  Wed Mar 7 15:16:56 2012 -0800
Changes that pertain to Redmine #7005
1. make tableName searchable: freeText
2. Update label for tableName to be "Table name at UCSC"
3. When choosing dropdown for "Table name at UCSC", change utils.js so this is no link to otherTerms.html page. For example see: "Treatment"
4. Remove subId "Submission ID" as being searchable on dev,beta and public.

diff --git src/hg/js/utils.js src/hg/js/utils.js
index 57986d2..7fdb1f2 100644
--- src/hg/js/utils.js
+++ src/hg/js/utils.js
@@ -1,2523 +1,2523 @@
 // Utility JavaScript
 // "use strict";
 var debug = false;
 function clickIt(obj,state,force)
 // calls click() for an object, and click();click() if force
     if(obj.checked != state) {
     } else if (force) {
         obj.click();    //force onclick event
 function setCheckBoxesWithPrefix(obj, prefix, state)
 // Set all checkboxes with given prefix to state boolean
     var list = inputArrayThatMatches("checkbox","id",prefix,"");
     for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
         var ele = list[i];
             if(ele.checked != state)
                 ele.click();  // Forces onclick() javascript to run
 function setCheckBoxesThatContain(nameOrId, state, force, sub1)
 // Set all checkboxes which contain 1 or more given substrings in NAME or ID to state boolean
 // First substring: must begin with it; 2 subs: beg and end; 3: begin, middle and end.
 // This can force the 'onclick() js of the checkbox, even if it is already in the state
         alert("setCheckBoxesContains is about to set the checkBoxes to "+state);
     var list;
     if(arguments.length == 4)
         list = inputArrayThatMatches("checkbox",nameOrId,sub1,"");
     else if(arguments.length == 5)
         list = inputArrayThatMatches("checkbox",nameOrId,sub1,arguments[4]);
     else if(arguments.length == 6)
         list = inputArrayThatMatches("checkbox",nameOrId,sub1,arguments[4],arguments[5]);
     for (var ix=0;ix<list.length;ix++) {
     return true;
 function inputArrayThatMatches(inpType,nameOrId,prefix,suffix)
     // returns an array of input controls that match the criteria
     var found = new Array();
     var fIx = 0;
     if (document.getElementsByTagName)
         var list;
         if(inpType == 'select')
             list = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
             list = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
         for (var ix=0;ix<list.length;ix++) {
             var ele = list[ix];
             if(inpType.length > 0 && inpType != 'select' && ele.type != inpType)
             var identifier = ele.name;
             if(nameOrId.search(/id/i) != -1)
                 identifier = ele.id;
             var failed = false;
             if(prefix.length > 0)
                 failed = (identifier.indexOf(prefix) != 0)
             if(!failed && suffix.length > 0)
                 failed = (identifier.lastIndexOf(suffix) != (identifier.length - suffix.length))
             if(!failed) {
                 for(var aIx=4;aIx<arguments.length;aIx++) {
                     if(identifier.indexOf(arguments[aIx]) == -1) {
                         failed = true;
             if(!failed) {
                 found[fIx] = ele;
     } else {
         // NS 4.x - I gave up trying to get this to work.
            alert("arrayOfInputsThatMatch is unimplemented for this browser");
     return found;
 function normed(obj)
 { // returns undefined, the obj or the obj normalized from one member array
     if (obj == undefined || obj == null || obj.length == 0)
         return undefined;
     if (obj.length == 1)
         return obj[0];
     return obj;   // (obj.length > 1)
 function waitCursor(obj)
 function endWaitCursor(obj)
 function getURLParam()
 // Retrieve variable value from an url.
 // Can be called either:
 //     getURLParam(url, name)
 // or:
 //     getURLParam(name)
 // Second interface will default to using window.location.href
     var strHref, strParamName;
     var strReturn = "";
     if(arguments.length == 1) {
           strHref = window.location.href;
           strParamName = arguments[0];
     } else {
           strHref = arguments[0];
           strParamName = arguments[1];
     if ( strHref.indexOf("?") > -1 ){
       var strQueryString = strHref.substr(strHref.indexOf("?")).toLowerCase();
       var aQueryString = strQueryString.split("&");
       for ( var iParam = 0; iParam < aQueryString.length; iParam++ ){
          if (aQueryString[iParam].indexOf(strParamName.toLowerCase() + "=") > -1 ){
             var aParam = aQueryString[iParam].split("=");
             strReturn = aParam[1];
     return unescape(strReturn);
 function makeHiddenInput(theForm,aName,aValue)
 {   // Create a hidden input to hold a value
     $(theForm).find("input:last").after("<input type=hidden name='"+aName+"' value='"+aValue+"'>");
 function updateOrMakeNamedVariable(theForm,aName,aValue)
 {   // Store a value to a named input.  Will make the input if necessary
     var inp = $(theForm).find("input[name='"+aName+"']:last");
     if(inp != undefined && inp.length > 0) {
         inp.disabled = false;
     } else
 function disableNamedVariable(theForm,aName)
 {   // Store a value to a named input.  Will make the input if necessary
     var inp = $(theForm).find("input[name='"+aName+"']:last");
     if(inp != undefined && inp.length > 0)
         inp.disabled = true;
 function parseUrlAndUpdateVars(theForm,href)
 {   // Parses the URL and converts GET vals to POST vals
     var url = href;
     var extraIx = url.indexOf("?");
     if(extraIx > 0) {
         var extra = url.substring(extraIx+1);
         url = url.substring(0,extraIx);
         // now extra must be repeatedly broken into name=var
         extraIx = extra.indexOf("=");
         for(;extraIx > 0;extraIx = extra.indexOf("=")) {
             var aValue;
             var aName = extra.substring(0,extraIx);
             var endIx = extra.indexOf("&");
             if( endIx>0) {
                 aValue = extra.substring(extraIx+1,endIx);
                 extra  = extra.substring(endIx+1);
             } else {
                 aValue = extra.substring(extraIx+1);
                 extra  = "";
             if(aName.length>0 && aValue.length>0)
     return url;
 function postTheForm(formName,href)
 {   // posts the form with a passed in href
     var goodForm=$("form[name='"+formName+"']");
     if(goodForm.length == 1) {
         if(href != undefined && href.length > 0) {
             $(goodForm).attr('action',href); // just attach the straight href
     return false; // Meaning do not continue with anything else
 function setVarAndPostForm(aName,aValue,formName)
 {   // Sets a specific variable then posts
     var goodForm=$("form[name='"+formName+"']");
     if(goodForm.length == 1) {
     return postTheForm(formName,window.location.href);
 // json help routines
 function tdbGetJsonRecord(trackName)  { return hgTracks.trackDb[trackName]; }
 function tdbIsFolder(tdb)             { return (tdb.kindOfParent == 1); } // NOTE: These must jive with tdbKindOfParent() and tdbKindOfChild() in trackDb.h
 function tdbIsComposite(tdb)          { return (tdb.kindOfParent == 2); }
 function tdbIsMultiTrack(tdb)         { return (tdb.kindOfParent == 3); }
 function tdbIsView(tdb)               { return (tdb.kindOfParent == 4); } // Don't expect to use
 function tdbIsContainer(tdb)          { return (tdb.kindOfParent == 2 || tdb.kindOfParent == 3); }
 function tdbIsLeaf(tdb)               { return (tdb.kindOfParent == 0); }
 function tdbIsFolderContent(tdb)      { return (tdb.kindOfChild  == 1); }
 function tdbIsCompositeSubtrack(tdb)  { return (tdb.kindOfChild  == 2); }
 function tdbIsMultiTrackSubtrack(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfChild  == 3); }
 function tdbIsSubtrack(tdb)           { return (tdb.kindOfChild  == 2 || tdb.kindOfChild == 3); }
 function tdbHasParent(tdb)            { return (tdb.kindOfChild  != 0 && tdb.parentTrack); }
 function aryFind(ary,val)
 {// returns the index of a value on the array or -1;
     for(var ix=0;ix<ary.length;ix++) {
         if(ary[ix] == val) {
             return ix;
     return -1;
 function aryRemove(ary,vals)
 { // removes one or more variables that are found in the array
     for(var vIx=0;vIx<vals.length;vIx++) {
         var ix = aryFind(ary,vals[vIx]);
         if(ix != -1)
     return ary;
 function isInteger(s)
     return (!isNaN(parseInt(s)) && isFinite(s) && s.toString().indexOf('.') < 0);
 function isFloat(s)
     return (!isNaN(parseFloat(s)) && isFinite(s));
 function validateInt(obj,min,max)
 {   // validates an integer which may be restricted to a range (if min and/or max are numbers)
     var title = obj.title;
     var rangeMin=parseInt(min);
     var rangeMax=parseInt(max);
     if(title.length == 0)
         title = "Value";
     var popup=( $.browser.msie == false );
     for(;;) {
         if((obj.value == undefined || obj.value == "") && isInteger(obj.defaultValue))
             obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
         if(!isInteger(obj.value)) {
             if(popup) {
                 obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be an integer.",obj.value);
             } else {
                 alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be an integer."); // try a prompt box!
                 obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
                 return false;
         var val = parseInt(obj.value);
         if(isInteger(min) && isInteger(max)) {
             if(val < rangeMin || val > rangeMax) {
                 if(popup) {
                     obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be between "+rangeMin+" and "+rangeMax+".",obj.value);
                 } else {
                     alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be between "+rangeMin+" and "+rangeMax+".");
                     obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
                     return false;
         } else if(isInteger(min)) {
             if(val < rangeMin) {
                 if(popup) {
                     obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be no less than "+rangeMin+".",obj.value);
                 } else {
                     alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be no less than "+rangeMin+".");
                     obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
                     return false;
         } else if(isInteger(max)) {
             if(val > rangeMax) {
                 if(popup) {
                     obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be no greater than "+rangeMax+".",obj.value);
                 } else {
                     alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be no greater than "+rangeMax+".");
                     obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
                     return false;
         return true;
 function validateFloat(obj,min,max)
 {   // validates an float which may be restricted to a range (if min and/or max are numbers)
     var title = obj.title;
     var rangeMin=parseFloat(min);
     var rangeMax=parseFloat(max);
     if(title.length == 0)
         title = "Value";
     var popup=( $.browser.msie == false );
     for(;;) {
         if((obj.value == undefined || obj.value == "") && isFloat(obj.defaultValue))
             obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
         if(!isFloat(obj.value)) {
             if(popup) {
                 obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be a number.",obj.value);
             } else {
                 alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be a number."); // try a prompt box!
