so we can restore it if user cancels
         genomePos.original = genomePos.getOriginalPos();
         genomePos.originalSize = $('#size').text();
         dragSelect.originalCursor = jQuery('body').css('cursor');
         imageV2.imgTbl = $('#imgTbl');
         // imageV2.enabled == true unless: advancedJavascript==false, or trackSearch, or config pg
         imageV2.enabled = (imageV2.imgTbl != undefined && imageV2.imgTbl.length > 0);
         jQuery.each(jQuery.browser, function(i, val) {
             if(val) {
                 browser = i;
         // jQuery load function with stuff to support drag selection in track img
         if(browser == "safari") {
             if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) {
                 // Handle the fact that (as of 1.3.1), jQuery.browser reports "safari" when the browser is in fact Chrome.
                 browser = "chrome";
             } else {
                 // Safari has the following bug: if we update the hgTracks map dynamically, the browser ignores the changes (even
                 // though if you look in the DOM the changes are there). So we have to do a full form submission when the
                 // user changes visibility settings or track configuration.
                 // As of 5.0.4 (7533.20.27) this is problem still exists in safari.
                 // As of 5.1 (7534.50) this problem appears to have been fixed - unfortunately, logs for 7/2011 show vast majority of safari users
                 // are pre-5.1 (5.0.5 is by far the most common).
                 // Early versions of Chrome had this problem too, but this problem went away as of Chrome 5.0.335.1 (or possibly earlier).
                 imageV2.mapIsUpdateable = false;
                 var reg = new RegExp("Version\/(\[0-9]+\.\[0-9]+) Safari");
                 var a = reg.exec(navigator.userAgent);
                 if(a && a[1]) {
                     var version = Number(a[1]);
                     if(version >= 5.1) {
                         imageV2.mapIsUpdateable = true;
         imageV2.inPlaceUpdate = hgTracks.inPlaceUpdate && imageV2.mapIsUpdateable;
  ////////// Genomic position /////////
 var genomePos = {
     original: null,
     originalSize: 0,
     linkFixup: function (pos, id, reg, endParamName)
     {   // fixup external links (e.g. ensembl)
         var ele = $(document.getElementById(id));
         if(ele.length) {
             var link = ele.attr('href');
             var a = reg.exec(link);
             if(a && a[1]) {
                 ele.attr('href', a[1] + pos.start + "&" + endParamName + "=" + pos.end);
     setByCoordinates: function (chrom, start, end)
         var newPosition = chrom + ":" + commify(start) + "-" + commify(end);
         genomePos.set(newPosition, commify(end - start + 1));
         return newPosition;
     getElement: function ()
     // Return position box object
         var tags = document.getElementsByName("position");
         // There are multiple tags with name == "position" (the visible position text input
         // and a hidden with id='positionHidden'); we return value of visible element.
         for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
                 var ele = tags[i];
                 if(ele.id != "positionHidden") {
                     return ele;
         return null;
     get: function ()
     // Return current value of position box
         var ele = genomePos.getElement();
         if(ele != null) {
             return ele.value;
         return null;
     getOriginalPos: function ()
         return genomePos.original || genomePos.get();
     set: function (position, size)
     {   // Set value of position and size (in hiddens and input elements).
         // We assume size has already been commified.
         // Either position or size may be null.
         if(position) {
             // There are multiple tags with name == "position"
             // (one in TrackHeaderForm and another in TrackForm).
             var tags = document.getElementsByName("position");
             for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
                 var ele = tags[i];
                 ele.value = position;
         if($('#positionDisplay').length) {
         if(size) {
         var pos = parsePosition(position);
         if(pos) {
             // fixup external static links on page'
             // Example ensembl link: http://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/contigview?chr=21&start=33031934&end=33041241
             genomePos.linkFixup(pos, "ensemblLink", new RegExp("(.+start=)[0-9]+"), "end");
             // Example NCBI link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mapview/maps.cgi?taxid=9606&CHR=21&BEG=33031934&END=33041241
             genomePos.linkFixup(pos, "ncbiLink", new RegExp("(.+BEG=)[0-9]+"), "END");
             // Example medaka link: http://utgenome.org/medakabrowser_ens_jump.php?revision=version1.0&chr=chromosome18&start=14435198&end=14444829
             genomePos.linkFixup(pos, "medakaLink", new RegExp("(.+start=)[0-9]+"), "end");
             if($('#wormbaseLink').length) {
                 // e.g. http://www.wormbase.org/db/gb2/gbrowse/c_elegans?name=II:14646301-14667800
                 var link = $('#wormbaseLink').attr('href');
                 var reg = new RegExp("(.+:)[0-9]+");
                 var a = reg.exec(link);
                 if(a && a[1]) {
                     $('#wormbaseLink').attr('href', a[1] + pos.start + "-" + pos.end);
             // Fixup DNA link; e.g.: hgc?hgsid=2999470&o=114385768&g=getDna&i=mixed&c=chr7&l=114385768&r=114651696&db=panTro2&hgsid=2999470
             if($('#dnaLink').length) {
                 var link = $('#dnaLink').attr('href');
                 var reg = new RegExp("(.+&o=)[0-9]+.+&db=[^&]+(.*)");
                 var a = reg.exec(link);
                 if(a && a[1]) {
                     var url = a[1] + (pos.start - 1) + "&g=getDna&i=mixed&c=" + pos.chrom;
                     url += "&l=" + (pos.start - 1) + "&r=" + pos.end + "&db=" + getDb() + a[2];
                     $('#dnaLink').attr('href', url);
     check: function (img, selection)
     {   // return true if user's selection is still w/n the img (including some slop).
         var imgWidth = jQuery(img).width();
         var imgHeight = jQuery(img).height();
         var imgOfs = jQuery(img).offset();
         var slop = 10;
         // We ignore clicks in the gray tab and track title column
         // (we really should suppress all drag activity there,
         // but I don't know how to do that with imgAreaSelect).
         var leftX = hgTracks.revCmplDisp ?  imgOfs.left - slop :
                                             imgOfs.left + hgTracks.insideX - slop;
         var rightX = hgTracks.revCmplDisp ? imgOfs.left + imgWidth - hgTracks.insideX + slop :
                                             imgOfs.left + imgWidth + slop;
         return (   (selection.event.pageX >= leftX)
                 && (selection.event.pageX < rightX)
                 && (selection.event.pageY >= (imgOfs.top - slop))
                 && (selection.event.pageY <  (imgOfs.top + imgHeight + slop)));
     pixelsToBases: function (img, selStart, selEnd, winStart, winEnd)
     {   // Convert image coordinates to chromosome coordinates
         var imgWidth = jQuery(img).width() - hgTracks.insideX;
         var width = hgTracks.winEnd - hgTracks.winStart;
         var mult = width / imgWidth;   // mult is bp/pixel multiplier
         var startDelta;                // startDelta is how many bp's to the right/left
         if(hgTracks.revCmplDisp) {
             var x1 = Math.min(imgWidth, selStart);
             startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (imgWidth - x1));
         } else {
             var x1 = Math.max(hgTracks.insideX, selStart);
             startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (x1 - hgTracks.insideX));
         var endDelta;
         if(hgTracks.revCmplDisp) {
             endDelta = startDelta;
             var x2 = Math.min(imgWidth, selEnd);
             startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (imgWidth - x2));
         } else {
             var x2 = Math.max(hgTracks.insideX, selEnd);
             endDelta = Math.floor(mult * (x2 - hgTracks.insideX));
         var newStart = hgTracks.winStart + startDelta;
         var newEnd = hgTracks.winStart + 1 + endDelta;
         if(newEnd > winEnd) {
             newEnd = winEnd;
         return {chromStart : newStart, chromEnd : newEnd};
     selectionPixelsToBases: function (img, selection)
     {   // Convert selection x1/x2 coordinates to chromStart/chromEnd.
         return genomePos.pixelsToBases(img, selection.x1, selection.x2,
                                         hgTracks.winStart, hgTracks.winEnd);
     update: function (img, selection, singleClick)
         var pos = genomePos.pixelsToBases(img, selection.x1, selection.x2,
                                             hgTracks.winStart, hgTracks.winEnd);
         // singleClick is true when the mouse hasn't moved (or has only moved a small amount).
         if(singleClick) {
             var center = (pos.chromStart + pos.chromEnd)/2;
             pos.chromStart = Math.floor(center - hgTracks.newWinWidth/2);
             pos.chromEnd = pos.chromStart + hgTracks.newWinWidth;
         var newPosition = genomePos.setByCoordinates(hgTracks.chromName,
                                                             pos.chromStart+1, pos.chromEnd);
         return newPosition;
     handleChange: function (response, status)
         var json = eval("(" + response + ")");
     changeAssemblies: function (ele)  // UNUSED?  Larry's experimental code
     {   // code to update page when user changes assembly select list.
                 type: "GET",
                 url: "../cgi-bin/hgApi",
                 data: "cmd=defaultPos&db=" + getDb(),
                 dataType: "html",
                 trueSuccess: genomePos.handleChange,
                 success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                 error: errorHandler,
                 cache: true
         return false;
  //// Creating items by dragging /////
 var makeItemsByDrag = {
     end: function (img, selection)
         var image = $(img);
         var imageId = image.attr('id');
         var trackName = imageId.substring('img_data_'.length);
         var pos = genomePos.selectionPixelsToBases(image, selection);
         var command = document.getElementById('hgt_doJsCommand');
         command.value  = "makeItems " + trackName + " " + hgTracks.chromName;
         command.value +=  " " + pos.chromStart + " " + pos.chromEnd;
         return true;
     init: function (trackName)
     // Set up so that they can drag out to define a new item on a makeItems track.
     var img = $("#img_data_" + trackName);
     if(img != undefined && img.length != 0) {
         var imgHeight = imageV2.imgTbl.height();
         jQuery(img.imgAreaSelect( { selectionColor: 'green', outerColor: '',
             minHeight: imgHeight, maxHeight: imgHeight, onSelectEnd: makeItemsByDrag.end,
             autoHide: true, movable: false}));
  /////  mouse  /////
 var mouse = {
     savedOffset: {x:0, y:0},
     saveOffset: function (ev)
     {   // Save the mouse offset associated with this event
         mouse.savedOffset = {x: ev.clientX, y: ev.clientY};
     hasMoved: function (ev)
     {   // return true if mouse has moved a significant amount
         var minPixels = 10;
         var movedX = ev.clientX - mouse.savedOffset.x;
         var movedY = ev.clientY - mouse.savedOffset.y;
         if (arguments.length == 2) {
             var num = Number(arguments[1]);
             if(isNaN(num)) {
                 if ( arguments[1].toLowerCase() == "x" )
                     return (movedX > minPixels || movedX < (minPixels * -1));
                 if ( arguments[1].toLowerCase() == "y" )
                     return (movedY > minPixels || movedY < (minPixels * -1));
                 minPixels = num;
         return (   movedX > minPixels || movedX < (minPixels * -1)
                 || movedY > minPixels || movedY < (minPixels * -1));
  //// posting ////
 var posting = {
     blockUseMap: false,
     blockMapClicks:   function ()  {         posting.blockUseMap=true;  },
     allowMapClicks:   function ()  {         posting.blockUseMap=false; },
     mapClicksAllowed: function ()  { return (posting.blockUseMap == false); },
     blockTheMapOnMouseMove: function (ev)
         if (!posting.blockUseMap && mouse.hasMoved(ev)) {
     mapClk: function ()
         var done = false;
         if(false && imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
             // XXXX experimental and only turned on in larrym's tree.
             // Use in-place update if the map item just modifies the current position (this is nice because it's faster
             // and it preserves the users current relative position in the track image).
             // First test handles next/prev item.
             var str = "/cgi-bin/hgTracks\\?position=([^:]+):(.+)&hgsid=(\\d+)&(hgt\.(next|prev)Item=[^&]+)";
             var reg = new RegExp(str);
             var a = reg.exec(this.href);
             if(a && a[1] && a[1] == hgTracks.chromName) {
                 imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" + encodeURIComponent(a[1] + ":" + a[2]) + "&" + a[4], null, true);
                 done = true;
             } else {
                 // handle next/prev exon
                 str = "/cgi-bin/hgTracks\\?position=([^:]+):(.+)&hgsid=(\\d+)$";
                 reg = new RegExp(str);
                 a = reg.exec(this.href);
                 if(a && a[1]) {
                     imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" + encodeURIComponent(a[1] + ":" + a[2]), null, true);
                     done = true;
                 } else {
                     // handle toggle visibility. Request may include a track set, so we cannot use requestImgUpdate.
                     str = "/cgi-bin/hgTracks\\?(position=[^:]+:.+&hgsid=\\d+&([^=]+)=([^&]+))$";
                     reg = new RegExp(str);
                     a = reg.exec(this.href);
                     if(a && a[1]) {
                         imageV2.navigateInPlace(a[1], null, true);
                         // imageV2.requestImgUpdate(a[1], a[1] + "=" + a[2], "", a[2]);
                         done = true;
             return false;
             return posting.saveSettings(this);
     saveSettings: function (obj)
         if(posting.blockUseMap==true) {
             return false;
         if(obj == undefined || obj.href == undefined) // called directly with obj
             obj = this;                               // and from callback without obj
         if ($(obj).hasClass('noLink'))  // TITLE_BUT_NO_LINK
             return false;
         if (obj.href.match('#') || obj.target.length > 0) {
             //alert("Matched # ["+obj.href+"] or has target:"+obj.target);
             return true;
         var thisForm=$(obj).parents('form');
         if(thisForm == undefined || $(thisForm).length == 0)
         if($(thisForm).length > 1 )
         if(thisForm != undefined && $(thisForm).length == 1) {
             //alert("posting form:"+$(thisForm).attr('name'));
             return postTheForm($(thisForm).attr('name'),obj.href);
         return true;
  //// visibility (mixed with group toggle) /////
 var vis = {
     enumOrder: new Array("hide", "dense", "full", "pack", "squish"),  // map cgi enum visibility codes to strings
     update: function (track, visibility)
     {   // Updates visibility state in hgTracks.trackDb and any visible elements on the page.
