  Fri Mar 23 16:44:07 2012 -0700
Feature #6152 (Variant Annotation Tool): Initial work, squashed infrom origin/annoGrator branch.  Superclasses annoColumn, annoFilter,
annoRow, annoStreamer, annoGrator, and annoFormatter define the core
interfaces for passing data and configuration to and from components.
The annoGrator superclass can join annoRows on position and pass
forward all rows of secondary source.  The annoGratorQuery module
orchestrates the passing of annoRows between the primary source,
annoGrator(s) and annoFormatter(s).  The subclasses annoStreamDb and
annoFormatTab, together with hg/lib/tests/annoGratorTester.c, can join
columns of two database tables such as hg19's pgNA12878 and knownGene
into tab-separated output.

diff --git src/lib/annoStreamer.c src/lib/annoStreamer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6878ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ src/lib/annoStreamer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/* annoStreamer -- returns items sorted by genomic position to successive nextRow calls */
+#include "annoStreamer.h"
+#include "errabort.h"
+// ----------------------- annoStreamer base methods --------------------------
+struct asObject *annoStreamerGetAutoSqlObject(struct annoStreamer *self)
+/* Return parsed autoSql definition of this streamer's data type. */
+return self->asObj;
+void annoStreamerSetRegion(struct annoStreamer *self, char *chrom, uint rStart, uint rEnd)
+/* Set genomic region for query; if chrom is NULL, position is genome.
+ * Many subclasses should make their own setRegion method that calls this and
+ * configures their data connection to change to the new position. */
+if (chrom == NULL)
+    {
+    self->positionIsGenome = TRUE;
+    self->regionStart = self->regionEnd = 0;
+    }
+    {
+    self->positionIsGenome = FALSE;
+    self->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
+    self->regionStart = rStart;
+    self->regionEnd = rEnd;
+    }
+struct annoFilter *annoStreamerGetFilters(struct annoStreamer *self)
+/* Return supported filters with current settings.  Callers can modify and free when done. */
+return annoFilterCloneList(self->filters);
+void annoStreamerSetFilters(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoFilter *newFilters)
+/* Free old filters and use clone of newFilters. */
+self->filters = annoFilterCloneList(newFilters);
+struct annoColumn *annoStreamerGetColumns(struct annoStreamer *self)
+/* Return supported columns with current settings.  Callers can modify and free when done. */
+return annoColumnCloneList(self->columns);
+void annoStreamerSetColumns(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoColumn *newColumns)
+/* Free old columns and use clone of newColumns. */
+self->columns = annoColumnCloneList(newColumns);
+void annoStreamerSetQuery(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoGratorQuery *query)
+/* Set query (to be called only by annoGratorQuery which is created after streamers). */
+self->query = query;
+void annoStreamerInit(struct annoStreamer *self, struct asObject *asObj)
+/* Initialize a newly allocated annoStreamer with default annoStreamer methods and
+ * default filters and columns based on asObj.
+ * In general, subclasses' constructors will call this first; override nextRow, close,
+ * and probably setRegion; and then initialize their private data. */
+self->getAutoSqlObject = annoStreamerGetAutoSqlObject;
+self->setRegion = annoStreamerSetRegion;
+self->getFilters = annoStreamerGetFilters;
+self->setFilters = annoStreamerSetFilters;
+self->getColumns = annoStreamerGetColumns;
+self->setColumns = annoStreamerSetColumns;
+self->setQuery = annoStreamerSetQuery;
+self->positionIsGenome = TRUE;
+self->asObj = asObj;
+self->filters = annoFiltersFromAsObject(asObj);
+self->columns = annoColumnsFromAsObject(asObj);
+void annoStreamerFree(struct annoStreamer **pSelf)
+/* Free self. This should be called at the end of subclass close methods, after
+ * subclass-specific connections are closed and resources are freed. */
+if (pSelf == NULL)
+    return;
+struct annoStreamer *self = *pSelf;