  Wed Feb 22 17:43:49 2012 -0800
more moving things around #6943
diff --git src/utils/omim/buildOmimTracks.csh src/utils/omim/buildOmimTracks.csh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c4a34c..0000000
--- src/utils/omim/buildOmimTracks.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-cat genemap|sed -e 's/|/\t/g' > genemap.tab
-hgLoadSqlTab -warn $1 omimGeneMap ~/kent/src/hg/lib/omimGeneMap.sql genemap.tab
-# Load mim2gene table
-fgrep -v "gene/phenotype" mim2gene.txt > j.tmp.1
-fgrep  "gene/phenotype" mim2gene.txt > j.tmp.2
-cut -f 2 j.tmp.2|sed -e 's/\//\t/' >j.tmp
-cut -f 1 j.tmp.2 >j.1
-cut -f 1 j.tmp >j.g
-cut -f 2 j.tmp >j.p
-cut -f 3-5 j.tmp.2 >j.345
-paste j.1 j.g j.345 >jj.g
-paste j.1 j.p j.345 >jj.p
-cat j.tmp.1 jj.g jj.p >mim2gene.updated.txt 
-rm j.* jj.*
-cut -f 1 mim2gene.updated.txt >j1
-cut -f 2 mim2gene.updated.txt >j2
-cut -f 3 mim2gene.updated.txt >j3
-paste j1 j3 j2 >mim2gene.tab
-hgsql $1 -e 'drop table mim2gene'
-hgsql $1 < ~/kent/src/hg/lib/mim2gene.sql
-hgsql $1 -e 'load data local infile "mim2gene.tab" into table mim2gene ignore 1 lines'
-hgsql $1 -e 'drop table omim2gene'
-hgsql $1 < ~/kent/src/hg/lib/omim2gene.sql
-hgsql $1 -e 'load data local infile "mim2gene.updated.txt" into table omim2gene ignore 1 lines'
-# build omimGeneSymbol table
-doOmimGeneSymbols $1 j.out
-cat j.out |sort -u >omimGeneSymbol.tab
-hgLoadSqlTab -warn $1 omimGeneSymbol ~/kent/src/hg/lib/omimGeneSymbol.sql omimGeneSymbol.tab 
-perl ./parseGeneMap.pl --gene-map-file=genemap >omimPhenotype.tab
-hgLoadSqlTab -warn $1 omimPhenotype ~/kent/src/hg/lib/omimPhenotype.sql omimPhenotype.tab 
-hgsql $1 -e 'update omimPhenotype set omimPhenoMapKey = -1 where omimPhenoMapKey=0'
-hgsql $1 -e 'update omimPhenotype set phenotypeId = -1 where phenotypeId=0'
-doOmimGene2 $1 j.tmp
-cat j.tmp |sort -u > omimGene2.tab
-hgLoadBed $1 omimGene2 omimGene2.tab
-rm j.tmp
-# build the omimAvSnp track
-mkdir -p av
-cd av
-# get the mimAV.txt data file from OMIM
-cp ../mimAV.txt . -p
-cut -f 1 mimAV.txt >j1
-cut -f 2 mimAV.txt >j2
-cut -f 3  mimAV.txt >j3
-cut -f 4  mimAV.txt >j4
-cut -f 5  mimAV.txt >j5
-cat j1 |sed -e 's/\./\t/' >j1.2
-cat j4 |sed -e 's/,/\t/' >j4-2
-cut -f 1 j4-2 >j4.1
-cut -f 2 j4-2 >j4.2
-paste j1 j1.2 j3 j4 j4.1 j4.2 j5 j2 >omimAv.tab
-hgsql $1 -e 'drop table omimAv'
-hgsql $1 < ~/src/hg/lib/omimAv.sql
-hgsql $1 -e 'load data local infile "omimAv.tab" into table omimAv ignore 1 lines'
-hgsql $1 -e 'update omimAv set repl2 = rtrim(ltrim(repl2))'
-doOmimAv $1 omimAvRepl.tab j.err
-hgsql $1 -e "drop table omimAvRepl"
-hgsql $1 < ~/kent/src/hg/lib/omimAvRepl.sql
-hgsql $1 -e 'load data local infile "omimAvRepl.tab" into table omimAvRepl'
-rm j1.2  j1 j2 j3  j4  j4-2  j4.1  j4.2  j5
-if ($1 == "hg18") then
-   hgsql $1 -N -e 'select chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, avId from omimAvRepl r, snp130 s where s.name = dbSnpId order by avId' |sort -u > omimAvSnp.tab
-   hgsql $1 -N -e 'select chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, avId from omimAvRepl r, snp132 s where s.name = dbSnpId order by avId' |sort -u > omimAvSnp.tab
-hgLoadBed -allowStartEqualEnd  $1 omimAvSnp omimAvSnp.tab
-cd ..
-echo build omimLocation ...
-mkdir -p location
-cd location
-doOmimLocation $1 omimLocation.bed j.err
-hgLoadBed $1 omimLocation omimLocation.bed
-# Remove all gene entries in omimGene2 from omimLocation table
-hgsql $1 -N -e \
-'delete from omimLocation where name  in (select name from omimGene2) '
-# Per OMIM request, delete all the gray entries in omimLocation table.
-mkdir -p cleanUpOmimLocation
-cd cleanUpOmimLocation
-echo cleaning omimLocation ...
-hgsql $1 -N -e \
-'select distinct name from omimLocation' |sort -u >j.all
-hgsql $1 -N -e \
-'select distinct name from omimLocation, omimPhenotype where name=omimId and omimPhenoMapKey=1' >j.1
-hgsql $1 -N -e \
-'select distinct name from omimLocation, omimPhenotype where name=omimId and omimPhenoMapKey=2' >j.2
-hgsql $1 -N -e \
-'select distinct name from omimLocation, omimPhenotype where name=omimId and omimPhenoMapKey=3' >j.3
-hgsql $1 -N -e \
-'select distinct name from omimLocation, omimPhenotype where name=omimId and omimPhenoMapKey=4' >j.4
-cat j.1 j.2 j.3 j.4 |sort -u >j.1234
-diff j.all j.1234 |grep "<" |sed -e "s/</do1 ${1}/" >doall
-#cat doall
-cat << '_EOF_' > do1
-hgsql $1 -e "delete from omimLocation where name='${2}'"
-#sleep 3
-#echo after sleep
-chmod +x do1
-chmod +x doall
-# remember to check in new mim2gene.sql