  Sun Mar 25 21:26:09 2012 -0700
Suppress mouseOver on X axis (Column headers) under IE8 as QA noted this results in a flashing effect
diff --git src/hg/js/encodeDataMatrix.js src/hg/js/encodeDataMatrix.js
index a0402c0..922b0fe 100644
--- src/hg/js/encodeDataMatrix.js
+++ src/hg/js/encodeDataMatrix.js
@@ -84,55 +84,59 @@
             if (!matrix[cellType]) {
                 matrix[cellType] = {};
             if (!matrix[cellType][dataType]) {
                 matrix[cellType][dataType] = 0;
     return matrix;
     function tableHeaderOut($table, dataGroups, dataTypeExps) {
         // Generate table header and add to document
         // NOTE: relies on hard-coded classes and ids
-        var $tableHeader, $thead;
+        var $tableHeaders, $thead, $th;
         var maxLen, dataType;
         // fill in column headers from dataTypes returned by server
-        $tableHeader = $('#columnHeaders');
+        $tableHeaders = $('#columnHeaders');
         $thead = $('thead');
         // 1st column is row headers
         // colgroups are needed to support cross-hair hover effect
         $.each(dataGroups, function (i, group) {
-            $tableHeader.append('<th class="groupType"><div class="verticalText">' + 
+            $tableHeaders.append('<th class="groupType"><div class="verticalText">' + 
                                 group.label + '</div></th>');
             maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, group.label.length);
             $.each(group.dataTypes, function (i, label) {
                 dataType = encodeProject.getDataTypeByLabel(label);
                 // prune out datatypes with no experiments
                 if (dataTypeExps[dataType.term] !== undefined) {
-                    $tableHeader.append('<th class="elementType" title="' + 
-                                        dataType.description + 
-                                        '"><div class="verticalText">' + dataType.label + 
-                                        '</div></th>');
+                    $th = $('<th class="elementType"><div class="verticalText">' + 
+                                dataType.label + '</div></th>');
+                    if (!encodeProject.isIE8()) {
+                        // Suppress mouseover under IE8 as QA noted flashing effect
+                        $th.attr('title', dataType.description);
+                    }
+                    $tableHeaders.append($th);
                     // add colgroup element to support cross-hair hover effect
                     $thead.before('<colgroup class="experimentCol"></colgroup>');
                     maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, dataType.label.length);
         // adjust size of headers based on longest label length
         // empirically len/2 em's is right
         $('#columnHeaders th').css('height', (String((maxLen/2 + 2)).concat('em')));
         $('#columnHeaders th').css('width', '1em');
     function rowAddCells($row, dataGroups, dataTypeExps, matrix, cellType) {
         // populate a row in the matrix with cells for data groups and data types
         // null cellType indicates this is a row for a cell group (tier)
@@ -157,30 +161,31 @@
                 if (cellType === null) {
                     return true;
                 if (!matrix[cellType][dataType]) {
                     return true;
                 // this cell represents experiments that
                 // fill in count, mouseover and selection by click
                     'dataType' : dataType,
                     'cellType' : cellType
                 $td.mouseover(function() {
                     $(this).attr('title', 'Click to select: ' + 
                         encodeProject.getDataType($(this).data().dataType).label +
                             ' ' + ' in ' + $(this).data().cellType +' cells');
                 $td.click(function() {
                     // NOTE: generating full search URL should be generalized & encapsulated
                     var url = encodeMatrix.getSearchUrl(encodeProject.getAssembly());
                     // TODO: encapsulate var names
                     url +=
                        ('&hgt_mdbVar1=dataType&hgt_mdbVal1=' + $(this).data().dataType +
                        '&hgt_mdbVar2=cell&hgt_mdbVal2=' + $(this).data().cellType +
                     // specifying window name limits open window glut