Fri Mar 16 10:56:37 2012 -0700
Edits to pgSnp detail page format, the coding sequence displays inresponse to redmine #7054. Includes computing frameshifts on size of
deletion rather than count of '-', treating multiple substitutions that
affect length of sequence as indels, hr between genes, and skipping reference
diff --git src/hg/lib/pgSnp.c src/hg/lib/pgSnp.c
index a58bc24..e5b07b5 100644
--- src/hg/lib/pgSnp.c
+++ src/hg/lib/pgSnp.c
@@ -436,66 +436,82 @@
char b[512];
safef(b, sizeof(b), "%s", old);
char *bold = replaceString(cod->seq, (cod->regStart - cod->cdStart), (cod->regEnd - cod->cdStart), b);
char *nameCopy = cloneString(item->name);
char *allele[8];
(void) chopByChar(nameCopy, '/', allele, item->alleleCount);
int i;
printf("%s:starting positions codon %d cds %d
\n", el->name, cod->firstCodon, (cod->cdStart+1));
for (i=0;ialleleCount;i++)
char a[512];
if (sameString(el->strand, "-"))
reverseComplement(allele[i], strlen(allele[i]));
safef(a, sizeof(a), "%s", allele[i]);
char *rep = replaceString(cod->seq, (cod->regStart - cod->cdStart), (cod->regEnd - cod->cdStart), a);
+ if (sameString(bold, rep))
+ continue;
printf("%s > %s
\n", bold, rep);
if (item->chromStart == item->chromEnd &&
!strstr(rep, "-") && (strlen(rep)-7) % 3 != 0)
printf(" frameshift
else if (item->chromStart == item->chromEnd &&
countChars(allele[i], '-') == strlen(allele[i]))
printf(" wildtype
struct dnaSeq *dnaseq = newDnaSeq(cod->seq, strlen(cod->seq), "orig");
aaSeq *origAa = translateSeq(dnaseq, 0, FALSE);
if (!strstr(origAa->dna, "X"))
char *rep2 = replaceString(cod->seq, (cod->regStart - cod->cdStart), (cod->regEnd - cod->cdStart), allele[i]);
dnaseq = newDnaSeq(rep2, strlen(rep2), "rep2");
aaSeq *repAa = translateSeq(dnaseq, 0, FALSE);
- if (!strstr(repAa->dna, "X") && isNotEmpty(repAa->dna))
+ if (!strstr(rep2, "-") && strlen(allele[i]) != (item->chromEnd - item->chromStart))
+ { //indel
+ int diff = abs((item->chromEnd - item->chromStart) - strlen(allele[i]));
+ if (diff % 3 == 0)
+ printf(" in-frame indel
+ else
+ printf(" frameshift indel
+ }
+ else if (!strstr(rep2, "-") && isNotEmpty(repAa->dna))
printf(" %s > %s
origAa->dna, repAa->dna);
if (differentString(origAa->dna, repAa->dna))
aaProperties(origAa->dna, repAa->dna);
- else if ((countChars(rep2, '-')) % 3 != 0)
+ else if (strstr(rep2, "-") && (item->chromEnd - item->chromStart) % 3 != 0)
printf(" frameshift
+ else if (strstr(rep2, "-") && (item->chromEnd - item->chromStart) % 3 == 0)
+ {
+ printf(" in-frame deletion
+ }
+ /* print a hr between gene models */
+ printf("
char *aaPolarity (char *aa)
/* return the polarity of the amino acid */
if (sameString(aa, "A") ||
sameString(aa, "G") ||
sameString(aa, "I") ||
sameString(aa, "L") ||
sameString(aa, "M") ||
sameString(aa, "F") ||
sameString(aa, "P") ||
sameString(aa, "W") ||