                 obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
                 return false;
         var val = parseFloat(obj.value);
         if(isFloat(min) && isFloat(max)) {
             if(val < rangeMin || val > rangeMax) {
                 if(popup) {
                     obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be between "+rangeMin+" and "+rangeMax+".",obj.value);
                 } else {
                     alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be between "+rangeMin+" and "+rangeMax+".");
                     obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
                     return false;
         } else if(isFloat(min)) {
             if(val < rangeMin) {
                 if(popup) {
                     obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be no less than "+rangeMin+".",obj.value);
                 } else {
                     alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be no less than "+rangeMin+".");
                     obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
                     return false;
         } else if(isFloat(max)) {
             if(val > rangeMax) {
                 if(popup) {
                     obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be no greater than "+rangeMax+".",obj.value);
                 } else {
                     alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be no greater than "+rangeMax+".");
                     obj.value = obj.defaultValue;
                     return false;
         return true;
 function validateUrl(url)
 {   // returns true if url is a valid url, otherwise returns false and shows an alert
     // I got this regexp from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303872/url-validation-using-javascript
     var regexp = /^(https?|ftp):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&amp;'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&amp;'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&amp;'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&amp;'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&amp;'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i;
     if(regexp.test(url)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         alert(url + " is an invalid url")
         return false;
 function metadataIsVisible(trackName)
     var divit = $("#div_"+trackName+"_meta");
     if (divit == undefined || divit.length == 0)
         return false;
     return ($(divit).css('display') != 'none');
 function metadataShowHide(trackName,showLonglabel,showShortLabel)
 // Will show subtrack specific configuration controls
 // Config controls not matching name will be hidden
     var divit = $("#div_"+trackName+"_meta");
     if (divit == undefined || divit.length == 0)
         return false;
     var img = $(divit).prev('a').find("img");
     if (img != undefined && $(img).length == 1) {
         img = $(img)[0];
         if ($(divit).css('display') == 'none')
     if($(divit).css('display') == 'none') {
         if (typeof(subCfg) !== "undefined") {
             var cfg = normed($("#div_cfg_"+trackName));
             if (cfg != undefined)   // Hide any configuration when opening metadata
         if($(divit).find('table').length == 0) {
             return false;
     var tr = $(divit).parents('tr');
     if (tr.length > 0) {
         tr = tr[0];
         var bgClass = null;
         var classes = $( tr ).attr("class").split(" ");
         for (var ix=0;ix<classes.length;ix++) {
             if (classes[ix].substring(0,'bgLevel'.length) == 'bgLevel')
                 bgClass = classes[ix];
         if (bgClass) {
             $(divit).children('table').removeClass('bgLevel1 bgLevel2 bgLevel3 bgLevel4');
     $(divit).toggle();  // jQuery hide/show
     return false;
 function setTableRowVisibility(button, prefix, hiddenPrefix, titleDesc, doAjax)
 // Show or hide one or more table rows whose id's begin with prefix followed by "-".
 // This code also modifies the corresponding hidden field (cart variable) and the
 // src of the +/- img button.
     var retval = true;
     var hidden = $("input[name='"+hiddenPrefix+"_"+prefix+"_close']");
     if($(button) != undefined && $(hidden) != undefined && $(hidden).length > 0) {
 	var newVal = -1;
         if (arguments.length > 5)
             newVal = arguments[5] ? 0 : 1;
         var oldSrc = $(button).attr("src");
         if (oldSrc != undefined && oldSrc.length > 0) {
             // Old img version of the toggleButton
             if (newVal == -1)
                 newVal = oldSrc.indexOf("/remove") > 0 ? 1 : 0;
             if(newVal == 1)
                 $(button).attr("src", oldSrc.replace("/remove", "/add") );
                 $(button).attr("src", oldSrc.replace("/add", "/remove") );
         } else {
             // new BUTTONS_BY_CSS
             if (newVal == -1) {
                 oldSrc = $(button).text();
                 if (oldSrc != undefined && oldSrc.length == 1)
                     newVal = $(button).text() == "+" ? 0 : 1;
                 else {
                     warn("Uninterpretable toggleButton!");
                     newVal = 0;
             if(newVal == 1)
         if(newVal == 1) {
             $(button).attr('title', 'Expand this '+titleDesc);
         } else {
             $(button).attr('title', 'Collapse this '+titleDesc);
 	if (doAjax) {
 	    setCartVar(hiddenPrefix+"_"+prefix+"_close", newVal);
         retval = false;
     return retval;
 function warnBoxJsSetup()
 {   // Sets up warnBox if not already established.  This is duplicated from htmshell.c
     var html = "";
     html += "<center>";
     html += "<div id='warnBox' style='display:none; background-color:Beige; ";
     html += "border: 3px ridge DarkRed; width:640px; padding:10px; margin:10px; ";
     html += "text-align:left;'>";
     html += "<CENTER><B id='warnHead' style='color:DarkRed;'></B></CENTER>";
     html += "<UL id='warnList'></UL>";
     html += "<CENTER><button id='warnOK' onclick='hideWarnBox();return false;'></button></CENTER>";
     html += "</div></center>";
     html += "<script type='text/javascript'>";
     html += "function showWarnBox() {";
     html += "document.getElementById('warnOK').innerHTML='&nbsp;OK&nbsp;';";
     html += "var warnBox=document.getElementById('warnBox');";
     html += "warnBox.style.display=''; warnBox.style.width='65%%';";
     html += "document.getElementById('warnHead').innerHTML='Warning/Error(s):';";
     html +=  "window.scrollTo(0, 0);";
     html += "}";
     html += "function hideWarnBox() {";
     html += "var warnBox=document.getElementById('warnBox');";
     html += "warnBox.style.display='none';warnBox.innerHTML='';";
     html += "var endOfPage = document.body.innerHTML.substr(document.body.innerHTML.length-20);";
     html += "if(endOfPage.lastIndexOf('-- ERROR --') > 0) { history.back(); }";
     html += "}";
     html += "</script>";
 function warn(msg)
 { // adds warnings to the warnBox
     var warnList = $('#warnList'); // warnBox contains warnList
     if( warnList == undefined || $(warnList).length == 0 ) {
         warnList = $('#warnList');
     if( $(warnList).length == 0 )
     else {
         $( warnList ).append('<li>'+msg+'</li>');
         if(showWarnBox != undefined)
 var gWarnSinceMSecs = 0;
 function warnSince(msg)
 {   // Warn messages with msecs since last warnSince msg
     // This is necessary because IE Developer tools are hanging
     var now = new Date();
     var msecs = now.getTime();
     var since = 0;
     if (gWarnSinceMSecs > 0)
         since = msecs - gWarnSinceMSecs;
     gWarnSinceMSecs = msecs;
     warn('['+since+'] '+msg);
 function cgiBooleanShadowPrefix()
 // Prefix for shadow variable set with boolean variables.
 // Exact copy of code in cheapcgi.c
     return "boolshad.";
 function getAllVars(obj,subtrackName)
 // Returns a hash for all inputs and selects in an obj.
 // If obj is undefined then obj is document!
     var urlData = new Object();
     if($(obj) == undefined)
         obj = $('document');
     var inp = $(obj).find('input');
     var sel = $(obj).find('select');
     //warn("obj:"+$(obj).attr('id') + " inputs:"+$(inp).length+ " selects:"+$(sel).length);
     $(inp).filter('[name]:enabled').each(function (i) {
         var name  = $(this).attr('name');
         var val = $(this).val();
         if($(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
             name = cgiBooleanShadowPrefix() + name;
             val = $(this).attr('checked') ? 1 : 0;
         } else if($(this).attr('type') == 'radio') {
             if(!$(this).attr('checked')) {
                 name = undefined;
         if(name != undefined && name != "Submit" && val != undefined) {
             urlData[name] = val;
     $(sel).filter('[name]:enabled').each(function (i) {
         var name  = $(this).attr('name');
         var val = $(this).val();
         if(name != undefined && val != undefined) {
             if(subtrackName != undefined && name == subtrackName) {
                 if(val == 'hide') {
                    urlData[name+"_sel"] = 0;    // Can't delete "_sel" because default takes over
                    urlData[name]        = "[]";  // can delete vis because subtrack vis should be inherited.
                 } else {
                     urlData[name+"_sel"] = 1;
                     urlData[name]        = val;
             } else {
                 if ($.isArray( val ) && val.length > 1) {
                     urlData[name] = "[" + val.toString() + "]";
                 } else
                     urlData[name] = val;
     return urlData;
 function varHashChanges(newVars,oldVars)
 // Returns a hash of all vars that are changed between old and new hash.  New vars not found in old are changed.
     var changedVars = new Object();
     for (var newVar in newVars) {
         if(oldVars[newVar] == null || oldVars[newVar] != newVars[newVar])
             changedVars[newVar] = newVars[newVar];
     return changedVars;
 function varHashToQueryString(varHash)
 // return a CGI QUERY_STRING for name/vals in given object
     var retVal = "";
     var count = 0;
     for (var aVar in varHash) {
         if(count++ > 0) {
             retVal += "&";
         var val = varHash[aVar];
         if (typeof(val) == 'string'
         && val.length >= 2
         && val.indexOf('[') == 0
         && val.lastIndexOf(']') == (val.length - 1)) {
             var vals = val.substr(1,val.length - 2).split(',');
             $(vals).each(function (ix) {
                 if (ix > 0)
                     retVal += "&";
                 retVal += aVar + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this);
         } else {
             retVal += aVar + "=" + encodeURIComponent(val);
     return retVal;
 function getAllVarsAsUrlData(obj)
 // Returns a string in the form of var1=val1&var2=val2... for all inputs and selects in an obj
 // If obj is undefined then obj is document!
     return varHashToQueryString(getAllVars(obj));
 function popupBox(popit, content, popTitle)
 // Kicks off a Modal Dialog for the provided content.
 // Requires jquery-ui.js
     // Set up the popit div if necessary
     if(popit == undefined) {
         popit = $('#popit');
         if(popit == undefined) {
             $('body').prepend("<div id='popit' style='display: none'></div>");
             popit = $('#popit');
     // Set up the modal dialog
     $(popit).html("<div style='font-size:80%'>" + content + "</div>");
                                ajaxOptions: {
                                    // This doesn't work
                                    cache: true
                                resizable: true,
                                bgiframe: true,
                                height: 'auto',
                                width: 'auto',
                                minHeight: 200,
                                minWidth: 400,
                                modal: true,
                                closeOnEscape: true,
                                autoOpen: false,
                                close: function() {
                                    // clear out html after close to prevent problems caused by duplicate html elements
     // Apparently the options above to dialog take only once, so we set title explicitly.
     if(popTitle != undefined && popTitle.length > 0)
         $(popit).dialog('option' , 'title' , popTitle );
         $(popit).dialog('option' , 'title' , "Please Respond");
     jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
 function embedBoxOpen(boxit, content, reenterable) // 4 extra STRING Params: boxWidth, boxTitle, applyFunc, applyName
 // embeds a box for the provided content.