         // returns true if we modify at least one select in the group list
         var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[track];
         var selectUpdated = false;
         $("select[name=" + escapeJQuerySelectorChars(track) + "]").each(function(t) {
             $(this).attr('class', visibility == 'hide' ? 'hiddenText' : 'normalText');
             selectUpdated = true;
         if(rec) {
             rec.localVisibility = visibility;
         return selectUpdated;
     get: function (track)
     {   // return current visibility for given track
         var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[track];
         if(rec) {
             if(rec.localVisibility) {
                 return rec.localVisibility;
             } else {
                 return vis.enumOrder[rec.visibility];
         } else {
             return null;
     makeTrackVisible: function (track)
         if(track != null && vis.get(track) != "full") {
             vis.update(track, 'pack');
             $("<input type='hidden' name='" + track + "'value='pack'>").appendTo(
     toggleForGroup: function (button, prefix)
     {   // toggle visibility of a track group; prefix is the prefix of all the id's of tr's in the
         // relevant group. This code also modifies the corresponding hidden fields and the gif of the +/- img tag.
         if(arguments.length > 2)
             return setTableRowVisibility(button, prefix, "hgtgroup", "group",false,arguments[2]);
             return setTableRowVisibility(button, prefix, "hgtgroup", "group",false);
     expandAllGroups: function (newState)
     {   // Set visibility of all track groups to newState (true means expanded).
         // This code also modifies the corresponding hidden fields and the gif's of the +/- img tag.
         $(".toggleButton[id$='_button']").each( function (i) {  // works for old img type AND new BUTTONS_BY_CSS
             vis.toggleForGroup(this,this.id.substring(0,this.id.length - 7),newState); // clip '_button' suffix
         return false;
  // dragSelect is also known as dragZoom or shift-dragZoom //
 var dragSelect = {
     areaSelector:    null, // formerly "imgAreaSelect". jQuery element used for imgAreaSelect
     autoHideSetting: true, // Current state of imgAreaSelect autoHide setting
     originalCursor:  null,
     startTime:       null,
     rulerModeToggle: function (ele) // UNUSED?
         dragSelect.autoHideSetting = !ele.checked;
         var obj = dragSelect.areaSelector.data('imgAreaSelect');
         obj.setOptions({autoHide : dragSelect.autoHideSetting});
     selectStart: function (img, selection)
         if(rightClick.menu) {
         var now = new Date();
         dragSelect.startTime = now.getTime();
     selectChange: function (img, selection)
         if(selection.x1 != selection.x2) {
             if (genomePos.check(img, selection)) {
                 genomePos.update(img, selection, false);
                 jQuery('body').css('cursor', dragSelect.originalCursor);
             } else {
                 jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'not-allowed');
         return true;
     selectEnd: function (img, selection)
         var now = new Date();
         var doIt = false;
         if(dragSelect.originalCursor != null)
             jQuery('body').css('cursor', dragSelect.originalCursor);
         // ignore releases outside of the image rectangle (allowing a 10 pixel slop)
         if(dragSelect.autoHideSetting && genomePos.check(img, selection)) {
         // ignore single clicks that aren't in the top of the image (this happens b/c the clickClipHeight test in dragSelect.selectStart
         // doesn't occur when the user single clicks).
         doIt = dragSelect.startTime != null || selection.y1 <= hgTracks.rulerClickHeight;
         if(doIt) {
             // dragSelect.startTime is null if mouse has never been moved
             var singleClick = (  (selection.x2 == selection.x1)
                               || dragSelect.startTime == null
                               || (now.getTime() - dragSelect.startTime) < 100);
             var newPosition = genomePos.update(img, selection, singleClick);
             if(newPosition != undefined) {
                 if(imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
                     imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" + newPosition, null, true);
                 } else {
                     jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
         } else {  // what is this doing?
             genomePos.set(genomePos.original, genomePos.originalSize);
             genomePos.original = genomePos.originalSize = null;         // <- XXXX I think this is unnecessary.
         dragSelect.startTime = null;
         setTimeout('posting.allowMapClicks();',50); // Necessary incase the dragSelect.selectEnd was over a map item. select takes precedence.
         return true;
     load: function (firstTime)
         var imgHeight = 0;
         if (imageV2.enabled)
             imgHeight = imageV2.imgTbl.height();
         // No longer disable without ruler, because shift-drag still works
         if(typeof(hgTracks) != "undefined") {
             if (hgTracks.rulerClickHeight == undefined || hgTracks.rulerClickHeight == null)
                 hgTracks.rulerClickHeight = 0; // will be zero if no ruler track
             var heights = hgTracks.rulerClickHeight;
             dragSelect.areaSelector = jQuery((imageV2.imgTbl).imgAreaSelect({
                 selectionColor:  'blue',
                 outerColor:      '',
                 minHeight:       imgHeight,
                 maxHeight:       imgHeight,
                 onSelectStart:   dragSelect.selectStart,
                 onSelectChange:  dragSelect.selectChange,
                 onSelectEnd:     dragSelect.selectEnd,
                 autoHide:        dragSelect.autoHideSetting,
                 movable:         false,
                 clickClipHeight: heights
  //// Chrom Drag/Zoom/Expand code ////
 jQuery.fn.chromDrag = function(){
     // Plan:
     // mouseDown: determine where in map: convert to img location: pxDown
     // mouseMove: flag drag
     // mouseUp: if no drag, then create href centered on bpDown loc with current span
     //          if drag, then create href from bpDown to bpUp
     //          if ctrlKey then expand selection to containing cytoBand(s)
     var img = { top: -1, scrolledTop: -1, height: -1, left: -1, scrolledLeft: -1, width: -1 };  // Image dimensions all in pix
     var chr = { name: "", reverse: false, beg: -1, end: -1, size: -1,
                 top: -1, bottom: -1, left: -1, right: -1, width: -1 };   // chrom Dimenaions beg,end,size in bases, rest in pix
     var pxDown = 0;     // pix X location of mouseDown
     var chrImg = $(this);
     var mouseIsDown   = false;
     var mouseHasMoved = false;
     var hilite = jQuery('<div></div>');
     function initialize(){
         if(chr.top == -1)
             warn("chromIdeo(): failed to register "+this.id);
         else {
             $('area.cytoBand').mousedown( function(e)
             {   // mousedown on chrom portion of image only (map items)
                 pxDown = e.clientX - img.scrolledLeft;
                 var pxY = e.clientY - img.scrolledTop;
                 if(mouseIsDown == false
                 && isWithin(chr.left,pxDown,chr.right) && isWithin(chr.top,pxY,chr.bottom)) {
                     mouseIsDown = true;
                     mouseHasMoved = false;
                     $(document).bind( 'mouseup', chromUp);
                     return false;
     function chromMove(e)
     {   // If mouse was down, determine if dragged, then show hilite
         if ( mouseIsDown ) {
             var pxX = e.clientX - img.scrolledLeft;
             var relativeX = (pxX - pxDown);
             if(mouseHasMoved || (mouseHasMoved == false && Math.abs(relativeX) > 2)) {
                 mouseHasMoved = true;
                 else if(pxX < chr.left)
     function chromUp(e)
     {   // If mouse was down, handle final selection
         chromMove(e); // Just in case
         if(mouseIsDown) {
             var bands;
             var pxUp = e.clientX - img.scrolledLeft;
             var pxY  = e.clientY - img.scrolledTop;
             //warn("chromIdeo("+chr.name+") selected range (pix):"+pxDown+"-"+pxUp+" chrom range (pix):"+chr.left+"-"+chr.right+" chrom range (bp):"+chr.name+":"+chr.beg+"-"+chr.end);
             if(isWithin(0,pxY,img.height)) {  // within vertical range or else cancel
                 var selRange = { beg: -1, end: -1, width: -1 };
                 var dontAsk = true;
                 if(e.ctrlKey) {
                     bands = findCytoBand(pxDown,pxUp);
                     if(bands.end > -1) {
                         pxDown = bands.left;
                         pxUp   = bands.right;
                         mouseHasMoved = true;
                         dontAsk = false;
                         selRange.beg = bands.beg;
                         selRange.end = bands.end;
                 else if(mouseHasMoved) {
                     if ( isWithin(-20,pxUp,chr.left) ) // bounded by chrom dimensions: but must remain within image!
                         pxUp = chr.left;
                     if ( isWithin(chr.right,pxUp,img.width + 20) )
                         pxUp = chr.right;
                     if ( isWithin(chr.left,pxUp,chr.right+1) ) {
                         selRange.beg = convertToBases(pxDown);
                         selRange.end = convertToBases(pxUp);
                         if(Math.abs(selRange.end - selRange.beg) < 20)
                             mouseHasMoved = false; // Drag so small: treat as simple click
                             dontAsk = false;
                     //else warn("chromIdeo("+chr.name+") NOT WITHIN HORIZONTAL RANGE\n selected range (pix):"+pxDown+"-"+pxUp+" chrom range (pix):"+chr.left+"-"+chr.right);
                 if(mouseHasMoved == false) { // Not else because small drag turns this off
                     var curWidth = hgTracks.winEnd - hgTracks.winStart;
                     selRange.beg = convertToBases(pxUp) - Math.round(curWidth/2); // Notice that beg is based upon up position
                     selRange.end  = selRange.beg + curWidth;
                 if(selRange.end > -1) {
                     // prompt, then submit for new position
                     selRange = rangeNormalizeToChrom(selRange,chr);
                     if(mouseHasMoved == false) { // Update highlight by converting bp back to pix
                         pxDown = convertFromBases(selRange.beg)
                         pxUp = convertFromBases(selRange.end)
                     //if ((selRange.end - selRange.beg) < 50000)
                     //    dontAsk = true;
                     if (dontAsk
                     || confirm("Jump to new position:\n\n"+chr.name+":"+commify(selRange.beg)+
                                "-"+commify(selRange.end)+" size:"+commify(selRange.width)) ) {
                         genomePos.setByCoordinates(chr.name, selRange.beg, selRange.end)
                         $('area.cytoBand').mousedown( function(e) { return false; }); // Stop the presses :0)
                         return true; // Make sure the setTimeout below is not called.
