  Mon Mar 19 14:20:20 2012 -0700
Making this escape '<' and '>' tags and the like better.
diff --git src/hg/hgTables/bam.c src/hg/hgTables/bam.c
index 346bdea..8117251 100644
--- src/hg/hgTables/bam.c
+++ src/hg/hgTables/bam.c
@@ -1,401 +1,404 @@
 /* bam - stuff to handle BAM stuff in table browser. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "hmmstats.h"
 #include "correlate.h"
 #include "asParse.h"
 #include "bbiFile.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 #include "hubConnect.h"
 #include "hgTables.h"
 #include "asFilter.h"
+#include "xmlEscape.h"
 #include "hgBam.h"
 #if (defined USE_BAM && defined KNETFILE_HOOKS)
 #include "knetUdc.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 #endif//def USE_BAM && KNETFILE_HOOKS
 boolean isBamTable(char *table)
 /* Return TRUE if table corresponds to a BAM file. */
 if (isHubTrack(table))
     struct trackDb *tdb = hashFindVal(fullTrackAndSubtrackHash, table);
     return startsWithWord("bam", tdb->type);
     return trackIsType(database, table, curTrack, "bam", ctLookupName);
 char *bamFileName(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *seqName)
 /* Return file name associated with BAM.  This handles differences whether it's
  * a custom or built-in track.  Do a freeMem on returned string when done. */
 char *fileName = bigFileNameFromCtOrHub(table, conn);
 if (fileName == NULL)
     fileName = bamFileNameFromTable(conn, table, seqName);
 return fileName;
 struct hTableInfo *bamToHti(char *table)
 /* Get standard fields of BAM into hti structure. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti;
 hti->rootName = cloneString(table);
 hti->isPos= TRUE;
 strcpy(hti->chromField, "rName");
 strcpy(hti->startField, "pos");
 strcpy(hti->nameField, "qName");
 hti->type = cloneString("bam");
 return hti;
 struct slName *bamGetFields(char *table)
 /* Get fields of bam as simple name list. */
 struct asObject *as = bamAsObj();
 return asColNames(as);
 struct sqlFieldType *bamListFieldsAndTypes()
 /* Get fields of bigBed as list of sqlFieldType. */
 struct asObject *as = bamAsObj();
 return sqlFieldTypesFromAs(as);
 #define BAM_NUM_BUF_SIZE 256
 void samAlignmentToRow(struct samAlignment *sam, char *numBuf, char *row[SAMALIGNMENT_NUM_COLS])
 /* Convert samAlignment data structure to an array of strings, using numBuf to store
  * ascii versions of numbers temporarily */
 char *numPt = numBuf;
 char *numBufEnd = numBuf + BAM_NUM_BUF_SIZE;
 row[0] = sam->qName;
 row[1] = numPt; numPt += sprintf(numPt, "%u", sam->flag); numPt += 1;
 row[2] = sam->rName;
 row[3] = numPt; numPt += sprintf(numPt, "%u", sam->pos); numPt += 1;
 row[4] = numPt; numPt += sprintf(numPt, "%u", sam->mapQ); numPt += 1;
 row[5] = sam->cigar;
 row[6] = sam->rNext;
 row[7] = numPt; numPt += sprintf(numPt, "%d", sam->pNext); numPt += 1;
 row[8] = numPt; numPt += sprintf(numPt, "%d", sam->tLen); numPt += 1;
 row[9] = sam->seq;
 row[10] = sam->qual;
 row[11] = sam->tagTypeVals;
 assert(numPt < numBufEnd);
 void bamTabOut(char *db, char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fields, FILE *f)
 /* Print out selected fields from BAM.  If fields is NULL, then print out all fields. */
 struct hTableInfo *hti = NULL;
 hti = getHti(db, table, conn);
 struct hash *idHash = NULL;
 char *idField = getIdField(db, curTrack, table, hti);
 int idFieldNum = 0;
 /* if we know what field to use for the identifiers, get the hash of names */
 if (idField != NULL)
     idHash = identifierHash(db, table);