 // This box has 1 button (close) by default and 2 buttons if the name of an applyFunc is provided (apply, cancel)
 // If there is no apply function, the box may be reentrent, meaning subsequent calls do not need to provide content
     // Define extra params now
     var boxWidth = "80%";
     var boxTitle = "";
     var applyFunc = "";
     var applyName = "Apply";
     if (arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3].length > 0) // FIXME: could check type
         boxWidth = arguments[3];
     if (arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4].length > 0)
         boxTitle = arguments[4];
     if (arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5].length > 0)
         applyFunc = arguments[5];
     if (arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6].length > 0)
         applyName = arguments[6];
     // Set up the popit div if necessary
     if (boxit == undefined) {
         boxit = $('div#boxit');
         if (boxit == undefined) {
             $('body').prepend("<div id='boxit'></div>");
             //$('body').prepend("<div id='boxit' style='display: none'></div>");
             boxit = $('div#boxit');
     if (!reenterable || (content.length > 0)) { // Can reenter without changing content!
         var buildHtml = "<center>";
         if (boxTitle.length > 0)
             buildHtml += "<div style='background-color:#D9E4F8;'><B>" +  boxTitle + "</B></div>";
         buildHtml += "<div>" + content + "</div>";
         // Set up closing code
         var closeButton = "Close";
         var closeHtml = "embedBoxClose($(\"#"+ $(boxit).attr('id') + "\"),";
         if (reenterable && applyFunc.length == 0)
             closeHtml += "true);"
             closeHtml += "false);";
         // Buttons
         buildHtml += "<div>";
         if (applyFunc.length > 0) { // "Apply" button and "Cancel" button.  Apply also closes!
             buildHtml += "&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE='button' value='" + applyName + "' onClick='"+ applyFunc + "(" + $(boxit).attr('id') + "); " + closeHtml + "'>&nbsp;";
             closeButton = "Cancel"; // If apply button then close is cancel
         buildHtml += "&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE='button' value='" + closeButton + "' onClick='" + closeHtml + "'>&nbsp;";
         buildHtml += "</div>";
         $(boxit).html("<div class='blueBox' style='width:" + boxWidth + "; background-color:#FFF9D2;'>" + buildHtml + "</div>");  // Make it boxed
     if ($(boxit).html() == null || $(boxit).html().length == 0)
         warn("embedHtmlBox() called without content");
 function embedBoxClose(boxit, reenterable) // 4 extra STRING Params: boxWidth, boxTitle, applyFunc, applyName
 // Close an embedded box
     if (boxit != undefined) {
 function startTiming()
     var now = new Date();
     return now.getTime();
 function showTiming(start,whatTookSoLong)
     var now = new Date();
     var end = (now.getTime() - start);
     warn(whatTookSoLong+" took "+end+" msecs.");
     return end;
 function getHgsid()
 {// return current session id
     // .first() because hgTracks turned up 3 of these!
     var hgsid = normed($("input[name='hgsid']").first());
     if(hgsid != undefined)
         return hgsid.value;
     hgsid = getURLParam(window.location.href, "hgsid");
     if (hgsid.length > 0)
         return hgsid;
     // This may be moved to 1st position as the most likely source
     if (typeof(common) !== "undefined" && common.hgsid !== undefined)
         return common.hgsid;
     hgsid = normed($("input#hgsid").first());
     if(hgsid != undefined)
         return hgsid.value;
     return "";
 function getDb()
     var db = normed($("input[name='db']").first());
     if(db != undefined)
         return db.value;
     db = getURLParam(window.location.href, "db");
     if (db.length > 0)
         return db;
     // This may be moved to 1st position as the most likely source
     if (typeof(common) !== "undefined" && common.db !== undefined)
         return common.db;
     db = normed($("input#db").first());
     if(db != undefined)
         return db.value;
     return "";
 function getTrack()
     var track = normed($("input[name='g']").first());
     if (track != undefined)
         return track.value;
     track = getURLParam(window.location.href, "g");
     if (track.length > 0)
         return track;
     // This may be moved to 1st position as the most likely source
     if (typeof(common) !== "undefined" && common.track !== undefined)
         return common.track;
     var track = normed($("input#g").first());
     if (track != undefined)
         return track.value;
     return "";
 function Rectangle()
 // Rectangle object constructor:
 // calling syntax:
 // new Rectangle(startX, endX, startY, endY)
 // new Rectangle(coords) <-- coordinate string from an area item
     if(arguments.length == 4) {
         this.startX = arguments[0];
         this.endX = arguments[1];
         this.startY = arguments[2];
         this.endY = arguments[3];
     } else if(arguments.length > 0)  {
         var coords = arguments[0].split(",");
         this.startX = coords[0];
         this.endX = coords[2];
         this.startY = coords[1];
         this.endY = coords[3];
     } else { // what else to do?
         this.startX = 0;
         this.endX = 100;
         this.startY = 0;
         this.endY = 100;
 Rectangle.prototype.contains = function(x, y)
 // returns true if given points are in the rectangle
     var retval = x >= this.startX && x <= this.endX && y >= this.startY && y <= this.endY;
     return retval;
 function commify (str) {
     if(typeof(str) == "number")
 	str = str + "";
     var n = str.length;
     if (n <= 3) {
 	return str;
     } else {
 	var pre = str.substring(0, n-3);
 	var post = str.substring(n-3);
 	var pre = commify(pre);
 	return pre + "," + post;
 function parsePosition(position)
 // Parse chr:start-end string into a chrom, start, end object
     position = position.replace(/,/g, "");
     var a = /(\S+):(\d+)-(\d+)/.exec(position);
     if(a != null && a.length == 4) {
         var o = new Object();
         o.chrom = a[1];
         o.start = parseInt(a[2])
         o.end = parseInt(a[3]);
         return o;
     return null;
 function getSizeFromCoordinates(position)
 // Parse size out of a chr:start-end string
     var o = parsePosition(position);
     if(o != null) {
         return o.end - o.start + 1;
     return null;
 // This code is intended to allow setting up a wait cursor while waiting on the function
 var gWaitFuncArgs = [];
 var gWaitFunc;
 function waitMaskClear()
 { // Clears the waitMask
     var  waitMask = $('#waitMask');
     if( waitMask != undefined )
 function waitMaskSetup(timeOutInMs)
 { // Sets up the waitMask to block page manipulation until cleared
     // Find or create the waitMask (which masks the whole page)
     var  waitMask = $('#waitMask');
     if( waitMask == undefined || waitMask.length != 1) {
         // create the waitMask
         $("body").append("<div id='waitMask' class='waitMask');'></div>");
         waitMask = $('#waitMask');
     $(waitMask).css({opacity:0.0,display:'block',top: '0px', height: $(document).height().toString() + 'px' });
     // Special for IE, since it takes so long, make mask obvious
     //if ($.browser.msie)
     //    $(waitMask).css({opacity:0.4,backgroundColor:'gray'});
     // Things could fail, so always have a timeout.
     if(timeOutInMs == undefined || timeOutInMs ==0)
         timeOutInMs = 30000; // IE can take forever!
     if (timeOutInMs > 0)
         setTimeout('waitMaskClear();',timeOutInMs); // Just in case
     return waitMask;  // The caller could add css if they wanted.
 function _launchWaitOnFunction()
 { // should ONLY be called by waitOnFunction()
   // Launches the saved function
     var func = gWaitFunc;
     gWaitFunc = null;
     var funcArgs = gWaitFuncArgs;
     gWaitFuncArgs = [];
     if(func == undefined || !jQuery.isFunction(func))
         warn("_launchWaitOnFunction called without a function");
     else {
         if(funcArgs.length == 0)
         else if (funcArgs.length == 1)
         else if (funcArgs.length == 2)
         else if (funcArgs.length == 3)
         else if (funcArgs.length == 4)
         else if (funcArgs.length == 5)
             warn("_launchWaitOnFunction called with " + funcArgs.length + " arguments.  Only 5 are supported.");
     // Special if the first var is a button that can visually be inset
     if(funcArgs.length > 0 && funcArgs[0].type != undefined) {
         if(funcArgs[0].type == 'button' && $(funcArgs[0]).hasClass('inOutButton')) {
     // Now we can get rid of the wait cursor
 function waitOnFunction(func)
 { // sets the waitMask (wait cursor and no clicking), then launches the function with up to 5 arguments
     if(!jQuery.isFunction(func)) {
         warn("waitOnFunction called without a function");
         return false;
     if (gWaitFunc != null)
         if (gWaitFunc == func) // already called (sometimes hapens when onchange event is triggered
             return true;       // by js (rather than direct user action).  Happens in IE8
         warn("waitOnFunction called but already waiting on a function");
         return false;
     if(arguments.length > 6) {
         warn("waitOnFunction called with " + arguments.length - 1 + " arguments.  Only 5 are supported.");
         return false;
     waitMaskSetup(0);  // Find or create the waitMask (which masks the whole page) but gives up after 5sec
     // Special if the first var is a button that can visually be inset
     if(arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1].type != undefined) {
         if(arguments[1].type == 'button' && $(arguments[1]).hasClass('inOutButton')) {
             $(arguments[1]).css( 'borderStyle',"inset");
     // Build up the aruments array
     for(var aIx=1;aIx<arguments.length;aIx++) {
     gWaitFunc = func;
 // --- yielding iterator ---
 function _yieldingIteratorObject(yieldingFunc)
 { // This is the "recusive object" or ro which is instantiated in waitOnIteratingFunction
   // yieldingFunc is passed in from waitOnIteratingFunction
   // and will recurse which recursively calls an iterator
     this.step = function(msecs,args) {
         setTimeout(function() { yieldingFunc(args); }, msecs); // recursive timeouts
 function yieldingIterator(interatingFunc,continuingFunc,args)
 {   // Will run interatingFunc function with "yields", then run continuingFunc
     // Based upon design by Guido Tapia, PicNet
     // interatingFunc must return number of msecs to pause before next interation.
     //                return 0 ends iteration with call to continuingFunc
     //                return < 0 ends iteration with no call to continuingFunc
     // Both interatingFunc and continuingFunc will receive the single "args" param.
     // Hint. for multiple args, create a single struct object
     var ro = new _yieldingIteratorObject(function() {
             var msecs = interatingFunc(args);
             if (msecs > 0)
                 ro.step(msecs,args);      // recursion
             else if (msecs == 0)
                 continuingFunc(args);     // completion
             // else (msec < 0) // abandon
     ro.step(1,args);                      // kick-off
 function showLoadingImage(id, absolute)
 // Show a loading image above the given id; return's id of div added (so it can be removed when loading is finished).
