  Fri Feb 17 13:54:59 2012 -0800
changed the reporting of changed tables state to be a critical error
diff --git python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
index 00b76eb..5e26381 100644
--- python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
+++ python/lib/ucscgenomics/mkChangeNotes.py
@@ -259,64 +259,55 @@
         nicesize = self.__determineNiceSize(size)
         if nicesize:
             output.append("%s: %d MB (%s)" % (type, size, nicesize))
             output.append("%s: %d MB" % (type, size))
         totalsize = totalsize + size
         return (output, totalsize, str(size))
     def __printSection(self, new, untouched, revoked, all, title, path, summary):
         output = []
         removeline = "Revoked/Replaced/Renamed"
         totaline = "Total (New + Untouched + Revoked/Replaced/Renamed)"
         caps = title.upper()
-        change = set()
-        if title == "tables":
-            change = self.changedTables
-        elif title == "supplemental":
+        if title == "supplemental":
             removeline = "Removed"
             totaline = "Total"
             title = title + " files"
             caps = title.upper()
         elif title == 'gbdbs':
             caps = "GBDBS"
             title = "gbdb files"
-            change = self.changedGbdbs
         elif title == "download":
             title = title + " files"
             caps = title.upper()
         if all:
             output.append("%s:" % caps)
             output.append("New: %s" % len(new))
             output.append("Untouched: %s" % len(untouched))
             output.append("%s: %s" % (removeline, len(revoked)))
             output.append("New + Untouched: %s" % len(new | untouched))
             output.append("%s: %s" % (totaline, len(all)))
             intersect = new & revoked
             if intersect:
                 output.append("These %s objects exist in both new and revoked %s:" % (len(intersect), title))
                 for i in intersect:
                     output.append("%s" % i)
-            if change:
-                output.append("")
-                output.append("These %s objects changed state between public and alpha" % len(change))
-                for i in change:
-                    output.append("%s" % i)
         if all and not summary:
             output.append("New %s (%s):" % (title.title(), len(new)))
             output.extend(ucscUtils.printIter(new, path))
             output.append("Untouched %s (%s):" % (title.title(), len(untouched)))
             output.extend(ucscUtils.printIter(untouched, path))
             output.append("%s %s (%s):" % (removeline, title.title(), len(revoked)))
             output.extend(ucscUtils.printIter(revoked, path))
         if all:
         return output
     def __qaHeader(self, output, newTableSet, filesNoRevoke, newGbdbSet, newSupp, additionalList, revokedTables, revokedFiles, revokedGbdbs, pushFiles, pushGbdbs, args, c):
@@ -625,30 +616,37 @@
             self.oldGbdbSet = self.oldGbdbSet - self.missingFiles
             self.oldGbdbSet = self.oldGbdbSet - self.atticSet
             self.changedGbdbs = self.oldGbdbSet - self.newGbdbSet
             for i in self.missingFiles:
                 if i in self.oldReleaseFiles:
                     del self.oldReleaseFiles[i]
             #fill in the errors
+            if self.changedTables:
+                errors.append("These tables were tables in the old release, but are no longer tables in the new release:"
+                errors.extend(list(self.changedTables))
+            if self.changedGbdbs:
+                errors.append("These GBDBs were GBDB tables in the old release, but are no longer GBDB tables in the new release:"
+                errors.extend(list(self.changedGbdbs)) 
             #for ease of typing
             totalFiles = set(self.newReleaseFiles)
             oldTotalFiles = set(self.oldReleaseFiles)
             #these could honestly be moved earlier, get a file list processing section or something
             #they clean out special fiels out and separated the master fiels list into the 3 required
             #ones: wgEncode, supplemental and additional.
             self.totalFiles = self.__cleanSpecialFiles(totalFiles)
             self.oldTotalFiles = self.__cleanSpecialFiles(oldTotalFiles)
             (self.oldTotalFiles, self.additionalList, self.oldAdditionalList, self.totalFiles) = self.__separateOutAdditional()
             #get the stuff you need to push
             self.pushTables = set(sorted((self.newTableSet - self.oldTableSet)))
             self.pushFiles = set(sorted((self.totalFiles - self.oldTotalFiles)))
             self.pushGbdbs = set(sorted((self.newGbdbSet - self.oldGbdbSet)))