  Fri Mar 23 16:44:07 2012 -0700
Feature #6152 (Variant Annotation Tool): Initial work, squashed infrom origin/annoGrator branch.  Superclasses annoColumn, annoFilter,
annoRow, annoStreamer, annoGrator, and annoFormatter define the core
interfaces for passing data and configuration to and from components.
The annoGrator superclass can join annoRows on position and pass
forward all rows of secondary source.  The annoGratorQuery module
orchestrates the passing of annoRows between the primary source,
annoGrator(s) and annoFormatter(s).  The subclasses annoStreamDb and
annoFormatTab, together with hg/lib/tests/annoGratorTester.c, can join
columns of two database tables such as hg19's pgNA12878 and knownGene
into tab-separated output.

diff --git src/lib/annoGratorQuery.c src/lib/annoGratorQuery.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e2332a
--- /dev/null
+++ src/lib/annoGratorQuery.c
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+/* annoGratorQuery -- framework for integrating genomic annotations from many sources */
+#include "annoGratorQuery.h"
+#include "errabort.h"
+#include "obscure.h"
+struct annoGratorQuery *annoGratorQueryNew(char *assemblyName, struct hash *chromSizes,
+					   struct twoBitFile *tbf,
+					   struct annoStreamer *primarySource,
+					   struct annoGrator *integrators,
+					   struct annoFormatter *formatters)
+/* Create an annoGratorQuery from all of its components, and introduce components to each other.
+ * Either chromSizes or tbf may be NULL.  integrators may be NULL.
+ * All other inputs must be non-NULL. */
+if (assemblyName == NULL)
+    errAbort("annoGratorQueryNew: assemblyName can't be NULL");
+if (chromSizes == NULL && tbf == NULL)
+    errAbort("annoGratorQueryNew: chromSizes and tbf can't both be NULL");
+if (primarySource == NULL)
+    errAbort("annoGratorQueryNew: primarySource can't be NULL");
+if (formatters == NULL)
+    errAbort("annoGratorQueryNew: formatters can't be NULL");
+struct annoGratorQuery *query = NULL;
+if (tbf != NULL)
+    {
+    if (chromSizes != NULL)
+	{
+	// Ensure that tbf and chromSizes are consistent.
+	struct hashEl *hel;
+	struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(chromSizes);
+	while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
+	    {
+	    char *chrom = hel->name;
+	    int size = ptToInt(hel->val);
+	    int tbfSize = twoBitSeqSize(tbf, chrom);
+	    if (tbfSize != size)
+		errAbort("Inconsistent size for %s: %s has %d but chromSizes hash has %d",
+			 chrom, tbf->fileName, tbfSize, size);
+	    }
+	}
+    else
+	{
+	// Make our own chromSizes from tbf info.  We will leak this but I don't expect
+	// many annoGratorQuery's in the same process.
+	chromSizes = hashNew(0);
+	struct slName *tbfSeqs = twoBitSeqNames(tbf->fileName), *seq;
+	for (seq = tbfSeqs;  seq != NULL;  seq = seq->next)
+	    hashAddInt(chromSizes, seq->name, twoBitSeqSize(tbf, seq->name));
+	query->csAllocdHere = TRUE;
+	}
+    }
+query->assemblyName = cloneString(assemblyName);
+query->chromSizes = chromSizes;
+query->tbf = tbf;
+query->primarySource = primarySource;
+query->integrators = integrators;
+query->formatters = formatters;
+// Set streamers' and formatters' query pointer.