 // This code was mostly directly copied from hgHeatmap.js, except I also added the "overlay.appendTo("body");"
 // If absolute is TRUE, then we use and absolute reference for the src tag.
     var loadingId = id + "LoadingOverlay";
     // make an opaque overlay to partially hide the image
     var overlay = $("<div></div>").attr("id", loadingId).css("position", "absolute");
     var ele = $(document.getElementById(id));
     overlay.css("top", ele.position().top);
     var divLeft = ele.position().left + 2;
     var width = ele.width() - 5;
     var height = ele.height();
     overlay.css("background", "white");
     overlay.css("opacity", 0.75);
     // now add the overlay image itself in the center of the overlay.
     var imgWidth = 220;   // hardwired based on width of loading.gif
     var imgLeft = (width / 2) - (imgWidth / 2);
     var imgTop = (height / 2 ) - 10;
     var src = absolute ? "/images/loading.gif" : "../images/loading.gif";
     $("<img src='" + src + "'/>").css("position", "relative").css('left', imgLeft).css('top', imgTop).appendTo(overlay);
     return loadingId;
 function hideLoadingImage(id)
 function codonColoringChanged(name)
 // Updated disabled state of codonNumbering checkbox based on current value of track coloring select.
     var val = $("select[name='" + name + ".baseColorDrawOpt'] option:selected").text();
     $("input[name='" + name + ".codonNumbering']").attr('disabled', val == "OFF");
 var bindings = {
     // This object is for finding a subtring using tokens as bounds
     // The tokens can be literal strings or regular expressions.
     // If regular expressions are used, then only the first expression found will count
     // If not using regexp, then you can pass in limits to the original string
     _raw: function (begToken,endToken,someString,ixBeg,ixEnd)
     { // primitive not meant to be called directly but by bindings.inside and bindings.outside
         if (someString.length <= 0)
             return '';
         if (ixBeg == undefined)
             ixBeg = 0;
         if (ixEnd == undefined)
             ixEnd = someString.length;
         var insideBeg = ixBeg;
         var insideEnd = ixEnd;
         if (jQuery.type(begToken) === "regexp")
             insideBeg = someString.search(begToken);
         else if (begToken.length > 0)
             insideBeg = someString.indexOf(begToken,ixBeg);
         if (jQuery.type(endToken) === "regexp")
             insideEnd = someString.search(endToken);
         else if (endToken.length > 0)
             insideEnd = someString.indexOf(endToken,ixBeg);
         if (ixBeg <= insideBeg && insideBeg <= insideEnd && insideEnd <= ixEnd)
             return {start : insideBeg, stop : insideEnd};
         return {start : -1, stop : -1};
     inside: function (begToken,endToken,someString,ixBeg,ixEnd)
     { // returns the inside bounds of 2 tokens within a string
     // Note ixBeg and ixEnd are optional bounds already established within string
     // Pattern match can be used instead of literal token if a regexp is passed in for the tokens
         var bounds = bindings._raw(begToken,endToken,someString,ixBeg,ixEnd);
         if (bounds.start > -1) {
             if (jQuery.type(begToken) === "regexp")
                 bounds.start += someString.match(begToken).length;
                 bounds.start += begToken.length;
         return bounds;
     outside: function (begToken,endToken,someString,ixBeg,ixEnd)
     { // returns the outside bounds of 2 tokens within a string
     // Note ixBeg and ixEnd are optional bounds already established within string
     // Pattern match can be used instead of literal token if a regexp is passed in for the tokens
         var bounds = bindings._raw(begToken,endToken,someString,ixBeg,ixEnd);
         if (bounds.start > -1) {
             if (jQuery.type(endToken) === "regexp")
                 bounds.stop  += someString.match(endToken).length;
                 bounds.stop  += endToken.length;
         return bounds;
     insideOut: function (begToken,endToken,someString,ixBeg,ixEnd)
     { // returns what falls between begToken and endToken as found in the string provided
     // Note ixBeg and ixEnd are optional bounds already established within string
         var bounds = bindings.inside(begToken,endToken,someString,ixBeg,ixEnd);
         if (bounds.start < bounds.stop)
             return someString.slice(bounds.start,bounds.stop);
         return '';
 function stripHgErrors(returnedHtml, whatWeDid)
 { // strips HGERROR style 'early errors' and shows them in the warnBox
   // If whatWeDid != null, we use it to return info about what we stripped out and processed (current just warnMsg).
     var cleanHtml = returnedHtml;
     while(cleanHtml.length > 0) {
         var bounds = bindings.outside('<!-- HGERROR-START -->','<!-- HGERROR-END -->',cleanHtml);
         if (bounds.start == -1)
         var warnMsg = bindings.insideOut('<P>','</P>',cleanHtml,bounds.start,bounds.stop);
         if (warnMsg.length > 0) {
             if(whatWeDid != null)
                 whatWeDid.warnMsg = warnMsg;
         cleanHtml = cleanHtml.slice(0,bounds.start) + cleanHtml.slice(bounds.stop);
     return cleanHtml;
 function stripJsFiles(returnedHtml,debug)
 { // strips javascript files from html returned by ajax
     var cleanHtml = returnedHtml;
     var shlurpPattern=/\<script type=\'text\/javascript\' SRC\=\'.*\'\>\<\/script\>/gi;
     if (debug) {
         var jsFiles = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
         if (jsFiles && jsFiles.length > 0)
             alert("jsFiles:'"+jsFiles+"'\n---------------\n"+cleanHtml); // warn() interprets html, etc.
     cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
     return cleanHtml;
 function stripCssFiles(returnedHtml,debug)
 { // strips csst files from html returned by ajax
     var cleanHtml = returnedHtml;
     var shlurpPattern=/\<LINK rel=\'STYLESHEET\' href\=\'.*\' TYPE=\'text\/css\' \/\>/gi;
     if (debug) {
         var cssFiles = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
         if (cssFiles && cssFiles.length > 0)
     cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
     return cleanHtml;
 function stripJsEmbedded(returnedHtml, debug, whatWeDid)
 { // strips embedded javascript from html returned by ajax
   // NOTE: any warnBox style errors will be put into the warnBox
   // If whatWeDid != null, we use it to return info about what we stripped out and processed (current just warnMsg).
     var cleanHtml = returnedHtml;
     // embedded javascript?
     while(cleanHtml.length > 0) {
         var begPattern = /\<script type=\'text\/javascript\'\>/i;
         var endPattern = /\<\/script\>/i;
         var bounds = bindings.outside(begPattern,endPattern,cleanHtml);
         if (bounds.start == -1)
         var jsEmbeded = cleanHtml.slice(bounds.start,bounds.stop);
         if(-1 == jsEmbeded.indexOf("showWarnBox")) {
             if (debug)
         } else {
             var warnMsg = bindings.insideOut('<li>','</li>',cleanHtml,bounds.start,bounds.stop);
             if (warnMsg.length > 0) {
                 if(whatWeDid != null)
                     whatWeDid.warnMsg = warnMsg;
         cleanHtml = cleanHtml.slice(0,bounds.start) + cleanHtml.slice(bounds.stop);
     return stripHgErrors(cleanHtml, whatWeDid); // Certain early errors are not called via warnBox
 function visTriggersHiddenSelect(obj)
 { // SuperTrack child changing vis should trigger superTrack reshaping.
   // This is done by setting hidden input "_sel"
     var trackName_Sel = $(obj).attr('name') + "_sel";
     var theForm = $(obj).closest("form");
     var visible = (obj.selectedIndex != 0);
     if (visible) {
     } else
     return true;
 function setCheckboxList(list, value)
 // set value of all checkboxes in semicolon delimited list
     var names = list.split(";");
     for(var i=0;i<names.length;i++) {
         $("input[name='" + names[i] + "']").attr('checked', value);
 function calculateHgTracksWidth()
 // return appropriate width for hgTracks image given users current window width
     return $(window).width() - 20;
 function hgTracksSetWidth()
     var winWidth = calculateHgTracksWidth();
     if($("#imgTbl").length == 0) {
         // XXXX what's this code for?
         $("#TrackForm").append('<input type="hidden" name="pix" value="' + winWidth + '"/>');
     } else {
 function filterByMaxHeight(multiSel)
 {   // Setting a max height to scroll dropdownchecklists but
     // multiSel is hidden when this is done, so it's position and height must be estimated.
     var pos = $(multiSel).closest(':visible').offset().top + 30;
     if (pos <= 0)
         pos = 260;
     // Special mess since the filterBy's on non-current tabs will calculate pos badly.
     var tabbed = $('input#currentTab');
     if (tabbed != undefined) {
         var tabDiv = $(multiSel).parents('div#'+ $(tabbed).attr('value'));
         if (tabDiv == null || tabDiv == undefined || $(tabDiv).length == 0) {
             pos = 360;
     var maxHeight = $(window).height() - pos;
     var selHeight = $(multiSel).children().length * 21;
     if (maxHeight > selHeight)
         maxHeight = null;
     //else if($.browser.msie && maxHeight > 500)  // DDCL bug on IE only.
     //    maxHeight = 500;          // Seems to be solved by disbling DDCL's window.resize event for IE
     return maxHeight;
 //////////// Drag and Drop ////////////
 function tableDragAndDropRegister(thisTable)
 {// Initialize a table with tableWithDragAndDrop
     if ($(thisTable).hasClass("tableWithDragAndDrop") == false)
         onDragClass: "trDrag",
         dragHandle: "dragHandle",
         onDrop: function(table, row, dragStartIndex) {
                 if (row.rowIndex != dragStartIndex) {
                     if (sortTable.savePositions) {
         function(){ $(this).closest('tr').addClass('trDrag'); },
         function(){ $(this).closest('tr').removeClass('trDrag'); }
  ////////// Sort Table /////////
 var sortTable = {
     // The sortTable object handles sorting HTML tables on columns.
     // Just add the 'sortable' class to your table and in ready() call sortTable.initialize($('table.sortable')).
     // Details you don't need to know until you want to do something fancy.
     // A sortable table requires:
     //     TABLE.sortable: TABLE class='sortable' containing a THEAD header and sortable TBODY filled with the rows to sort.
     //     THEAD.sortable: (NOTE: created if not found) The THEAD can contain multiple rows must contain:
     //       TR.sortable: exactly 1 header TH (table row) class='sortable' which will declare the sort columns:
     //       TH.sortable: 1 or more TH (table column headers) with class='sortable sort1 [sortRev]' (or sort2, sort3) declaring sort order and whether reversed
     //         e.g. <TH id='factor' class='sortable sortRev sort3' nowrap>...</TH>  (this means that factor is currently the third sort column and reverse sorted)
     //         (NOTE: If no TH.sortable is found, then every th in the TR.sortable will be converted for you and will be in sort1,2,3 order.)
     //         ONCLICK: Each TH.sortable must call sortTable.sortOnButtonPress(this) directly or indirectly in the onclick event :
     //           e.g. <TH id='factor' class='sortable sortRev sort3' nowrap title='Sort list on this column' onclick="return sortTable.sortOnButtonPress(this);">
     //           (NOTE: If no onclick function is found in a TH.sortable, then it will automatically be added.)