             //else warn("chromIdeo("+chr.name+") NOT WITHIN VERTICAL RANGE\n selected range (pix):"+pxDown+"-"+pxUp+" chrom range (pix):"+chr.left+"-"+chr.right+"\n cytoTop-Bottom:"+chr.top +"-"+chr.bottom);
         mouseIsDown = false;
         mouseHasMoved = false;
     function isWithin(beg,here,end)
     {   // Simple utility
         return ( beg <= here && here < end );
     function convertToBases(pxX)
     {   // Simple utility to convert pix to bases
         var offset = (pxX - chr.left)/chr.width;
             offset = 1 - offset;
         return Math.round(offset * chr.size);
     function convertFromBases(bases)
     {   // Simple utility to convert bases to pix
         var offset = bases/chr.size;
             offset = 1 - offset;
         return Math.round(offset * chr.width) + chr.left;
     function findDimensions()
     {   // Called at init: determine the dimensions of chrom from 'cytoband' map items
         var lastX = -1;
         $('area.cytoBand').each(function(ix) {
             var loc = this.coords.split(",");
             if(loc.length == 4) {
                 var myLeft  = parseInt(loc[0]);
                 var myRight = parseInt(loc[2]);
                 if (chr.top == -1) {
                     chr.left   = myLeft;
                     chr.right  = myRight;
                     chr.top    = parseInt(loc[1]);
                     chr.bottom = parseInt(loc[3]);
                 } else {
                     if (chr.left  > myLeft)
                         chr.left  = myLeft;
                     if (chr.right < parseInt(loc[2]))
                         chr.right = parseInt(loc[2]);
                 var range = this.title.substr(this.title.lastIndexOf(':')+1)
                 var pos = range.split('-');
                 if(pos.length == 2) {
                     if (chr.name.length == 0) {
                         chr.beg = parseInt(pos[0]);
                         //chr.end = parseInt(pos[1]);
                         chr.name = this.title.substring(this.title.lastIndexOf(' ')+1,
                     } else {
                         if (chr.beg > parseInt(pos[0]))
                             chr.beg = parseInt(pos[0]);
                     if (chr.end < parseInt(pos[1])) {
                         chr.end = parseInt(pos[1]);
                         if(lastX == -1)
                             lastX = myRight;
                         else if(lastX > myRight)
                             chr.reverse = true;  // end is advancing, but X is not, so reverse
                     } else if(lastX != -1 && lastX < myRight)
                         chr.reverse = true;      // end is not advancing, but X is, so reverse
                 $(this).css( 'cursor', 'text');
         chr.size  = (chr.end   - chr.beg );
         chr.width = (chr.right - chr.left);
     function findCytoBand(pxDown,pxUp)
     {   // Called when mouseup and ctrl: Find the bounding cytoband dimensions, both in pix and bases
         var cyto = { left: -1, right: -1, beg: -1, end: -1 };
         $('area.cytoBand').each(function(ix) {
             var loc = this.coords.split(",");
             if(loc.length == 4) {
                 var myLeft  = parseInt(loc[0]);
                 var myRight = parseInt(loc[2]);
                 if(cyto.left == -1 || cyto.left > myLeft) {
                     if ( isWithin(myLeft,pxDown,myRight) || isWithin(myLeft,pxUp,myRight) ) {
                         cyto.left  = myLeft;
                         var range = this.title.substr(this.title.lastIndexOf(':')+1)
                         var pos = range.split('-');
                         if(pos.length == 2) {
                             cyto.beg  = (chr.reverse ? parseInt(pos[1]) : parseInt(pos[0]));
                 if(cyto.right == -1 || cyto.right < myRight) {
                     if ( isWithin(myLeft,pxDown,myRight) || isWithin(myLeft,pxUp,myRight) ) {
                         cyto.right = myRight;
                         var range = this.title.substr(this.title.lastIndexOf(':')+1)
                         var pos = range.split('-');
                         if(pos.length == 2) {
                             cyto.end  = (chr.reverse ? parseInt(pos[0]) : parseInt(pos[1]));
         return cyto;
     function rangeNormalizeToChrom(selection,chrom)
     {   // Called before presenting or using base range: make sure chrom selection is within chrom range
         if(selection.end < selection.beg) {
             var tmp = selection.end;
             selection.end = selection.beg;
             selection.beg = tmp;
         selection.width = (selection.end - selection.beg);
         selection.beg += 1;
         if (selection.beg < chrom.beg) {
             selection.beg = chrom.beg;
             selection.end = chrom.beg + selection.width;
         if (selection.end > chrom.end) {
             selection.end = chrom.end;
             selection.beg = chrom.end - selection.width;
             if (selection.beg < chrom.beg) { // spans whole chrom
                 selection.width = (selection.end - chrom.beg);
                 selection.beg = chrom.beg + 1;
         return selection;
     function hiliteShow(down,cur)
     {   // Called on mousemove, mouseup: set drag hilite dimensions
         var topY = img.top;
         var high = img.height;
         var begX = -1;
         var wide = -1;
         if(cur < down) {
             begX = cur + img.left;
             wide = (down - cur);
         } else {
             begX = down + img.left;
             wide = (cur - down);
         $(hilite).css({ left: begX + 'px', width: wide + 'px', top: topY + 'px',
                         height: high + 'px', display:'' });
     function hiliteCancel(left,width,top,height)
     {   // Called on mouseup: Make green drag hilite disappear when no longer wanted
         $(hilite).css({ left: '0px', width: '0px', top: '0px', height: '0px' });
     function hiliteSetup()
     {   // Called on init: setup of drag region hilite (but don't show yet)
         $(hilite).css({ backgroundColor: 'green', opacity: 0.4, borderStyle: 'solid',
                         borderWidth: '1px', bordercolor: '#0000FF' });
         $(hilite).css({ display: 'none', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 1 });
         return hilite;
     function updateImgOffsets()
     {   // Called on mousedown: Gets the current offsets
         var offs = $(chrImg).offset();
         img.top  = Math.round(offs.top );
         img.left = Math.round(offs.left);
         img.scrolledTop  = img.top  - $("body").scrollTop();
         img.scrolledLeft = img.left - $("body").scrollLeft();
         if($.browser.msie) {
             img.height = $(chrImg).outerHeight();
             img.width  = $(chrImg).outerWidth();
         } else {
             img.height = $(chrImg).height();
             img.width  = $(chrImg).width();
         return img;
  //// Drag Reorder Code ////
 var dragReorder = {
     setOrder: function (table)
     {   // Sets the 'order' value for the image table after a drag reorder
         var names = [];
         var values = [];
         $("tr.imgOrd").each(function (i) {
             if ($(this).attr('abbr') != $(this).attr('rowIndex').toString()) {
                 var name = this.id.substring('tr_'.length) + '_imgOrd';
         if(names.length > 0) {
     showCenterLabel: function (tr, show)
     {   // Will show or hide centerlabel as requested
         // adjust button, sideLabel height, sideLabelOffset and centerlabel display
         if (!$(tr).hasClass('clOpt'))
         var center = $(tr).find(".sliceDiv.cntrLab");
         if($(center) == undefined)
         seen = ($(center).css('display') != 'none');
         if(show == seen)
         var centerHeight = $(center).height();
         var btn = $(tr).find("p.btn");
         var side = $(tr).find(".sliceDiv.sideLab");
         if($(btn) != undefined && $(side) != undefined) {
             var sideImg = $(side).find("img");
             if($(sideImg) != undefined) {
                 var top = parseInt($(sideImg).css('top'));
                 if(show) {
                     $(btn).css('height',$(btn).height() + centerHeight);
                     $(side).css('height',$(side).height() + centerHeight);
                     top += centerHeight; // top is a negative number
                     $(sideImg).css( {'top': top.toString() + "px" });
                     $( center ).show();
                 } else if (!show) {
                     $(btn).css('height',$(btn).height() - centerHeight);
                     $(side).css('height',$(side).height() - centerHeight);
                     top -= centerHeight; // top is a negative number
                     $(sideImg).css( {'top': top.toString() + "px" });
                     $( center ).hide();
     getContiguousRowSet: function (row)
     {   // Returns the set of rows that are of the same class and contiguous
         if(row == null)
             return null;
         var btn = $( row ).find("p.btn");
         if (btn.length == 0)
             return null;
         var classList = $( btn ).attr("class").split(" ");
         var matchClass = classList[0];
         var table = $(row).parents('table#imgTbl')[0];
         var rows = $(table).find('tr');
         // Find start index
         var startIndex = $(row).attr('rowIndex');
         var endIndex = startIndex;
         for(var ix=startIndex-1;ix>=0;ix--) {
             btn = $( rows[ix] ).find("p.btn");
             if (btn.length == 0)
             classList = $( btn ).attr("class").split(" ");
             if (classList[0] != matchClass)
             startIndex = ix;
         // Find end index
         for(var ix=endIndex;ix<rows.length;ix++) {
             btn = $( rows[ix] ).find("p.btn");
             if (btn.length == 0)
             classList = $( btn ).attr("class").split(" ");
             if (classList[0] != matchClass)
             endIndex = ix;
         return rows.slice(startIndex,endIndex+1); // endIndex is 1 based!
     getCompositeSet: function (row)
     {   // Returns the set of rows that are of the same class and contiguous
         if(row == null)
             return null;
         var rowId = $(row).attr('id').substring('tr_'.length);
         var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[rowId];
         if (tdbIsSubtrack(rec) == false)
             return null;
         var rows = $('tr.trDraggable:has(p.' + rec.parentTrack+')');
         return rows;
     zipButtons: function (table)
     {   // Goes through the image and binds composite track buttons when adjacent
         var rows = $(table).find('tr');
         var lastClass="";
         var lastBtn;
         var lastMatchesLast=false;
         var lastBlue=true;
         var altColors=false;
         var count=0;
         var countN=0;
         for(var ix=0;ix<rows.length;ix++) {    // Need to have buttons in order
             var btn = $( rows[ix] ).find("p.btn");
             if (btn.length == 0)
             var classList = $( btn ).attr("class").split(" ");
             var curMatchesLast=(classList[0] == lastClass);
             // centerLabels may be conditionally seen
             if($( rows[ix] ).hasClass('clOpt')) {
                 if(curMatchesLast && $( rows[ix - 1] ).hasClass('clOpt'))
                     dragReorder.showCenterLabel(rows[ix],false);  // if same composite and previous is also centerLabel optional then hide center label
             // On with buttons
             if(lastBtn != undefined) {
                 $( lastBtn ).removeClass('btnN btnU btnL btnD');
                 if(curMatchesLast && lastMatchesLast) {
                     $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnL');
                 } else if(lastMatchesLast) {
                     $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnU');
                 } else if(curMatchesLast) {
                     $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnD');
                 } else {
                     $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnN');
                 if(altColors) {
                     lastBlue = (lastMatchesLast == lastBlue); // lastMatch and lastBlue or not lastMatch and notLastBlue
                     if(lastBlue)    // Too  smart by 1/3rd
                         $( lastBtn ).addClass(    'btnBlue' );
                         $( lastBtn ).removeClass( 'btnBlue' );
             lastMatchesLast = curMatchesLast;
             lastClass = classList[0];
             lastBtn = btn;
         if(lastBtn != undefined) {
             $( lastBtn ).removeClass('btnN btnU btnL btnD');
             if(lastMatchesLast) {
                 $( btn).addClass('btnU');
             } else {
                 $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnN');
             if(altColors) {
                     lastBlue = (lastMatchesLast == lastBlue); // lastMatch and lastBlue or not lastMatch and notLastBlue
                     if(lastBlue)    // Too  smart by 1/3rd
                         $( lastBtn ).addClass(    'btnBlue' );
                         $( lastBtn ).removeClass( 'btnBlue' );
         //warn("Zipped "+count+" buttons "+countN+" are independent.");
     dragHandleMouseOver: function ()
     {   // Highlights a single row when mouse over a dragHandle column (sideLabel and buttons)
         if(jQuery.tableDnD == undefined) {
             //var handle = $("td.dragHandle");
             //    .unbind('mouseenter')//, jQuery.tableDnD.mousemove);
             //    .unbind('mouseleave');//, jQuery.tableDnD.mouseup);
         if (jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject == null) {
             $( this ).parents("tr.trDraggable").addClass("trDrag");
     dragHandleMouseOut: function ()
     {   // Ends row highlighting by mouse over
         $( this ).parents("tr.trDraggable").removeClass("trDrag");
     buttonMouseOver: function ()
     {   // Highlights a composite set of buttons, regarless of whether tracks are adjacent
         if(jQuery.tableDnD == undefined || jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject == null) {
             var classList = $( this ).attr("class").split(" ");
             var btns = $( "p." + classList[0] );
             $( btns ).removeClass('btnGrey');
             $( btns ).addClass('btnBlue');
             if (jQuery.tableDnD != undefined) {
                 var rows = dragReorder.getContiguousRowSet($(this).parents('tr.trDraggable')[0]);
                 if (rows)
                     $( rows ).addClass("trDrag");
     buttonMouseOut: function ()
     {   // Ends composite highlighting by mouse over
         var classList = $( this ).attr("class").split(" ");
         var btns = $( "p." + classList[0] );
         $( btns ).removeClass('btnBlue');
         $( btns ).addClass('btnGrey');
         if (jQuery.tableDnD != undefined) {
             var rows = dragReorder.getContiguousRowSet($(this).parents('tr.trDraggable')[0]);
             if (rows)
             $( rows ).removeClass("trDrag");
     trMouseOver: function (e) // LARRY: is this the right thing?