+primarySource->setQuery(primarySource, query);
+struct annoStreamer *grator = (struct annoStreamer *)(query->integrators);
+for (;  grator != NULL;  grator = grator->next)
+    grator->setQuery(grator, query);
+struct annoFormatter *formatter;
+for (formatter = query->formatters;  formatter != NULL;  formatter = formatter->next)
+    formatter->initialize(formatter, query);
+return query;
+void annoGratorQuerySetRegion(struct annoGratorQuery *query, char *chrom, uint rStart, uint rEnd)
+/* Set genomic region for query; if chrom is NULL, position is whole genome. */
+if (chrom != NULL)
+    {
+    uint chromSize = (uint)hashIntVal(query->chromSizes, chrom);
+    if (rEnd < rStart)
+	errAbort("annoGratorQuerySetRegion: rStart (%u) can't be greater than rEnd (%u)",
+		 rStart, rEnd);
+    if (rEnd > chromSize)
+	errAbort("annoGratorQuerySetRegion: rEnd (%u) can't be greater than chrom %s size (%u)",
+		 rEnd, chrom, chromSize);
+    if (rEnd == 0)
+	rEnd = chromSize;
+    }
+// Alert all streamers that they should now send data from a possibly different region:
+query->primarySource->setRegion(query->primarySource, chrom, rStart, rEnd);
+struct annoStreamer *grator = (struct annoStreamer *)(query->integrators);
+for (;  grator != NULL;  grator = grator->next)
+    grator->setRegion(grator, chrom, rStart, rEnd);
+//#*** formatters should be told too, in case the info should go in the header, or if
+//#*** they should clip output to search region....
+void annoGratorQueryExecute(struct annoGratorQuery *query)
+/* For each annoRow from query->primarySource, invoke integrators and pass their annoRows
+ * to formatters. */
+struct annoStreamer *primarySrc = query->primarySource;
+struct annoFormatter *formatter = NULL;
+struct annoRow *primaryRow = NULL;
+while ((primaryRow = primarySrc->nextRow(primarySrc)) != NULL)
+    {
+    if (primaryRow->rightJoinFail)
+	continue;
+    for (formatter = query->formatters;  formatter != NULL;  formatter = formatter->next)
+	formatter->collect(formatter, primarySrc, primaryRow);
+    struct slRef *gratorRowLists = NULL;
+    boolean rjFilterFailed = FALSE;
+    struct annoStreamer *grator = (struct annoStreamer *)(query->integrators);
+    for (;  grator != NULL;  grator = grator->next)
+	{
+	struct annoGrator *realGrator = (struct annoGrator *)grator;
+	struct annoRow *gratorRows = realGrator->integrate(realGrator, primaryRow, &rjFilterFailed);
+	slAddHead(&gratorRowLists, slRefNew(gratorRows));
+	if (rjFilterFailed)
+	    break;
+	for (formatter = query->formatters;  formatter != NULL;  formatter = formatter->next)
+	    formatter->collect(formatter, grator, gratorRows);
+	}
+    slReverse(&gratorRowLists);
+    for (formatter = query->formatters;  formatter != NULL;  formatter = formatter->next)
+	if (rjFilterFailed)
+	    formatter->discard(formatter);
+	else
+	    formatter->formatOne(formatter);
+    annoRowFree(&primaryRow, slCount(primarySrc->asObj->columnList));
+    struct slRef *oneRowList = gratorRowLists;
+    grator = (struct annoStreamer *)(query->integrators);
+    for (;  oneRowList != NULL;  oneRowList = oneRowList->next, grator = grator->next)
+	annoRowFreeList((struct annoRow **)&(oneRowList->val),
+			slCount(grator->asObj->columnList));
+    slFreeList(&oneRowList);
+    }
+void annoGratorQueryFree(struct annoGratorQuery **pQuery)
+/* Close and free all inputs and outputs; free self. */
+if (pQuery == NULL)
+    return;
+struct annoGratorQuery *query = *pQuery;
+if (query->csAllocdHere)
+    hashFree(&(query->chromSizes));
+struct annoStreamer *grator = (struct annoStreamer *)(query->integrators), *nextGrator;
+for (;  grator != NULL;  grator = nextGrator)
+    {
+    nextGrator = grator->next;
+    grator->close(&grator);
+    }
+struct annoFormatter *formatter, *nextFormatter;
+for (formatter = query->formatters;  formatter != NULL;  formatter = nextFormatter)
+    {
+    nextFormatter = formatter->next;
+    formatter->close(&formatter);
+    }