  Mon Feb 6 13:35:15 2012 -0800
cvValidate updated for new cv spec
diff --git python/lib/ucscgenomics/mdb.py python/lib/ucscgenomics/mdb.py
index b39400a..9ab868c 100644
--- python/lib/ucscgenomics/mdb.py
+++ python/lib/ucscgenomics/mdb.py
@@ -1,194 +1,210 @@
 from ucscgenomics import ra
 class DataType(object):
     def __init__(self, name, molecule, strategy, source, selection, type):
         self.name = name
         self.molecule = molecule
         self.strategy = strategy
         self.source = source
         self.selection = selection
         self.type = type
     def valid(self):
         return self.molecule != 'REPLACE' and self.strategy != 'REPLACE' and self.source != 'REPLACE' and self.selection != 'REPLACE' and self.type != None
     def shouldSubmit(self):
         return self.type != 'NotGeo'
 dataTypes = {
-    'Cage': DataType('Cage', 'OVERRIDE RNA', 'OTHER', 'transcriptomic', 'CAGE', 'HighThroughput'),
+    'Cage': DataType(           'Cage',             'RNA',          'OTHER',                                            'transcriptomic',   'CAGE',                                         'HighThroughput'),
     'ChipSeq': DataType('ChipSeq', 'genomic DNA', 'ChIP-Seq', 'genomic', 'ChIP', 'HighThroughput'),
     'DnaPet': DataType('DnaPet', 'genomic DNA', 'OTHER', 'genomic', 'size fractionation', 'HighThroughput'),
     'DnaseDgf': DataType('DnaseDgf', 'genomic DNA', 'DNase-Hypersensitivity', 'genomic', 'DNase', 'HighThroughput'),
     'DnaseSeq': DataType('DnaseSeq', 'genomic DNA', 'DNase-Hypersensitivity', 'genomic', 'DNase', 'HighThroughput'),
     'FaireSeq': DataType('FaireSeq', 'genomic DNA', 'OTHER', 'genomic', 'other', 'HighThroughput'),
     'MethylSeq': DataType('MethylSeq', 'genomic DNA', 'MRE-Seq', 'genomic', 'Restriction Digest', 'HighThroughput'),
     'MethylRrbs': DataType('MethylRrbs', 'genomic DNA', 'Bisulfite-Seq', 'genomic', 'Reduced Representation', 'HighThroughput'),
     'Orchid': DataType('Orchid', 'genomic DNA', 'OTHER', 'genomic', 'other', 'HighThroughput'),
     'Proteogenomics': DataType('Proteogenomics', 'protein', 'mass spectrometry-based proteogenomic mapping', 'protein', 'chromatographically fractionated peptides', 'HighThroughput'),
-    'RnaPet': DataType('RnaPet', 'OVERRIDE RNA', 'OTHER', 'transcriptomic', 'other', 'HighThroughput'),
-    'RnaSeq': DataType('RnaSeq', 'OVERRIDE RNA', 'RNA-Seq', 'transcriptomic', 'cDNA', 'HighThroughput'),
+    'RnaPet': DataType(         'RnaPet',           'RNA',          'OTHER',                                            'transcriptomic',   'other',                                        'HighThroughput'),
+    'RnaSeq': DataType(         'RnaSeq',           'RNA',          'RNA-Seq',                                          'transcriptomic',   'cDNA',                                         'HighThroughput'),
-    #these need to be curated
-    '5C': DataType('5C', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
-    'AffyExonArray': DataType('AffyExonArray', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'MicroArray'),
+    #doublecheck

+    'ChiaPet': DataType(        'ChiaPet',          'genomic DNA',  'ChIP-Seq followed by ligation',                    'genomic',          'other',                                      'HighThroughput'),

+    'Nucleosome': DataType(     'Nucleosome',       'genomic DNA',  'ChIP-Seq',                                         'genomic',          'ChIP',                                         'HighThroughput'),

+    'RipSeq': DataType(         'RipSeq',           'RNA',          'OTHER',                                          'transcriptomic',   'RNA binding protein antibody',                 'HighThroughput'),

+    #for ripseq, ask geo about new 'ripseq'


+    #not geo stuff

+    '5C': DataType('5C', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo'),

     'Bip': DataType('Bip', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo'),
-    'Cluster': DataType('Cluster', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
-    'Cnv': DataType('Cnv', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
-    'Combined': DataType('Combined', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
-    'Genotype': DataType('Genotype', 'genomic DNA', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
     'Gencode': DataType('Gencode', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo'),
-    'ChiaPet': DataType('ChiaPet', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
     'Mapability': DataType('Mapability', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo'),
-    'MethylArray': DataType('MethylArray', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
     'NRE': DataType('NRE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo'),
-    'Nucleosome': DataType('Nucleosome', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
-    'RnaChip': DataType('RnaChip', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
-    'RipGeneSt': DataType('RipGeneSt', 'OVERRIDE RNA', 'REPLACE', 'transcriptomic', 'RNA binding protein antibody', 'MicroArray'), #this isn't correct
-    'RipTiling': DataType('RipTiling', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
-    'RipChip': DataType('RipChip', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
-    'RipSeq': DataType('RipSeq', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', None),
     'Switchgear': DataType('Switchgear', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo'),
-    'TfbsValid': DataType('TfbsValid', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo')
+    'TfbsValid': DataType('TfbsValid', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo'),