         // Trying to make sure there is always a imageV2.lastTrack so that we know where we are
         var id = '';
         var a = /tr_(.*)/.exec($(this).attr('id'));  // voodoo
         if(a && a[1]) {
             id = a[1];
         if (id.length > 0) {
             if (imageV2.lastTrack == null || imageV2.lastTrack.id != id)
                 imageV2.lastTrack = rightClick.makeMapItem(id); // currentMapItem gets set by mapItemMapOver
         }                                      // This is just backup
     mapItemMouseOver: function ()
         // Record data for current map area item
         var id = this.id;
         if (id == undefined || id == null || id.length == 0) {
             id = '';
             var tr = $( this ).parents('tr.imgOrd');
             if ( $(tr).length == 1 ) {
                 var a = /tr_(.*)/.exec($(tr).attr('id'));  // voodoo
                 if(a && a[1]) {
                     id = a[1];
         if (id.length > 0) {
             rightClick.currentMapItem = rightClick.makeMapItem(id);
             if(rightClick.currentMapItem != null) {
                 rightClick.currentMapItem.href = this.href;
                 rightClick.currentMapItem.title = this.title;
     mapItemMouseOut: function ()
         imageV2.lastTrack = rightClick.currentMapItem; // Just a backup
         rightClick.currentMapItem = null;
     init: function ()
     {   // Make side buttons visible (must also be called when updating rows in the imgTbl).
         var btns = $("p.btn");
         if(btns.length > 0) {
             $(btns).mouseenter( dragReorder.buttonMouseOver );
             $(btns).mouseleave( dragReorder.buttonMouseOut  );
         var handle = $("td.dragHandle");
         if(handle.length > 0) {
             $(handle).mouseenter( dragReorder.dragHandleMouseOver );
             $(handle).mouseleave( dragReorder.dragHandleMouseOut  );
         // setup mouse callbacks for the area tags
         $(imageV2.imgTbl).find("tr").mouseover( dragReorder.trMouseOver );
         $(".area").each( function(t) {
                             this.onmouseover = dragReorder.mapItemMouseOver;
                             this.onmouseout = dragReorder.mapItemMouseOut;
                             this.onclick = posting.mapClk;
  //// Drag Scroll code ////
 jQuery.fn.panImages = function(){
     // globals across all panImages
     genomePos.original = genomePos.getOriginalPos();              // XXXX what is this for? (this already happened in initVars).
     var leftLimit   = hgTracks.imgBoxLeftLabel * -1;
     var rightLimit  = (hgTracks.imgBoxPortalWidth - hgTracks.imgBoxWidth + leftLimit);
     var only1xScrolling = ((hgTracks.imgBoxWidth - hgTracks.imgBoxPortalWidth) == 0);//< hgTracks.imgBoxLeftLabel);
     var prevX       = (hgTracks.imgBoxPortalOffsetX + hgTracks.imgBoxLeftLabel) * -1;
     var portalWidth = 0;
     var savedPosition;
     var pic;
     var pan;
     if ( $(this).is("img") ) {
         pan = $(this).parent("div");
         pic = $(this);
     else if ( $(this).is("div.scroller")  ) {
         pan = $(this);
         pic = $(this).children("img#panImg"); // Get the real pic
     if(pan == undefined || pic == undefined) {
         throw "Not a div with a child image! 'panImages' can only be used with divs contain images.";
     // globals across all panImages
     portalWidth     = $(pan).width();
     // globals to one panImage
     var newX        = 0;
     var mouseDownX  = 0;
     var mouseIsDown = false;
     var beyondImage = false;
     var atEdge      = false;
     function initialize(){
         $(pan).parents('td.tdData').mousemove(function(e) {
             if (e.shiftKey)
                 $(this).css('cursor',"crosshair");  // shift-dragZoom
             else if ( $.browser.msie )     // IE will override map item cursors if this gets set
                 $(this).css('cursor',"");  // normal pointer when not over clickable item
             //else // NOTE: Open hand cursor is being removed because it makes vis toggling less obvious
             //    $(this).css('cursor',"url(../images/grabber.cur),w-resize");  // dragScroll
              if (e.which > 1 || e.button > 1 || e.shiftKey)
                  return true;
             if(mouseIsDown == false) {
                 if(rightClick.menu) {
                 mouseIsDown = true;
                 mouseDownX = e.clientX;
                 atEdge = (!beyondImage && (prevX >= leftLimit || prevX <= rightLimit));
                 $(document).bind( 'mouseup', panMouseUp);  // Will exec only once
                 return false;
     function panner(e) {
         //if (!e) e = window.event;
         if ( mouseIsDown ) {
             var relativeX = (e.clientX - mouseDownX);
             if(relativeX != 0) {
                 if (posting.mapClicksAllowed()) {
                     // need to throw up a z-index div.  Wait mask?
                     savedPosition = genomePos.get();
                 var decelerator = 1;
                 //var wingSize    = 1000; // 0 stops the scroll at the edges.
                 // Remeber that offsetX (prevX) is negative
                 newX = prevX + relativeX;
                 if ( newX >= leftLimit ) { // scrolled all the way to the left
                     if(atEdge) {  // Do not drag straight off edge.  Force second drag
                         beyondImage = true;
                         newX = leftLimit + (newX - leftLimit)/decelerator;// slower
                         //if (newX >= leftLimit + wingSize) // Don't go too far over the edge!
                         //    newX =  leftLimit + wingSize;
                     } else
                         newX = leftLimit;
                 } else if ( newX < rightLimit ) { // scrolled all the way to the right
                     if(atEdge) {  // Do not drag straight off edge.  Force second drag
                         beyondImage = true;
                         newX = rightLimit - (rightLimit - newX)/decelerator;// slower
                         //if (newX < rightLimit - wingSize) // Don't go too far over the edge!
                         //    newX = rightLimit - wingSize;
                     } else
                         newX = rightLimit;
                 } else if(newX >= rightLimit && newX < leftLimit)
                     beyondImage = false; // could have scrolled back without mouse up
                 newX = panUpdatePosition(newX,true);
                 var nowPos = newX.toString() + "px";
                 $(".panImg").css( {'left': nowPos });
                 $('.tdData').css( {'backgroundPosition': nowPos } );
                 if (!only1xScrolling)
                     panAdjustHeight(newX);  // NOTE: This will dynamically resize image while scrolling.  Do we want to?
     function panMouseUp(e) {  // Must be a separate function instead of pan.mouseup event.
         //if (!e) e = window.event;
         if(mouseIsDown) {
             mouseIsDown = false;
             setTimeout('posting.allowMapClicks();',50); // Necessary incase the dragSelect.selectEnd was over a map item. select takes precedence.
             // Outside image?  Then abandon.
             var curY = e.pageY;
             var imgTbl = $('#imgTbl');
             var north = $(imgTbl).offset().top;
             var south = north + $(imgTbl).height();
             if (curY < north || curY > south) {
                 atEdge = false;
                 beyondImage = false;
                 if (savedPosition != undefined)
                 var oldPos = prevX.toString() + "px";
                 $(".panImg").css( {'left': oldPos });
                 $('.tdData').css( {'backgroundPosition': oldPos } );
                 return true;
             // Do we need to fetch anything?
             if(beyondImage) {
                 if(imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
                     var pos = parsePosition(genomePos.get());
                     imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" +
                             encodeURIComponent(pos.chrom + ":" + pos.start + "-" + pos.end),
                             null, true);
                 } else {
                 return true; // Make sure the setTimeout below is not called.
             // Just a normal scroll within a >1X image
             if(prevX != newX) {
                 prevX = newX;
                 if (!only1xScrolling) {
                     //panAdjustHeight(newX); // NOTE: This will resize image after scrolling.  Do we want to while scrolling?
                     // This is important, since AJAX could lead to reinit after this within bounds scroll
                     hgTracks.imgBoxPortalOffsetX = (prevX * -1) - hgTracks.imgBoxLeftLabel;
                     hgTracks.imgBoxPortalLeft = newX.toString() + "px";
     });  // end of this.each(function(){
     function panUpdatePosition(newOffsetX,bounded)
         // Updates the 'position/search" display with change due to panning
         var closedPortalStart = hgTracks.imgBoxPortalStart + 1;   // Correction for half open portal coords
         var portalWidthBases = hgTracks.imgBoxPortalEnd - closedPortalStart;
         var portalScrolledX  = hgTracks.imgBoxPortalOffsetX+hgTracks.imgBoxLeftLabel + newOffsetX;
         var recalculate = false;
         var newPortalStart = 0;
         if (hgTracks.revCmplDisp)
             newPortalStart = closedPortalStart +
                                 Math.round(portalScrolledX*hgTracks.imgBoxBasesPerPixel); // As offset goes down, so do bases seen.
             newPortalStart = closedPortalStart -
                                 Math.round(portalScrolledX*hgTracks.imgBoxBasesPerPixel); // As offset goes down, bases seen goes up!
         if (newPortalStart < hgTracks.chromStart && bounded) {     // Stay within bounds
             newPortalStart = hgTracks.chromStart;
             recalculate = true;
         var newPortalEnd = newPortalStart + portalWidthBases;
         if (newPortalEnd > hgTracks.chromEnd && bounded) {
             newPortalEnd = hgTracks.chromEnd;
             newPortalStart = newPortalEnd - portalWidthBases;
             recalculate = true;
         if(newPortalStart > 0) {
             var newPos = hgTracks.chromName + ":" +
                             commify(newPortalStart) + "-" + commify(newPortalEnd);
             genomePos.set(newPos, 0); // 0 means no need to change the size
         if (recalculate && hgTracks.imgBoxBasesPerPixel > 0) { // Need to recalculate X for bounding drag
             portalScrolledX = (closedPortalStart - newPortalStart) / hgTracks.imgBoxBasesPerPixel;
             newOffsetX = portalScrolledX - (hgTracks.imgBoxPortalOffsetX+hgTracks.imgBoxLeftLabel);
         return newOffsetX;
     function mapTopAndBottom(mapName,east,west)
     // Find the top and bottom px given left and right boundaries
         var mapPortal = { top: -10, bottom: -10 };
         var items = $("map[name='"+mapName+"']").children();
         if ($(items).length>0) {
             $(items).each(function(t) {
                 var loc = this.coords.split(",");
                 var aleft   = parseInt(loc[0]);
                 var aright  = parseInt(loc[2]);
                 if(aleft < west && aright >= east) {
                     var atop    = parseInt(loc[1]);
                     var abottom = parseInt(loc[3]);
                     if (mapPortal.top    < 0 ) {
                         mapPortal.top    = atop;
                         mapPortal.bottom = abottom;
                     } else if(mapPortal.top > atop) {
                             mapPortal.top = atop;
                     } else if(mapPortal.bottom < abottom) {
                             mapPortal.bottom = abottom;
         return mapPortal;
     function panAdjustHeight(newOffsetX) {
         // Adjust the height of the track data images so that bed items scrolled off screen
         // do not waste vertical real estate
         // Is the > 1x?
         if (only1xScrolling)
         var east = newOffsetX * -1;
         var west = east + portalWidth;
         $(".panImg").each(function(t) {
             var mapid  = this.id.replace('img_','map_');
             var hDiv   = $(this).parent();
             var north  = parseInt($(this).css("top")) * -1;
             var south  = north + $(hDiv).height();
             var mapPortal = mapTopAndBottom(mapid,east,west);
             if(mapPortal.top > 0) {
                 var topdif = Math.abs(mapPortal.top - north);
                 var botdif = Math.abs(mapPortal.bottom - south);
                 if(topdif > 2 || botdif > 2) {
                     $(hDiv).height( mapPortal.bottom - mapPortal.top );
                     north = mapPortal.top * -1;
                     $(this).css( {'top': north.toString() + "px" });
                     // Need to adjust side label height as well!
                     var imgId = this.id.split("_");
                     var titlePx = 0;
                     var center = $("#img_center_"+imgId[2]);
                     if(center.length > 0) {
                         titlePx = $(center).parent().height();
                         north += titlePx;
                     var side = $("#img_side_"+imgId[2]);
                     if (side.length > 0) {
                         $(side).parent().height( mapPortal.bottom - mapPortal.top + titlePx);
                         $(side).css( {'top': north.toString() + "px" });
                     var btn = $("#p_btn_"+imgId[2]);
                     if (btn.length > 0) {
                         $(btn).height( mapPortal.bottom - mapPortal.top + titlePx);
                     } else {
                         btn = $("#img_btn_"+imgId[2]);
                         if (btn.length > 0) {
                             $(btn).parent().height( mapPortal.bottom - mapPortal.top + titlePx);
                             $(btn).css( {'top': top.toString() + "px" });
         dragMaskResize();  // Resizes the dragMask to match current image size
     function dragMaskShow() {   // Sets up the dragMask to show grabbing cursor within image and not allowed north and south of image
         var imgTbl = $('#imgTbl');
         // Find or create the waitMask (which masks the whole page)
         var dragMask = $('div#dragMask');
         if (dragMask == undefined || dragMask.length == 0) {
             $("body").prepend("<div id='dragMask' class='waitMask'></div>");
             dragMask = $('div#dragMask');
                         top: $(imgTbl).position().top.toString() + 'px',
                         height: $(imgTbl).height().toString() + 'px' });
         //$(dragMask).css({opacity:0.4,backgroundColor:'gray',zIndex:999}); // temporarily so I can see it
     function dragMaskResize() {   // Resizes dragMask (called when image is dynamically resized in >1x scrolling)
         var imgTbl = $('#imgTbl');
         // Find or create the waitMask (which masks the whole page)
         var dragMask = $('div#dragMask');
         if (dragMask != undefined && dragMask.length >= 1) {
             $(dragMask).height( $(imgTbl).height() );
     function dragMaskClear() {        // Clears the dragMask
         var  dragMask = $('#dragMask');
         if (dragMask != undefined )
  //// rightClick (aka context menu) ////
 var rightClick = {
     menu: null,
     selectedMenuItem: null,   // currently choosen context menu item (via context menu).
     floatingMenuItem: null,
     currentMapItem:   null,
     supportZoomCodon: false,  // turn on experimental zoom-to-codon functionality (currently only on in larry's tree).
     makeMapItem: function (id)
     {   // Create a dummy mapItem on the fly (for objects that don't have corresponding entry in the map).
         if(id && id.length > 0
         && typeof(hgTracks.trackDb) != "undefined" && hgTracks.trackDb != null) {
             var title;
             var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[id];
             if(rec) {
                 title = rec.shortLabel;
             } else {
                 title = id;
             return {id: id, title: "configure " + title};
         } else {
             return null;
     findMapItem: function (e)
     {   // Find mapItem for given event; returns item object or null if none found.
         if(rightClick.currentMapItem) {
             return rightClick.currentMapItem;
         // rightClick for non-map items that can be resolved to their parent tr and then trackName (e.g. items in gray bar)
         var tr = $( e.target ).parents('tr.imgOrd');
         if ( $(tr).length == 1 ) {
             var a = /tr_(.*)/.exec($(tr).attr('id'));  // voodoo
             if(a && a[1]) {
                 var id = a[1];
                 return rightClick.makeMapItem(id);
         return null;
     windowOpenFailedMsg: function ()
         warn("Your web browser prevented us from opening a new window.\n\nPlease change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from " + document.domain + ".");
     handleZoomCodon: function (response, status)
         var json = eval("(" + response + ")");
         if(json.pos) {
             genomePos.set(json.pos, 3);
         } else {
     handleViewImg: function (response, status)
     {   // handles view image response, which must get new image without imageV2 gimmickery
         jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
         var str = "<IMG[^>]*SRC='([^']+)'";
         var reg = new RegExp(str);
         a = reg.exec(response);
         if(a && a[1]) {
             if(window.open(a[1]) == null) {
         showWarning("Couldn't parse out img src");
     myPrompt: function (msg, callback)
     {   // replacement for prompt; avoids misleading/confusing security warnings which are caused by prompt in IE 7+
         // callback is called if user presses "OK".