     //         SUP: Each TH.sortable *may* contain a <sup> which will be filled with an up or down arrow and the column's sort order: e.g. <sup>&darr;2</sup>
     //           (NOTE: The sup can be added by using the addSuperscript option to the sortTable.initialize() function.
     //     TBODY.sortable: (NOTE: created if not found) The TBODY class='sortable' contains the table rows that get sorted:
     //       TBODY->TR & ->TD: Each row contains a TD for each sortable column. The innerHTML (entire contents) of the cell will be used for sorting.
     //       TRICK: You can use the 'abbr' field to subtly alter the sortable contents.  Otherwise sorts on td contents ($(td).text()).
     //              Use the abbr field to make case-insensitive sorts or force exceptions to alpha-text order (e.g. ZCTRL vs Control forcing controls to bottom)
     //              e.g. <TD id='wgEncodeBroadHistoneGm12878ControlSig_factor' nowrap abbr='ZCTRL' align='left'>Control</TD>
     //              This is also the method to ensure a numeric sort (e.g. <td align="right" abbr="000003416800354">3.2 GB</td>).
     //              IMPORTANT: You must add abbr='use' to the TH.sortable definitions.
     //     Finally if you want the tableSort to alternate the table row colors (using #FFFEE8 and #FFF9D2) then TBODY.sortable should also have class 'altColors'
     //     NOTE: This class can be added by using the altColors option to the sortTable.initialize() function.
     //     PRESERVING TO CART: To send the sort column on a form 'submit', the header tr (TR.sortable) needs a named hidden input of class='sortOrder' as:
     //       e.g.: <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='wgEncodeBroadHistone.sortOrder' class='sortOrder' VALUE="factor=- cell=+ view=+">
     //       AND each sortable column header (TH.sortable) must have id='{name}' which is the name of the sortable field (e.g. 'factor', 'shortLabel')
     //       The value preserves the column sort order and direction based upon the id={name} of each sort column.
     //       In the example, while 'cell' may be the first column, the table is currently reverse ordered by 'factor', then by cell and view.
     //     And to send the sorted row orders on form 'submit', each TBODY->TR will need a named hidden input field of class='trPos':
     //       e.g. <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='wgEncodeHaibTfbsA549ControlPcr2xDexaRawRep1.priority' class='trPos' VALUE="2">
     //       A reason to preserve the order in the cart is if the order will affect other cgis.  For instance: sort subtracks and see that order in the hgTracks image.
     // Sorting a table by columns relies upon the columns obj, whose C equivalent would look like:
     //struct column
     //    {
     //    char *  tags[];     // a list of field names in sort order (e.g. 'cell', 'shortLabel')
     //    boolean reverse[];  // the sort direction for each sort field
     //    int     cellIxs[];  // The indexes of the columns in the table to be sorted
     //    boolean useAbbr[];  // Compare on Abbr or on text()?
     //    };
     // These 2 globals are used during setTimeout, so that rows can be hidden while sorting
     // and javascript timeout on slow (IE) browsers is less likely
     columns: null,
     tbody: null,
     loadingId: null,
     row: function (tr,sortColumns,row)  // UNUSED: sortTable.fieldCmp works fine
         this.fields  = new Array();
         this.reverse = new Array();
         this.row     = row;
         for(var ix=0;ix<sortColumns.cellIxs.length;ix++)
             var th = tr.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]];
             this.fields[ix]  = (sortColumns.useAbbr[ix] ? th.abbr : $(th).text()).toLowerCase(); // case insensitive sorts
             this.reverse[ix] = sortColumns.reverse[ix];
     rowCmp: function (a,b)  // UNUSED: sortTable.fieldCmp works fine
         for(var ix=0;ix<a.fields.length;ix++) {
             if (a.fields[ix] > b.fields[ix])
                 return (a.reverse[ix] ? -1:1);
             else if (a.fields[ix] < b.fields[ix])
                 return (a.reverse[ix] ? 1:-1);
         return 0;
     field: function (value,reverse,row)
         this.value   = value.toLowerCase(); // case insensitive sorts NOTE: Do not need to define every field
         this.reverse = reverse;
         this.row     = row;
     fieldCmp: function (a,b)
         if (a.value > b.value)
             return (a.reverse ? -1:1);
         else if (a.value < b.value)
             return (a.reverse ? 1:-1);
         return 0;
     sort: function (tbody,sortColumns)
     {// Sorts table based upon rules passed in by function reference
     // Expects tbody to not sort thead, but could take table
         // The sort routine available is javascript array.sort(), which cannot sort rows directly
         // Until we have jQuery >=v1.4, we cannot easily convert tbody.rows[] inot a javascript array
         // So we will make our own array, sort, then then walk through the table and reorder
         // FIXME: Until better methods are developed, only sortOrder based sorts are supported and fnCompare is obsolete
         // Create array of the primary sort column's text
         var cols = new Array();
         var trs = tbody.rows;
         $(trs).each(function(ix) {
             var th = this.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[0]];
                 cols.push(new sortTable.field(th.abbr,sortColumns.reverse[0],this));
                 cols.push(new sortTable.field($(th).text(),sortColumns.reverse[0],this));
         // Sort the array
         // most efficient reload of sorted rows I have found
         var sortedRows = jQuery.map(cols, function(col, i) { return col.row; });
         $(tbody).append( sortedRows );
         setTimeout('sortTable.sortFinish(sortTable.tbody,sortTable.columns)',5); // Avoid javascript timeouts!
     sortFinish: function (tbody,sortColumns)
     {// Additional sort cleanup.
     // This is in a separate function to allow calling with setTimeout() which will prevent javascript timeouts (I hope)
         if ($(tbody).hasClass('altColors'))
         $(tbody).parents("table.tableWithDragAndDrop").each(function (ix) {
         if (sortTable.loadingId != null)
     sortByColumns: function (tbody,sortColumns)
     {// Will sort the table based on the abbr values on a set of <TH> colIds
     // Expects tbody to not sort thead, but could take table
         // Used to use 'sorting' class, but showLoadingImage results in much less screen redrawing
         // For IE especially this was the difference between dead/timedout scripts and working sorts!
         var id = $(tbody).attr('id');
         if (id == undefined || id.length == 0) {
             $(tbody).attr('id',"tbodySort"); // Must have some id!
             id = $(tbody).attr('id');
         sortTable.loadingId = showLoadingImage(id);
         setTimeout('sortTable.sort(sortTable.tbody,sortTable.columns)',50); // This allows hiding the rows while sorting!
     trAlternateColors: function (tbody,rowGroup,cellIx)
     {// Will alternate colors for visible table rows.
     // If cellIx(s) provided then color changes when the column(s) abbr or els innerHtml changes
     // If no cellIx is provided then alternates on rowGroup (5= change color 5,10,15,...)
     // Expects tbody to not color thead, but could take table
         var darker   = false; // == false will trigger first row to be change color = darker
         if (arguments.length<3) { // No columns to check so alternate on rowGroup
             if (rowGroup == undefined || rowGroup == 0)
                 rowGroup = 1;
             var curCount = 0; // Always start with a change
             $(tbody).children('tr:visible').each( function(i) {
                 if (curCount == 0 ) {
                     curCount  = rowGroup;
                     darker = (!darker);
                 if (darker) {
                     $(this).addClass(   "bgLevel2");
                 } else {
                     $(this).addClass(   "bgLevel1");
         } else {
             var lastContent = "startWithChange";
             var cIxs = new Array();
             for(var aIx=2;aIx<arguments.length;aIx++) {   // multiple columns
                 cIxs[aIx-2] = arguments[aIx];
             $(tbody).children('tr:visible').each( function(i) {
                 curContent = "";
                 for(var ix=0;ix<cIxs.length;ix++) {
                     if (this.cells[cIxs[ix]]) {
                         curContent += (this.cells[cIxs[ix]].abbr != "" ?
                                     this.cells[cIxs[ix]].abbr       :
                                     this.cells[cIxs[ix]].innerHTML );
                 if (lastContent != curContent ) {
                     lastContent  = curContent;
                     darker = (!darker);
                 if (darker) {
                     $(this).addClass(   "bgLevel2");
                 } else {
                     $(this).addClass(   "bgLevel1");
     alternateColors: function (tbody)
     { // Will alternate colors based upon sort columns (which may be passed in as second arg, or discovered)
     // Expects tbody to not color thead, but could take table
         var sortColumns;
         if (arguments.length > 1)
             sortColumns = arguments[1];
         else {
             var table = tbody;
             if ($(table).is('tbody'))
                 table = $(tbody).parent();
             sortColumns = new sortTable.columnsFromTable(table);
         if (sortColumns) {
             if (sortColumns.cellIxs.length==1)
             else if (sortColumns.cellIxs.length==2)
             else // Three columns is plenty
         } else {
             sortTable.trAlternateColors(tbody,5); // alternates every 5th row
     orderFromColumns: function (sortColumns)
     {// Creates the trackDB setting entry sortOrder subGroup1=+ ... from a sortColumns structure
         fields = new Array();
         for(var ix=0;ix < sortColumns.cellIxs.length;ix++) {
             if (sortColumns.tags[ix] != undefined && sortColumns.tags[ix].length > 0)
                 fields[ix] = sortColumns.tags[ix] + "=" + (sortColumns.reverse[ix] ? "-":"+");
                 fields[ix] = sortColumns.cellIxs[ix] + "=" + (sortColumns.reverse[ix] ? "-":"+");
         var sortOrder = fields.join(' ');
         return sortOrder;
     orderUpdate: function (table,sortColumns,addSuperscript)
     {// Updates the sortOrder in a sortable table
         if (addSuperscript == undefined)
             addSuperscript = false;
         if ($(table).is('tbody'))
             table = $(table).parent();
         var tr = $(table).find('tr.sortable')[0];
         if (tr) {
             for(cIx=0;cIx<sortColumns.cellIxs.length;cIx++) {
                 var th = tr.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[cIx]];
                 $(th).each(function(i) {
                     // First remove old sort classes
                     var classList = $( this ).attr("class").split(" ");
                     if (classList.length < 2) // assertable
                     classList = aryRemove(classList,["sortable"]);
                     while( classList.length > 0 ) {
                         var aClass = classList.pop();
                         if (aClass.indexOf("sort") == 0)
                     // Now add current sort classes
                     if (sortColumns.reverse[cIx])
                     // update any superscript
                     sup = $(this).find('sup')[0];
                     if (sup || addSuperscript) {
                         var content = (sortColumns.reverse[cIx] == false ? "&darr;":"&uarr;");
                         if (sortColumns.cellIxs.length>1) { // Number only if more than one
                             if (cIx < 5)  // Show numbering and direction only for the first 5
                                 content += (cIx+1);
                                 content = "";
                         if (sup)
                             sup.innerHTML = content;
             // There may be a hidden input that gets updated to the cart
             var inp = $(tr).find('input.sortOrder')[0];
             if (inp) {
                 if (!addSuperscript && typeof(subCfg) !== "undefined")
                     subCfg.markChange(null,inp);     // use instead of change() because type=hidden!