 if (f == NULL)
     f = stdout;
 /* Convert comma separated list of fields to array. */
 int fieldCount = chopByChar(fields, ',', NULL, 0);
 char **fieldArray;
 AllocArray(fieldArray, fieldCount);
 chopByChar(fields, ',', fieldArray, fieldCount);
 /* Get list of all fields in big bed and turn it into a hash of column indexes keyed by
  * column name. */
 struct hash *fieldHash = hashNew(0);
 struct slName *bb, *bbList = bamGetFields(table);
 int i;
 for (bb = bbList, i=0; bb != NULL; bb = bb->next, ++i)
     /* if we know the field for identifiers, save it away */
     if ((idField != NULL) && sameString(idField, bb->name))
 	idFieldNum = i;
     hashAddInt(fieldHash, bb->name, i);
 /* Create an array of column indexes corresponding to the selected field list. */
 int *columnArray;
 AllocArray(columnArray, fieldCount);
 for (i=0; i<fieldCount; ++i)
     columnArray[i] = hashIntVal(fieldHash, fieldArray[i]);
 /* Output row of labels */
 fprintf(f, "#%s", fieldArray[0]);
 for (i=1; i<fieldCount; ++i)
     fprintf(f, "\t%s", fieldArray[i]);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 struct asObject *as = bamAsObj();
 struct asFilter *filter = NULL;
 if (anyFilter())
     filter = asFilterFromCart(cart, db, table, as);
     if (filter)
 	fprintf(f, "# Filtering on %d columns\n", slCount(filter->columnList));
 /* Loop through outputting each region */
 struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions();
 int maxOut = bigFileMaxOutput();
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL && (maxOut > 0); region = region->next)
     struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
     char *fileName = bamFileName(table, conn, region->chrom);
     struct samAlignment *sam, *samList = bamFetchSamAlignment(fileName, region->chrom,
     	region->start, region->end, lm);
     char *row[SAMALIGNMENT_NUM_COLS];
     char numBuf[BAM_NUM_BUF_SIZE];
     for (sam = samList; sam != NULL && (maxOut > 0); sam = sam->next)
 	samAlignmentToRow(sam, numBuf, row);
 	if (asFilterOnRow(filter, row))
 	    /* if we're looking for identifiers, check if this matches */
 	    if ((idHash != NULL)&&(hashLookup(idHash, row[idFieldNum]) == NULL))
 	    int i;
 	    fprintf(f, "%s", row[columnArray[0]]);
 	    for (i=1; i<fieldCount; ++i)
 		fprintf(f, "\t%s", row[columnArray[i]]);
 	    fprintf(f, "\n");
 	    maxOut --;
 if (maxOut == 0)
     warn("Reached output limit of %d data values, please make region smaller,\n\tor set a higher output line limit with the filter settings.", bigFileMaxOutput());
 /* Clean up and exit. */
 int cigarWidth(char *cigar, int cigarSize)
 /* Return width of alignment as encoded in cigar format string. */
 int tLength=0;
 char *s, *end = cigar + cigarSize;
 s = cigar;
 while (s < end)
     int digCount = countLeadingDigits(s);
     if (digCount <= 0)
         errAbort("expecting number got %s in cigarWidth", s);
     int n = atoi(s);
     s += digCount;
     char op = *s++;
     switch (op)
 	case 'M': // match or mismatch (gapless aligned block)
 	    tLength += n;
 	case 'I': // inserted in query
 	case 'D': // deleted from query
 	case 'N': // long deletion from query (intron as opposed to small del)
 	    tLength += n;
 	case 'S': // skipped query bases at beginning or end ("soft clipping")
 	case 'H': // skipped query bases not stored in record's query sequence ("hard clipping")
 	case 'P': // P="silent deletion from padded reference sequence" -- ignore these.