         $("body").append("<div id = 'myPrompt'><div id='dialog' title='Basic dialog'><form>" +
                             msg + "<input id='myPromptText' value=''></form>");
                                 modal: true,
                                 closeOnEscape: true,
                                 buttons: { "OK": function() {
                                                     var myPromptText = $("#myPromptText").val();
     hit: function (menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd, args)
         setTimeout( function() {
                         rightClick.hitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd, args);
                     }, 1);
     hitFinish: function (menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd, args)
     {   // dispatcher for context menu hits
         var id = rightClick.selectedMenuItem.id;
         if(menuObject.shown) {
             // showWarning("Spinning: menu is still shown");
             setTimeout(function() { rightClick.hitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd); }, 10);
         if(cmd == 'selectWholeGene' || cmd == 'getDna') {
                 // bring whole gene into view or redirect to DNA screen.
                 var href = rightClick.selectedMenuItem.href;
                 var chromStart, chromEnd;
                 var a = /hgg_chrom=(\w+)&/.exec(href);
                 // Many links leave out the chrom (b/c it's in the server side cart as "c")
                 var chrom = hgTracks.chromName;
                 if(a) {
                     if(a && a[1])
                         chrom = a[1];
                     a = /hgg_start=(\d+)/.exec(href);
                     if(a && a[1])
                         // XXXX does chromStart have to be incremented by 1?
                         chromStart = a[1];
                     a = /hgg_end=(\d+)/.exec(href);
                     if(a && a[1])
                         chromEnd = a[1];
                 } else {
                     // a = /hgc.*\W+c=(\w+)/.exec(href);
                     a = /hgc.*\W+c=(\w+)/.exec(href);
                     if(a && a[1])
                         chrom = a[1];
                     a = /o=(\d+)/.exec(href);
                     if(a && a[1])
                         chromStart = parseInt(a[1]) + 1;
                     a = /t=(\d+)/.exec(href);
                     if(a && a[1])
                         chromEnd = parseInt(a[1]);
                 if(chrom == null || chromStart == null || chromEnd == null) {
                     showWarning("couldn't parse out genomic coordinates");
                 } else {
                     if(cmd == 'getDna')
                         if(window.open("../cgi-bin/hgc?g=getDna&i=mixed&c=" +
                                         chrom + "&l=" + (chromStart - 1) + "&r=" + chromEnd
                                       ) == null) {
                     } else {
                         var newPosition = genomePos.setByCoordinates(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd);
                         var reg = new RegExp("hgg_gene=([^&]+)");
                         var a = reg.exec(href);
                         var name;
                         // pull item name out of the url so we can set hgFind.matches (redmine 3062)
                         if(a && a[1]) {
                             name = a[1];
                         } else {
                             reg = new RegExp("[&?]i=([^&]+)");
                             a = reg.exec(href);
                             if(a && a[1]) {
                                 name = a[1];
                         if(imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
                             // XXXX This attempt to "update whole track image in place" didn't work for a variety of reasons
                             // (e.g. safari doesn't parse map when we update on the client side), so this is currently dead code.
                             // However, this now works in all other browsers, so we may turn this on for non-safari browsers
                             // (see redmine #4667).
                             jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
                             var data = "hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgt.ideogramToo=1&position=" +
                                        newPosition + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid();
                                 data += "&hgFind.matches=" + name;
                                     type: "GET",
                                     url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                                     data: data,
                                     dataType: "html",
                                     trueSuccess: imageV2.updateImgAndMap,
                                     success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                                     error: errorHandler,
                                     cmd: cmd,
                                     loadingId: showLoadingImage("imgTbl"),
                                     cache: false
                         } else {
                             // do a full page refresh to update hgTracks image
                             jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                             var ele;
                                 ele = document.TrackForm;
                                 ele = document.TrackHeaderForm;
                                 $(ele).append("<input type='hidden' name='hgFind.matches' " +
                                               "value='" + name + "'>");
         } else if (cmd == 'zoomCodon' || cmd == 'zoomExon') {
             var num, ajaxCmd, msg;
             if(cmd == 'zoomCodon') {
                 msg = "Please enter the codon number to jump to:";
                 ajaxCmd = 'codonToPos';
             } else {
                 msg = "Please enter the exon number to jump to:";
                 ajaxCmd = 'exonToPos';
             rightClick.myPrompt(msg, function(results) {
                         type: "GET",
                         url: "../cgi-bin/hgApi",
                         data: "db=" + getDb() +  "&cmd=" + ajaxCmd + "&num=" + results +
                               "&table=" + args.table + "&name=" + args.name,
                         trueSuccess: rightClick.handleZoomCodon,
                         success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                         error: errorHandler,
                         cache: true
         } else if (cmd == 'hgTrackUi_popup') {
             popUp.hgTrackUi( rightClick.selectedMenuItem.id, false );  // Launches the popup but shields the ajax with a waitOnFunction
         } else if (cmd == 'hgTrackUi_follow') {
             var url = "hgTrackUi?hgsid=" + getHgsid() + "&g=";
             var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[id];
             if (tdbHasParent(rec) && tdbIsLeaf(rec))
                 url += rec.parentTrack
             else {
                 var link = $( 'td#td_btn_'+ rightClick.selectedMenuItem.id ).children('a'); // The button already has the ref
                 if ($(link) != undefined)
                     url = $(link).attr('href');
                     url += rightClick.selectedMenuItem.id;
         } else if (cmd == 'dragZoomMode') {
             dragSelect.autoHideSetting = true;
             var obj = dragSelect.areaSelector.data('imgAreaSelect');
             obj.setOptions({autoHide : true, movable: false});
         } else if (cmd == 'hilightMode') {
             dragSelect.autoHideSetting = false;
             var obj = dragSelect.areaSelector.data('imgAreaSelect');
             obj.setOptions({autoHide : false, movable: true});
         } else if (cmd == 'viewImg') {
             // Fetch a new copy of track img and show it to the user in another window. This code assume we have updated
             // remote cart with all relevant chages (e.g. drag-reorder).
 /* Here's how to do this more directly with hgRenderTracks:
             if(window.open("../cgi-bin/hgRenderTracks?hgt.internal=1&hgsid=" + getHgsid()) == null) {
             var data = "hgt.imageV1=1&hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgsid=" + getHgsid();
             jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                     type: "GET",
                     url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                     data: data,
                     dataType: "html",
                     trueSuccess: rightClick.handleViewImg,
                     success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                     error: errorHandler,
                     cmd: cmd,
                     cache: false
         } else if (cmd == 'openLink' || cmd == 'followLink') {
             var href = rightClick.selectedMenuItem.href;
             var vars = new Array("c", "l", "r", "db");
             var valNames = new Array("chromName", "winStart", "winEnd");
             for (var i in vars) {
                 // make sure the link contains chrom and window width info (necessary b/c we are stripping hgsid and/or the cart may be empty);
                 // but don't add chrom to wikiTrack links (see redmine #2476).
                 var v = vars[i];
                 var val;
                 if(v == "db") {
                     val = getDb();
                 } else {
                     val = hgTracks[valNames[i]];
                 if (val
                 && id != "wikiTrack"
                 && (href.indexOf("?" + v + "=") == -1)
                 && (href.indexOf("&" + v + "=") == -1)) {
                     href = href + "&" + v + "=" + val;
             if(cmd == 'followLink') {
                 // XXXX This is blocked by Safari's popup blocker (without any warning message).
             } else {
                 // Remove hgsid to force a new session (see redmine ticket 1333).
                 href = removeHgsid(href);
                 if(window.open(href) == null) {
         } else if (cmd == 'float') {
             if(rightClick.floatingMenuItem && rightClick.floatingMenuItem == id) {
                 $.floatMgr.FOArray = new Array();
                 rightClick.floatingMenuItem = null;
             } else {
                 if(rightClick.floatingMenuItem) {
                     // This doesn't work.
                     $('#img_data_' + rightClick.floatingMenuItem).parent().restartFloat();
                     // This does work
                     $.floatMgr.FOArray = new Array();
                 rightClick.floatingMenuItem = id;
                 imageV2.requestImgUpdate(id, "hgt.transparentImage=0", "");
         } else if (cmd == 'hideSet') {
             var row = $( 'tr#tr_' + id );
             var rows = dragReorder.getContiguousRowSet(row);
             if (rows && rows.length > 0) {
                 var vars = new Array();
                 var vals = new Array();
                 for (var ix=rows.length - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) { // from bottom, just in case remove screws with us
                     var rowId = $(rows[ix]).attr('id').substring('tr_'.length);
                     //if (tdbIsSubtrack(hgTracks.trackDb[rowId]) == false)
                     //    warn('What went wrong?');
                     vars.push(rowId, rowId+'_sel'); // Remove subtrack level vis and explicitly uncheck.
                     vals.push('[]', 0);
                 if (vars.length > 0) {
                     setCartVars( vars, vals );
         } else if (cmd == 'hideComposite') {
             var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[id];
             if (tdbIsSubtrack(rec)) {
                 var row = $( 'tr#tr_' + id );
                 var rows = dragReorder.getCompositeSet(row);
                 if (rows && rows.length > 0) {
                     for (var ix=rows.length - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) { // from bottom, just in case remove screws with us
                 var selectUpdated = vis.update(rec.parentTrack, 'hide');
                 setCartVar(rec.parentTrack, 'hide' );
             //    warn('What went wrong?');
         } else {   // if ( cmd in 'hide','dense','squish','pack','full','show' )
             // Change visibility settings:
             // First change the select on our form:
             var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[id];
             var selectUpdated = vis.update(id, cmd);
             // Now change the track image
             if(imageV2.enabled && cmd == 'hide')
                 // Hide local display of this track and update server side cart.
                 // Subtracks controlled by 2 settings so del vis and set sel=0.  Others, just set vis hide.
                     setCartVars( [ id, id+"_sel" ], [ '[]', 0 ] ); // Remove subtrack level vis and explicitly uncheck.
                 else if(tdbIsFolderContent(rec))
                     setCartVars( [ id, id+"_sel" ], [ 'hide', 0 ] ); // supertrack children need to have _sel set to trigger superttrack reshaping
                     setCartVar(id, 'hide' );
                 $(document.getElementById('tr_' + id)).remove();
             } else if (!imageV2.mapIsUpdateable) {
                 jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                 if(selectUpdated) {
                     // assert(document.TrackForm);
                 } else {
                         // add a hidden with new visibility value
                         var form = $(document.TrackHeaderForm);
                         $("<input type='hidden' name='"+id+"'value='"+cmd+"'>").appendTo(form);
             } else {
                 imageV2.requestImgUpdate(id, id + "=" + cmd, "", cmd);
     makeHitCallback: function (title)
     {   // stub to avoid problem with a function closure w/n a loop
         return function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
             rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, title); return true;
     reloadFloatingItem: function ()
     {   // currently dead (experimental code)
         if(rightClick.floatingMenuItem) {
             $('#img_data_' + rightClick.floatingMenuItem).parent().makeFloat(
                 {x:"current",y:"current", speed: 'fast', alwaysVisible: true, alwaysTop: true});
     makeImgTag: function (img)
     {   // Return img tag with explicit dimensions for img (dimensions are currently hardwired).