     orderFromTr: function (tr)
     {// Looks up the sortOrder input value from a *.sortable header row of a sortable table
         var inp = $(tr).find('input.sortOrder')[0];
         if (inp)
             return $(inp).val();
         else {
             // create something like "cellType=+ rep=+ protocol=+ treatment=+ factor=+ view=+"
             var fields = new Array();
             var cells = $(tr).find('th.sortable');
             $(cells).each(function (i) {
                 var classList = $( this ).attr("class").split(" ");
                 if (classList.length < 2) // assertable
                 classList = aryRemove(classList,["sortable"]);
                 var reverse = false;
                 var sortIx = -1;
                 while( classList.length > 0 ) {
                     var aClass = classList.pop();
                     if (aClass.indexOf("sort") == 0) {
                         if (aClass == "sortRev")
                             reverse = true;
                         else {
                             aClass = aClass.substring(4);  // clip off the "sort" portion
                             var ix = parseInt(aClass);
                             if (ix != NaN) {
                                 sortIx = ix;
                 if (sortIx >= 0) {
                     if (this.id != undefined && this.id.length > 0)
                         fields[sortIx] = this.id + "=" + (reverse ? "-":"+");
                         fields[sortIx] = this.cellIndex + "=" + (reverse ? "-":"+");
             if (fields.length > 0) {
                 if (fields[0] == undefined)
                     fields.shift();  // 1 based sort ix and 0 based fields ix
                 return fields.join(' ');
         return "";
     columnsFromSortOrder: function (sortOrder)
     {// Creates sortColumns struct (without cellIxs[]) from a trackDB.sortOrder setting string
         this.tags = new Array();
         this.reverse = new Array();
         var fields = sortOrder.split(" "); // sortOrder looks like: "cell=+ factor=+ view=+"
         while(fields.length > 0) {
             var pair = fields.shift().split("=");  // Take first and split into
             if (pair.length == 2) {
                 this.reverse.push(pair[1] != '+');
     columnsFromTr: function (tr,silent)
     {// Creates a sortColumns struct from the entries in the 'tr.sortable' heading row of a sortable table
         this.inheritFrom = sortTable.columnsFromSortOrder;
         var sortOrder = sortTable.orderFromTr(tr);
         if (sortOrder.length == 0 && silent == undefined) {
             warn("Unable to obtain sortOrder from sortable table.");   // developer needs to know something is wrong
         // Add two additional arrays
         this.cellIxs = new Array();
         this.useAbbr = new Array();
         var ths = $(tr).find('th.sortable');
         for(var tIx=0;tIx<this.tags.length;tIx++) {
             for(ix=0; ix<ths.length; ix++) {
                 if ((ths[ix].id != undefined && ths[ix].id == this.tags[tIx])
                 ||  (ths[ix].cellIndex == this.tags[tIx]))
                     this.cellIxs[tIx] = ths[ix].cellIndex;
                     this.useAbbr[tIx] = (ths[ix].abbr.length > 0);
         if (this.cellIxs.length == 0 && silent == undefined) {
             warn("Unable to find any sortOrder.cells for sortable table.  ths.length:"+ths.length + " tags.length:"+this.tags.length + " sortOrder:["+sortOrder+"]");
     columnsFromTable: function (table)
     {// Creates a sortColumns struct from the contents of a 'table.sortable'
         this.inheritNow = sortTable.columnsFromTr;
         var tr = $(table).find('tr.sortable')[0];
         //if (tr == undefined && debug) warn("Couldn't find 'tr.sortable' rows:"+table.rows.length);
     _sortOnButtonPress: function (anchor)
     {// Updates the sortColumns struct and sorts the table when a column header has been pressed
     // If the current primary sort column is pressed, its direction is toggled then the table is sorted
     // If a secondary sort column is pressed, it is moved to the primary spot and sorted in fwd direction
         var th=$(anchor).closest('th')[0];  // Note that anchor is <a href> within th, not th
         var tr=$(th).parent();
         var theOrder = new sortTable.columnsFromTr(tr);
         var oIx = th.cellIndex;
         for(oIx=0;oIx<theOrder.cellIxs.length;oIx++) {
             if (theOrder.cellIxs[oIx] == th.cellIndex)
         if (oIx == theOrder.cellIxs.length) {
             warn("Failure to find '"+th.id+"' in sort columns."); // Developer must be warned that something is wrong with sortable table setup
         // assert(th.id == theOrder.tags[oIx] || th.id == undefined);
         if (oIx > 0) { // Need to reorder
             var newOrder = new sortTable.columnsFromTr(tr);
             var nIx=0; // button pushed puts this 'tagId' column first in new order
             newOrder.tags[nIx] = theOrder.tags[oIx];
             newOrder.reverse[nIx] = false;  // When moving to the first position sort forward
             newOrder.cellIxs[nIx] = theOrder.cellIxs[oIx];
             newOrder.useAbbr[nIx] = theOrder.useAbbr[oIx];
             for(var ix=0;ix<theOrder.cellIxs.length;ix++) {
                 if (ix != oIx) {
                     newOrder.tags[nIx]    = theOrder.tags[ix];
                     newOrder.reverse[nIx] = theOrder.reverse[ix];
                     newOrder.cellIxs[nIx] = theOrder.cellIxs[ix];
                     newOrder.useAbbr[nIx] = theOrder.useAbbr[ix];
             theOrder = newOrder;
         } else { // if (oIx == 0) {   // need to reverse directions
             theOrder.reverse[oIx] = (theOrder.reverse[oIx] == false);
         var table=$(tr).closest("table.sortable")[0];
         if (table) { // assertable
             sortTable.orderUpdate(table,theOrder);  // Must update sortOrder first!
             var tbody = $(table).find("tbody.sortable")[0];
             //if (tbody == undefined && debug) warn("Couldn't find 'tbody.sortable' 5");
     sortOnButtonPress: function (anchor,tagId)
     {   // wrapper for the real worker: _sortOnButtonPress()
         var table = $( anchor ).closest("table.sortable")[0];
         if (table) {
             waitOnFunction( sortTable._sortOnButtonPress, anchor, tagId);
         return false;  // called by link so return false means don't try to go anywhere
     sortUsingColumns: function (table) // NOT USED
     {// Sorts a table body based upon the marked columns
         var columns = new sortTable.columnsFromTable(table);
         tbody = $(table).find("tbody.sortable")[0];
         if (tbody)
     hintOnColumnHeader: function (th) // NOT USED
     {// Upodates the sortColumns struct and sorts the table when a column headder has been pressed
         //th.title = "Click to make this the primary sort column, or toggle direction";
         //var tr=th.parentNode;
         //th.title = "Current Sort Order: " + sortTable.orderFromTr(tr);
     savePositions: function (table)
     {// Sets the value for the input.trPos of a table row.  Typically this is a "priority" for a track
     // This gets called by sort or dragAndDrop in order to allow the new order to affect hgTracks display
         var inputs = $(table).find("input.trPos");
         $( inputs ).each( function(i) {
             var tr = $( this ).closest('tr')[0];
             var trIx = $( tr ).attr('rowIndex').toString();
             if ($( this ).val() != trIx) {
                 $( this ).val( trIx );
                 if (typeof(subCfg) !== "undefined")  // NOTE: couldn't get $(this).change() to work.
                     subCfg.markChange(null,this);    //       probably because this is input type=hidden!
     ///// Following functions are for Sorting by priority
     trPriorityFind: function (tr)
     // returns the position (*.priority) of a sortable table row
         var inp = $(tr).find('input.trPos')[0];
         if (inp)
             return $(inp).val();
         return 999999;
     trPriorityCmp: function (tr1,tr2)  // UNUSED FUNCTION
     // Compare routine for sorting by *.priority
         var priority1 = sortTable.trPriorityFind(tr1);
         var priority2 = sortTable.trPriorityFind(tr2);
         return priority2 - priority1;
     tablesSortAtStartup: function ()
     {// Called at startup if you want javascript to initialize and sort all your class='sortable' tables
     // IMPORTANT: This function WILL ONLY sort by first column.
     // If there are multiple sort columns, please presort the list for accurtacy!!!
         var tables = $("table.sortable");
         $(tables).each(function(i) {
             sortTable.initialize(this,true); // Will initialize superscripts
     initialize: function (table,addSuperscript,altColors)
     {// Called if you want javascript to initialize your class='sortable' table.
     // A sortable table requires:
     // TABLE.sortable: TABLE class='sortable' containing a THEAD header and sortable TBODY filled with the rows to sort.
     // THEAD.sortable: (NOTE: created if not found) The THEAD can contain multiple rows must contain:
     //   TR.sortable: exactly 1 header TH (table row) class='sortable' which will declare the sort columnns:
     //   TH.sortable: 1 or more TH (table column headers) with class='sortable sort1 [sortRev]' (or sort2, sort3) declaring sort order and whether reversed
     //     e.g. <TH id='factor' class='sortable sortRev sort3' nowrap>...</TH>  (this means that factor is currently the third sort column and reverse sorted)
     //     (NOTE: If no TH.sortable is found, then every th in the TR.sortable will be converted for you and will be in sort1,2,3 order.)
     //     ONCLICK: Each TH.sortable must call sortTable.sortOnButtonPress(this) directly or indirectly in the onclick event :
     //       e.g. <TH id='factor' class='sortable sortRev sort3' nowrap title='Sort list on this column' onclick="return sortTable.sortOnButtonPress(this);">
     //       (NOTE: If no onclick function is found in a TH.sortable, then it will automatically be added.)
     //     SUP: Each TH.sortable *may* contain a <sup> which will be filled with an up or down arrow and the column's sort order: e.g. <sup>&darr;2</sup>
     //       (NOTE: If no sup is found but addSuperscript is requested, then they will be added.)
     // TBODY.sortable: (NOTE: created if not found) The TBODY class='sortable' contains the table rows that get sorted:
     //   TBODY->TR & ->TD: Each row contains a TD for each sortable column. The innerHTML (entire contents) of the cell will be used for sorting.
     //   TRICK: You can use the 'abbr' field to subtly alter the sortable contents.  Otherwise sorts on td contents ($(td).text()).
     //          Use the abbr field to make case-insensitive sorts or force exceptions to alpha-text order (e.g. ZCTRL vs Control forcing controls to bottom)
     //          e.g. <TD id='wgEncodeBroadHistoneGm12878ControlSig_factor' nowrap abbr='ZCTRL' align='left'>Control</TD>
     //          IMPORTANT: You must add abbr='use' to the TH.sortable definitions.