+    'Cluster': DataType('Cluster', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE', 'NotGeo'),


+    #array

+    'AffyExonArray': DataType(  'AffyExonArray',    'mRNA',         'RNA-Microarray',                                   'transcriptomic',   'polyA',                                        'MicroArray'),

+    'MethylArray': DataType(    'MethylArray',      'genomic DNA',  'REPLACE',                                          'genomic',          'REPLACE',                                      'MicroArray'),

+    'RipGeneSt': DataType(      'RipGeneSt',        'RNA',          'REPLACE',                                          'transcriptomic',   'RNA binding protein antibody',                 'MicroArray'), #this isn't correct

+    'RipTiling': DataType(      'RipTiling',        'RNA',          'REPLACE',                                          'transcriptomic',   'RNA binding protein antibody',                 'MicroArray'),

+    #these need to be curated
+    'Cnv': DataType(            'Cnv',              'REPLACE',      'REPLACE',                                          'REPLACE',          'REPLACE',                                      None),
+    'Combined': DataType(       'Combined',         'REPLACE',      'REPLACE',                                          'REPLACE',          'REPLACE',                                      None),
+    'Genotype': DataType(       'Genotype',         'genomic DNA',  'REPLACE',                                          'genomic',          'REPLACE',                                      None),
+    'RnaChip': DataType(        'RnaChip',          'RNA',          'REPLACE',                                          'transcriptomic',   'RNA binding protein antibody',                 None),
+    'RipChip': DataType(        'RipChip',          'RNA',          'REPLACE',                                          'transcriptomic',   'RNA binding protein antibody',                 None)
 #compare this to the source in datatype, give GP ids depending on the type
 gpIds = {
     'human genomic': '63443',
     'human transcriptomic': '30709',
     'human protein': '63447',
     'mouse genomic': '63471',
     'mouse transcriptomic': '66167',
     'mouse protein': '63475'
 class MdbFile(ra.RaFile):
     This should be used for all files in the metaDb, since they extend RaFile
     with useful functionality specific to metaDb ra files.
     def expVars(self):
         '''the experimental variables used in this track'''
             return self._expVars
         except AttributeError:
             self._expVars = self.compositeStanza['expVars'].split(',')
             return self._expVars
     def dataType(self):
         '''The data type of the experiment. 'None' if inconsistent.'''
             return self._dataType
         except AttributeError:
             self._dataType = None
             for e in self.experiments.itervalues():
                 if self._dataType == None and e.dataType != None:
+                    print e.dataType
                     self._dataType = e.dataType
                 elif self._dataType != e.dataType or e.dataType == None:
+                    print 'multiple data types!'
                     self._dataType = None
+            print 'still none'
             return self._dataType
     def compositeStanza(self):
         '''the stanza (typically first in file) describing the composite'''
             return self._compositeStanza
         except AttributeError:
             self._compositeStanza = self.filter(lambda s: s['objType'] == 'composite', lambda s: s)
             if len(self._compositeStanza) != 1:
                 raise KeyError
                 self._compositeStanza = self._compositeStanza[0]
             return self._compositeStanza
     def experiments(self):
         '''dictionary of MdbExp objects indexed by the expId'''
             return self._experiments
         except AttributeError:
             self._experiments = dict()
             exps = self.filter(lambda s: s['objType'] != 'composite', lambda s: (s['expId'], s))
             stanzas = dict()
             for k, v in exps:
                 if k not in stanzas:
                     stanzas[k] = list()
             for id in stanzas.iterkeys():
                 self._experiments[id] = MdbExp(id, self, stanzas[id])
             return self._experiments
     def __init__(self, filepath):
     def readStanza(self, stanza, key=None):
         entry = MdbStanza(self)
         if entry.readStanza(stanza, key) == None:
             return None, None, None
         val1, val2 = entry.readStanza(stanza, key)
         return val1, val2, entry
 class MdbStanza(ra.RaStanza):
     def title(self):
         '''The expVars catted together, making the title used for GEO'''
             return self._title
         except AttributeError:
             expVars = self._parent.expVars
             if expVars[0] in self:
                 self._title = self[expVars[0]].replace('-m', '')
                 self._title = None
             for expVar in expVars[1:len(expVars)]:
                 if expVar in self and self[expVar] != 'None':
                     self._title += '_' + self[expVar]
             return self._title
     def __init__(self, parent):
         self._parent = parent
 class MdbExp(list):
     Describes a single experiment ID, which has a collection of its stanzas as
     well as some additional data that should typically be consistent across all
     the stanzas, as well as verifying that the data is in fact consistent.
     def name(self):
         return self._id
     def dataType(self):
         '''The data type of the experiment. 'None' if inconsistent.'''
             return self._dataType
         except AttributeError:
             self._dataType = None
             for s in self:
                 if 'dataType' in s:
                     if self._dataType == None:
+                        print dataTypes[s['dataType']]
                         self._dataType = dataTypes[s['dataType']]
                     elif self._dataType.name != s['dataType']:
+                        print 'exp multiple data types!'
                         self._dataType = None

+            print 'still none (exp)'
             return self._dataType
     def __init__(self, id, parent, stanzas):
         self._id = id
         self._parent = parent