         // This fixes the "weird shadow problem when first loading the right-click menu" seen in FireFox 3.X,
         // which occurred b/c FF doesn't actually fetch the image until the menu is being shown.
         return "<img style='width:16px; height:16px; border-style:none;' src='../images/" +
                 img + "' />";
     load: function (img)
         rightClick.menu = img.contextMenu(
             function() {
                 popUp.cleanup();   // Popup box is not getting closed properly so must do it here
                 if (rightClick.selectedMenuItem == null)  // This is literally an edge case so ignore
                 var menu = [];
                 var selectedImg = rightClick.makeImgTag("greenChecksm.png");
                 var blankImg    = rightClick.makeImgTag("invisible16.png");
                 var done = false;
                 if(rightClick.selectedMenuItem && rightClick.selectedMenuItem.id != null) {
                     var href = rightClick.selectedMenuItem.href;
                     var isHgc, isGene;
                     if(href) {
                         isGene = href.match("hgGene");
                         isHgc = href.match("hgc");
                     var id = rightClick.selectedMenuItem.id;
                     var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[id];
                     var offerHideSubset    = false;
                     var offerHideComposite = false;
                     var offerSingles       = true;
                     var row = $( 'tr#tr_' + id );
                     if (row) {
                         var btn = $(row).find('p.btnBlue');  // btnBlue means cursor over left button
                         if (btn.length == 1) {
                             var compositeSet = dragReorder.getCompositeSet(row);
                             if (compositeSet && compositeSet.length > 0) {  // There is a composite set
                                 offerHideComposite = true;
                                 $( compositeSet ).find('p.btn').addClass('blueButtons');  // blue persists
                                 var subSet = dragReorder.getContiguousRowSet(row);
                                 if (subSet && subSet.length > 1) {
                                     offerSingles = false;
                                     if(subSet.length < compositeSet.length) {
                                         offerHideSubset = true;
                                         $( subSet ).addClass("greenRows"); // green persists
                     // First option is hide sets
                     if (offerHideComposite) {
                         if (offerHideSubset) {
                             var o = new Object();
                             o[blankImg + " hide track subset (green)"] = {
                                                 onclick: rightClick.makeHitCallback('hideSet')};
                             //o[rightClick.makeImgTag("highliteGreenX.png") + " hide track subset"] = {onclick: rightClick.makeHitCallback('hideSet')};
                         var o = new Object();
                         var str = blankImg + " hide track set";
                         if (offerHideSubset)
                             str += " (blue)";
                         o[str] = {onclick: rightClick.makeHitCallback('hideComposite')};
                         //o[rightClick.makeImgTag("btnBlueX.png") + " hide track set"] = {onclick: rightClick.makeHitCallback('hideComposite')};
                     // Second set of options: visibility for single track
                     if (offerSingles) {
                         if (offerHideComposite)
                         // XXXX what if select is not available (b/c trackControlsOnMain is off)?
                         // Move functionality to a hidden variable?
                         var select = $("select[name=" + escapeJQuerySelectorChars(id) + "]");
                         if (select.length > 1)  // Not really needed if $('#hgTrackUiDialog').html(""); has worked
                             select =  [ $(select)[0] ];
                         var cur = $(select).val();
                         if(cur) {
                             $(select).children().each(function(index, o) {
                                 var title = $(this).val();
                                 var str = blankImg + " " + title;
                                 if(title == cur)
                                     str = selectedImg + " " + title;
                                 var o = new Object();
                                 o[str] = {onclick: function (menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                             rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, title);
                                             return true;}};
                             done = true;
                         } else {
                             if(rec) {
                                 // XXXX check current state from a hidden variable.
                                 var visStrings = new Array("hide","dense","squish","pack","full");
                                 for (var i in visStrings) {
                                     // XXXX use maxVisibility and change hgTracks so it can hide subtracks
                                     var o = new Object();
                                     var str = blankImg + " " + visStrings[i];
                                     if (rec.canPack
                                     || (visStrings[i] != "pack" && visStrings[i] != "squish")) {
                                         if(rec.localVisibility) {
                                             if(visStrings[i] == rec.localVisibility) {
                                                 str = selectedImg + " " + visStrings[i];
                                         } else if(visStrings[i] == vis.enumOrder[rec.visibility]) {
                                             str = selectedImg + " " + visStrings[i];
                                         o[str] = { onclick:
                                 done = true;
                     if(done) {
                         var o = new Object();
                         var any = false;
                             var title = rightClick.selectedMenuItem.title || "feature";
                         if(isGene || isHgc || id == "wikiTrack") {
                             // Add "Open details..." item
                             var displayItemFunctions = false;
                             if(rec) {
                                 if(rec.type.indexOf("wig") == 0 || rec.type.indexOf("bigWig") == 0 || id == "wikiTrack") {
                                     displayItemFunctions = false;
                                 } else if(rec.type.indexOf("expRatio") == 0) {
                                     displayItemFunctions = title != "zoomInMore";
                                 } else {
                                     displayItemFunctions = true;
                             if(displayItemFunctions) {
                                 o[rightClick.makeImgTag("magnify.png") + " Zoom to " +  title] = {
                                     onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                                 rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject,
                                                         "selectWholeGene"); return true;
                                 if(rightClick.supportZoomCodon && rec.type.indexOf("genePred") != -1) {
                                     // http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_gene=uc003tqk.2&hgg_prot=P00533&hgg_chrom=chr7&hgg_start=55086724&hgg_end=55275030&hgg_type=knownGene&db=hg19&c=chr7
                                     var name, table;
                                     var reg = new RegExp("hgg_gene=([^&]+)");
                                     var a = reg.exec(href);
                                     if(a && a[1]) {
                                         name = a[1];
                                         reg = new RegExp("hgg_type=([^&]+)");
                                         a = reg.exec(href);
                                         if(a && a[1]) {
                                             table = a[1];
                                     } else {
                                         // http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgc?o=55086724&t=55275031&g=refGene&i=NM_005228&c=chr7
                                         // http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgc?o=55086713&t=55270769&g=wgEncodeGencodeManualV4&i=ENST00000455089&c=chr7
                                         var reg = new RegExp("i=([^&]+)");
                                         var a = reg.exec(href);
                                         if(a && a[1]) {
                                             name = a[1];
                                             reg = new RegExp("g=([^&]+)");
                                             a = reg.exec(href);
                                             if(a && a[1]) {
                                                 table = a[1];
                                     if(name && table) {
                                         o[rightClick.makeImgTag("magnify.png")+" Zoom to codon"] =
                                         {   onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                                 rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject,
                                                             {name: name, table: table});
                                                 return true;}
                                         o[rightClick.makeImgTag("magnify.png")+" Zoom to exon"] = {
                                             onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                                 rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject,
                                                               {name: name, table: table});
                                                 return true; }
                                 o[rightClick.makeImgTag("dnaIcon.png")+" Get DNA for "+title] = {
                                     onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                         rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "getDna");
                                         return true; }
                                                     " Open details page in new window..."] = {
                                 onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                     rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "openLink");
                                     return true; }
                             any = true;
                         if(href != undefined && href.length  > 0) {
                             // Add "Show details..." item
                             if(title.indexOf("Click to alter ") == 0) {
                                 ; // suppress the "Click to alter..." items
                             } else if(rightClick.selectedMenuItem.href.indexOf("cgi-bin/hgTracks") != -1) {
                                 ; // suppress menu items for hgTracks links (e.g. Next/Prev map items).
                             } else {
                                 var item;
                                 if(title == "zoomInMore")
                                     // avoid showing menu item that says "Show details for zoomInMore..." (redmine 2447)
                                     item = rightClick.makeImgTag("book.png") + " Show details...";
                                     item = rightClick.makeImgTag("book.png")+" Show details for "+
                                            title + "...";
                                 o[item] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                            return true; }
                                 any = true;
                         if(any) {
                 if (!done) {
                     if(false) {
                         // Currently toggling b/n drag-and-zoom mode and hilite mode is disabled b/c we don't know how to keep hilite mode from disabling the
                         // context menus.
                         var o = new Object();
                         var str = "drag-and-zoom mode";
                         if(dragSelect.autoHideSetting) {
                             str += selectedImg;
                             // menu[str].className = 'context-menu-checked-item';
                         o[str] = { onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                      rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "dragZoomMode");
                                      return true; }
                         o = new Object();
                         // console.dir(ele);
                         str = "hilight mode";
                         if (!dragSelect.autoHideSetting) {
                             str += selectedImg;
                         o[str] = { onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                       rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hilightMode");
                                       return true; }
                     //menu.push({"view image": {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "viewImg"); return true; }}});
                 if(rightClick.selectedMenuItem && rec && rec["configureBy"] != 'none') {
                     // Add cfg options at just shy of end...
                     var o = new Object();
                     if(tdbIsLeaf(rec) && (!tdbIsCompositeSubtrack(rec) || rec["configureBy"] != 'clickThrough')) {
                         // Note that subtracks never do clickThrough because composite cfg is the desired clickThrough
                         o[rightClick.makeImgTag("wrench.png")+" Configure "+rec.shortLabel] = {
                             onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                 rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hgTrackUi_popup");
                                 return true; }
                         if(rec.parentTrack != undefined)
                             o[rightClick.makeImgTag("folderWrench.png")+" Configure "+
                               rec.parentLabel + " track set..."] = {
                                 onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                     return true; }
                     } else
                         o[rightClick.makeImgTag("folderWrench.png")+" Configure "+rec.shortLabel +
                           " track set..."] = {
                             onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                 rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hgTrackUi_follow");
                                 return true; }
                     if(jQuery.floatMgr) {
                         o[(rightClick.selectedMenuItem.id == rightClick.floatingMenuItem ?
                                 selectedImg : blankImg) + " float"] = {
                             onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                 rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "float");
                                 return true; }
                 // Add view image at end
                 var o = new Object();
                 o[rightClick.makeImgTag("eye.png") + " View image"] = {
                     onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                         rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "viewImg");
                         return true; }
                 return menu;
                 beforeShow: function(e) {
                     // console.log(mapItems[rightClick.selectedMenuItem]);
                     rightClick.selectedMenuItem = rightClick.findMapItem(e);
                     // XXXX? posting.blockUseMap = true;
                     return true;
                 hideTransition:'hide', // hideCallback fails if these are not defined.
                 hideCallback: function() {
  //// popup (aka modal dialog) ////
 var popUp = {
     trackName:            "",
     trackDescriptionOnly: false,
     saveAllVars:          null,
     cleanup: function ()
     {  // Clean out the popup box on close
         if ($('#hgTrackUiDialog').html().length > 0 ) {
             $('#hgTrackUiDialog').html("");  // clear out html after close to prevent problems caused by duplicate html elements
             popUp.trackName = ""; //set to defaults
             popUp.trackDescriptionOnly = false;
             popUp.saveAllVars = null;
     _uiDialigRequest: function (trackName,descriptionOnly)
     { // popup cfg dialog
         popUp.trackName = trackName;
         var myLink = "../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?g=" + trackName + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid() +
                      "&db=" + getDb();
         popUp.trackDescriptionOnly = descriptionOnly;
             myLink += "&descriptionOnly=1";
         var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[trackName];
         if (!descriptionOnly && rec != null && rec["configureBy"] != null) {
             if (rec["configureBy"] == 'none')
             else if (rec["configureBy"] == 'clickThrough') {
                 jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                 window.location = myLink;
             }  // default falls through to configureBy popup
         myLink += "&ajax=1";
                     type: "GET",
                     url: myLink,
                     dataType: "html",
                     trueSuccess: popUp.uiDialog,
                     success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                     error: errorHandler,
                     cmd: rightClick.selectedMenuItem,
                     cache: false
     hgTrackUi: function (trackName,descriptionOnly)
         waitOnFunction( popUp._uiDialigRequest, trackName, descriptionOnly );  // Launches the popup but shields the ajax with a waitOnFunction
     uiDialogOk: function (popObj, trackName)
     {   // When hgTrackUi Cfg popup closes with ok, then update cart and refresh parts of page
         var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[trackName];
         var subtrack = tdbIsSubtrack(rec) ? trackName :undefined;  // If subtrack then vis rules differ
         var allVars = getAllVars($('#pop'), subtrack );
         var changedVars = varHashChanges(allVars,popUp.saveAllVars);
         var newVis = changedVars[trackName];
         var hide = (newVis != null && (newVis == 'hide' || newVis == '[]'));  // subtracks do not have "hide", thus '[]'
         if($('#imgTbl') == undefined) { // On findTracks or config page
             //if(hide) // TODO: When findTracks or config page has cfg popup, then vis change needs to be handled in page here
         else {  // On image page
             if(hide) {
                 $(document.getElementById('tr_' + trackName)).remove();
             } else {
                 // Keep local state in sync if user changed visibility
                 if(newVis != null) {
                     vis.update(trackName, newVis);
                 var urlData = varHashToQueryString(changedVars);
                 if(urlData.length > 0) {
                     if(imageV2.mapIsUpdateable) {
                     } else {
                         window.location = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?" + urlData +
                                           "&hgsid=" + getHgsid();
     uiDialog: function (response, status)
     // Take html from hgTrackUi and put it up as a modal dialog.