     // Finally if you want the tableSort to alternate the table row colors (using #FFFEE8 and #FFF9D2) then TBODY.sortable should also have class 'altColors'
     // NOTE: This class can be added by using the altColors option to this function
         if ($(table).hasClass('sortable') == false) {
             warn('Table is not sortable');
         var tr = $(table).find('tr.sortable')[0];
         if(tr == undefined) {
             tr = $(table).find('tr')[0];
             if(tr == undefined) {
                 warn('Sortable table has no rows');
             //warn('Made first row tr.sortable');
         if ($(table).find('tr.sortable').length != 1) {
             warn('sortable table contains more than 1 header row declaring sort columns.');
         // If not TBODY is found, then create, wrapping all but those already in a thead
         tbody = $(table).find('tbody')[0];
         if(tbody == undefined) {
             trs = $(table).find('tr').not('thead tr');
             $(trs).wrapAll("<TBODY class='sortable' />")
             tbody = $(table).find('tbody')[0];
             //warn('Wrapped all trs not in thead.sortable in tbody.sortable');
         if ($(tbody).hasClass('sortable') == false) {
             //warn('Added sortable class to tbody');
         if(altColors != undefined && $(tbody).hasClass('altColors') == false) {
             //warn('Added altColors class to tbody.sortable');
         // If not THEAD is found, then create, wrapping first row.
         thead = $(table).find('thead')[0];
         if(thead == undefined) {
             $(tr).wrapAll("<THEAD class='sortable' />")
             thead = $(table).find('thead')[0];
             //warn('Wrapped tr.sortable with thead.sortable');
         if ($(thead).hasClass('sortable') == false) {
             //warn('Added sortable class to thead');
         var sortColumns = new sortTable.columnsFromTr(tr,"silent");
         if (sortColumns == undefined || sortColumns.cellIxs.length == 0) {
             // could mark all columns as sortable!
             $(tr).find('th').each(function (ix) {
                 //warn("Added class='sortable sort"+(ix+1)+"' to th:"+this.innerHTML);
             sortColumns = new sortTable.columnsFromTr(tr,"silent");
             if (sortColumns == undefined || sortColumns.cellIxs.length == 0) {
                 warn("sortable table's header row contains no sort columns.");
         // Can wrap all columnn headers with link
         $(tr).find("th.sortable").each(function (ix) {
             //if ( $(this).queue('click').length == 0 ) {
             if ( $(this).attr('onclick') == undefined ) {
                 $(this).click( function () { sortTable.sortOnButtonPress(this);} );
             if ($.browser.msie) { // Special case for IE since CSS :hover doesn't work (note pointer and hand because older IE calls it hand)
                     function () { $(this).css( { backgroundColor: '#CCFFCC', cursor: 'hand' } ); },
                     function () { $(this).css( { backgroundColor: '#FCECC0', cursor: '' } ); }
             if ( $(this).attr('title').length == 0) {
                 var title = $(this).text().replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]/ig,'');
                 if (title.length > 0 && $(this).find('sup'))
                     title = title.replace(/[0-9]$/g,'');
                 if (title.length > 0)
                     $(this).attr('title',"Sort list on '" + title + "'." );
                     $(this).attr('title',"Sort list on column." );
         // Now update all of those cells
         // Alternate colors if requested
         if(altColors != undefined)
         // Highlight rows?  But on subtrack list, this will mess up the "..." coloring.  So just exclude tables with drag and drop
         if ($(table).hasClass('tableWithDragAndDrop') == false) {
                 function(){ $(this).addClass('bgLevel3');
                             $(this).find('table').addClass('bgLevel3'); },      // Will highlight the rows, including '...'
                 function(){ $(this).removeClass('bgLevel3');
                             $(this).find('table').removeClass('bgLevel3'); }
         // Finally, make visible
 function sortTableInitialize(table,addSuperscript,altColors)
 {   // legacy in case some static pages still initialize the table the old way
 //// findTracks functions ////
 var findTracks = {
     updateMdbHelp: function (index)
     // update the metadata help links based on currently selected values.
     // If index == 0 we update all help items, otherwise we only update the one == index.
         var db = getDb();
         var disabled = {  // blackList
             'accession': 1, 'dataType':        1, 'dataVersion': 1, 'geoSample':    1, 'grant':     1,
             'lab':       1, 'labExpId':        1, 'labVersion':  1, 'origAssembly': 1, 'replicate': 1,
-            'setType':   1, 'softwareVersion': 1, 'subId':       1, 'view':         1
+            'setType':   1, 'softwareVersion': 1, 'subId':       1, 'tableName':         1, 'view':         1
         var expected = $('tr.mdbSelect').length;
         var ix=1;
         if (index!=0) {
         for(;ix <= expected;ix++) {
             var helpLink = $("span#helpLink" + ix);
             if (helpLink.length > 0) {
                 var val = $("select[name='hgt_mdbVar" + ix + "']").val();  // NOTE must match METADATA_NAME_PREFIX in hg/hgTracks/searchTracks.c
                 var text = $("select[name='hgt_mdbVar" + ix + "'] option:selected").text();
                 helpLink.html("&nbsp;"); // Do not want this with length == 0 later!
                 if (typeof(disabled[val]) == 'undefined') {
                     var str;
                     if (val == 'cell') {
                         if (db.substr(0, 2) == "mm") {
                             str = "../ENCODE/cellTypesMouse.html";
                         } else {
                             str = "../ENCODE/cellTypes.html";
                     } else if (val.toLowerCase() == 'antibody') {
                         str = "../ENCODE/antibodies.html";
                     } else {
                         str = "../ENCODE/otherTerms.html#" + val;
                     helpLink.html("<a target='_blank' title='detailed descriptions of terms' href='" + str + "'>" + text + "</a>");
     mdbVarChanged: function (obj)
     { // Ajax call to repopulate a metadata vals select when mdb var changes
     // This handles the currnet case when 2 vars have the same name (e.g. advanced, files tabs)
         findTracks.clearFound();  // Changing values so abandon what has been found
         var newVar = $(obj).val();
         var a = /hgt_mdbVar(\d+)/.exec(obj.name); // NOTE must match METADATA_NAME_PREFIX in hg/hgTracks/searchTracks.c
         if(newVar != undefined && a && a[1]) {
             var num = a[1];
             if ($('#advancedTab').length == 1 && $('#filesTab').length == 1) {
             var cgiVars = "db=" + getDb() +  "&cmd=hgt_mdbVal" + num + "&var=" + newVar;
             if (document.URL.search('hgFileSearch') != -1)
                 cgiVars += "&fileSearch=1";
                 cgiVars += "&fileSearch=0";
                     type: "GET",
                     url: "../cgi-bin/hgApi",
                     data: cgiVars,
                     dataType: 'html',
                     trueSuccess: findTracks.handleNewMdbVals,
                     success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                     error: errorHandler,
                     cache: true,
                     cmd: "hgt_mdbVal" + num, // NOTE must match METADATA_VALUE_PREFIX in hg/hgTracks/searchTracks.c
                     num: num
         // NOTE: with newJquery, the response is getting a new error (missing ; before statement)
         //       There were also several XML parsing errors.
         // This error is fixed with the addition of "dataType: 'html'," above.
     handleNewMdbVals: function (response, status)
     { // Handle ajax response (repopulate a metadata val select)
     // This handles the currnet case when 2 vars have the same name (e.g. advanced, files tabs)
         var td = $('td#' + this.cmd );
         if (td != undefined) {
             var inp = $(td).find('.mdbVal');
             var tdIsLike = $('td#isLike'+this.num);
             if (inp != undefined && tdIsLike != undefined) {
                 if ($(inp).hasClass('freeText')) {
                 } else if ($(inp).hasClass('wildList') ||  $(inp).hasClass('filterBy')) {
                     $(tdIsLike).text('is among');
                 } else {
             $(td).find('.filterBy').each( function(i) { // Do this by 'each' to set noneIsAll individually
     mdbValChanged: function (obj)
     { // Keep all tabs with same selects in sync  TODO: Change from name to id based identification and only have one set of inputs in form
     // This handles the currnet case when 2 vars have the same name (e.g. advanced, files tabs)
         findTracks.clearFound();  // Changing values so abandon what has been found
         if ($('#advancedTab').length == 1 && $('#filesTab').length == 1) {
             var newVal = $(obj).val();
             var a = /hgt_mdbVal(\d+)/.exec(obj.name); // NOTE must match METADATA_NAME_PREFIX in hg/hgTracks/searchTracks.c
             if(newVal != undefined && a && a[1]) {
                 var num = a[1];
                 $("select.mdbVal[name='hgt_mdbVal"+num+"'][value!='"+newVal+"']").each( function (i) {
                     if ($(this).hasClass('filterBy')) {
     changeVis: function (seenVis)
     { // called by onchange of vis
         var visName = $(seenVis).attr('id');
         var trackName = visName.substring(0,visName.length - "_id".length)
         var hiddenVis = $("input[name='"+trackName+"']");
         var tdb = tdbGetJsonRecord(trackName);
         if($(seenVis).val() != "hide")
         else {
             var selCb = $("input#"+trackName+"_sel_id");
             $(selCb).attr('checked',false);  // Can't set it to [] because that means default setting is used.  However, we are explicitly hiding this!
             $(seenVis).attr('disabled',true);  // Can't set it to [] because that means default setting is used.  However, we are explicitly hiding this!
             var needSel = (tdb.parentTrack != undefined);
             if (needSel) {
                 var hiddenSel = $("input[name='"+trackName+"_sel']");
                 $(hiddenSel).val('0');  // Can't set it to [] because that means default setting is used.  However, we are explicitly hiding this!