 	    errAbort("cigarWidth: unrecognized CIGAR op %c -- update me", op);
 return tLength;
 static void addFilteredBedsOnRegion(char *fileName, struct region *region,
 	char *table, struct asFilter *filter, struct lm *bedLm, struct bed **pBedList,
 	struct hash *idHash, int *pMaxOut)
 /* Add relevant beds in reverse order to pBedList */
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct samAlignment *sam, *samList = bamFetchSamAlignment(fileName, region->chrom,
     	region->start, region->end, lm);
 char numBuf[BAM_NUM_BUF_SIZE];
 for (sam = samList; sam != NULL; sam = sam->next)
     samAlignmentToRow(sam, numBuf, row);
     if (asFilterOnRow(filter, row))
 	if ((idHash != NULL) && (hashLookup(idHash, sam->qName) == NULL))
 	struct bed *bed;
 	lmAllocVar(bedLm, bed);
 	bed->chrom = lmCloneString(bedLm, sam->rName);
 	bed->chromStart = sam->pos - 1;
 	bed->chromEnd = bed->chromStart + cigarWidth(sam->cigar, strlen(sam->cigar));
 	bed->name = lmCloneString(bedLm, sam->qName);
 	slAddHead(pBedList, bed);
     if (*pMaxOut <= 0)
 struct bed *bamGetFilteredBedsOnRegions(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *db, char *table, struct region *regionList, struct lm *lm,
 	int *retFieldCount)
 /* Get list of beds from BAM, in all regions, that pass filtering. */
 int maxOut = bigFileMaxOutput();
 /* Figure out bam file name get column info and filter. */
 struct asObject *as = bamAsObj();
 struct asFilter *filter = asFilterFromCart(cart, db, table, as);
 struct hash *idHash = identifierHash(db, table);
 /* Get beds a region at a time. */
 struct bed *bedList = NULL;
 struct region *region;
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
     char *fileName = bamFileName(table, conn, region->chrom);
     addFilteredBedsOnRegion(fileName, region, table, filter, lm, &bedList, idHash, &maxOut);
     if (maxOut <= 0)
 	warn("Reached output limit of %d data values, please make region smaller,\n"
 	     "\tor set a higher output line limit with the filter settings.", bigFileMaxOutput());
 return bedList;
 struct slName *randomBamIds(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, int count)
 /* Return some semi-random qName based IDs from a BAM file. */
 /* Read 10000 items from bam file,  or if they ask for a big list, then 4x what they ask for. */
 char *fileName = bamFileName(table, conn, NULL);
 samfile_t *fh = bamOpen(fileName, NULL);
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 int orderedCount = count * 4;
 if (orderedCount < 10000)
     orderedCount = 10000;
 struct samAlignment *sam, *samList = bamReadNextSamAlignments(fh, orderedCount, lm);
 /* Shuffle list and extract qNames from first count of them. */
 shuffleList(&samList, 1);
 struct slName *randomIdList = NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=0, sam = samList; i<count && sam != NULL; ++i, sam = sam->next)
      slNameAddHead(&randomIdList, sam->qName);
 /* Clean up and go home. */
 return randomIdList;
 void showSchemaBam(char *table)
 /* Show schema on bam. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 char *fileName = bamFileName(table, conn, NULL);
 struct asObject *as = bamAsObj();
 hPrintf("<B>Database:</B> %s", database);
 hPrintf("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>Primary Table:</B> %s<br>", table);
 hPrintf("<B>BAM File:</B> %s", fileName);
 hPrintf("<B>Format description:</B> %s<BR>", as->comment);
 hPrintf("See the <A HREF=\"%s\" target=_blank>SAM Format Specification</A> for  more details<BR>\n",
 /* Put up table that describes fields. */
 hPrintf("<TH>description</TH> ");
 struct asColumn *col;
 int colCount = 0;
 for (col = as->columnList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
     hPrintf("<TR><TD><TT>%s</TT></TD>", col->name);
     hPrintf("<TD>%s</TD></TR>", col->comment);
 /* Put up another section with sample rows. */
 webNewSection("Sample Rows");
 /* Print field names as column headers for example */
 int colIx = 0;
 for (col = as->columnList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
     hPrintf("<TH>%s</TH>", col->name);
 /* Fetch sample rows. */
 samfile_t *fh = bamOpen(fileName, NULL);
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct samAlignment *sam, *samList = bamReadNextSamAlignments(fh, 10, lm);
 /* Print sample lines. */
 char numBuf[BAM_NUM_BUF_SIZE];
 for (sam=samList; sam != NULL; sam = sam->next)
     samAlignmentToRow(sam, numBuf, row);
     for (colIx=0; colIx<colCount; ++colIx)
-	writeHtmlCell(row[colIx]);
+        hPrintf("<TD>");
+        xmlEscapeStringToFile(row[colIx], stdout);
+        hPrintf("</TD>");
 /* Clean up and go home. */