         // make sure all links (e.g. help links) open up in a new window
         response = response.replace(/<a /ig, "<a target='_blank' ");
-        // TODO: Shlurp up any javascript files from the response and load them with $.getScript()
-        // example <script type='text/javascript' SRC='../js/tdreszer/jquery.contextmenu-1296177766.js'></script>
         var cleanHtml = response;
-        var shlurpPattern=/\<script type=\'text\/javascript\' SRC\=\'.*\'\>\<\/script\>/gi;
-        var jsFiles = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
-        cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
-        shlurpPattern=/\<script type=\'text\/javascript\'>.*\<\/script\>/gi;
-        var jsEmbeded = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
-        cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
-        //<LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='../style/ui.dropdownchecklist-1276528376.css' TYPE='text/css' />
-        shlurpPattern=/\<LINK rel=\'STYLESHEET\' href\=\'.*\' TYPE=\'text\/css\' \/\>/gi;
-        var cssFiles = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
-        cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
+        cleanHtml = stripJsFiles(cleanHtml,true);   // DEBUG msg with true
+        cleanHtml = stripCssFiles(cleanHtml,true);  // DEBUG msg with true
+        cleanHtml = stripJsEmbedded(cleanHtml,true);// DEBUG msg with true
         $('#hgTrackUiDialog').html("<div id='pop' style='font-size:.9em;'>"+ cleanHtml +"</div>");
         // Strategy for poups with js:
         // - jsFiles and CSS should not be included in html.  Here they are shluped out.
         // - The resulting files ought to be loadable dynamically (with getScript()), but this was not working nicely with the modal dialog
         //   Therefore include files must be included with hgTracks CGI !
         // - embedded js should not be in the popup box.
         // - Somethings should be in a popup.ready() function, and this is emulated below, as soon as the cleanHtml is added
         //   Since there are many possible popup cfg dialogs, the ready should be all inclusive.
-        /* //in open ?  Will load of css work this way?
-        $(cssFiles).each(function (i) {
-            bix = "<LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='".length;
-            eix = this.lastIndexOf("' TYPE='text/css' />");
-            file = this.substring(bix,eix);
-            $.getScript(file); // Should protect against already loaded files.
-        }); */
-        /* //in open ?  Loads fine, but then dialog gets confused
-        $(jsFiles).each(function (i) {
-            bix = "<script type='text/javascript' SRC='".length;
-            eix = this.lastIndexOf("'></script>");
-            file = this.substring(bix,eix);
-            //$.getScript(file,function(data) { warn(data.substring(0,20) + " loaded")});
-        });*/
         if ( ! popUp.trackDescriptionOnly ) {
             var subtrack = tdbIsSubtrack(hgTracks.trackDb[popUp.trackName]) ? popUp.trackName :"";  // If subtrack then vis rules differ
             popUp.saveAllVars = getAllVars( $('#hgTrackUiDialog'), subtrack );  // Saves the vars that may get changed by the popup cfg.
             // -- popup.ready() -- Here is the place to do things that might otherwise go into a $('#pop').ready() routine!
         // Searching for some selblance of size suitability
         var popMaxHeight = ($(window).height() - 40);
         var popMaxWidth  = ($(window).width() - 40);
         var popWidth     = 740;
         if (popWidth > popMaxWidth)
             popWidth > popMaxWidth;
                                 ajaxOptions: {
                                     // This doesn't work
                                     cache: true
                                 resizable: true,
                                 height: (popUp.trackDescriptionOnly ? popMaxHeight : 'auto'), // Let description scroll vertically
                                 width: popWidth,
                                 minHeight: 200,
                                 minWidth: 700,
                                 maxHeight: popMaxHeight,
                                 maxWidth: popMaxWidth,
                                 modal: true,
                                 closeOnEscape: true,
                                 autoOpen: false,
                                 buttons: { "OK": function() {
                                         if ( ! popUp.trackDescriptionOnly )
                                             popUp.uiDialogOk($('#pop'), popUp.trackName);
                                 // popup.ready() doesn't seem to work in open.  So there is no need for open at this time.
                                 //open: function() {
                                 //     var subtrack = tdbIsSubtrack(hgTracks.trackDb[popUp.trackName]) ? popUp.trackName :"";  // If subtrack then vis rules differ
                                 //     popUp.saveAllVars = getAllVars( $('#pop'), subtrack );
                                 open: function () {
                                     if ( ! popUp.trackDescriptionOnly ) {
                                             function(i) {
                                                 if ($(this).hasClass('filterComp'))
                                                     ddcl.setup(this, 'noneIsAll');
                                 close: function() {
         // FIXME: Why are open and close no longer working!!!
         if(popUp.trackDescriptionOnly) {
             var myWidth =  $(window).width() - 300;
             if(myWidth > 900)
                 myWidth = 900;
             $('#hgTrackUiDialog').dialog("option", "maxWidth", myWidth);
             $('#hgTrackUiDialog').dialog("option", "width", myWidth);
             $('#hgTrackUiDialog').dialog('option' , 'title' ,
                                hgTracks.trackDb[popUp.trackName].shortLabel+" Track Description");
             var buttOk = $('button.ui-state-default');
             if($(buttOk).length == 1)
         } else {
             $('#hgTrackUiDialog').dialog('option' , 'title' ,
                                   hgTracks.trackDb[popUp.trackName].shortLabel+" Track Settings");
  //// imageV2  (aka imgTbl) ////
 var imageV2 = {
     enabled:        false,    // Will be set to true unless advancedJavascriptFeatures is turned off OR if track search of config page
     imgTbl:         null,     // formerly "trackImgTbl"  The imgTbl or null if non-imageV2.
     inPlaceUpdate:  false,    // modified based on value of hgTracks.inPlaceUpdate and mapIsUpdateable
     lastTrack:      null,     // formerly (lastMapItem) this is used to try to keep what the last track the cursor passed.
     markAsDirtyPage: function ()
     {   // Page is marked as dirty so that the backbutton can be overridden
         var dirty = $('#dirty');
         if (dirty != undefined && dirty.length != 0)
     isDirtyPage: function ()
     { // returns true if page was marked as dirty
     // This will allow the backbutton to be overridden
         var dirty = $('#dirty');
         if (dirty != undefined && dirty.length > 0) {
             if ($(dirty).val() == 'true')
                 return true;
         return false;
     updateTiming: function (response)
     {   // update measureTiming text on current page based on what's in the response
         var reg = new RegExp("(<span class='timing'>.+?</span>)", "g");
         var strs = [];
         for(var a = reg.exec(response); a != null && a[1] != null; a = reg.exec(response)) {
         if(strs.length > 0) {
             for(var i = strs.length; i > 0; i--) {
                 $('body').prepend(strs[i - 1]);
         reg = new RegExp("(<span class='trackTiming'>[\\S\\s]+?</span>)");
         a = reg.exec(response);
         if(a != null && a[1] != null) {
     afterReload: function ()
     {   // Reload various UI widgets after updating imgTbl map.
         // Do NOT reload context menu (otherwise we get the "context menu sticks" problem).
         // rightClick.load($('#tr_' + id));
         // Turn on drag scrolling.
         if(hgTracks.imgBoxPortal) {
     updateImgForId: function (html, id)
     {   // update row in imgTbl for given id.
         // return true if we successfully pull slice for id and update it in imgTrack.
         var str = "<TR id='tr_" + id + "'[^>]*>([\\s\\S]+?)</TR>";
         var reg = new RegExp(str);
         var a = reg.exec(html);
         if(a && a[1]) {
             var tr = $(document.getElementById("tr_" + id));
             if (tr.length > 0) {
                 // NOTE: Want to examine the png? Uncomment:
                 //var img = $('#tr_' + id).find("img[id^='img_data_']").attr('src');
                 //warn("Just parsed image:<BR>"+img);
                 // >1x dragScrolling needs some extra care.
                 if(hgTracks.imgBoxPortal && (hgTracks.imgBoxWidth > hgTracks.imgBoxPortalWidth)) {
                     if (hgTracks.imgBoxPortalLeft != undefined) {
                         $(tr).find('.panImg').css({'left': hgTracks.imgBoxPortalLeft });
                                 {'backgroundPosition': hgTracks.imgBoxPortalLeft});
                 return true;
         return false;
     requestImgUpdate: function (trackName,extraData,loadingId,newVisibility)
         // extraData, loadingId and newVisibility are optional
         var data = "hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgsid=" + getHgsid() + "&hgt.trackNameFilter=" + trackName;
         if(extraData != undefined && extraData != "")
             data += "&" + extraData;
         if(loadingId == undefined || loadingId == "")
             loadingId = showLoadingImage("tr_" + trackName);
         var getOrPost = "GET";
         if ((data.length) > 2000) // extraData could contain a bunch of changes from the cfg dialog
             getOrPost = "POST";
                     type: getOrPost,
                     url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                     data: data,
                     dataType: "html",
                     trueSuccess: imageV2.updateImgAndMap,
                     success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                     error: errorHandler,
                     cmd: 'refresh',
                     loadingId: loadingId,
                     id: trackName,
                     newVisibility: newVisibility,
                     cache: false
     updateImgAndMap: function (response, status)
     {   // Handle ajax response with an updated trackMap image, map and optional ideogram.
         // this.cmd can be used to figure out which menu item triggered this.
         // this.id == appropriate track if we are retrieving just a single track.
         // update local hgTracks.trackDb to reflect possible side-effects of ajax request.
         var json = scrapeVariable(response, "hgTracks");
         var oldTrackDb = hgTracks.trackDb;
         var valid = false;
         if(json == undefined) {
             showWarning("hgTracks object is missing from the response");
         } else if (json.err) {
             showWarning("Request failed; error: " + json.err);
         } else {
             if(this.id != null) {
                 if(json.trackDb[this.id]) {
                     var visibility = vis.enumOrder[json.trackDb[this.id].visibility];
                     var limitedVis;
                         limitedVis = vis.enumOrder[json.trackDb[this.id].limitedVis];
                     if(this.newVisibility && limitedVis && this.newVisibility != limitedVis)
                         // see redmine 1333#note-9
                         alert("There are too many items to display the track in " +
                                 this.newVisibility + " mode.");
                     var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[this.id];
                     rec.limitedVis = json.trackDb[this.id].limitedVis;
                     vis.update(this.id, visibility);
                     valid = true;
                 } else {
                     showWarning("Invalid hgTracks.trackDb received from the server");
             } else {
                 valid = true;
                 hgTracks.trackDb = json.trackDb;
         if(valid) {
             && this.id
             && this.cmd
             && this.cmd != 'wholeImage'
             && this.cmd != 'selectWholeGene') {
                 // Extract <TR id='tr_ID'>...</TR> and update appropriate row in imgTbl;
                 // this updates src in img_left_ID, img_center_ID and img_data_ID and map in map_data_ID
                 var id = this.id;
                 if(imageV2.updateImgForId(response, id)) {
                 } else {
                     showWarning("Couldn't parse out new image for id: " + id);
                     //alert("Couldn't parse out new image for id: " + id+"BR"+response);  // Very helpful
             } else {
                 if(imageV2.enabled) {
                     // Implement in-place updating of hgTracks image
                     genomePos.setByCoordinates(json.chromName, json.winStart + 1, json.winEnd);
                     if(json.cgiVersion != hgTracks.cgiVersion) {
                         // Must reload whole page because of a new version on the server; this should happen very rarely.
                         // Note that we have already updated position based on the user's action.
                         jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                     } else {
                         // We update rows one at a time (b/c updating the whole imgTable at one time doesn't work in IE).
                         for (var id in hgTracks.trackDb) {
                         // handle case where invisible items may be in the trackDb list (see redmine #5670).
                             if(hgTracks.trackDb[id].type != "remote"
                             && hgTracks.trackDb[id].visibility > 0 // && $('#tr_' + id).length > 0
                             && !imageV2.updateImgForId(response, id)) {
                                 showWarning("Couldn't parse out new image for id: " + id);
                     /* This (disabled) code handles dynamic addition of tracks:
                         for (var id in hgTracks.trackDb) {
                             if(oldTrackDb[id] == undefined) {
                                 // XXXX Tim, what s/d abbr attribute be?
                                 $('#imgTbl').append("<tr id='tr_" + id + "' class='imgOrd trDraggable'></tr>");
                                 imageV2.updateImgForId(response, id);
                                 vis.update(id, vis.enumOrder[hgTracks.trackDb[id].visibility]);
                         hgTracks = json;
                         genomePos.original = undefined;
                 } else {
                     warn("ASSERT: Attempt to update track without advanced javascript features.");
                 // now pull out and parse the map.