         $('input.viewBtn').val('View in Browser');
         //warn("Changed "+trackName+" to "+$(hiddenVis).val())
     clickedOne: function (selCb,justClicked)
     { // called by on click of CB and findTracks.checkAll()
         var selName = $(selCb).attr('id');
         var trackName = selName.substring(0,selName.length - "_sel_id".length)
         var hiddenSel = $("input[name='"+trackName+"_sel']");
         var seenVis = $('select#' + trackName + "_id");
         var hiddenVis = $("input[name='"+trackName+"']");
         var tr = $(selCb).parents('tr.found');
         var tdb = tdbGetJsonRecord(trackName);
         var needSel = (tdb.parentTrack != undefined);
         var shouldPack = tdb.canPack && tdb.kindOfParent == 0; // If parent then not pack but full
         if (shouldPack && tdb.shouldPack != undefined && !tdb.shouldPack)
             shouldPack = false;
         var checked = $(selCb).attr('checked');
         //warn(trackName +" selName:"+selName +" justClicked:"+justClicked +" hiddenSel:"+$(hiddenSel).attr('name') +" seenVis:"+$(seenVis).attr('id') +" hiddenVis:"+$(hiddenVis).attr('name') +" needSel:"+needSel +" shouldPack:"+shouldPack);
         // First deal with seenVis control
         if(checked) {
             $(seenVis).attr('disabled', false);
             if($(seenVis).attr('selectedIndex') == 0) {
                     $(seenVis).attr('selectedIndex',3);  // packed
                     $(seenVis).attr('selectedIndex',$(seenVis).attr('length') - 1);
         } else {
             $(seenVis).attr('selectedIndex',0);  // hide
             $(seenVis).attr('disabled', true );
         // Deal with hiddenSel and hiddenVis so that submit does the right thing
         // Setting these requires justClicked OR seen vs. hidden to be different
         var setHiddenInputs = justClicked;
         if(!justClicked) {
                 setHiddenInputs = (checked != ($(hiddenSel).val() == '1'));
             else if (checked)
                 setHiddenInputs = ($(seenVis).val() != $(hiddenVis).val());
                 setHiddenInputs = ($(hiddenVis).val() != "hide" && $(hiddenVis).val() != "[]");
         if(setHiddenInputs) {
             else if(tdbIsSubtrack(tdb))
             if(needSel) {
                     $(hiddenSel).val('0');  // Can't set it to [] because that means default setting is used.  However, we are explicitly hiding this!
         // The "view in browser" button should be enabled/disabled
         if(justClicked) {
             $('input.viewBtn').val('View in Browser');
     normalize: function ()
     { // Normalize the page based upon current state of all found tracks
         var selCbs = $('input.selCb');
         // All should have their vis enabled/disabled appropriately (false means don't update cart)
         $(selCbs).each( function(i) { findTracks.clickedOne(this,false); });
     normalizeWaitOn: function ()  // UNUSED ?
     { // Put up wait mask then Normalize the page based upon current state of all found tracks
         waitOnFunction( findTracks.normalize );
     _checkAll: function (check)
     { // Checks/unchecks all found tracks.
         var selCbs = $('input.selCb');
         // All should have their vis enabled/disabled appropriately (false means don't update cart)
         $(selCbs).each( function(i) { findTracks.clickedOne(this,false); });
         $('input.viewBtn').val('View in Browser');
         return false;  // Pressing button does nothing more
     checkAllWithWait: function (check)
         waitOnFunction( findTracks._checkAll, check);
     searchButtonsEnable: function (enable)
     { // Displays visible and checked track count
         var searchButton = $('input[name="hgt_tSearch"]'); // NOTE: must match TRACK_SEARCH in hg/inc/searchTracks.h
         var clearButton  = $('input.clear');
         if(enable) {
         } else {
     counts: function ()
     {// Displays visible and checked track count
         var counter = normed($('.selCbCount'));
         if(counter != undefined) {
             var selCbs =  $("input.selCb");
             if (selCbs != undefined && selCbs.length > 0)
                 $(counter).text("("+$(selCbs).filter(":enabled:checked").length + " of " +$(selCbs).length+ " selected)");
     clearFound: function ()
     {// Clear found tracks and all input controls
         var found = $('div#found');
         if(found != undefined)
         found = $('div#filesFound');
         if(found != undefined)
         return false;
     clear: function ()
     {// Clear found tracks and all input controls
         $('input[type="text"]').val(''); // This will always be found
         //$('select.mdbVar').attr('selectedIndex',0); // Do we want to set the first two to cell/antibody?
         $('select.mdbVal').attr('selectedIndex',0); // Should be 'Any'
         $('select.filterBy').each( function(i) { // Do this by 'each' to set noneIsAll individually
             //$(this).dropdownchecklist("refresh");  // requires v1.1
         return false;
     sortNow: function (obj)
     {// Called by radio button to sort tracks
         if( $('#sortIt').length == 0 )
             $('form#trackSearch').append("<input TYPE=HIDDEN id='sortIt' name='"+$(obj).attr('name')+"' value='"+$(obj).val()+"'>");
         // How to hold onto selected tracks?
         // There are 2 separate forms.  Scrape named inputs from searchResults form and dup them on trackSearch?
         var inp = $('form#searchResults').find('input:hidden').not(':disabled').not("[name='hgsid']");
         if($(inp).length > 0) {
             $('form#trackSearch').attr('method','POST'); // Must be post to avoid url too long  NOTE: probably needs to be post anyway
         return true;
     page: function (pageVar,startAt)
     {// Called by radio button to sort tracks
         var pager = $("input[name='"+pageVar+"']");
         if( $(pager).length == 1)
         // How to hold onto selected tracks?
         // There are 2 separate forms.  Scrape named inputs from searchResults form and dup them on trackSearch?
         var inp = $('form#searchResults').find('input:hidden').not(':disabled').not("[name='hgsid']");
         if($(inp).length > 0) {
             $('form#trackSearch').attr('method','POST'); // Must be post to avoid url too long  NOTE: probably needs to be post anyway
         return false;
     configSet: function (name)
     {// Called when configuring a composite or superTrack
         var thisForm =  $('form#searchResults');
     mdbSelectPlusMinus: function (obj)
     { // Now [+][-] mdb var rows with javascript rather than cgi roundtrip
     // Will remove row or clone new one.  Complication is that 'advanced' and 'files' tab duplicate the tables!
         var objId = $(obj).attr('id');
         var rowNum = objId.substring(objId.length - 1);
         var val = $(obj).text();
         if (val == undefined || val.length == 0)
             val = $(obj).val(); // Remove this when non-CSS buttons go away
         if (val == '+') {
             var buttons = $("#plusButton"+rowNum);  // Two tabs may have the exact same buttons!
             if (buttons.length > 0) {
                 var table = null;
                 $(buttons).each(function (i) {
                     var tr = $(this).parents('tr.mdbSelect')[0];
                     if (tr != undefined) {
                         table = $(tr).parents('table')[0];
                         var newTr = $(tr).clone();
                         var element = $(newTr).find("td[id^='hgt_mdbVal']")[0];
                         if (element != undefined)
                         element = $(newTr).find("td[id^='isLike']")[0];
                         if (element != undefined)
                         $(tr).after( newTr );
                         element = $(newTr).find("select.mdbVar")[0];
                         if (element != undefined)
                             $(element).attr('selectedIndex',-1);  // chrome needs this after 'after'
                 if (table)
                     findTracks.mdbSelectRowsNormalize(table); // magic is in this function
                 return false;
         } else { // == '-'
             var buttons = $("#minusButton"+rowNum);  // Two tabs may have the exact same buttons!
             if (buttons.length > 0) {
                 var remaining = 0;
                 $(buttons).each(function (i) {
                     var tr = $(this).parents('tr')[0];
                     var table = $(tr).parents('table')[0];
                     if (tr != undefined)
                     remaining = findTracks.mdbSelectRowsNormalize(table);  // Must renormalize since 2nd of 3 rows may have been removed
                 if (remaining > 0) {
                     removeNum = remaining + 1;  // Got to remove the cart vars, though it doesn't matter which as count must not be too many.
                     setCartVars( [ "hgt_mdbVar"+removeNum, "hgt_mdbVal"+removeNum ], [ "[]","[]" ] );
                 findTracks.clearFound();  // Changing values so abandon what has been found
                 return false;
         return true;
     mdbSelectRowsNormalize: function (table)
     { // Called when [-][+] buttons changed the number of mdbSelects in findTracks\
       // Will walk through each row and get the numberings of addressable elements correct.
         if (table != undefined) {
             var mdbSelectRows = $(table).find('tr.mdbSelect');
             var needMinus = (mdbSelectRows.length > 2);
             $(table).find('tr.mdbSelect').each( function (ix) {
                 var rowNum = ix + 1;  // Each [-][+] and mdb var=val pair of selects must be numbered
                 // First the [-][+] buttons
                 var plusButton = $(this).find("[id^='plusButton']")[0];
                 if (plusButton != undefined) {  // should always be a plus button
                     var oldNum =  Number(plusButton.id.substring(plusButton.id.length - 1));
                     if (oldNum == rowNum)
                         return;  // that is continue with the next row
                     var minusButton = $(this).find("[id^='minusButton']")[0];
                     if (needMinus) {
                         if (minusButton == undefined) {
                             if ($(plusButton).hasClass('pmButton'))
                                 $(plusButton).before("<span class='pmButton' id='minusButton"+rowNum+"' title='delete this row' onclick='findTracks.mdbSelectPlusMinus(this);'>-</span>");
                             else   // Remove this else when non-CSS buttons go away
                                 $(plusButton).before("<input type='button' id='minusButton"+rowNum+"' value='-' style='font-size:.7em;' title='delete this row' onclick='return findTracks.mdbSelectPlusMinus(this);'>");
                         } else
                     } else if (minusButton != undefined)
                 // Now the mdb var=val pair of selects
                 var element = $(this).find(".mdbVar")[0];  // select var
                 if (element != undefined)
                     $(element).attr('name','hgt_mdbVar' + rowNum);
                 element = $(this).find(".mdbVal")[0];      // select val
                 if (element != undefined) {                // not there if new row
                     $(element).attr('name','hgt_mdbVal' + rowNum);
                     if ($(element).hasClass('filterBy')) {
                         $(element).attr('id',''); // removing id ensures renumbering id
                         ddcl.reinit([ element ],true);
                 // A couple more things
                 element = $(this).find("td[id^='isLike']")[0];
                 if (element != undefined)
                     $(element).attr('id','isLike' + rowNum);
                 element = $(this).find("td[id^='hgt_mdbVal']")[0];
                 if (element != undefined)
                     $(element).attr('id','hgt_mdbVal' + rowNum);
             return mdbSelectRows.length;
         return 0;
     switchTabs: function (ui)
     { // switching tabs on findTracks page
         if( ui.panel.id == 'simpleTab' && $('div#found').length < 1) {
             setTimeout("$('input#simpleSearch').focus();",20); // delay necessary, since select event not afterSelect event
         } else if( ui.panel.id == 'advancedTab') {
             // Advanced tab has DDCL wigets which were sized badly because the hidden width was unknown
             // delay necessary, since select event not afterSelect event
         if( $('div#filesFound').length == 1) {
             if( ui.panel.id == 'filesTab')
         if( $('div#found').length == 1) {
             if( ui.panel.id != 'filesTab')
 function escapeJQuerySelectorChars(str)
     // replace characters which are reserved in jQuery selectors (surprisingly jQuery does not have a built in function to do this).
     return str.replace(/([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~"])/g,'\\$1');
 var preloadImages = new Array()
 var preloadImageCount = 0;
 function preloadImg(url)
 // force an image to be loaded (e.g. for images in menus or dialogs).
     preloadImages[preloadImageCount] = new Image();
     preloadImages[preloadImageCount].src = url;