                 //a = /<MAP id='map' Name=map>([\s\S]+)<\/MAP>/.exec(response);
                 //    showWarning("Couldn't parse out map");
             // Parse out new ideoGram url (if available)
             // e.g.: <IMG SRC = "../trash/hgtIdeo/hgtIdeo_hgwdev_larrym_61d1_8b4a80.gif" BORDER=1 WIDTH=1039 HEIGHT=21 USEMAP=#ideoMap id='chrom'>
             // We do this last b/c it's least important.
             var a = /<IMG([^>]+SRC[^>]+id='chrom'[^>]*)>/.exec(response);
             if(a && a[1]) {
                 var b = /SRC\s*=\s*"([^")]+)"/.exec(a[1]);
                 if(b && b[1]) {
                     $('#chrom').attr('src', b[1]);
             if(hgTracks.measureTiming) {
         if(this.disabledEle) {
         if(this.loadingId) {
         jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
         if(valid && this.currentId) {
             var top = $(document.getElementById("tr_" + this.currentId)).position().top;
             $(window).scrollTop(top - this.currentIdYOffset);
     loadRemoteTracks: function ()
         if(typeof(hgTracks.trackDb) != "undefined" && hgTracks.trackDb != null) {
             for (var id in hgTracks.trackDb) {
                 var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[id];
                 if(rec.type == "remote") {
                     if($("#img_data_" + id).length > 0) {
                         // load the remote track renderer via jsonp
                         rec.loadingId = showLoadingImage("tr_" + id);
                         var script = document.createElement('script');
                         var pos = parsePosition(genomePos.get());
                         var name = rec.remoteTrack || id;
                                 rec.url + "?track=" + name +
                                 "&jsonp=imageV2.remoteTrackCallback&position=" +
                                 encodeURIComponent(pos.chrom + ":" + pos.start + "-" + pos.end) +
                                 "&pix=" + $('#imgTbl').width()
     remoteTrackCallback: function (rec)
     // jsonp callback to load a remote track.
         if(rec.error) {
             alert("retrieval from remote site failed with error: " + rec.error)
         } else {
             var remoteTrack = rec.track;
             for (var track in hgTracks.trackDb) {
                 if(hgTracks.trackDb[track].remoteTrack == remoteTrack) {
                     $('#img_data_' + track).attr('style', "left:-116px; top: -23px;");
                     $('#img_data_' + track).attr('height', rec.height);
                     // XXXX use width in some way?
            //       $('#img_data_' + track).attr('width', rec.width);
                     $('#img_data_' + track).attr('width', $('#img_data_ruler').width());
                     $('#img_data_' + track).attr('src', rec.img);
                     $('#td_data_' + track + ' > div').each(function(index) {
                         if(index == 1) {
                             var style = $(this).attr('style');
                             style = style.replace(/height:\s*\d+/i, "height:" + rec.height);
                             $(this).attr('style', style);
                     var style = $('#p_btn_' + track).attr('style');
                     style = style.replace(/height:\s*\d+/i, "height:" + rec.height);
                     $('#p_btn_' + track).attr('style', style);
                     if(hgTracks.trackDb[track].loadingId) {
     navigateButtonClick: function (ele) // called from hgTracks.c
     {   // code to update just the imgTbl in response to navigation buttons (zoom-out etc.).
         // This is currently experimental code (controlled by IN_PLACE_UPDATE in imageV2.h).
         if(imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
             var params = ele.name + "=" + ele.value;
             $(ele).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
             // dinking navigation needs additional data
             if(ele.name == "hgt.dinkLL" || ele.name == "hgt.dinkLR") {
                 params += "&dinkL=" + $("input[name='dinkL']").val();
             } else if(ele.name == "hgt.dinkRL" || ele.name == "hgt.dinkRR") {
                 params += "&dinkR=" + $("input[name='dinkR']").val();
             imageV2.navigateInPlace(params, $(ele), false);
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     updateButtonClick: function (ele) // UNUSED?
     {   // code to update the imgTbl based on changes in the track controls.
         // This is currently experimental code and is dead in the main branch.
         if(imageV2.mapIsUpdateable) {
             var data = "";
             $("select").each(function(index, o) {
                 var cmd = $(this).val();
                 if(cmd == "hide") {
                     if(hgTracks.trackDb[this.name] != undefined) {
                         alert("Need to implement hide");
                 } else {
                     if(hgTracks.trackDb[this.name] == undefined
                     || cmd != vis.enumOrder[hgTracks.trackDb[this.name].visibility]) {
                         if(data.length > 0) {
                             data = data + "&";
                         data = data + this.name + "=" + cmd;
             if(data.length > 0) {
                 imageV2.navigateInPlace(data, null, false);
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     jumpButtonOnClick: function () // called from hgTracks.c
     {   // onClick handler for the "jump" button.
         // Handles situation where user types a gene name into the gene box and immediately hits the jump button,
         // expecting the browser to jump to that gene.
         var gene = $('#suggest').val();
         var db = getDb();
         && gene.length > 0
         && gene != "gene"
         && db
         && $('#positionDisplay').length == 0
         && (genomePos.getOriginalPos() == genomePos.get() || genomePos.get().length == 0)) {
             var pos = lookupGene(db, gene);
             if(pos) {
                 genomePos.set(pos, null);
                 // Following doesn't work b/c we get the hugo symbol from the suggest list, not the known gene id.
                 // $(document.TrackForm || document.TrackHeaderForm).append("<input type='hidden' name='hgFind.matches' " + "value='" + name + "'>");
             } else {
                 // turn this into a full text search.
                 genomePos.set(gene, null);
         return true;
     navigateInPlace: function (params, disabledEle, keepCurrentTrackVisible)
     // request an hgTracks image, using params
     // disabledEle is optional; this element will be enabled when update is complete
     // If keepCurrentTrackVisible is true, we try to maintain relative position of the item under the mouse after the in-place update.
         jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
         var currentId, currentIdYOffset;
         if(keepCurrentTrackVisible) {
             var item = rightClick.currentMapItem || imageV2.lastTrack;
             if(item) {
                 var top = $(document.getElementById("tr_" + item.id)).position().top;
                 if(top >= $(window).scrollTop()
                 || top < $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) {
                     // don't bother if the item is not currently visible.
                     currentId = item.id;
                     currentIdYOffset = top - $(window).scrollTop();
                 type: "GET",
                 url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                 data: params + "&hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgt.ideogramToo=1&hgsid=" + getHgsid(),
                 dataType: "html",
                 trueSuccess: imageV2.updateImgAndMap,
                 success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                 error: errorHandler,
                 cmd: 'wholeImage',
                 loadingId: showLoadingImage("imgTbl"),
                 disabledEle: disabledEle,
                 currentId: currentId,
                 currentIdYOffset: currentIdYOffset,
                 cache: false
  //// suggest  (aka gene search) ////
 var suggestBox = {
     lastEntered: null,
     init: function (db)
         var ele = $('#positionInput');
         if(!ele.length) {
             ele = $('input#suggest');
         if(jQuery.fn.autocomplete && ele.length && db) {
             if(jQuery.fn.Watermark) {
                 var str;
                 if(hgTracks.assemblySupportsGeneSuggest) {
                      str = "enter new position, gene symbol or annotation search terms";
                 } else {
                      str = "enter new position or annotation search terms";
                 $('#positionInput').Watermark(str, '#686868');
                 delay: 500,
                 minLength: 2,
                 source: ajaxGet(function () {return getDb();}, new Object, true),
                 open: function(event, ui) {
                     var pos = $(this).offset().top + $(this).height();
                     if (!isNaN(pos)) {
                         var maxHeight = $(window).height() - pos - 30;  // take off a little more because IE needs it
                         var auto = $('.ui-autocomplete');
                         var curHeight = $(auto).children().length * 21;
                         if (curHeight > maxHeight)
                             $(auto).css({maxHeight: maxHeight+'px',overflow:'scroll'});
                             $(auto).css({maxHeight: 'none',overflow:'hidden'});
                 select: function (event, ui) {
                         genomePos.set(ui.item.id, commify(getSizeFromCoordinates(ui.item.id)));
                         suggestBox.lastEntered = ui.item.value;
                         // jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                         // document.TrackHeaderForm.submit();
             // I want to set focus to the suggest element, but unforunately that prevents PgUp/PgDn from
             // working, which is a major annoyance.
             // $('input#suggest').focus();
  //// track search ////
 var trackSearch = {
     searchKeydown: function (event)
         if (event.which == 13) {
             // Required to fix problem on IE and Safari where value of hgt_tSearch is "-" (i.e. not "Search").
             $("input[name=hgt_tsPage]").val(0);  // NOTE: must match TRACK_SEARCH_PAGER in hg/inc/searchTracks.h
             // This doesn't work with IE or Safari.
             // $('#searchSubmit').click();
     init: function ()
         // Track search uses tabs
         if($("#tabs").length > 0) {
             // Search page specific code
             var val = $('#currentTab').val();
                                 show: function(event, ui) {
                                 select: function(event, ui) { findTracks.switchTabs(ui); }
             $("#tabs").tabs('option', 'selected', '#' + val);
             if(val =='simpleTab' && $('div#found').length < 1) {
             $("#tabs").css('font-family', jQuery('body').css('font-family'));
             $("#tabs").css('font-size', jQuery('body').css('font-size'));
 // wait for jStore to prepare the storage engine (this token reload code is experimental and currently dead).
 jQuery.jStore && jQuery.jStore.ready(function(engine) {
     // alert(engine.jri);
     // wait for the storage engine to be ready.
         var engine = this;
         var newToken = hgTracks.time;
         if(newToken) {
             var oldToken = engine.get("token");
             if(oldToken && oldToken == newToken) {
                 // user has hit the back button.
                 jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                 window.location = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgsid=" + getHgsid();
         engine.set("token", newToken);
  //// READY ////
     // The page may be reached via browser history (back button)
     // If so, then this code should detect if the image has been changed via js/ajax
     // and will reload the image if necessary.
     // NOTE: this is needed for IE but other browsers can detect the dirty page much earlier
     if (imageV2.isDirtyPage()) {
         // mark as non dirty to avoid infinite loop in chrome.
         jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
             window.location = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgsid=" + getHgsid();
             return false;
     var db = getDb();
     if(jQuery.jStore) {
         // Experimental code to handle "user hits back button" problem by reloading the page based on the user's cart
         if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 8) {
             // IE 7 requires flash to support jStore.
             jQuery.extend(jQuery.jStore.defaults, {
                               project: 'hgTracks',
                               engine: 'flash',
                               flash: '/jStore.Flash.html'
     // Convert map AREA gets to post the form, ensuring that cart variables are kept up to date (but turn this off for search form).
     if($("FORM").length > 0 && $('#trackSearch').length == 0) {
         var allLinks = $('a');
         $( allLinks ).unbind('click');
         $( allLinks ).click( posting.saveSettings );
     if($('#pdfLink').length == 1) {
         $('#pdfLink').click(function(i) {
             var thisForm=$('#TrackForm');
             if(thisForm != undefined && $(thisForm).length == 1) {
                 //alert("posting form:"+$(thisForm).attr('name'));
                 return postTheForm($(thisForm).attr('name'),this.href);
             return true;
     if($("#positionInput").length) {
         $("#positionInput").change(function(event) {
             if(!suggestBox.lastEntered || suggestBox.lastEntered != $('#positionInput').val()) {
         $("#positionDisplay").click(function(event) {
     if(imageV2.enabled) {
         // Make imgTbl allow drag reorder of imgTrack rows
         var imgTable = $(".tableWithDragAndDrop");
         if($(imgTable).length > 0) {
                 onDragClass: "trDrag",
                 dragHandle: "dragHandle",
                 scrollAmount: 40,
                 onDragStart: function(ev, table, row) {
                     // Can drag a contiguous set of rows if dragging blue button
                     table.tableDnDConfig.dragObjects = [ row ]; // defaults to just the one
                     var btn = $( row ).find('p.btnBlue');  // btnBlue means cursor over left button
                     if (btn.length == 1) {
                         table.tableDnDConfig.dragObjects = dragReorder.getContiguousRowSet(row);
                         var compositeSet = dragReorder.getCompositeSet(row);
                         if (compositeSet && compositeSet.length > 0)
                             $( compositeSet ).find('p.btn').addClass('blueButtons');  // blue persists
                 onDrop: function(table, row, dragStartIndex) {
                     var compositeSet = dragReorder.getCompositeSet(row);
                     if (compositeSet && compositeSet.length > 0)
                         $( compositeSet ).find('p.btn').removeClass('blueButtons');  // blue persists
                     if($(row).attr('rowIndex') != dragStartIndex) {
                         // NOTE Even if dragging a contiguous set of rows,
                         // still only need to check the one under the cursor.
                         if(dragReorder.setOrder) {
                         dragReorder.zipButtons( table );
                     setTimeout('posting.allowMapClicks();',50); // Necessary incase the onDrop was over a map item. onDrop takes precedence.
         // Drag scroll init
         if(hgTracks.imgBoxPortal) {
             // Turn on drag scrolling.
         //$("#zoomSlider").slider({ min: -4, max: 3, step: 1 });//, handle: '.ui-slider-handle' });
         // Retrieve tracks via AJAX that may take too long to draw initialliy (i.e. a remote bigWig)
         var retrievables = $('#imgTbl').find("tr.mustRetrieve")
         if($(retrievables).length > 0) {
             $(retrievables).each( function (i) {
                 var trackName = $(this).attr('id').substring(3);
     // Drag select in chromIdeogram
     if($('img#chrom').length == 1) {
         if($('area.cytoBand').length > 1) {
     // Track search uses tabs
     // Drag select initialize
     if (imageV2.enabled) {   // moved from window.load().
         // Don't load contextMenu if jquery.contextmenu.js hasn't been loaded
         if (jQuery.fn.contextMenu) {